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Well-known member
I know what you mean, it does get to me sometimes.And I do think that the latest prospect of “Cole reveals all” , is either never going to happen , because the media are cowards, or is going to be a bit of a letdown because EVERYONE knows that she is a walking moral quagmire already.
But...this is the only place that calls her out for anything, so that’s why I’m still here.And the humour can be wonderful.Plus it has been pointed out( and I think rightly), that the only person that can or will bring about her destruction is herself.
It’s happening already, albeit in a very very slow way.If you ask Joe Public “ what is the first thing you think about when you hear the name Katie Price”
The answer would be drugs, criminal behaviour,promiscuity,social services intervention,bad choices etc.That might not have been the case years ago, when people bought into her crazy, sassy personality.She will always attempt a comeback, because that is all she knows.She cannot evolve. I also believe the bulk of the big contracts are beginning to dry up now.We will get the Christmas miracle story, but then what.
But now, she can’t hide what she has become.And it’s getting worse.
Her health is going to suffer, and no matter how her family buy into it, or ignore it, her drug taking will ultimately destroy her.She is not a winner.She is just taking a long time to lose.
That's probably one of the most poignant things I've read 'she's not a winner, she's just taking a long time to lose' what a brilliant way of looking at it. Very wise words.
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I’m now definitely calling bullshit on these latest KH claims. Please trust me. 😘
Hmm... who to trust? Our @DC16 who has been accurate and honest over and over again
Some account that only appears when skanky needs a deflection from her latest antics.. and seems obsessed with KH and MP?
Gosh that's a tough one! 😉
Love you @DC16 😘
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So there is a video of your kids terrified and upset so what you do is share it with random shags. So they can see how much it is affecting your kids and it could go viral. Something isnt right!
Of course something is not right, this has ` pwiccceee ` written all over it ... Im sure IF Michelle is a raging lunatic who throws puddings at children :rolleyes: ... she would be fully aware that their bedroom is rigged up with CCTV ` with sound ` recording 24/7 and would have terrorised them with an apple crumble with custard, in the areas of the house without CCTV ... if she were this evil stepmother, that throws around puddings willy nilly, she would not do it knowing a camera is recording ... this story is ludicrous, and you can bet your last pound if ` pwiccee ` had this alleged video in her hands, she would have blasted it all over social media, and to the press by now ... also social services would have removed the remaining children from the ` angry pudding fiend ` ... if she was deemed a danger ( those 2 children also wouldn't be placed back with their habitual criminal, coke head, drunk mother ) ... cant believe people are buying this BS, sounds like something a four year old would make up, this fable has come from an immature mind ( pwiccee ) 🤦‍♀️
( I also have a nasty temper, but have never thrown pudding at my kids, when younger, or now ... I wouldn't waste good pudding ... Id scoff it all up!! ...... NOMMM NOMMM 🤨 )
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Chatty Member
Apparently its doing the rounds in their local village due to KH sending it to women he was shagging?
Are you actually believing that garbage? What sort of utter moron would he need to be to do that? He sees a woman abusing his kids on video and sends it to women he’s shagging?? Purrlease. Engage your brain.

I can’t think of anyone with such a low IQ to invent this kind of crap. Oh….hang on a sec…
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Stan Butler

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I've just heard from someone who caught her doing drugs at 3 months pregnant in the toilets of a well known club in London. :mad: :mad: :mad:
Said when i first joined an old mucker and myself used to do a bit of moonlighting on leave in the club's in London "escorted" skank out of Browns and Annabelles i think they used to be called on two occasions for doing naughtiness in the toilets seen it sat on curb edges a few times smashed whilst pregnant with H, muckers girlfriend and his future wife used to do freelance photography in all the club's and sell the pictures to news of the world for its Sunday showbiz mag, she's trying to get hold of old pics for us. 😀😎
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pepe le pew

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She doesn’t live, or experience true joy. She doesn’t even fall in love. For the past thirty years she has created a narrative. She has people in her life and they follow a strict script. The only thing that ever changes are the participants. She will love bomb them, but not for long, six months maximum.
Selling stories about herself is the only way she can make an income.
No one will buy her books, perfume, clothing, equestrain stuff. They don’t want to buy her implants, or a car or van preowned by her. She simply has no appeal these days
So what we are left with is the usual story;
Met ‘the one’. His rich, doesn’t want fame. I could give up work if I wanted to. My family loves him. He is Harvey’s new dad,
New pet. Free from a puppy farm or the dog protection breeders. It will be dead soon, that’s more cash for me…
Blagging tour: Free Chinese sweatshop clothes. Fake desigh bags from Turkey. Free hotel stays, restaurants, and on it goes.
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I’m now definitely calling bullshit on these latest KH claims. Please trust me. 😘
100% @DC16 100%
Also, is there any way you or anyone else can confirm it's driving again? I was told yesterday by a friend that the swore they saw it behind the wheel on the A281
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Sadly this is typical Narcissist, Psychopath behaviour, they have zero healthy boundaries, and think nothing of behaving inappropriate with their own children, that includes, sexually suggestive moves ... everyone is a prop to be used for their sick games, Harvey with his many issues, would not recognise what she`s doing, to him its just mummy, showing kindness ( from his side, its innocent ) .... If she tried this with Junior, he would pull away fast ` rightly ` disgusted, calling her out on this shit, even lil Jet would feel very uncomfortable .... I have a 23yr old son, who I love with my all, but would never behave in the manner she does with H, she crosses many lines with him, because she can, if you look at her body language and didn't know he was her son ...... she is draping herself all over him .... like one fawns over a lover :mad:
I remember when her, junior and Carol were at an airport and J innocently commented on her and she said something along the lines of - 'do you think I'm fit junior' and J recoiled in horror and called her a weirdo. She's a sick bitch, her kids are just objects to her to be used as she see's fit. She doesn't deserve those kids and certainly doesn't deserve the title - mother
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While I was fiddlearsing around earlier trying to work out where this thread was, I went back to the very first page of this forum - November 2018, four years ago. The same things were being said about her then as they are now.... The way she treats men, her kids, negligence to animals, how she was even called Skanky even then..!!!

Nov 30, 2018
ahh it's okay, I just know how truly badly she treats all of her kids but especially Harvey as he has no voice, and when she wins mum of the year and all these other compliments such as the daily mail calling her 'doting mum' as I saw when I wrote that ^^ it just beggars belief! She is honestly the worst mother, and especially Harvey he really drew the short straw with her. Even now, she'd rather date his personal trainer than help him. He was hired to help Harvey lose weight, he got a session in, bonded well as seen on quest tv, then she decided the trainer was hot enough he'd upset the ex so whisked him off to scotland and thailand all summer, Harvey's health and well being is not a priority, and neither is her sick mother. that's kp in a nutshell. selfish beyond belief. she'd rather be snorting coke with 2 random germans she pulled (while messing about with alex behind the trainers back) than spending time helping harvey or amy. Or just seeing any of her other 4 kids.

In her eyes, the kids are money makers. She's sold every detail of them from the word go. Nothing was sacred. It was revealed she called her first three her million pound babies, as that's how much she made from them, from selling every detail of her pregnancies to her tv shows and magazine and newspaper deals, right down to the clothes the babies wore for their mag reveals. Kerry Katona is another who had babies for money and relevancy.

I honestly can't stand her for the cold hearted way she's treated both her kids and animals, they are disposable, but it seems it's all caught up with her finally. Btw she is not like you and me, with feelings, she is really cold eg she can part with any child or any pet or any man and not feel a thing. Which is what makes the whole rehab for pts a joke. That was clearly just a stab in the dark at fixing her public image. Most mothers would be in tears after a week or so or even 3 days or so from their kids, not so kate. she can be seperated for months and not be bothered, still be thinking about herself and her needs first.

Someone she used to rent stables from years ago said she was living in the stable managers car with him at 15, and she literally was the weirdest person she ever met, in that she was very cold and calculating and could joke about murdering her horses and not caring. She is also obsessed with criminal shows and gore shows. She's also a raging alcoholic and has been for years. Drink driving for years too, doesn't care about having the kids in the back. She also abuses harvey's disability badge, using it to park wherever she pleases without him, even going for tanning sessions in town for herself solo. She was also advertising real Fox fur sliders on her insta, and wore them everywhere inc on her kids feet. Everything i abhor in a person, is kp.
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What kind of pervert colour matches his new wrapped car to the colour of his spunk…?
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In the spirit of supporting MP's "pudding gate" I've just launched a whole box of Fondant Fancies at Mr Flintstones head.
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Stan Butler

VIP Member
I lurked on this thread for a few months, and it was the whole "PTSD" narrative that finally boiled my piss enough to pluck up the courage to leave my first comment.
I said at the time that being ex-forces, I found it hurtful to read day-in, day-out, about poor Klattie's "battle with post traumatic stress" and how it "explained her outrageous behaviour" etc etc...

Without sounding all "woe, is me" I, like so many others, returned home with my mental wellbeing completely shattered.
I got zero help from the MOD following a medical discharge (lol not that type of "discharge" 🤢) and at the time, the NHS simply didn't have the resources in place to offer the intensive counselling I needed.

Luckily, I did get help via the RAF Benevolent Fund. I owe my life to two wonderful ladies who over almost two years patiently, and compassionately, put me back together, piece by piece. They're angels, and I still keep in touch with them to this very day.

So what does Krustie do to get "help"...?
She swans in and out of The Priory at will for a couple of weeks... Yeah, because it is just that easy to cope with everyday life again. Although, I'm sure shoving half of Columbia's number one export up your sniffer helps immensely at times as well?!!

I have never in my life witnessed somebody play the "mental health card" so expertly, and so shamelessly.

That is why I find TL so cathartic, as you Krusties can see straight through the bullshit and, like me, know exactly the type of games she plays. Her only MH issue is complete and utter narcissism...

Sorry for the long rant, but as you can tell, it's a topic I'm rather passionate about 😔
RESPECT..❤ skank wouldn't know PTSD if it walked up to her and smacked it one in the face and as for sink boy tosser been on the frontline he'd shit himself and cry like a baby just doing selection. Once again RESPECT..
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I love the idea of weaponised puddings.Did he get his just desserts?
He did indeed. It was a sweet deal, I didn't sugar coat it 🤣
Tomorrow I'm going to surprise him when he comes home from work. I'm going to high five him in the face with a trifle.
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midsummer blue

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Why is everything about HER mental health. What about the people she has affected over the years. And the people she owes money to, whose lives have been ruined by HER. I’m sick to death of this one sided mental health stuff being spouted.
Mental health problems are NOT an excuse for bad behaviour either. It’s about time there was balance in the media, and we heard about how HER behaviour has affected others.
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
The pics of her at the karaoke was the filtered ones. The daily mail has now decided to print one of them unfiltered 😄😄 x..


Ooh, sooo funny Pom, I have really missed your pictures, hope you are feeling ok xx
Thank you 🥰😊❤🤗💖🤗😘 xx
Not to bad thank you 🥰❤❤😘 xx It's good to be back on the thread, though I struggle to keep up with it so might not be able to read every post, but will be adding pics old and new again for a good interesting to see how Katie's Xmas will be 😀🥰🤗💖😘 xx
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Brah Day Izit?

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I am sure Jamie M is quite happy to continue the leg overs with his bit of rough ... It's the public relationhip he won't commit to
I doubt he would even want a leg over now. He's probably been to the cap clinic this week to find out why he is so itchy and oozy.

@buttheyneverblindme8 - great title - can I suggest it on your behalf?

#226 - when in doubt....get Harvey out
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