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Thread title suggestion : Kelly got married ... Boyson engaged ... Kipper on the shelf consumed with rage
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His rant makes me very uncomfortable. I have lived with that type of man and it’s not nice.
I’m the only one that puts up with you. (Even though I’ve done nothing wrong)
No one else will look after you.
Basically wanting a medal for being in a relationship with you. Coercive and controlling behaviour, with violence. That’s who he is!!
I have never liked SB. He isn’t the best she’s ever had. He’s the worst. She does need him gone. Simple as that.
Do you know what jumps out at me from everyone's posts here... That regardless of what she's done, the multitude of people she's hurt and tried to destroy through sheer spite, the multitude of times she's risked her kids lives... We still want her to escape him and come to no harm. I love this thread and the people on it. 💗
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I've got a feeling the rant is aimed at Katie in a way? Although I can't imagine him being shy about saying it to her face. But it's kinda like he's humiliating her, "look what I put up with and the abuse I get on your behalf when no one else gives a fuck about you"... Is what he seems to be saying (to her) if you read between the lines? Am I overthinking?
It is extremely vitriolic aimed at her. It is uncomfortable to watch. You'd think the carer chick would be extremely uncomfortable. She seems absolutely useless.
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Oh shut up Carwash. If you're that unhappy, then leave. Nothing stopping you. But no, you won't because the Skank is still your meal ticket and you are, in want of better words, a KEPT MAN.
Own money, bollocks, own job & business, bollocks. If that were true, you'd not have sold your dick on OF. You act hard, but you're a pussy in reality, you take her shit all the time because you have no other option now, you've sold your soul to the devil so either live with it and shut up or piss off back into obscurity from whence you came.
You chased her, you wanted her, sadly the dream you had of being with this famous woman all went to shit, dry your eyes mate & move on. Piss off if it's so bad.

In the rant video, she's complicit in knowing he's recording it and posting it, it's suiting her narrative in some way to allow it, even Carwash said before nobody makes Skank do anything she doesn't want to. Is it my eyes, or is Harvey undressed? If his carer was that concerned about the situation, she'd be removing him for his own safety. The fact she's not arsed one bit & H is sat there in the nud on his computer unconcerned tells me this rant is a crock of shit.

He'll get no long service award from me.
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Michelle has just put up a lovely post thanking KH for everything he does, with the kids, and for her. States how hard it is bringing up the 4 kids 100% of the time. Good on her. Much nicer than the appreciation post KP got today ,
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Guys can we all go outside on Monday CLAP and bang saucepans at 7.45pm ... for poor ME ... ME .... MEEEEEEE ... feels so hard done by .. tantrum throwing silly lil boy ` cole ... the muppet ` .... he desperately needs recognition for everything he has been through, and continues to go through during these difficult times .... lets show this ANGRY .... ANGRY .... ANGRYYYYYYYYYY ..... " DUMBARSE " ..... all the luv and FANKSS we can muster ..... for what he is doing, and will no doubt keep going until the very end .... lets show this 🤡🤡 EXACTLY what we think of him, and his drunk, drugged up dolly 💩💩 .... Im also sensing an OBE in the works 👑👑🤷‍♀️:rolleyes::rolleyes: .... Pahhhhh hardworking NHS staff, have NUFFINK on this ` plastik wannabe Essex boy TWAT!!! `
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Palace Tone

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Oh ok then, so this complete cock womble wants recognition. Right I’ll give it to him. Carl we completely recognise your hard work in keeping this gutter slag from infecting the male population even further than she already has. Your hard work being a total bell end means the kids are safe too. Complete respect to you for saving so many people from this absolute scank of a human being. Please can you keep it to yourself for as long as possible. If you can stop it from killing anymore animals you will truly be taking one for the nation as a whole. We truly recognise your hard work. There, that’s done.
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I've got a feeling the rant is aimed at Katie in a way? Although I can't imagine him being shy about saying it to her face. But it's kinda like he's humiliating her, "look what I put up with and the abuse I get on your behalf when no one else gives a fuck about you"... Is what he seems to be saying (to her) if you read between the lines? Am I overthinking?
You know what now seeing the screenshots and her hair is a total mess just scraped back and shes avoiding the camera, i think youre right its like hes impulsively started filming it in reaction to some argument, its quite humiliating to her (i suppose thats karma for her doing the same to every ex!) not that she needs any help making a fool of hersen
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I actually think this video is also indirectly to her family and the way his been treated by them notice kp is really quiet not like her obviously had words if they were truthful and stop the silly games and lies constantly people would have been a bit more respect for them don’t live your life and make money in the public eye then turn nasty when it’s not what you thought you was gonna get
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Seeing him implode with rage and effin and jeffin for England, pacing around like a caged animal. Can you imagine how terrified B and J must have been on the night of slapgate. He has shocked me how angry he is in that video. No wonder poor J is terrified of him.
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Finally watched the ‘interview’, OMG it’s as dreadful as I imagined it would be, and whoever the guy interviewing is, he’s probably the worst presenter I’ve ever witnessed. Gee GB news is far worse than I thought it was, and I thought it was very very very bad. Basically the presenter just licked Sink-Boy’s arse as the monosyllabic fool spouted absolute toss. If the point of it all was to kick-start his ‘media career’, oh dear SB, no decent TV gigs awaits, you odd-looking toothy-underbite charisma-free zone 🤦🏽‍♀️

Anyway, this is how I imagine Skanky was behaving whilst Sink-Boy was away talking shite….

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He's desperately trying to cling on in there for his 5 minutes of fame, with his meal ticket. I think he is 'trying to control' her and stop her breaking up. It's not the first time the 'stories' are going round that they have broken up (I'm sure it won't be the last) Is KP telling SB one thing and the rest of the world another....Not sure quite how much longer this can continue for, but it's looking a lot more like KP wants out, more than he does. He is definitely fed up of her behaviour, but surely he knew what he signed up for???!
I heard (allegedly) she told quite a lot of people it was over...obviously she didn't tell SB that, or he won't accept it.
Apparently. she's told her family that he has so much crap on her, IF she breaks up with him, he will ruin her for good. He has signed Confidentiality Agreements, but in his opinion, not worth the paper they're written on. KFP is in a rock & a hard place. Not much of a great reputation left for her & he has so much dirt to spill. Think we all knew this 'relationship' is toxic & it's run it's course. KFP made the decision to be with him sooner than be with kids, because she's scared what he will say/do when they split. SFP, AFP & 'Arry can't stand Crawl, hence why he wasn't allowed at wedding or any family gatherings. We know SFP collected all KFP belongings from Crawl's place after the SlapGate fiasco. None of the kids, other than Harvey are allowed near him. Even KFP has to have limited supervised access with the 2 youngest. I really can't see how KFP will get out of the mess she's in. Somewhere along the line, it's going to end badly. However, I believe they are well suited in their match made in hell. Both are aggressive, nasty tongued bullies. I have no sympathy at all. Be very interesting to see how it all unfolds. I really don't think there is anyone out there that can help her get out this situation with the snarling KnobGoblin.
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Pom Bear

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Little angry Cole has been playing with his building Cole you need to try again to get the letters in order 😄 x

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Seeing him implode with rage and effin and jeffin for England, pacing around like a caged animal. Can you imagine how terrified B and J must have been on the night of slapgate. He has shocked me how angry he is in that video. No wonder poor J is terrified of him.
Seeing him implode with rage and effin and jeffin for England, pacing around like a caged animal. Can you imagine how terrified B and J must have been on the night of slapgate. He has shocked me how angry he is in that video. No wonder poor J is terrified of him.
I'm sure I recall, correct me if I'm wrong, Jett and Bunny at Sinkboys house playing with Playdough. He said really aggressively 'If you get any of that on the carpet I'll fucking kill you'. Recall Jett bursting into tears. Big man bullying small children. Bet he felt dead hard. If I recall correctly Skanky was cackling in the background. I'd put money on Kerian wanting to lamp him one. I would if they were my kids.
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I've lurked for a while but decided to put my two penneth in 🤣 That rant wasn't a spur of the moment, passionate outburst, regret it later kind of a thing. It was controlled, the video stopped and started, he knew exactly what he was doing and to me he wanted to show the piles of clothes, suitcases etc in the background. I can't decide why he wanted to show it yet but he definitely knew what he was doing.
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