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Active member
I know this will make me sound like a perve, but in my defence I watched pricey's sex tape and kierans just for laughs.:m
Pricey's was hilarious but I have to admit that kieran's was much better. He doesn't mess about and gives value for money, but yeah his voice doesn't match the action man he seems to be in the bedroom. It was an ex who put his tape out. I think ex "video work mate" rather than girlfriend and it was all quite upbeat active and friendly, whereas pricey's was a snooze fest and deeply unsexy.

I doubt it dani. She is barely 13 and can't make that choice and when the pubs and Clubs reopen pricey will be back on the road to hell snorting and chugging with the reality dross with no free time for kids. Harvey will be back in care and pricey will be playing catch up with her hangers on. The kids won't get a look in. Princess loves her as a mother but I think she looks at her like an alien creature who is different to anyone she knows, and kids that age love different.
Very well said x


VIP Member
It probably is Princess and I haven't read the article or looked at the video but what's her nanny/hired help called? She looks a bit like Princess
It is Princess... it looks like they're wearing the same clothes and hairstyles as their shopping trip here... probably happened on the same day


If she's implying that they are shagging then that's hilarious. They weren't even shagging while together. There's more sexual chemistry between Boris Johnson and Theresa May than between boyson and ... any woman really.🌈
I've seen his images on gay sites, heavily (or should it be 'lengthily') photo shopped. He's such a fraud.
Bianca, just like Pricey, is just a fag bangle, in there for pap walks.

Pricey likes sticking her nose in other showmances though and who can forget her delightful tweet to a footballer's bride on her wedding morning informing her she'd been shagging her groom for months. Tacky bitch.

She does too.
Too true. That's why i don't give Kieran too hard of a time for shagging her 'friend' and the nanny. It's not like KP ever had sex with him. She would just shag second rate footballers and god knows who else.


Chatty Member
She truly the she devil. Only the oldies like me will remember the program.
I'd kick off if my partners ex did that. Yeah use a picture of him with the kids but that was a love story kind of thing.... Remember what we had Peter.. I'm worried about Princess atm she seems to hang on every word her mum says. I would not be surprised if she is in in some lads mag the minute she is old enough.

Makes me wonder if that's why junior isn't that keen on his mum... Because he's seeing Princess being made into there mother🤔
what program? Don’t think lad mags are even a thing anymore! Plus no chance in hell peter would allow it 😭