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Chatty Member
I also just watched Peter Andre on Lorraine. (I’m on a train going to a business meeting - don’t judge me for Lorraine watching 🤣). A couple of interesting points. She made a big deal of saying he’s known as the nicest man in showbiz, and from her perspective that’s not an act, he’s a genuinely nice family guy. Later in the interview he says he became quite arrogant at one point and he’s ashamed of the way he behaved and some of the things that he said. He said basically he was a nice guy at 16 and he’s reverted back to that nice bloke now - interested now as he was then in spending most of his time with his family and putting family first. Essentially he said he had grown up.
I think all of that was in response to the odd things that have been circulating - the Mumsnet thread, the TikToks etc.
You’ve got to give credit to Claire Powell - she works the PR machine well.
He’s a good Dad, that’s obvious and Junior and Princess clearly adore him and him and Emily are giving them the stability they need to.
He’s not my cup of tea - he’s cheesy but I also think he’s pretty boring. But probably an OK guy now he’s grown up a bit.
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These pictures were taken a couple of days apart ... when she was bragging about what a great tan she got in Thailand last time ... picture one captured in the wild, picture two is all down to posing with her 25 years modelling experience - who is she trying to kid 😂😂😂😂 ... My question is ... do you prefer your Kipper Grilled or Filtered ? 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

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So don’t know if this has been said before, and everyone speculates , because Nobody knows, But saw the story about That thing wishing Ill on Michelle’s Baby , and then you get the comments from the Skanky lovers , “it’s hearsay from a third party” and Kieron and Michelle want her in jail,
Poor Skanky can’t reply because of the restraining order, ( well she could deny it, wouldn’t be breaking any laws if she didn’t mention anyone)
Well for once I’ll speculate, it was stated Skanky hasn’t got Michelle’s phone number, So who is the third party? Gotta be the kids, So imagine , whenever Keiron and Michelle , who feed nurture look after those little uns, send them off to that Bitch for a few hours, the evil piece of work can’t leave it, fills the kids minds up with a load of shit,
and keiron and Michelle have to pick up the pieces,
She’s an evil psycho , they must be at their wits ends , the thing is depraved
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So yet another week rolls by without her seeing Jett and Bunny. She hasn’t seen them since her sister’s wedding, doesn’t she care at all? They are still so young, yet she can’t even be bothered to have the two hours a week she is allowed with them. I hope there isn’t a single person left who believes she still has custody of them and is a great mum.
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Interesting KH and MP had to prove their relationship did not have an affair in for the RO to be put in place. Hard to prove something you didn’t do, but they must have done so. Therefore continued accusations they did are slanderous or libellous depending on how the accusations are delivered. The KP shamclub need to wind their necks in now, and stop their bullshit claims
She's historically been obsessed with her partners cheating on her (probably because she's a big old hoe herself.) That's not normal, neither is the level of anger and hatred she exhibits. She's a psychiatrists wet dream.
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Chatty Member
I must be feeling less enthusiastic than most. It’s great to see K&M speak up but we all know what she’s like.
It might be a tiny tip of the iceberg but there have been heaps of awful stories about her - partying/drink/drugs while pregnant, caught off her face countless times, rapping about drugs, drink/drug driving, vicious to ex partners, charting, lying etc etc etc.
It’s going to need a bigger boat than the titanic to smash the iceberg of her shittery into the open.
I’d love all ex partners, ex business partners and ex employees to spill. She has no means to take anyone to court. Now is the time to do it.
If not, she’s destroying herself day by day anyway. She won’t change, she’s not capable.
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I just read Michelle’s article, it really brought it home how stressful it must be for her when your husbands ex has a personal vendetta against you & is constantly verbally attacking & bullying you both publically & privately because she is so twisted & jealous that your with her ex bringing up her kids.
Such a kick in the teeth to have hard evidence of the abuse she takes from KP & then see her walk out of court with nothing more than her knuckles wrapped, a pathetic fine & some more community service.
Like the previous community service didn’t warn her she needs to stay the right side of the law. Then KP not in the least remorseful or apologetic swans off for her umpteenth foreign holiday…
KP is just a narcissistic, vile, bitter, twisted woman. Michelle keep the faith, the day of reckoning is sooner than you think.
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Why does everyone on here rate kieren..I think his just as fame hungry as Carl and Katie he might care for the little 2 a bit more but even that I think is him trying to emulate peter Andre because his seen what the wonders of been thr doting dad has done for him. Let's not forget he cheated numerous times on katie and although I don't think much of her I don't rate him either.

The only one who seemed a bit decent was kris boyson
We "rate" Kieran because he’s a decent parent. He doesn't try to emulate Peter Andre. KP tried to make ALL its partners into Peter because ot couldn't face what it had lost.
Oh and for the record, Price cheated on Kieran, multiple times.
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What happened between her and Jade Goody?
She said jade was making money out of her cancer diagnosis. The irony in her dumb comment is staggering. At least jade was thinking of her kids future and trying to get as much money for their trust fund before she passed as possible. Skanky bitch would be making money for her last days the vile cow.

I wonder what will happen when Skanky returns to Social Media..

I also wonder what will happen at her next plasterclass, possible protest??
Perhaps the numbers of "fans" flocking to "see the star" will be reduced to 2! She forgets she isn't katie price in 2000 at her height, she's skanky price at the end of her "career" and the more negative stuff that comes out will damage her more n more, no more wriggling her way out of it anymore.

Found this on IG, never actually watched it before, was in Oct 2020, KB sending KP a msg to leave him alone. Interesting comments near end ,
Poor kris, far too good for her.. she soon shut her vile mouth though when he posted this and stood up to her. Playing her at her own game is the way to handle her.

Can you see SB decorating the kids bedrooms in his house, looking after them while she's out partying? Not a chance...
You missed your last chance at any kind of meaningful relationship after kris woke up n walked out!
now drown in your own misery you vile cretin, you deserve every bit of shit you get!
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Rita Chevrolet

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Bianca Gascoigne I think, Kris Boyson's ex. KP had some run in with her
This was probably when it took P to Boysons place then tried to climb in the window to get at BG. It then issued a heavily edited video showing its own acclaimed innocence and Boyson told her that unless she pissed off he'd be issuing the full cctv version to anybody wanting to see it.
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#191 Kipper’s popularity sank to an all time low, her beach ball bosoms looked ready to blow.
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Anyone else think we have a new member on here trying to change the positive opinion held by the majority of us on here about Kieran for a reason... I wont be reading or interacting with any of their posts - ignore button hit
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Where in the US Lulu? I'm in Texas
Hi! Hi there, MrsPig99! How exciting-another Tattler this side of the pond! My mom's people immigrated from Scandinavia to Texas to farm, so I have a lot of family history there. I'm so glad you survived the culture shock (it can't have been easy!).

I'm in Florida (unfortunately). We're in a big college town, as hubs is a professor, but, these days, we talk ever more often about immigrating to Europe, as it's terrifying and surreal what's happening here now.

Hence my little KP bubble-it keeps me from ruminating about the really big and scary things happening the world over, as that gets dark, fast. (Tho, admittedly, her schadenfreude is getting all kinds of dark, too)

A couple years ago, I received a C-PTSD diagnosis from the Mayo Clinic (stemming from a childhood w/personality disordered parents) so, that further hooked me (and even if she does have some kind of PTSD-it's still doesn't explain how nefarious this human actually is-not even close).

So, I can't help but watch this thing play out, and hope like hell that those children don't end up with a lifetimes worth of trauma and toxic shame to work through... *Sigh* She's just one person, but the source of *so much* cruelty and injustice, it's just wild, and hopefully unsustainable.

(Gah! Apologies for the novella!)
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Does anyone else recall the story (likely in the DM) when she was out with that Alex Alderson character one night, and while papped hopping out of the Range Rover he 'gave her', she said to the photog's "I hope your children die" or something to that very specific affect? I recall being blown away in the worst possible way...I had no idea she was so nasty. I know much of that 'relationship' was spent getting properly shit-faced, which makes me suspect she is well and truly dangerous ESPECIALLY whilst under the influence.

I'm so so thankful M&K have at least been given a platform to, in their own words and with their own voices, explain exactly what fresh hell Katie Price actually is, and the terror and chaos she continues to inflict on their family (read; HER children, too, which are clearly just collateral damage to her).

What a mess!
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I was wondering if Claire Powell has been in contact with Michelle and Kieran and maybe even advised them on this Sun story and photoshoot. Especially if Kieran and Peter Andre have been in secret talks behind the scenes re exposing KP. I think it's more likely organised by Kirsty Shaw Rayner though who is close friends with K&M.
Claire will be involved! The rants she made against Emily and constantly accusing Peter of ruining her life, haven’t gone away.
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Any how, I hope the public will read the story, I hope MP and KH feel comfortable sharing more- the wider public is now curious because of KP's very light sentence. To hear she's been even worse than we knew is really jarring x
I hope the Judges are reading these stories too and realized how badly THEY FUCKED UP!!!!
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