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Did he really utter the words, "when you're with someone of Kate's calibre?"
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Frontline? I think the only line he's on is of the white powdered variety.

And at about 40 secs where he refers to her as "this woman" it doesn't sound right to me. Like he can't seem to bring himself to use her name.
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I tried to understand his rant and feel sorry for his frontline heroics, but found myself just staring and wondering why he was wearing his Grannies spare teeth
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If that dumb C*nt said he was "on the front line", one more time - i swear to god. Some of us have spouses who actually served their country and know what it's like on the actual front line, you stupid prick.

Spending time with that filth monster is hardly being on the front line of anything, ya twat.

And you don't deserve any "recognition" for shit. You chose to anchor yourself to her because you thought you'd get some screen time and some free holidays, you don't get praise because you stay with her, through her self created bullshit,mate.

Give your head a wobble.
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He's royally peed off, he is going to have a major blowout very soon he's at boiling point, I hope nobody gets hurt, maybe she has been a bit subdued and a bit moody because of Boyson and they have been arguing about it hence he's the best fella she's had, fancy choosing that over your kids and family, Ted Bundy had kinder eyes ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ.
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Chatty Member
The best fella sheโ€™s ever had,Jesus Carl if your cock was as big as your ego youโ€™d rake in thousands on only fans.
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Sorry but WHAT THE FUCK is that giant jaw banging on about!? What a fucking embarrassment he really is ๐Ÿ˜ณ spitting all over the place because his plastic teeth are too big for his mouth and swearing and ranting in front of Harvey too!! Wonderful. Just shows the world what he really is the silly little man. Cannot believe he is comparing being with that beast as being on the frontline ๐Ÿคฌ is he for real? Fuck off into obscurity where you belong then Cole. No one will miss you. What a show up.
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Mumpfs and Mumpfs of shit.๐Ÿคก
that rant isn't ok, worrying that she lets him get on with it, knows what will happen if she tried to stop him I reckon. Harvey needs removed immediately, he's so vulnerable. Her family need to step in and get him arrested/chucked out of her house.
Don't forget he's 'on the frontline' ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
Should start a 'Clap for Carl' ๐Ÿคฃ
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Something is very off though, I know theyโ€™re not fucking normal in any way shape or form, But surely
Youโ€™d be next to each holding hands or something,to express how together you are
Never known Skanky to be so quiet , and โ€œhere she isโ€ not very endearing is it? Very aggressive also ,
Like roid rage or something, when people are discussing their togetherness not matter how angry they canโ€™t help but soften a bit, human nature, or mention your other half with a few endearments, itโ€™s a full on rant , not how normal people behave
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Chatty Member
I think itโ€™s definitely aimed at someone or some people in particular because it started with all yous who say we want her to leave him, Well if that was just the press he would say itโ€™s press nonsense he knows her friends have said to her leave him and he is hitting out at them saying yous donโ€™t pick up the pieces,well Iโ€™m hazarding a guess he wonโ€™t allow them near and he creates the mess, I donโ€™t buy the Iโ€™m a good guy the only person he is convincing of this is himself,and the effing and jeffing in front of Harvey and his carer you can only imagine what he is like off camera or when no one else is around.
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I totally agree. What a lovely weekend for H having to sit and listen to all that. What man would carry on like that in front of somebodyโ€™s son? I detest the woman as much as anyone on here, but as a DV victim myself, Iโ€™m seeing a bit more now than just a sink wanking joke. She needs to get out of that house asap take the dog, ask the carer to take H home and just get out away from him. 28 years ago now since I fought for my life with a nutcase like him in the bedroom stabbed 4 times with a bread knife. It started just like this, by god those eyes take me right back there. Had spent the afternoon listening to friends saying โ€œDonโ€™t worry heโ€™s all talk heโ€™s not the sort to get violent. Just take no notice.โ€๐Ÿ˜ข I listened and nearly died. Heโ€™s going to blow maybe not tonight, maybe not this weekend but heโ€™s going to kick off. She needs to get away from him.
Iโ€™m sorry you had to go through that. Watching his rants is very triggering isnโ€™t it? What a vile excuse for a human being he is. And so predictable, I could write his script for him
โ€No one will ever look after you the way I do, you owe me, weโ€™ve been through so much, Iโ€™ve done everything for you, your family is trying to poison you against me, Iโ€™m not going to let you leave meโ€ etc.
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Pom Bear

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I have tears rolling down my face laughing at this!! Just brilliant ๐Ÿ˜
Thank you very much ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿฅฐโค Love Pom ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜˜ xx

Why has Skank got so little self-worth that she stays with someone who likens their relationship to a war zone?

His rants are shocking. I have borderline personality disorder and have a vile temper. But I have never spoken the way he did. I was surprised he put that online. And he canโ€™t even say it was in the heat of the moment, as he did it in several areas of the house and edited it. Twaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.



Lool ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜˜ xx
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Thanks for the entertainment Carol, it's been a boring couple of weeks without you two making yourselves look complete dipshits. You came back with a bang!
Still a pompous little bellend, ranting away like anyone gives a flying fuck what you think. I would say dissappear and go back to what you're good at but I'm struggling to find out what it is you actually do, other than being a professional tosser and a gobby little knobhead.

As for being the 'best fella' she's ever had ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ that's the best one you've come out with yet. Nobody likes you, except your 4 only fans, it's not going to change, so get used to it or just shut the fuck up n fuck off
That's the part I'm really curious about. Best fella she's ever had? That's gotta be some kind of code.. like he knows stuff about her but doesn't reveal it or leave her, which in his mind makes him the best!

And as for all the stuff he puts up with.. well which is it? Are you in a happy relationship with her or are you miserable but want "recognition" for staying?
If you have to put up with so much... erm... leave??
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Mentioned Iโ€™m on hols, so not got time to write much, but have to say something after viewing those videos from the appalling SB ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

F*cking hell, how aggressive is he, said from the start, this man scares me, heโ€™s a nasty piece of work, but oh my, I now think Iโ€™ve underestimated how evil this thing is ! That rant is vicious, I would also say he appears to be high-as-a-kite, the aggression is pouring from him, wow Iโ€™m actually shocked by his behaviour, what a vile individual he is. Something is very wrong, what has tipped him over like this, canโ€™t be just the break-up story, itโ€™s been out for few days now. Actually feel a bit unsettled viewing those videos, he is one scary individual. Wow he needs dealing with, she needs to get away from this thing, I no sympathy for Skank, but maybe he is controlling her, what is going on with her just wandering around while he rants, and OMG poor H is there witnessing it ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ What happens when the camera is off, he is not gonna calm down, he will still be ranting away, his nature is pure aggression. No wonder Edna banned him from the wedding, reckon they know how very bad he is and then some, nasty nasty nasty man. This is actually turning very dark, the SM silence until this, something is very very wrong here.
It does seem like a massive overreaction to what has been printed. I mean, these two played the same game themselves not so long ago.
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What was I thinking ? People on here opened their hearts up , Iโ€™ve known people who have been in similar situations , the empathy started , The impossible almost happened nearly started feeling sorry for the cow, But forgot who we were dealing with , This is Skanky folks , coercive behaviour ?
more chance of coercing that Vardy woman to tell the truth, If thereโ€™s an abuser in that relationship
I know who my money would be on , poor sod wouldnโ€™t stand a chance itโ€™s like a goldfish swimming with a shark , going silly in my old age
Come on people, this is bloody Katie price, don't make her sound like a victim, she's never been a victim nor ever will be, NEvER forget the people she has bullied and damaged over the years, honestly Skanky and Wanky need to tie the knot, they are perfect gor each other, both adsolute cunts
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
New thread ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿงต and Well Done @Rosiecosy on title ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜˜ xx

I'm just back on and still on page 48..I got to sweary Cole vids lol
This is for you sweary Cole ๐Ÿ˜„ x

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