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After today's revelations I've seen comments across the internet saying how far she's fallen, how did she end up like this, used to be so popular etc.

I see parallels with Prince Harry - people say the same things about him. Truth is Harry - like Kipper - has ALWAYS been a rotten cunt. For many years courtiers and palace PR people carefully stage managed his public image, swiftly dealing with any unfavourable stories. As soon as he cut loose that protection vanished and we saw the real Harry, ie. a petulant little cunt.

Ditto Kipper after she and Claire Powell parted company. It's been a steady public decline in popularity since then. I don't believe Kipper's character and morals have worsened over the years, I think she's the same despicable slattern she always was. CAN Assosciates did an amazing job rehabilitating her public image, whereas the truth is she was never that fun, successful, happy good wife and mother that CP so cleverly presented her as. She wasn't particularly liked prior to hooking up with PA.

What the public are seeing now is the REAL Katie Price, and it aint pretty. Her catastrophic fall from grace was only made possible by Claire Powell elevating her to such high levels in the first place.

Also, as many others have said, I don't think we've seen the last of CP. She loves PA like he's family and I think today's revelations are the start of a constant drip of stories that will finish Kipper off once and for all. Gonna be a hot summer!
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Brah Day Izit?

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Found this on IG, never actually watched it before, was in Oct 2020, KB sending KP a msg to leave him alone. Interesting comments near end ,
What I gleaned from this:

She was sleeping with three other people
Kris has got to be careful what he says
He's not here to destroy anyone's career which he could easily do
Whilst she was with "The Drury fellow" all weekend he looked after the kids and built furniture for them in his house.
He adds "you are supposedly happy and I wish you all the best"

Nice guy, far too good for her.
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So what ‘work’ has she now got lined up? The plasterclasses have all been cancelled and allegedly refunds are being given. Looks like the nightclub PAs with with Harvey have been stopped. Off Insta for ??? So no cringy #ads, or promoting the sale of barf bombs or spider leg eye lashes. Doubt she will get interviews on tv or in the magazines/papers. All she has is her Only grans site and that’s always on a half price sale.

I can see them spending all the summer away on holiday again selling backgrid bikini shots, as otherwise it will highlight how little she has the kids and she will use the excuse she’s working abroad but you will never see the results of it, just like LV, then she will hope people forget about it. But, she does also have to fit in community service and meetings with probation? Not sure if the meetings can be done online? And she does have 18 months to complete the cs.

She still seems to be spending a fortune on designer goods, I honestly don’t think they are fake, she’s always had a love for the real thing.
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Interesting KH and MP had to prove their relationship did not have an affair in for the RO to be put in place. Hard to prove something you didn’t do, but they must have done so. Therefore continued accusations they did are slanderous or libellous depending on how the accusations are delivered. The KP shamclub need to wind their necks in now, and stop their bullshit claims
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Chatty Member
Here’s my guess how this work holiday trip has gone.
Arrive together and full of ploys about travel show. Go together to get matching mtv t-shirts.
Sit sniggering smugly to themselves.
Go silent on Instagram while Ryan builds their next storylines for sale.
Still sniggering smugly.
Couple of bikini pics taken by Cole, extensions still in, nails still on.
Still sniggering smugly.
Cole rides a moped, Cole larks about in a bar. All of them still sniggering smugly.
They get told of story. KFP has no ability to silence it. Ryan has no ability to silence it (even he cant magic up a response to that shitshow).
KFP has full mental hissyfit breakdown. Rips her extensions out, breaks her nails while going demented at SB, Ryan, any inanimate object.
Ryan updates all her social media accounts to shut her down.
Ryan releases early Bikini pics to get some cash.
KFP goes on self harm tattoo escapades.
Story is released…..
No more sniggering smugly.
She’s going to return bald, without nails, scales for skin and a lizard tongue.
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You lost me at 'care for the other two a bit more'.

Those two kids would be lost without their dad. I honestly couldn't care a less if he wants to be famous, if he makes some money off instagram, OF, good on him. He had a job, KFP made him quit. She complains about her partners living off of her but gives them no choice when she makes them leave their jobs. He was basically a full time house husband who was treated pretty shabby from what I have seen.
We’ll said. She has done exactly the same with SB, when do you ever see him going to work these days, he is her full time chauffeur and even followed her to the latest plasterclasses like one of her little lap dogs. 🤷🏻‍♀️

He loves those kids to bits. It seems he is constantly fighting a fire trying to protect them from her selfish behaviour, especially what they have been exposed to by her life.

These days anyone can seem to get famous for nothing, thanks to social media platforms. SB is the one who I think has used her the most for fame. She loves it at the time when her association with whoever she is dating is making her lots of money and media exposure, but the second it is over, it’s a completely different matter and suddenly she slags them all off. If she was soooo bothered by people making a name off of her back, then she should date someone who is already hugely famous…. Oh that’s right, no one like that would ever date her!
She gave an interview before she dated SB saying the next guy she dates would kept private, that’s going well then….
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Why does everyone on here rate kieren..I think his just as fame hungry as Carl and Katie he might care for the little 2 a bit more but even that I think is him trying to emulate peter Andre because his seen what the wonders of been thr doting dad has done for him. Let's not forget he cheated numerous times on katie and although I don't think much of her I don't rate him either.

The only one who seemed a bit decent was kris boyson
You lost me at 'care for the other two a bit more'.

Those two kids would be lost without their dad. I honestly couldn't care a less if he wants to be famous, if he makes some money off instagram, OF, good on him. He had a job, KFP made him quit. She complains about her partners living off of her but gives them no choice when she makes them leave their jobs. He was basically a full time house husband who was treated pretty shabby from what I have seen.
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These people should be approached for comment on the "great mum" who wishes unborn children dead amongst others.
Richard Madeley
Lorraine Kelly
Piers Morgan
Andrew Castle
Susannah Reid
.....feel free to add
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In the last thread, someone brought up the old rumor that KP is actually much older than she claims to be.

Here's a record of her birth (I hope the link works)

If not, doubters can look it up themselves. She was born in 1978, making her - yes - the age she says she is,
Yep, unfortunately I’m the same age, albeit she’s got a few months on me 😉 And, may I add, don’t look nearly as haggered & butchered as her without any help apart from a little Botox.

A few have echoed how I’m feeling about this latest news and her actions, she’s been told to come off SM to mitigate a reaction. She’ll create a sob story, mental elf issues despite barking that she’s been mentally well on her own social media. She’ll go to the priory again (and not actually go) and proclaim she’s a changed woman, yet she will repeat this behaviour as she is a true sociopathic narcissist. She better tread very carefully though, as I’m sure this isn’t it for her being exposed as the true vile cunt that she is.
To those that have been triggered by this story - all of the love and Krusty hugs to you. ❤
@DC16 & @Nikkinoo never doubted you, @Crowbag said all that needs to be said on that matter.
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Thank you @Crowbag for what you said at the end of the last thread.

I know some people doubted there was a story because of all the delays, I’m not sure how it works with timings of stories going out, but they obviously have their reasons. (Possibly legal reasons). It was disappointing when they kept changing the days, you could feel that on the threads.

I’m sure this is the tip of the iceberg too, if she says this much directly to people, imagine what she says in private. 😡

We all know her lies on here, but the general public need to be shown her appalling behaviour. 👍
I’m glad they’ve run this story to show what this disgusting thing is capable of. Let KFP PROVE it’s lies then! I am 100% positive this is the tip of the iceberg. Of course when police prove KFP was lying about the allegations made by her about Kieran & likening him to JS, there will most definitely be a legal case. Accusations like that, will not be tolerated. I think this will be a story soon.
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Hi, I’m a newbie but been lurking for a while. Have all the Plaster classes been cancelled as none are showing up on the website? It’s also saying to check emails for refunds. Thought they were non refundable.

Overheard something at work the other day that people who attended the one in Tamworth are asking for refunds. I’ll ask what happened when I’m in on Friday and report back.
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Wasn’t there some “speculation“ way way way back in the threads that he was ”sent“ to bring her down? She had possibly, maybe, allegedly, done something or defrauded or whatever a relative or someone close to him?

Maybe he really is that “undercover krustie“ worthy of @Binfest level “birds fly backwards at dawn” 🤣🤣🤣
Wouldn't surprise me. There is zero sexual chemistry between them, in fact, he looks at her like she's trash. He and Sid are more believable as lovers.
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pepe le pew

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The thing with Pricey is that since she hit puberty and started earning money, her position in her family dynamic changed radically. Robbie Williams said in his biography, the age you become famous, is the age you emotionally freeze at.
Think about it…. Your own family, mum, dad, say three kids. One of them gets a chance at some talent, modelling for eg, and money rolls in. Now your daughter is earning a month, what you and your husband earn collectively a year. Of course your relationship with her will change. Especially as now, she has dipped her tits into the soft porn market. If you are against it, of course you can voice your disapprova, but she isn’t going to listen to you.
So your Xmas and birthday gifts get better. Chanel bags and designer clothing instead of a couple of books and some slippers. Financial inequities kill relationships. One person earring much more than anyone else? They end up the one always paying, the restaurants, bars, holidays, homes and cars and stuff for the family and friends and of course the ‘hangers on ‘.
No one in Priceys family Could pull her into linE, she is too strong, and rather stupid. The main problem with her, and I have seen this in a ex narc friend of mine, is; she has no impulse control. She doesn’t put any; thought into anything. Want a tattoo, get one now. Want a dog, buy one now, want new teeth, get them now. Remember how much trouble she had with the first veneers and she kept having to go to America to get them fixed, and the hair extensions done? Now her hairdresser< makes her look like an afghan hound. Her teeth destroyed. Her naturally curly hair destroyed. And her body…. When she started having the enlargements it was on trend. People actively copied her. Then I think she was stopped having them in the U.K. because our surgeons are more alert about addiction and mental health issues. So off to Belgium and now Thailand.
She wanted to be a wag, that failed Dwight didn’t want her. Pete, Alex, Keiron, Alejandro can’t remember his name, she got bored and sabotaged the relationships.
She wants to be seen as a desirable fertile young woman, and she isn’t. Going by the recent revelation from Michelle and Keiron, she is a nasty piece of work, a secret the showbiz world for her. Along comes reality and life failure Coal. The universe hands her what she was accusing the other men in her life of. Fame hungry, talentless, end of the pier wank in a sink for a fiver. FFS.
She won’t change because she can’t. She cannot start something and complete it. All her relatives are just waiting for that phone call. The one you get early in the morning. A surgery complication, sepsis from a tattoo fail, drug overdose, perhaps vomit in sleep after being drunk, or god forbid, back behind the wheel of a car, and this time she hurts someone other than herself.
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Hey, I was going to do another 101 Uses or Jobs that Katie Price can do.. But after what has been in the press/media today I decided I am not going to do it anymore. the reasons why I am not going to do it is !!. That I find this woman repulsive and what she said was sickening and disgusting and i wouldn't give her a lick of my shite let alone my time to take the piss out of her. She is nothing more than a 2-bit -$hore ( i do not usually use words like that) and deserves to be cancelled from the press/media. Absolutely vile and disgusting. (Sorry for bad language)
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I just read Michelle’s article, it really brought it home how stressful it must be for her when your husbands ex has a personal vendetta against you & is constantly verbally attacking & bullying you both publically & privately because she is so twisted & jealous that your with her ex bringing up her kids.
Such a kick in the teeth to have hard evidence of the abuse she takes from KP & then see her walk out of court with nothing more than her knuckles wrapped, a pathetic fine & some more community service.
Like the previous community service didn’t warn her she needs to stay the right side of the law. Then KP not in the least remorseful or apologetic swans off for her umpteenth foreign holiday…
KP is just a narcissistic, vile, bitter, twisted woman. Michelle keep the faith, the day of reckoning is sooner than you think.
I have personal experience of this, my husbands ex was a bloody psychopath! She accused us of taking drugs in front of his children (never taken drugs!) has accused me on SM of being a prostitute and a ‘cokehead’ has stalked me, threatened me and him, turned up numerous times at my childrens school mouthing abuse, she attacked my husband and when we called the police she got her partner to punch her and give her a black eye and accused my husband of it!! I was 6 months pregnant at the time! When she found out I was pregnant she stated ‘she won’t always be pregnant will she’ either implying I could lose the baby or she was going to do something to me after I’d given birth.
She accused him of sexually assaulting her sister, has tried to get him sacked from his job, honestly I could go on and on, we had a restraining order and she turned up at our house mouthing off, I phoned the police and their advice was ‘just don’t answer the door’ honestly I could go on and on it was horrendous. Luckily his kids are grown up now so we don’t have to deal with it anymore but I
Know exactly what MP and KH are going through. It’s awful especially when pregnant! Fair play to her looking after those poor children and putting up with that crap. I don’t blame her one bit for selling her story!
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I couldn’t wait till tomorrow so I messaged my work colleague. It’s his girlfriend who went to the meet in Tamworth. She said it didn’t last an hour, Katie looked dog rough and the alleged goody bag worth £20 was just some tat and some sweets. She also somehow spent £200 on it all even though the ticket was £80. He doesn’t know what she spent it on but he said she’s not happy with whatever it is.

Ive told him to tell her she’s peeing into the wind if she thinks she’s getting any money back from that and to come have a read on here. Might stop her blowing her cash on that rancid mare again.
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Chatty Member
Why does everyone on here rate kieren..I think his just as fame hungry as Carl and Katie he might care for the little 2 a bit more but even that I think is him trying to emulate peter Andre because his seen what the wonders of been thr doting dad has done for him. Let's not forget he cheated numerous times on katie and although I don't think much of her I don't rate him either.

The only one who seemed a bit decent was kris boyson
He cares for the little two full time, not a little more. All the time more. He takes them to school, clothes them, feeds them, provides a secure home for them, takes them on family holidays, family days out, loves them. He’s not on tv like Peter Andre so no comparison.
He is leagues away from what their birther does, which is 2hrs a week visits - and even that’s cancelled for half the year due to her ‘holidays’.
Seriously consider what each of them give to those children and have a read of the wikis. That’ll tell you why everyone supports the dads.
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VIP Member
Why does everyone on here rate kieren..I think his just as fame hungry as Carl and Katie he might care for the little 2 a bit more but even that I think is him trying to emulate peter Andre because his seen what the wonders of been thr doting dad has done for him. Let's not forget he cheated numerous times on katie and although I don't think much of her I don't rate him either.

The only one who seemed a bit decent was kris boyson
Wrong thread. If you want to slag Keiran off you can do so on the Kieran thread. Oh, wait, there isn't one, because he's a decent bloke. Ah well, toodle pip.
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