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Chatty Member
Heard a rumour she is renting a house in my local area, kind of makes sense in that it’s not a million miles away from Juniors school. It’s a house I drive past on the school run, I’ve not seen her yet though! No idea what happened to the MuckMansion or her pink rangie?
She was in the DM yesterday driving dump truck cleaning up her Mucky Mansion and that she was over £100,000 in arrears with mortgage repayments. It did mention that she is renting a house but didn't say where
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See, right there you show why you hopped on MY post to throw your weight around ... because you agree with the poster who dragged it up to attempt to defend the indefensible.
It would be more honest if you'd said that rather than trying to shut down further discussion.

I credit right thinking adults with having the self control not to make porn videos while 5 rambunctious children are in the home. That's not being a prude it's choosing not to potentially have your kids see some idiot waving his oiled up wanger around and shoving bits and bobs in some woman's vjay while someone else records it.
And of course I have the same narrative. She's a grubby old slapper who uses people and then throws them aside and trashes them. I don't care if she rescues 6 orphans from a burning building tonight, she's still trash.
I mean it kindly, but if you can't endure people talking negatively about her then you're in the wrong thread since it seems very few defend her. Start an appreciation thread and I promise I won't darken it's doors.

:ROFLMAO: You beat me to it. (y)
I think you’ll find I did already say my opinion on it earlier ages ago and got shouted down. I left it and moved on rather than keep forcing my opinion as everyone is entitled to one.

just don’t know why the same subject is constantly bought it and anyone who doesn’t agree is berated.

for the record I don’t care about people talking unkindly about her I just felt the thread was getting derailed with that same thing. I simply quoted the latest post I didn’t look back when your last opinion was I just remembered you doing it several times that’s all.
I’ll leave it there anyway as it’s honestly boring and derailing the thread
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Chatty Member
Fab argument going on her Instagram on the legs spread open picture her fans are so deluded if you want a laugh starts off with some comment about your mates taking the piss about her pose 😂😂😂😂😂 well I had a good chuckle
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Chatty Member
It’s the fact that she uses family pictures of all of them. Do you think she does it because she knows she will get the attention or she really does still think Pete is the one??
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Well-known member
The floor needs a good steam, especially with the dustbunny behind the stool.

She looks uncomfortable and there seems to be a bruise on her left elbow. Or a failure of her filter.

Either way: what a rebel. You stick it to the man with your girl power poses, Katrina :rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Straight up? Are you kidding me? She has lied about every relationship, did the usual "cocktail sausage" or "Gave me cysitis" claims to earn a few quid in the sun. Like when she tweeted at a bride on the girl's wedding day that she'd been shagging the groom? That's not being straight, that's being a cunt. She is still to this day dumping on her exes despite Andre choosing not to comment about her and her drug abuse and cheating during the marriage. There is nothing straight about her. The reason we know so much about her is because she has no filter, gets drunk and coked up and is happy to trash anyone she thinks has wronged her. She is too thick to see that her stories make her look the bigger cunt rather than her victim. That's not being straight, it's vindictive nasty shit.
As for her history on Harvey, wow, the cow ditched him and the other 4 for three months two years ago while she whored around in Spain trying to nail hubby number whatever.Hence them going to their dads. The lazy cow never ever looked after him as a small child either. Andre was one of his main carers during the marriage while cuntface went getting new tits and teeth in the USA and clubbing all over the UK. Her mother was being paid by Yorke to be Harvey's main carer but katie kept that quiet and endlessly accused him of being a deadbeat dad. Her mum did everything for Harvey after the Andre divorce and katie just pissed off looking for the next bloke. FFS the boy was put in sheltered accommodation (or the equivalent) as soon as Amy left for Spain to look after her own health and the only reason he's with her now is because so many of the care homes are affected by corona and they sent kids home until the danger is past. Once things settle, and more importantly when the clubs and pubs open again Harvey will get dumped ... again ... and she'll be off whoring for her next bloke and coked off her skull.
I disagree re her partners being fair game in a thread on her. If you think they are so relevant then start a thread and have fun battering them. Bear in mind she claimed a few weeks ago to have only slept with a handfull(as in 5 unless she's so mutant she has about 50 fingers) of men in her life so since she's so "straight" about herself it might be a short thread, but never mind, it'll be an Andre bashing thread anyway because her nutty fans hate that he's the one who walked away from her and has a great life now while she is bankrupt financially and morally.

Do you seriously think if he'd done something irregular in the marriage that she wouldn't have written a book about it and still be selling stories about it? She got bored playing housewife so she cheated, used drugs and got abortions he was not privy to ... simple as that.
Like him or loathe him it was her that wrecked the marriage, 100%, or she'd be screaming otherwise from the rooftops like she did with Alex Reid, Kieran and Leo. She has/had nothing on Andre and it kills her.:m

You have proved my point. Price literally screamed to the heavens her depravity but it didn’t put off these men or the people who prop up her business. It’s kept the publicity engine rumbling along.

I think she’s back under the same management of Pontins Pete which is why the pair of them are cosying up and playing friends because, publicity. There will probably be a TV show on Quest about this is a few months’ time.

I will try to put it another way using a subject close to your heart: imagine for a moment you’re a bloke with some cash and connections behind you. If Meghan Markle was single, would you?

Of course you wouldn’t. You know what the score is with Markle and you certainly wouldn’t have her children and would undoubtedly think less of the fella who would.
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VIP Member
I’m sure there were rumours that she was either pregnant with or one of her kids were his?
maybe I’m confusing it with something else
You may be correct but I don’t think I ever heard of that rumour before but it’s KP so I wouldn’t put anything past her.
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Chatty Member
I’m sure Katie Price knows exactly how to get
She must have some kind of support as I doubt he’s sitting in the back of a Mini Cooper as shes been driven around - far too small for someone his size.
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VIP Member
Have they even known each other long enough for her to have missed a period?
no idea but he's probably already banging her.

So according to this they have been "dating" for less than a month.

It's quite appalling that engagement plans are even being mentioned at this stage, they have only "just met", Katie has really lost it, she's making the same mistake time and time again.
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VIP Member
She’s busy embarrassing herself in the new Sidemen Blind Dating video. It’s mortifying.
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Chatty Member
The make up on bunny is sad - that’s not a child that’s playing and put make up on themselves - the lipstick is better applied than what I can do!
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Chatty Member
Yep, deffo wasn't KP or she'd have blurted it out and then flogged the story over and over and over.
Not to belittle sexual assault, but in her world it would be her eternal meal ticket.
That’s what everyone thinks of her, understandably. But she’s no less likely to be victimised than any other woman, and if it ever does/did happen, due to this reputation, she’d basically have no hope of getting justice.
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