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Peter and Dwights money can surely sort out Harvey's care then?
There was an article i found the other day about Pete and Price winning a court case from The News Of The World, accusing them of their bad parenting, and it stated the money they won was going to charity and in the children's trust funds
Yes thats what I mean.. So why the search for funds. Im sure there was a big amount just at the court... That is accessible generally 18. I got a trust fund for 16 and 18...
Usually get cash at those times..
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Chatty Member
She tells us he's across the road in a 3 bedroomed house with a carer. Is this likely? I noticed the shots near Crawls 😂
Its going to be interesting what shit she comes out with next, the way she has been going you would think she would be telling the world about Harvey settling into his new 3 bedroomed house but im not buying that story either. Why is Lauryn still in the MM?
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Chatty Member
Maybe if there is a trust fund from there?

It’s me, I’ve added up the last lot and have the total but wasn’t sure if you wanted me to post every depop sale on here?
Yes please if u don’t mind! I think it could be very useful 👀
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Chatty Member
I sadly don't believe she was ever injured. If she fell from that height, she'd have more serious injuries than fractured hairline, whatever the hell that means. No cuts, scrapes, bruises. I hate her use of wheelchairs when it suits her and claiming to have 'life changing injuries' which she clearly hasn't. It's an insult to people who truely have. KP, if your reading this then produce the evidence of your so called injuries and I'll apologise. No one, first the theme park, then hotel where she was alledgedly injured have reported any accidents. Neither have either been sued. If it was true she was injured, she'd be in like Flynn after compensation. The worst thing is clearly Princess (well she's a liar like her mum ref Rolo) and Junior have been told to lie for her I assume. Cole has already proven to be a lying, scamming, violent, agressive fame seeking twat who dresses like Ali G and I suspect would sell his grandmother for a bit of exposure.
Oh i don't believe it either, my comment was just in reference to that story.
There's no way it happened, again so many discrepancies, she's tried any old thing to try and get out of her bankruptcy and they all seem to happen around the time of her court cases

Im off to line my stomach because by fuck later i do believe i might be hitting the drinks cabinet
Thanks to the narcissist evil twisted bitch i will probably be slightly inebriated, watching this shit show for an hour is going to kill me but i want to make sure i have my complaints noted for the BBC and the relevant authorities
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liar liar

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Didnt the Two Toxic Katie’s do CBB together? I don’t have hate in my heart for anyone but Katie Hopkins makes me come pretty close I can remember my son showing me a YouTube video by a guy call Josh Peiters and they conned her into thinking she had won some award and she fell for it hook line and sinker and proceeded to go along where she actually started spewing her disgustingly racist rhetoric as she thought she was among like minded people, yet they just filmed it and put it up onYouTube. Oh, btw Katie my oldest son is called Tyler.
Don't you have another called Beaujolais or a daughter called Chardonnay? ;)
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Was this in the scratch card YouTube? I couldn't watch it beyond the first few seconds
No it was her latest story, she asked Harvey to plug tonight's show and she then called him a plonker when he got the time wrong. He reacted as did she.
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I really like Harvey I, just wanna give him a big hug. His responses.😍 Exactly baby...😂

I was wondering is, Harvey got eye sight issues????
He holds things so close and blinks a lot not focusing 😔
Yes he's registered blind.
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Chatty Member
Dunno.....but you can bet your last penny there will be piles of grey mash & processed peas involved 🤢 I'm hopeful she'll give us a look at dinner on her Insta later 🙄 She may not have time though given the speed she's throwing out stories throwing Harvey under the bus 😭
Thought she had hired this top nutritionist for Harvey ,haven't seen much or any of that

Mucho gracias! Xxx
You are welcome, I despise that fucker as much as Price 😡😠😡😠😡
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liar liar

VIP Member
I wasn't a Dwight fan, to be honest he was irrelevant to me but he clearly has tried to support Harvey, especially early on in his life. He seems like a sound chap, able to state his case calmly and he didn't take the bait during the Kay Burley interview.
I would ask that you watch that, it was an eye opener for me. I still find it a bit hard to understand why he didn't fight harder to see Harvey but I think I've come to realise that it wouldn't have made any difference. She is a very difficult person and he walked away from her but still financially supported his son.
Yeah 'she's only playing' Mavis ha ha ha ⛴ (nearest I could find ha ha) 🖕 :ROFLMAO:

I’m not saying she hasn’t made it hard for him (I can’t stand Katie) however why hasn’t he as a father who wants to see his son never stopped fighting to see him? They’re both disgraceful and Harvey deserves better than the pair of them.
Okies - well, he was actually out of the country coaching Trinidad & Tobago national football team... you have to research stuff.
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liar liar

VIP Member
I'm sorry but I must agree with Katie on this. Why aren't all celebrities/z-list wannabe/has beens etc shoving their disabled kids out their to raise awareness (get themselves attention)? It's disgraceful that they don't want us to know all about & see their adult children half naked urinating in the street, wetting themselves, in soiled clothing, half naked, having meltdowns, clearly distressed, being ignored in YouTube clips, smashed up houses, eating mountains of the wrong food groups, incontinent, nappy wearing, aggression.......oh wait, hang on a minute....maybe they want to give their children the right to privacy, dignity & to live a normal life for them to the best of their ability? I cannot possibly begin to understand how she's comfortable with putting every single bit of him out there. I'm fairly certain if he had greater mental capacity he wouldn't allow it & she wouldn't do it. Every bit of this is wrong & disturbingly so. There is no amount of money or publicity in the whole world that could persuade me to put every bit of my additional needs children out there. Even my closet most trusted friends don't know everything. They don't need to. It would benefit nobody. And abuse my children's right to privacy & dignity.

I actually feel desperately sorry for Dwight today. Has anyone bothered to think how this may affect him or his family at all? Is this whole shit show orchestrated to guilt him in to forking out money for Harvey?

I don't understand how people can be so stupidly blind. It actually blows my mind.

At this point I don't even want anyone to call her out as such but just ask some gently leading questions & get her answers. I would actually like to know what her response/justification would be to holidaying after he came out of hospital, lying about the foot breaks, holidaying in the Maldives for weeks, claiming to be the sole carer, following all Covid restrictions etc. Her brain must be a fascinating place & I'd like to understand how it works. I'm also fascinated by the brains of serial killers....for Christmas I was gifted a set of serial killer Top Trumps 😂🤣

Skanky flaps & Carole have already made it clear they want a TV show taking about health, family life, cooking etc. All areas in which they clearly excel 🙄
They are the lager/white diamond version of those champagne hypocrites Harry and Meagain.

This was my thought, but then I wondered wether it would just manifest in her behaviour with the one child or would she exhibit signs with her other children aswell ?
She hasn't needed to transfer her attentions as Harvey is an on-going situation for her. Also, the other 4 have strong present father figures with whom they live ALL THE TIME!

Don't be sorry for a long post. I'm frequently on one here & could make War & Peace look like a short story 😂. I agree with you, postcode lotteries are rife when it comes to accessing funding, support etc. It's wrong. I also agree with you in that all the stuff she claimed not to know about is bollocks. She's either lying (she never does that 🙄) or she's had her fingers in her ears & not listened 😡
I'm worried you may start on the 'prequel' :LOL:
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