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I doubt Michelle is the only person who has been stalked by Skanky. Many this article might empower them to tell their stories.
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Why does everyone on here rate kieren..I think his just as fame hungry as Carl and Katie he might care for the little 2 a bit more but even that I think is him trying to emulate peter Andre because his seen what the wonders of been thr doting dad has done for him. Let's not forget he cheated numerous times on katie and although I don't think much of her I don't rate him either.

The only one who seemed a bit decent was kris boyson
Because he is an excellent father providing a stable life for his children that their mother isn’t.
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Pom Bear

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Ozzy was moaning that he was having to wait whilst she went horse riding
Ozzy was still waiting hours later, so decided to join the local science class as he already had his personal protection goggles with him 😄😄😘 x

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My opinion on KH from a man's point of view and also as a single parent, looking at those kids I wouldn't say he's playing at being a good dad, cheating, I hate cheats, I was a victim of a serial offender, hence why the marriage ended, I don't believe he was a sex addict, she treated him like crap and he cheated, as she no doubt did, it's wrong but it happened. He got out of there and is now in a stable family unit, as for his choice of work, he had a taste of being with someone with, (then) quite a lot of money, I would imagine its hard to go back to plastering, I don't blame him, I'd have done anything to give my kids a good life, whatever he earns, and how he does it, it quite obviously goes on his family. KP is still a terwat just to keep on topic.
Just to add, he does have a viable non-OF business; Kieran Hayler Fitness, which he works at every day and promotes and grafts at. The OF is to contribute to the household income until his PT business is enough to pay the bills. He's not just a dad, he's a fantastic dad, he is the main carer for all his kids and educates them while doing it too, and takes them out on excursions and adventures as frequently as he can. I am absolutely open at how much I rate him, I think (some) folk coming on here to slate him have an agenda and it's old and boring. Good post @Lancashirelad x
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Just posted my opinion in the DM wonder if they’ll print? I seriously think she won’t come bouncing back from this. Whatever must SBs family be thinking? The shame and embarrassment of it all. Not sure if you’re allowed to just live in Thailand or how expensive it is but that’s where she should stay and rot. The kids are fine and safe, re-home the dogs and horses, repossess the MM and just wait to hear of her demise out there. She really did have it all once, it’s just like Ginger in “Casino.”
"What does your son do?". "He wanks for a living". It doesn't get more embarrassing than that!

This was probably when it took P to Boysons place then tried to climb in the window to get at BG. It then issued a heavily edited video showing its own acclaimed innocence and Boyson told her that unless she pissed off he'd be issuing the full cctv version to anybody wanting to see it.
She left him alone after that.
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This was a while ago now but I can believe every word! The whole article is an interesting read.

always been a vile, entitled, spoilt bitch
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Found this on IG, never actually watched it before, was in Oct 2020, KB sending KP a msg to leave him alone. Interesting comments near end ,
I've always thought he was a pretty decent lad to be honest. Bit wet round the ears when it came to the press and that life. Think he probably did enjoy the attention at first but I do think she broke his heart and I do believe he genuinely cared about those kids. Who leaves their kids with their partner while they go out cheating?? And as he touches on it was one of many occasions. I feel like it was around about this time Junior started to spend more and more time with his dad, just had enough of the endless cycle of being left with the latest fella and I can't say I blame him. I believe KB and KH are still on good terms as there were pics of them greeting each other at some event or other after the split. So I believe every word he says here. She's a nasty, vindictive piece of work.
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I don't know how the hell the courts let her off so lightly with breaking the R O Surely everything in todays story was also information the judge was aware off.
To live how Michelle is having to live, all because of an Evil Vindictive Cunt.
Pregnant and another woman hoping your unborn baby dies, having to prove she wasn't having an affair, living in fear that CCTV has to be installed in the home where you and your family live. While being a Mother to Katie Prices kids because she's not fit be a bloody mother!!! God I take my hat off to Michelle, how she has remained dignified all this time.
I am absolutely fuming that KP has sailed off the back off the MH card, disabiled parent, terminally ill mother, PTSD, Anti bullying. Be Kind. ALL CRAP PRICE! I hope every media outlet absolutely slaugters you for being the EVIL tramp that we always knew you were. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Pink Squirrel

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‘Before that fake story’ - and there we go, they are saying Michelle’s story is fake. What a surprise. If it’s so fake why you both in hiding mr vapid tough nuts?
I read it as him meaning the story about him being in trouble & having the vape ad removed as a fake story. He's insinuating that he removed the ad because he wanted to & not because he's in trouble for it. Sad lying little WANKER 😂
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I don't think she's had surgery, she was a mess before she flew out there and is the same mess now, apart from those cave paintings all over her, I'd like to also think she's done now after the news yesterday but I doubt it, lots of people tried to warn us about JS, including John Lydon but it was ignored because he was generating money and interest for TV companies, she's a disease we won't be rid of easily I'm afraid.
Been thinking about this today, and sadly for us, I think you may be right. Other than Tattle and a bit of outrage on Twitter, I got the vibe this story, as awful as it was, wasn’t of much interest to the general public, it felt it was almost being brushed aside as just Skank behaving badly, this is what she does, move on.

One thing I noticed was although the Mail ran it, it wasn’t given much prominence yesterday. Often her stories, even a non-story bikini-on-a beach one, will feature in that Top 3 story bar on their main online page. Yesterday I checked a few times, it was just on the side-bar of shame, quite low down all day, it wasn’t getting the coverage I expected. I’m now thinking that this story unbelievably might not change much. A lot of the lack of interest is maybe down to few people care about her anymore, she’s a nonentity really, just an occasional source of ridicule for the latest dumb stunt she’s pulled. Skanky really is yesterday’s news, even her abhorrent behaviour is not that news worthy anymore.

We will have to wait and see what the reaction is when the evil pair resume their social media. Only then will we see if this story has legs. I’m also concerned it’s not the end of her TV career, it should be, but I can see her spinning this and the likes of Lorraine f*cking Kelly still enabling her. Plus that awful media company she’s been working with for C4 seem to have zero morals, I bet they have no problem continuing their relationship with her.

Sorry to be pessimistic, Skank should be persona non-grata now, but have a horrible feeling she’s not going away as I initially thought, something tells me that’s not going to happen, hope I’m so wrong, but at end of the day whatever the reaction is, the state of her now is her ending. Face and body are gone, lost everything that means something in life, the kids, a stable home life etc, even if all the enablers still pander to her, it’s over for her. She never looks happy unless she’s woo-hooing off her tits on something, you can’t go on like this at 44 without something tragic happening, I think that day is close for her now. She won’t change, just a question of how bad it all gets before that day arrives.

PS on a positive note 😁 Kylie loves her little celebration hat today, happy birthday Tattlers 🥳
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He filmed himself wanking into a sink for Only Fans .... more recently he filmed himself wanking onto the decking in Thailand
Not just wanking onto the decking... ANGRY wanking onto the decking. He can't even wank without being angry. I bet he was wanking and saying "you fucking prick, spunk prick, spunk, or I'll show my black & white troof" ;)
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Here is my 2 cents this afternoon:

Kippers nose is clearly being abused. Drugs, drink, perhaps a smack or two to it. Likely unfixable.

Her upper body is also so hugely deformed now her legs look teenie weenie.

I like KH. I think he is a good parent and is making the most of what he can. Who wouldn't want extra cash to support their family? If I was confident enough I'd be making some extra change on OF. My friend brings in an around an extra 600 to 1000 a month and as a single Mum of two it is hugely helpful. I don't think he cheated anywhere near to what she said, if at all. I don't think he got with MP until after, as per RO. I do not think he is and/or ever was a sex addict. I think Kipper manufactured this narrative to sell stories and make money.

Also, I will check out The Octopus Teacher.

Now I have to tidy like my life depends on it as have electrician over tomorrow so must make house look like no one lives here when, really, a messy Mum, wild 8 year old and 3 chaotic cats do. Pray for me.
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The most bizzare thing to me is that KP had no qualms about f-ing and blinding at mothers waiting at school gates, even women she did not know. There will have been mums with small children there.

If you just imagine it for one second: a gaggle of mums waiting to pick up their primary schoolers with babies and toddlers in tow, and someone turns up spitting "f-ing c*nt" at some of the mums?!

Where I am in the North, everyone would have looked at each other and then hurried to protect their kids and get away. The school would have possibly called the Police to remove the person, and most people would have assumed quite serious mental health problems.

Because no one does this in a situation like that. Schools are slightly sacred places where, as an adult, you simply do not audibly swear, let alone threaten other people. Everyone understands this: it's a social taboo.

For KP to do it, well, it's deranged behaviour. I'm not surprised the lass complained and got a restraining order, which KP then, interestingly, reveals she doesn't actually understand.

I have to say I'm fairly impressed at the sheer amount of work that must have gone into keeping her anti-social personality hidden for so many years. That's some seriously heavy PR lifting.
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