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The Mirror were on it sharpish - what a twat he is.

Something is very off though, I know they’re not fucking normal in any way shape or form, But surely
You’d be next to each holding hands or something,to express how together you are
Never known Skanky to be so quiet , and “here she is” not very endearing is it? Very aggressive also ,
Like roid rage or something, when people are discussing their togetherness not matter how angry they can’t help but soften a bit, human nature, or mention your other half with a few endearments, it’s a full on rant , not how normal people behave
Weird how she wasn’t gobbing off in the background, normally you can’t shut her up!
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The post last night with the petrol in the fire pit is worrying especially along with his rant today. Perhaps HE needs a spell in Hotel Priory. I can actually see how she could drive anyone to distraction. Imagine being shut up with her for weeks on end, but then he has a choice.
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I think she is playing a very dangerous game with him.
The stories in the papers have come from her because she wants shot of him to find the next victim but he doesn't want to go and lose his fame.
The wandering around in the background is to prove that she is frightened and I think she's hoping that he will explode once again with Slapgate 2 and she can be the innocent victim to get public sympathy.
Dangerous because if so, who is going g to believe her this time after the charade of a made up story complete with supposedly make up bruises last time?
I had a similar thought with her sloping about in the background / allowing him to film that rant in HER house & post it for all the world to see even though she’s “ off social media”

Believe me -.if she wasn’t happy about that rant going out there it wouldn’t have gone out there would it ?

Or , worst case scenario it would’ve been deleted within minutes like so many other crap they’ve put out there when coked up . The bitching , the threats , coked up LA videos etc.

Now we know she is a moron , but she is also very manipulative .

She’s been happy to go with this because it shows him in a bad light , it shows he is angry & at the end of his tether.

My thoughts are this , she’s planted those stories in the press - I mean really , who else would it be ?

Nobody cares if she’s been out on the pull . Or if she hasn’t .
But if she’s planted that story she can wind old pea brain up with her press victimisation/,they’re lying about us again stories , he won’t like it because his toxic masculinity is threatened.

Mark my words , whatever is coming to a head - and it is - she will be ultimately behind it . He’s just playing into her claws.
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Thought I’d help you Coke, you seem so upset mate. Looked into who’s leaking these Bullshit stories for you

and it’s. Katie Price’s Account 🤣😂🤣
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I think she is playing a very dangerous game with him.
The stories in the papers have come from her because she wants shot of him to find the next victim but he doesn't want to go and lose his fame.
The wandering around in the background is to prove that she is frightened and I think she's hoping that he will explode once again with Slapgate 2 and she can be the innocent victim to get public sympathy.
Dangerous because if so, who is going g to believe her this time after the charade of a made up story complete with supposedly make up bruises last time?
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Dawn Dayn

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Mumpfs and Mumpfs of shit.🤡
that rant isn't ok, worrying that she lets him get on with it, knows what will happen if she tried to stop him I reckon. Harvey needs removed immediately, he's so vulnerable. Her family need to step in and get him arrested/chucked out of her house.
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If it were true and KP was out drinking and said she was single, it would have been to see if she could still play the field and/or if anyone was interested in her now she was ‘single’, it seems no one was/is. 🤔 Carly was not happy about the stories in the tabloids and no doubt she’s said people are just stirring.....”you know you’re my true love Carly, the one” 🥴🤣 and the muppet believed her.
I don’t think she looked scared, if anything she looked like she couldn’t care less, he was ranting on and she practically ignored him and just carried on with what she was doing.
I remember him filming her at the airport one time, he was talking to her and she just grunted back at him and carried on going through her phone, she‘s using him and he’s to up himself and thick to see it.
They’re both narcissists and believe each other’s lies because it suits their needs. I think it’s a match made in hell and after all she’s done to innocent people and animals she’s finally got the man she deserves!
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I’m gonna stay in the fence for just one second. Why is he ranting in public. The story implied that kipper said it was over, she was single . No one else. Clearly planted in the press by her or someone close to her. Maybe we don’t know half the shit he needs to deal with in the daily due to her absolutely dire life choices. But as someone else said he’s got two legs and feet - walk away. He is acting like a complete martyr. Something is not right here, hasn’t been since the court case before the last Thai holiday , the SM black out how this.
So getting off the fence - they are both as bad as each other. Everything in public. Just get it sorted out in private. If he’s got bones with the friends who “ hope it’s over for good” speak to them not the public Or name and shame them. Both attention seeking morons
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Don't forget he's 'on the frontline' 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Should start a 'Clap for Carl' 🤣
🤣🤣 someone suggested that on the previous thread.

Everyday at 5pm, we need to clap for Cole. We can do a belated one today. Here's mine

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 cole you are a sink wanking prick! Here's your recognition 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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It's true isnt it - we properly despise her behaviour but I bet 90% of us would be happy if she had her come to Jesus moment and sorted it out.

I like you @Angelic37 you are very open and honest.

I've had some fairly wild times in my life, thats not what defines you, what defines you is coming good and making things right.
Thank you so much ❤ that means the world. Like many here I've been abused by scum like him. Had ribs broken, then my face spat in while I was on the floor, all the while he was saying "you'll be begging me to come back tomorrow, no one else could ever love you, you're pathetic"... (Thankfully that was the final straw)...Then the years after I escaped him being an addict self-harming...going on to be a dickhead myself with my now husband. I'm lucky, I've always always valued my friends, partners and now husband, blessed to be surrounded by love and support. Even friends now with my violent ex who also managed to turn it around bless him. What you say is so so true. The past is the past. What defines you is owning the wrongs and learning and being better. There's still a chance for her. For him even. To turn it around. But sadly I don't think either of them will do so. 😞
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My thoughts exactly Angel!!! The fact that she is shuffling about saying nothing whilst this angry little bastard shouts the odds makes me think it is what he tells her all the time!! Something is very very wrong there.....I have met many a violent man in my time....they all read from the exact same script....they're the victims, they need a fuckin medal.....blah blah blah!! Her downfall has been nothing short of spectacular and it is down to him.....even if she does want rid of him...he will not go without a fight and this video proves that....any man with and kind of self worth would be away like the clappers by now but this bastard is enjoying every minute of this!! Very very disturbing 😬
The latter stories in the garden appear very sinister. He certainly doesn't come across as a caring partner. He comes across as a manipulative narcissist. I'm waiting for the 'She would be nothing without me' rant.
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Here he is again, the bawbag 🖕 right back atchya you dumb fucker
Look at him, thinks he’s some sort of ‘Hot Celeb’….he’s so far from that, all I see is a menacing malevolent sick twisted evil c*nt, quick to anger, a passive-aggressive not to be trusted fame hungry narcissistic sociopath, ugly in every sense of the word. He screams Red Flags, really wish he would disappear for good, the thing (I refuse to call him a man) makes me shudder. Best ‘man’ she’s ever had, nah you are a horrific ticking time-bomb, always have been, a thoroughly nasty nasty nasty piece of work. F*ck off SB, and crawl back into being a non-entity in Sheesh so we never have to see your ugliness ever again.
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Bringing up the be kind nonsense, if Mark was any sort of journalist why doesn't he ask about Katie's restraining order and the revenge porn.
Answered your own question there. he's clearly no sort of journalist. Probably had Carol dumped on him last minute and has done no research. They must be soooo desperate for guests.

'I'm very old school?' Ah yes, I remember my dear old Grandpa masturbating on the internet for pennies.
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Hey Carl, I give you recognition.................for being a pathetic sad sap knob jockey. Clinging onto your pitiful wannabee fame by your finger tips. With a woman who is pig ugly on the inside and out - fucked her recently as she was complaining about the lack of action in Thailand #1. You are a joke, a feeble wank stain on the decking of life. Do one and fuck off.
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Right?! It is an absolute insult to say that. The man who got castrated by Russians was on the front line, my school made who lost two legs in Afghanistan was on the front line. This cunt Muppet is in a deep relationship BY CHOICE with a crap woman he actively SOUGHT OUT.

I could honestly pinch his fucking ugly teeth in.

We know you read here you woman beating sack of shit. Do everyone a favour and fuck off. You'd shit yourself if a man got in your face. You're probably very lucky there isn't any manly men in her life to put you straight. Now get off SM and clean her fucking house.

Ps. You cunt.
Did you see all the shit outside the front door?
a beautiful house like that and there are no flowers or topiary outside to welcome anyone in. What a mess.
The only 'Frontline' he knows is this


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