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Here's one of the comments on Mark Dolan's twitter page:

Carl Woods???! Reality star, 5 seconds on Love Island
Maybe you can ask him about his foul mouthed rant yesterday and why he’s not allowed near 4 of her 5 kids and why he thinks HE needs recognition for being in a relationship with her? You really are scraping the barrel!
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I agree. He's abusive and nasty but she's not the victim she's trying to portray either.
I remember her asking Kim in I'm a Celeb what she thought of her, knowing how direct Kim is.
When Kim went off, Skanky slunk back and acted like she was being attacked.
I only saw that once so maybe my memory is foggy but it just felt like she had engineered it.
I remember it well , Skanky was fishing for compliments in the wrong place 🤣🤣.

Kim started & couldn’t stop , wound herself up & ended in a full blown rant . It was hilarious .

But yes she is only the victim when it suits her narrative .

Seen a few ppl on here saying they’re worried about her or feel sorry for her & she needs getting out of there.

And if Tattlers buy into her narrative [ not a criticism , it’s because we are essentially decent people ] imagine how easy the general public can be manipulated by her when they don’t know a fragment of what we know about her .
i don’t buy any of it .

But it HAS gotten them in the press again , though for him , at what cost ?
She’s building her “ victim” narrative.
He is finished in every capacity.
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Harvey’s carer is clearly not up to job and her comment on SB post is unprofessional, as far as I’m concerned she’s only in it for a pay packet.
If she’s anything to go by it’s no wonder so many vulnerable babies/children/adults are being put in harm‘s way, some losing their lives.
SS needs a complete overhaul because it’s not fit for purpose and hasn’t been for years, if anything it’s getting worse.
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I just googled daddy the that represent Carl. Hilarious. Got to see who else they are repping. No other that Korean wannabe Oli London, who is actually dressing like a woman now. So much for the Korean pop look.
heres Carls bio
Self proclaimed ‘normal guy’ Carl Woods lives a daily life far from the norm - holding the titles entrepreneur and Reality Star, keeps his name hot off the press!

No stranger to TV, Carl has set his eyes on the prize participating in the Celeb MMA event joining some of the UK’s most talked about names.

Skank has been told to remove herself from social media due ‘to some king of restraining or court order. She is haemorrhaging cash right now. No plasterclass, no only fans subs, she’s done. I doubt the magazines will touch her. Poor Carl, all he ever wanted was to be well known. Now the Vardy sh*t show has hit the buffers, might be a little space for Cole.
That Bio is wrong, they've obviously printed the incorrect one. It should read as thus….


Self proclaimed ‘weapons-grade c*nt’ Sink-Boy, lives a life of fakery and lies - he pretends to be a celeb, but is in fact a parasite hanging off the coat-tails of his ‘business partner’ Skanky McSkank.

A foul-mouthed ugly ‘thing’, he is prone to ranting daily about how hard his life is. He states he is an ‘entrepreneur’, but his daily life consists of pretending to sell cars, a chauffeur to his constantly banned-from-driving partner, a general errand-boy for a so-called celeb, long past her sell-by-date, and occasionally w*nking into sinks for an estimated £5 a go.

If you want to sign him up, don’t bother, he has no personality, is foul of mouth, prone to angry outbursts, quite unattractive with appalling taste in clothing. Basically he will bring less than zero to any event, in fact will cause a lot of trouble. We wouldn’t recommend him
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Exactly....she cares only for herself . She is a selfish, scruffy, ugly, botched cunt . She looks like a fucking fridge in a wig. I wouldn't piss on her or that wank stain 'coal' if they were on fire.
Fridge in a wig 😭😭😭😭😭 what an amazing insult!!! I love it, do you love it? Woohoo!!

#196: Skanky’s resembling a fridge in a wig, Cole’s ranting has proven his bollocks aren’t big
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If it were really that bad he would leave - anyone would. He is, however, an ugly fame hungry potty mouth man baby.

Well shucks, you're in the online papers today. Well done. Well done for showing the world the aggressive, drugged up, whiny loser you are.Those drugs done busted your weenie pea brain mind. You realise now sutely you hitched your wagon to one of the most hated women in the UK, you dumbass.
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So Michelle & Kieran have the kids 100% of the time we’ll that’s interesting. KP has obv lost all custody bet she failed a drugs test & prob why she’s come off social media. She’ll be raging she can’t respond 😂😂
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Chatty Member
Do you know what jumps out at me from everyone's posts here... That regardless of what she's done, the multitude of people she's hurt and tried to destroy through sheer spite, the multitude of times she's risked her kids lives... We still want her to escape him and come to no harm. I love this thread and the people on it. 💗
It's true isnt it - we properly despise her behaviour but I bet 90% of us would be happy if she had her come to Jesus moment and sorted it out.

I like you @Angelic37 you are very open and honest.

I've had some fairly wild times in my life, thats not what defines you, what defines you is coming good and making things right.
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"I'm on the frontline here"

Aye, what a brave wee soldier you are. Twat.
It's like when he was arrested over slapgate, he went on an insta rant for 10 minutes ranting - "I've been charged with a public order DEFENCE" he meant offence 🤦‍♀️ the fuckin idiot. Gobbing off and not even getting his words right 😂
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I’m a bit disappointed that he didn’t go fully nuclear and start pointing at the screen, telling the media to “fuck off” and “ do one”.I also wanted to see him do the choppy-hand-thing.He does this when he is trying to emphasise the importance of a statement, e.g, buy this god-awful shirt, it’s this vape it’s
( Chops imaginary carrot with side of hand).
Other than that, there aren’t any surprises.He is a charisma free zone, who occasionally escorts Price to her various court cases. I imagine the little lady was waiting at the door to tell him “you wos aaamazink” when he got home.
In reality she’s been on the second phone for the past 2 hours, contacting anything with a pulse( and a car).
You would be best advised to grab your gear( er..clothes), and get the Hell outta Dodge.
This is a dangerous woman, we’ve seen what she did to your jeans, it’ll be shredded track suits next.
Heed my advice,
self made millionaire and entrepreneur.
I’m editing this to say ,that I’m going to go on GB and proclaim myself the Queen of the Isle of Man, and rightful owner of all money.Its not like anyone will challenge me.
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Exactly, I just don’t understand the lack of intervention from all of them.

How do you know about H having to go to the loo outside? This situation has been allowed to get way out of control and has gone on far too long. What she sees in this thug is a mystery to me. Poor H should not be in his company at all, same as the others.

Just look at the faces on those two compared with the nail bar ones last week.
From someone who spent a lot of time with KP, I believe what they have told me.
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Rita Chevrolet

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But the pair of them are still weapons grade CUNTS and she is still the world's WORST MOTHER!

That carer with H should be putting him in the car to take him out of there, off to AFP's or ANYWHERE he won't have to witness what is surely going to erupt there tonight when they've both been indulging in Columbia's Finest.

I don't think Malakas will hurt the dogs though - one thing certain about him is that he prefers dogs to skanky
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I just noticed, the silly stories account says her safe house isn't 'ready yet'. Hmm yes because if you need to flee domestic violence you don't go to your mum's or your sister's house you hang around and wait until the decor is just right somewhere else :rolleyes:
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Fuck me, I've been away for the night to a lovely relaxing spa...and the thread's gone nuts!

Just watched Deck Wanks rant, it's too funny. He wants recognition...for what exactly? Does he think he's performing some sort of charitable service for the community by dating Katie Price? What a weird, angry, self absorbed little man he is.

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…and who put 50p in the dickwipe.
What an utterly vile cretin he is. Who’s forcing him to stay? What’s actually in all this for him? From what I can see - fuck bloody all.
if I was H’s carer I’d be hotfooting it out of there fucking sharpish to safeguard H whilst in my care.
We know what KP’s like though. She’s probably been going on at him and him being the immature prick he is - he’s reacted and it also proves there’s got to be more to the slapgate story.
Btw… what the hell does the MM look like. A total mess!
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My thoughts exactly Angel!!! The fact that she is shuffling about saying nothing whilst this angry little bastard shouts the odds makes me think it is what he tells her all the time!! Something is very very wrong there.....I have met many a violent man in my time....they all read from the exact same script....they're the victims, they need a fuckin medal.....blah blah blah!! Her downfall has been nothing short of spectacular and it is down to him.....even if she does want rid of him...he will not go without a fight and this video proves that....any man with and kind of self worth would be away like the clappers by now but this bastard is enjoying every minute of this!! Very very disturbing 😬
I may be in the minority but I can't agree with this. She did coke and had to be tested before seeing her kids before she met him, 5 zillion driving offences before she met him, crazy surgery and stalking exes and blackmailing ex's, revenge porn and being arrogant with authority....being bankrupt....all before Cole. I think she is just being Katie and dragging SB along for the ride as usual.

On the subject of who he is ranting at, well who could the 'source' be about the engagement story?, who might have been behind the insta account accusing him of attempted murder and child abuse? Maybe he is pissed off at all that?
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And that just proves what a narcissist he is. Saying he deserves some recognition, for what? Pwicey's been at court more times than ever, rarely sees her children. Yeah sinkboy best guy she's ever been with 🤪
To be fair though, her court dramas were her own doing. She's always dumped her kids and gone off like a single woman, has driven illegally for years, taken drugs and trolled others for 2 decades. That's all her own fault.
But a woman beater, who scares small children, is aggressive to people online and wanks for pennies is still not the best guy she's had 🤣
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