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Pink Squirrel

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She's giving me the rage, too. I'm trying to bring a bit of humour but really all I want to do is put her nipples back on with a staple gun.
I just fucking can't with it all 😡 I am beyond rage 😡 how can that fucking piece of scum call for consequences more serious than losing their jobs? When has that cunting fucking trolling criminal whorebag faced any consequences for anything?? And the absolute bollocks about the other 4 kids "my family"...oh do just fuck off. I wouldn't think the others give a shiny shit about it. And "your family"....the kids that haven't lived with you for years because you're a cunt? The youngest 2 only with you now because you're a lying sIag who has reported lie after lie & you've basically kidnapped them. They look like they don't want to be anywhere near you!!

And you're soooooo bothered about the case & Harvey that you've fucked off to Thailand? So bothered about Harvey that you fucked off & left him the day after he came out of hospital so you could go on holiday? And let's not forget how much you love your dying mum...yup, soooooo much that you fucked off to Thailand when she was having a fucking lung transplant. And again now while she's back in hospital!!

You can shove your brilliant mum, brilliant daughter act right up your fucking fat arse. You are fooling literally no one at this point. Pretty much the whole country is sick to death of you & your constant lies. You are hated. Read all the comments on the media articles.... really not many in your favour are there? So while you've earned a few quid & a headline from more lies, just remember you ARE hated, detested, despised by many many people.

Take away the filters & you're a butchered, fucked up mess. Wonky tits, no nipples, scars all over, 4 eyebrows pulled so high from failed facelifts, joke shop turkey teef, nose sliding off your face, lips cut & fillered so much they're sliding off your face in the opposite direction of your nose, a fabulous moustache, lumps all over your face, basically bald from fucking up your own hair, shit wigs, shit extensions, wrinkled saggy knees, square body, nasty tattoos, chavvy, scummy, dirty, grubby, classless, bitter, twisted, jealous, revenge filled, poisonous, ugly, rotten to the core, lying old sIag.

I actually feel a bit better now I've got that out 😁
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Long time lurker: gosh am I frustrated!
I used to be the biggest fan of this person, now I am just in despair!
I genuinely think the only way to stop this silly hype is is by unfollowing her, stopping these threads ( cos the media are on here, see she is popular (always the most talked about thread), so post the news/ gossip ….actually of what you are telling them! ) and by not clicking on newspaper articles!
Hi "long time lurker" who used to be the biggest fan of this "person". Thank you for joining us and advising us to close these threads because your idol is too "popular".
Gosh I'm really glad you have come here to give us your opinion and advice!
Oh and by the way, this "silly hype" is about:
2 innocent children being taken away from their dad
A disabled man being exploited
Many innocent animals DYING due to neglect
Numerous people suffering due to not being paid what they are owed
Numerous people being bullied and trolled
This "person" breaking the law over and over including driving whilst banned, drunk and high and blaming her MH bollocks to get away with her criminal activites....
But yeah, we'll stop this "silly hype" and will quickly close the threads! Thank you long time lurker 🥰 🙄
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Skankys Loves and Looks over the years. She’s definitely wrecked herself during the Cole years. The sparkle and cleanliness has gone. Is it because she’s older and realised she had her day or is it the effect he has had on her? She is definitely in a downward decline.
No disrespect to any one of you lovely people, but I’m so angry & disheartened, I’m only skimming threw the comments now, because we’re all saying the same things that have been said before. She’s a compulsive liar & never gets justice for her actions. Poor Kieran must be at his wits end, seeing the kids looking lost & sad, in Thailand with her & that awful, aggressive looking man. I believe Kieran is paying for her hatred she feels towards all her exes, because she can clearly get away with the terrible accusations & treatment she’s thrown at him & Michellle. She’s unstoppable now. Poor Kieran was naive & drawn into her fame. I know she quickly married him as she was unsure who got her pregnant. Jett looks like Kieran & Bunny identical to Jett, so clearly Kieran’s children. I’m sure all of us on here, have our own problems, whether financial, health, relationships etc, and to see KFP, flaunting herself, making a mockery of BH, kids MH,, her MH ( bollx) and the disrespect of the law, is making me sick. The latest police letter, is giving her more publicity & she’ll milk this for every penny. So as I see it, after the Caroline Flack situation, she plays the MH card & now the police case about Harvey, gives her the ammunition she needs. Police will be careful now, not to cross her, so she’ll use that to her advantage. God forbid when she’s driving again, no insurance as it will be hard to get it & way too expensive, but dare police pull her over… no, I don’t believe they will. Court BH, stopped due to her MH. Authorities will be too worried to touch her. Now playing kids MH, SS, school etc, will be careful about how they deal with the situations. I think she’s untouchable & unstoppable. Clearly she’s not the full ticket & is evil & dangerous, but she seems to have all the cards in her favour unfortunately. Sorry for the long, negative post, but all hope for me is lost that she will ever be given justice. Only consolation is, she looks shocking, face lumpy & haggard, body mutilated & sore looking & she’s stuck with Crawl, because they have too much dirt on each other. The losers though in all this are J & B & Kieran, so so sad.
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Peter played an absolute blinder the day he made the decision to flatly ignore her. It must drive her MAD!!
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Hey peeps! I've been struggling with everything that's going on, like so many of you wonderful and kind people, it's just too much isn't it, with her taking two vulnerable children away with her and that piece of shit 😞 had to take a wee break from as I've been struggling not to let it all overwhelm me, but then I gave my head a wobble, it's nothing compared to how it must be for Kieran, I truly don't know how he stays so strong. And he IS strong. He's amazing, and he inspires me to not lose hope, because he never has and he never gives up and NEVER stops fighting for them kids, no matter what she does to him. Same for DC, and CloudChaser and everyone who constantly and tirelessly works to bring justice and protect others from her evil.

So fuck that bitch. This thread is life. It's the only place that calls her out and exposes her lies and awful things she does, and I truly believe is instrumental in bringing her to book. To everyone here bless you. To the people who are losing heart don't. My GFM friend has told me of something tangible (on top of the ongoing legal costs being put to good use) that the money has helped with this week. It IS making a difference and Sam again said thank you and it is helping more than you can ever imagine.

So come on troops! Let's not lose heart! The BH is still happening and she's dropped herself in it being away with SB. The kids will not be with her forever. The Harvey news is a brief respite for her but it'll be forgotten about by the press by tomorrow. All her chickens are coming home to roost and waiting for her when she gets home. Enjoy Thailand you vile piece of shit. Everything's waiting for you when you get back, you're loathed beyond measure and you are a haggard, desperate, fucked up, ugly piece of shit with no friends and no man who will touch you with a bargepole, except Sink Boy who despises you and will ultimately assist in destroying you. So "enjoy" Thailand. While you can.
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I've just made a couple more donations to Kieran's GFM. We're so close to 3k...I will donate more in the next couple of weeks. I feel so strongly about this...COME ON KIERAN!! WE'RE ALL BEHIND YOU!!

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FFS, I missed all the excitement from last night 🤦🏻‍♀️

Yes, these have been sent to KH/his management.
No wonder SB and Rymi unfollowed each other. 🤣

As for her interview in the Mirror, 😡 says one of the countries most prolific law breakers…where do we start…driving offences.. literally everything, RO breaches…multiple times, revenge Porn, Covid lockdown breaches, doesn’t pay her tax, bankruptcy, Instagram scams…conning people out of money, keeping the kids off school, bullying, drugs, cheats and lies. It is probably easier to quote more of what she does do right than wrong. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Compare these lovely happy holiday photos to the gruesome ones posted (or not posted as they aren’t together of course) by Skank & Sink Boy. Bet she’s fuming seeing one of her exes so happy.


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PA's wife, beautiful, young, clever and a natural mother, all the things his ex ain't. That relationship they have has to grind her gears, look what she's got? Crawl and that weird looking fucker who seems to spend his dodgy life in Thailand.
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Right so skank needing £££'s and some publicity stages some pictures of herself and the kids out shopping, without checking the pictures skank tells backgrid (probably slymi Rymi) to flog them to the highest bidder (not realising there's a picture of sink boy in one) the scum then prints and the shit hits the fan because skanks played the single mummy card since before Christmas in TV interviews and stories in the tabroids and used the single status to get custody of the kids, avoid the BH, garner sympathy from fans she's probably also lied to her family, social services and Kieran regarding sink boy not being around the kids. Hope this one picture brings a world of consequences down on skank this one stupid photo could actually be the thing that brings her down. The noticeable thing aswell sink boy has deleted his picture of him and slymi rymi and unfollowed each other 🤣
Oh my words just catching up, bingo Stan, Slimi f*cked up, don’t think that Crawl photo should have been there, reckon The Scum couldn’t believe it when they received the Backgrid snaps….and they jumped on it with the headline, they must have been laughing writing up the story, they’ll be loving they broke her fake story up 😂 As for her dumb IG post (quickly deleted) reasoning they not together, OMG she’s rattled, what a joke that was, hohoho Skank and him have been rumbled, like you say let’s hope it has consequences now, does sound like he’s still not allowed to be around them or she’s just annoyed the relationship game is up. 💩 just got interesting 😁

Current receipts of him being on the trip with her 👍🏾😁

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The daft bunt trying to cover her own arse she’s convincing no one ,mutual friends amd happened to be in the same place at the same time in the same fecking room she needs to give her head a shake and she still can’t stop the shit throwing 😡😡
A few thoughts:
1. Mental health card played again, this time involving the kids!
2. If the holiday is for the kids mental health why is she setting up staged photos?
3. If the holiday was genuinely for the kids, why not pick a destination closer to home with more kid focused attractions, like Disneyland? Especially for a 'quick getaway'?
4. If your kids had mental health issues why would you splash that on social media, surely that would be private medical information?
5. Single? Rubbish, who goes on hols with their recent ex. She's not on holiday alone, she's banging Carl.
6. Dig at Kieran and Michelle again 'two individuals being investigated'
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