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I cannot believe that cunt is posting about donating to Save the Children for the disaster in Turkey!!

It doesn't give a toss. It's all to appear "caring"

The kids that need saving right now are the ones it birthed.
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That's been taken care of.
i think there should be an independant mental health check of her (not the priory or by some private company that can be paid by her) thats ordered by the court,2 months in the local mental hospital. kids removed to care by social services,monitered visits by K and skanky ( to show ss who the real loving parent (kieron) is) and BH to go on those results etc., at least an independant investication would sort out the facts from the bull shit she spins. i just knew she was going to do something,i thought she wouldnt turn up,either bugger off on holiday or say her mother was unwell and go to ground, but to play the mental health card,just shows she knows what shes doing. God i hate this woman. no regrets,no morals, no conscience, no fucks given and 2 fingers up to all
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I would like you all to keep this visual in mind when thinking of the bankruptcy.

The bankruptcy, and those who chose to join the list, is only a small percentage of the actual debt owed by Katie.

I appeal to you to keep in mind those who didn’t join the list who are awaiting their own court action.
Yes 100%. I was told there are many people owed in some cases, a vast sum, who are going to take out there own legal cases against her, once this BH is finalised, plus she's not longer bankrupt. I think it's something like 6 years you can pursue a debt (longer in certain cases). So she's got all that to look forward to as well. Maybe she realises the longer she stays bankrupt, the better, hence dragging it all out :mad:
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So, does that mean we can all not pay for anything, go bankrupt and forever avoid going to court by claiming MH issues?? Bet we'd be arrested for contempt of court.
Extensions and nails tomorrow ready for Friday's flight. All booked weeks ago. She never had any intention of going to court.
What silly little tufts of hair she has. I'd be too ashamed to let anyone see it!!
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I've had some more thoughts about what her medical problems might be. She's insisting her trotters are broken.....or Grant or Phil
got ill overnight and have burst?

I think the court will be pretty pissed off as a whole day at court would be very expensive and a huge waste of resources. I found notes about one case where the person kept putting things off and 'il health' was the 4 th excuse. The judge was not happy!
Would be funny if her delaying things meant she ended up with Judge Amanda Kelly 🤣
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All she's doing is kicking the can down the road, she can't avoid this for ever. Now she has another 2 months of apprehension and people trashing her for it. She hasn't got away with anything.
Yes, we need to remember that she hasn't actually 'got away with it' all she is doing is delaying the inevitable, plus giving the trustees more time to gather evidence against her ( with a little help from our lovely @DC16 ). Ultimately it could mean a far worse outcome for her, so that is something to look forward to.
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Yes, noted. ;) Thank you.
Please be assured after today's news, it has highlighted a few other things which will be looked at. She may have hopefully just made this 10x worse by trying her delay antics. 😂
Now that has cheered me up! Lets drink to that 🍻🥂🍷🥃🍸🍾🍹
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Stan Butler

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Have been reading through the extracts from the Skank's books (thanks DC!) and in one part she said she can't wash or style her extensions so ties it up in a ponytail between salon visits. I've said this all along. She said sometimes it's really manky and greasy. It absolutely beggars belief that a grown woman can't take care of her own hair. 🤮
I've been unfortunate on 3 occasions to be up close (not personal) to skank, a couple of times when skank was in her twenties and again when Alex was at an MMA fight and skank was trying to be the center of attention following the paps around slobbering over anyone who was having their picture taken. I can honestly say skank smelt on each occasion of stale sweat, cigs and alcohol,,you could smell it even though she had perfume on. 🤮
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I’m trying to find the screenshot, but I replied to one of his posts on insta once, I think it was about making sure he didn’t leave Sid unsupervised at the pet murder mansion and he replied saying that I look like I have special needs. Obviously I replied saying that I bet it makes Katie feel really good about you being in Harvey’s life. Well words to that affect. If I find it I’ll post it, but that’s why I hate him
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Poor Kipper, time for her to be sectioned for her own good and so she can get the treatment she so desperately needs.🤣
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There was supposed to be a big story in the paper on Saturday, maybe that was AFP.
Mr PP told his ex publican cronies, she was back in hospital over a week ago. Understand Daniel has been working with him, occasionally to take pressure off, as AFP was very demanding when she was home. Can't think they'll do a story about her, when she's back in hospital with problems. But, nothing is ever true with that bunch of enablers.
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Something must be amiss if she is posting lots of Kids pictures, Harvey on her grid, the rest on her stories
Kieran is gone quite active on social media again posting vids and pics of Apollo, wonder are things looking up for him. He went really quiet on IG for a while after the KP abuse allegations and in any post that Michelle posted, he looked extremely strained. I think he is looking a little better in recent posts, no doubt he's still under massive pressure inside but maybe things are looking up and he feels more hopeful.
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Pete has his own thread but it’s not a bad question to ask really.
I have followed them kind of for years, in the media and watched their show years back. I’m not fans of either of them but a morbid fascination of this woman with a monotone voice who just seems to be untouchable

Pete and KP clearly did not get along most of the time you can see this from their show, and they certainly did not bring out each others best sides. Pete probably was a bit of a twat at times, as was she, which made good TV but he doesn’t seem to have been abusive. He drew a line in the sand about what he would put up with and left her when He had enough. Which is fair play, anyone can leave a relationship. He then was clever enough to deploy legal tactics to put in boundaries and KP has hated this from day 1 as she couldn’t manipulate him anymore. She has not been able to stop obsessing over him ever since and is always picking at him but he has stood really firm and used his resources wisely to protect himself and the kids. Anything that’s happened in the last 15 years has been down to Katie. Pete has no control or influence over Katie’s day to day life apart from an obvious legal ban on her making defamatory statements about him and took care of their kids when she wasn’t fit to. If she can’t get over what happened then that’s down to KP to address, she has plenty of resources to enable her to move on. It is not normal to be hung up on Pete after she’s married at least 2 other men and had more kids with them.
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So mother of the year posted this an hour ago on Facebook...View attachment 1944500
I think Jett reminds her of Kieran and is not as useful to her as Bunny, so he likely gets scapegoated and nothing he does will be good enough. Memes like this are quite worrying, I seriously think he could be unsafe with her as who knows what she is like when she really wants to take things out on him? There have been cases where kids were harmed and the scumbag parents posted loads of shite 'jokes' with horror/ serial killer themes, it's really not a normal thing to say or imply about your kids. When people show you who they really are, you should listen :(
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When I was a teenager our neighbours use to have some very loud arguments usually in the middle of the night and wake us all up. I remember one time we were all up as the house next door sounded like there was a war going on and the woman is shouting that’s it that’s it I’m leaving you, which is actually where all the arguments ended up at after about another twelvty I’m leaving you my very mild mannered father stands up and say right I’ve bloody well had enough I’m going to ring her a bloody taxi 😂
The point being I have some rope in the garage you rancid cow if you want to borrow it.
And you are correct I’ve worked with people who have mental health issues and the ones who shout it from the rooftops are usually not the ones that actually go ahead and kill themselves it’s the ones who you think are doing ok that you have to worry more about.
I haven’t read to the end yet, so apologies if someone has said this already. I tried to kill myself a few years ago and not a single soul would ever have known. I was told that the ones who make the threats - generally - won’t go through with it. That’s why I get the rage at Kipper’s constant threats about it.
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This is the exact reason she took them poor little kids. I can't come to court my son has ptsd (hence the post) and he doesnt cope well if I'm not by his side for even a few mins. That's why I've to being him to the Salons with me. I couldn't possibly do a whole day in court my son would regress because he has abandonment issues (caused by moi)
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So mother of the year posted this an hour ago on Facebook...View attachment 1944500
God it is just so horrible I can’t even 🤯 I hope Jett is playing it up, it deserves everything it gets.

I didn’t get my hopes up for tomorrow because the immoral cunt gets away with everything, all of the time. After breaching a RO and getting away with that I honestly knew in my heart tomorrow was going to be a walk in the park for it. She is a waste of time and energy. A fucking waste of oxygen and flesh. And what she’s putting Kieran, Michelle and those kids through is abhorrent. She’s a child and animal abuser. That’s her black and white truth. There’s only one outcome and one outcome only that will end this misery for e v e r y o n e once and for all 🪦⚰
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Afternoon everyone ❤
So the cunts got the BH postponed for mental health, can't say i'm surprised knew skank would have some trick up her sleazy sleeve at the last minute but MH in her last two interviews wasn't she saying she had no management and was doing everything for herself, didn't she say she was filming and had loads of new business opportunities, didn't she say she was looking after H and her youngest children, homeschooling, cooking, cleaning and taking care of the house and dogs/horses with no help from anyone. I take my hat off to you skank your either
1, a supermum and business woman
Was waiting for your response Stan - as usual, spot on and speak for us all ! ❤ :ROFLMAO:
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Those poor creditors 😟 look how angry we all are, they must have steam coming out of their ears.

I was going to say this, with her spending splashed all over the news and insta her creditors must be fuming and now she's wriggled out of attending. When I went bankrupt I literally didn't have a pot to piss in. No assets no nothing as I had sold all my stuff on ebay to try and pay things off.
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