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Compare these lovely happy holiday photos to the gruesome ones posted (or not posted as they aren’t together of course) by Skank & Sink Boy. Bet she’s fuming seeing one of her exes so happy.
So happy, and although these look like gifted with some decent future content to come, it will be delivered in a classy way. Kipper must be spitting he gets to work with high street brands like on the beach and airlines like emirates. She is scraping the barrel with knock off dangerous air wrap dupes. Now I’m seeing this, with her impulsive nature and not thinking about consequences, I wonder if she knew about Pete’s plans via princess and junior so shelled out for the expensive flights as a “ I can do it too “ - unfortunately for kipper he’s not got the bankruptcy people breathing down his neck.
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Compare these lovely happy holiday photos to the gruesome ones posted (or not posted as they aren’t together of course) by Skank & Sink Boy. Bet she’s fuming seeing one of her exes so happy.
Their trip looks amazing to be fair, and they both look so healthy and happy!
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Pink Squirrel

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Whilst we all flip between hating her & laughing at her stupid "I'm single" post, let's take a moment to appreciate her true, natural beauty. Stunning, just absolutely stunning 😁 I mean, wow, just wow 😳 lumps, bumps, wrinkles, scars galore. And her nose, what's happening with it 🤷 it's getting more bulbous by the day & sliding off her face 🥴 Genuine question, is it surgery related, beauty procedure related, drugs related or a combination?


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Jesus Christ!! ... those fuckin knees 😖 😖 ... she`s looks completely unhinged
O...... M..... G...... and posing outside a 'beauty' salon.... oh, hang on.... Beauty salon.... can't stop sniggering.... and is it still Christmas in Thailand...? Confused.

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Bloody hell those messages worry me, looks like it might be kicking off over the ladyboy, or some drink/drug related argument, he looked off his head earlier, we all fear for those kiddies, who is looking out for them…there’s no one ! Skank and her thing are two seriously fucked up people, said it so many times now B & J shouldn’t be out there, I’m totally gobsmacked she managed this with hers and his history, honestly we joke about them, I joke about them, but I’m getting really worried for those kids now. These two aren’t fit to care for them at the best of times, let alone if a drug/drink fuelled incident kicks off, we know they row, we know he is quick to anger, this could get very nasty and dangerous, it’s all so fucked up 😞
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Has she deleted that post or have I finally been blocked from her stories?? 😂😂
No deleted, she knows she has fucked up ... lets see what the next instalment to her lies is ... hope KH uses it against her ... if that nasty bastard is not allowed to be near the kids, she has just handed him clear evidence, that he is there NEAR THE CHILDREN ... whooooo hooooo doncha jus love it pwiccceee ( thick twat ) :rolleyes:
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Poor Jett, he looks so sad. Imagine being stuck with this revolting, drug taking, vicious plastic monstrosity for a mother. Then she drags you away from your gentle, caring dad and forces you to spend your time with a nasty, twisted bloke with a drug habit and a foul mouth. One who makes it clear that he doesn’t even like you.
No wonder Jett isn’t smiling, or even looking at his so called mum. I can’t stand much more of this. Yes I can still laugh at the mangled mess she has made of herself, but this situation with two young kids is too serious. I feel like I will wake up one day soon and read that one or both of these children has been in a terrible accident. Then all the headlines will be ‘why wasn’t something done before’.
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Skankys Loves and Looks over the years. She’s definitely wrecked herself during the Cole years. The sparkle and cleanliness has gone. Is it because she’s older and realised she had her day or is it the effect he has had on her? She is definitely in a downward decline.


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Jesus! What the fuck is she playing at, putting those on a child???!!!
School will flip its lid - but I suppose Katie couldn't give a flying fuck about that.
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That’s one book down 🤭 here’s a few more snippets.
She is honestly like a stroppy teenager the whole way through the books!!
I am starting a Go fund me page So Dc can get the help she needs, Therapy etc, poor girls lost it , happens to every Krustie in the end 🤣🤣🤣
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And her own address and states she is away 🤦‍♀️
Those randoms who come round and smash the place up and turn on the taps flooding the MM from time to time will be out in force this weekend, gonna be carnage round there with them knowing she’s away,

On a downbeat serious note I can hardly even comment on the latest with Bunny, so awful what’s she’s doing, I’ve said my piece on this now, nothing really left to add but if something isn’t done to take both these children away from her ‘care’ on her return, I give up on SS, to me we are watching mental and emotional abuse happening in plain sight. FFS how is she able to take them out of school and behave the way she is. It’s horrible to see the harm she is bringing to their lives 😞
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Mellow Yellow

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He has deliberately sabotaged her story line. The photos in the room look completely staged to make sure that the Childrens shoes are in the pics. The dog is just a prop.
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Checking out the Gruesome Twosomes IGs over my Breckie this morning, and see Errand-Boy is having a great time on his hols advertising those meals he prob doesn’t eat, oh this holiday just keeps giving, what fun they are having. Skank was also posting ads on her stories overnight 🤦🏽‍♀️

It’s not a Pete and Emily holiday is it 😂

A Twat speaks…

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The daft bint trying to cover her own arse she’s convincing no one ,mutual friends and they happened to be in the same place at the same time in the same fecking room she needs to give her head a shake,and she still can’t stop the shit throwing 😡😡
But how can she say this when they've been pictured together? How stupid are we meant to be??
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midsummer blue

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What a train wreck but how is it still on the rails? PA was/is lucky he has CP and money, AR eventually got free as others have but KH is going to be tied for some time to come.
J and B seem like they are needed now for keeping the house etc, P and B are for keeping her in the press as mini me's and she thinks for future income.
I find it very sad that she always posts photo’s of her ‘mini me’ girls. Yet rarely posts about her gorgeous boys. I feel gutted for those boys the way she is with them. You love and treat all your kids the same.
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