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Chatty Member
It was the ‘princess looking like a lesbian’ quote that for me was one step too far. I realise this is a gossip site, but its aimed at Katie Price, not her children. I found that particular quote homophobic and unnecessary and reported it.
Totally agree. Leave Prinny out of this especially with such a horrible stereotype. This thread is for skanky and wanky hate only. Leave the kids alone!
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I think this has got to be the worst that I have ever seen Skanky look! Absolutely hideous! How the f**k can Cole or any man for that matter find this remotely attractive?
Thing is we have been saying this for many years, when she gets a new dick we just ask what is wrong with men?
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I'm 38, absolutely loved KP and PA back in the day. I used to think she was bloody gorgeous and really envied her figure. Watched every single documentary on them- many times over (god how cringe!🤣🤣🤣🙈🙈🙈🙈) read all of her books.
I even bought her perfume, bikinis and some other things from her Day22 range.......God can't believe I'm admitting to all of this.
I can't believe her decline in recent years- physically and in her behaviour
I used to think she had it all. I actually find it all rather sad, and she's a perfect example of believing your own hype. She still can't let go of her hay day and she refuses to listen to anyone's advice on anything.
She was jusy lucky when Clare Powell took her on, and regardless of what she claims, she was only so successful because people liked her as part of the celebrity couple package. Pete made her relatable and Claire did a fantastic job of propelling them into UK showbiz culture in the 2000s. That's where Kate made her money.
How she's treated her kids is appalling but I don't think she cares because it's obvious she's got a real drug problem and she just plays by her own rules.
Part of me actually still roots for her, I want her to redeem herself but it seems too late now.
Iv said before I'm certain Cole will be her downfall, she won't make old bones and he will be at the centre of it.
Because Claire Powell is one of the top PR management people & knows how to promote her clients. Since Claire dumped her, she has gone for cheap useless management companies. Although she did have one manager Catherine, who was lovely, but was treated terribly by KP & dumped. Would love to know who is managing her now. At the moment, seems to be AFP & EDNA doing their bit on the gravy train. There are NO major management companies that would touch her with a very long barge pole. She needs 'Crisis Management' team now and even then, I don't think it would help. She doesn't listen to anyone and is out of control. Plus she won't or doesn't have the money to pay the sort of management fee's that would be needed to sort out her mess of a life.
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I'm 74, 75 in May, love Tattle but sadly not very confident posting but sending you all love ❤
I don't post much on here as the thread moves sooooo fast:) But its good to see us oldies can have a giggle! All young at heart....
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Also, in the YouTube clip shown earlier, AFP was actually a mature voice of reason- she said to KP, there’s no need for it to get ugly (or something like that), there was a bit of an eye roll from AFP when KP talks about how DY hasn’t been there for her during the pregnancy. AFP’s thinking, I don’t bloody blame him! He doesn’t want to be with you and that’s not enough for you, so you’re going to use your foghorn voice to say he’s a dickhead🙄🙄🙄
AFP was doing what every parent does when their kids gobbing off and they can’t tell them to STFU- being quiet.
I think DY and AFP probably got along fine (as did my mum and my kids dad- whatever bollocks happened between us, she was always civil and communicated well with him. Though my ex and I were nowhere near as nasty and dysfunctional as her!).
AFP knows the deal with ex’s and kids etc, she knew KP was in the wrong about DY.
KP was just a ‘fling’ for DY. She got pregnant and he was a player. He was seeing loads of women and had no intention of staying with KP. She planned to get pregnant. Why, that’s unknown. He was quite rich, but so was she. She was at the height of the page 3, tits out modelling. She was sleeping around too. We all know, she disgustingly shagged with Gareth Gates, when she was very pregnant with Harvey. The agreement DY and KP had, was he paid a monthly sum of which AFP was given 35K a year for caring for Harvey. I also believe some money was put into trust for Harvey. Whether that monies still there, is another matter. Would depend how DY managers/lawyers set it up I assume.
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Homophobic, possibly not intentionally, although I can see how it could be taken that way. Unnecessary and shouldn't really be aimed at a 14 year old, definitely .
I don't give a stuff about anyone's sexual preferences and I don't think for an instant that foxtotty meant any harm by her comment. Shall we let this go forever and hope foxtotty feels safe to start posting again?
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She was never engaged to Kris Boyson. Her words on Loose Women were very carefully worded and shady. She said something like, "yeah, I've got the ring on my finger," or something like that. Not, "he asked me to marry him, I said yes and now we're engaged."
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Joanna Surrey

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One look at Carwashes ridiculous mug and gumshield and my old dad would have said "Who's that clown and what's he all about." 🤣🤣🤣👃
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I just shared a video of mine on Facebook (my dogs attacking me as usual) and it’s come up on a feed with KP, Arrgh - I don’t even follow her 😰🤯
Who do I sue?!

Anyway on another note I went to see a lady about doing micro blading today. And guess what she used to be KP makeup artist many moons ago. Said she was often let down and would turn up and KP wouldn’t even be there and would keep her waiting. She also daid DY was a deadbeat dad and didn’t know anything about AFP being paid by him to look after Harvey. So I tried to tell her what I’d found out so far and she was quite skeptical. She also mentioned even though KP was a nightmare her mates Aisleyne and Nicola McL were far worse and horrid! Anyway, that’s my input for the day!


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KP was just a ‘fling’ for DY. She got pregnant and he was a player. He was seeing loads of women and had no intention of staying with KP. She planned to get pregnant. Why, that’s unknown. He was quite rich, but so was she. She was at the height of the page 3, tits out modelling. She was sleeping around too. We all know, she disgustingly shagged with Gareth Gates, when she was very pregnant with Harvey. The agreement DY and KP had, was he paid a monthly sum of which AFP was given 35K a year for caring for Harvey. I also believe some money was put into trust for Harvey. Whether that monies still there, is another matter. Would depend how DY managers/lawyers set it up I assume.
She wanted to be a WAG like Victoria Beckham, married to a footballer with loads of cash to splash, living the millionaire lifestyle with someone else paying for it.
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More food pictures 🥱
Imagine if you’d saved up for years to have the holiday of a lifetime and these two turned up at your hotel. It reminds me of the poor people holidaying in the Maldives when the Faiers wedding party arrived. On the ‘breakfast’ photos, they’ve clearly turned up after it finished, begged for something and they’ve made them a drink each. Where’s all the lovely food?
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I was reading this thread and Mr Webster looked over my shoulder at my screen (he shall pay for this later but I digress) and said 'who's that in the bikini?' All he could see was the boobs, and when I showed him who it was all he said was 'fucking hell' (not in a good way!)

Now I can't stress enough how much he doesn't give a shit about any of this kind of stuff, but even he is weirdly drawn in by her antics, in a car crash sort of way. Maybe that's the appeal?
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What I don't understand is quite why she stuck the wig on under the stormtrooper's helmet??
To give the illusion of have long hair.She’s just that vain.To you and I It makes no sense, and is ridiculous.In Price world, it makes her look better.
The thing I have difficulty accepting,is that , in order to put the wig on, she would have had to remove the Penelope Pitstop helmet THEN place it on top of the wig.Thus removing any benefits of having the bandage helmet in the first place.
Unless there was just a bit of wig shoved up the back of the head( can’t remember).
The world of the skank is often scary and surreal.
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Rita Chevrolet

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surely if someone got video evidence they would have to do something about it though?
I'm pretty sure The Sun would buy any footage captured :)
My son lives near Horsham - I've told him if he sees it out driving to get evidence and send it to me because I know just where to post it :)
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Those saying how she’s dirty and just probably sprays a bit of Toilet Duck on herself and considers that her annual bath.... I’m sure I saw a programme that she was in once were she was getting ready to go out and she sprayed half a bottle of perfume all over herself, and a good few squirts of that up her dress to her dirty flap area...yuk
Il never forget watching a Peter and Katie episode, and she was sorting out their clothes. Can't remember whether it was to sell them or give them to charity, whatever, but she found a skirt and she saw a mark on it. She then went on to say it was Petes sperm after a night out and they got frisky 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤢🤢🤢🤢 I remember thinking then, what a dirty skank! Surely you could put it in the wash!? No shame at all, she seemed quite proud about it!
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I've just started reading the new thread. How are we on page 15 already?? Wish OH hadn't taken me out 🤣 I'm missing all the goss!
I'll have to sneak in another read when he falls asleep (he's in the bathroom)
He took you out? That bastard, leave immediately 😝

Leandro was the hottest by FAR imo. He was HOT
I think Pete is way better looking than Carol. I know he’s cheesy but he floats this boat! The rest of them all sort of merge into one for me 🤣
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Unbelievable just found this from the Southend Advertiser paper 2018

" known pervert carl woods 28 lay naked on southend beachfront and covered his penis in hot chips in hope that seagulls would peck at his willy.One disgusted dog walker said"he just lay there with his cock out, at least it was just on the flop then he started cooing the gulls in as he rubbed chips on his knob" . Police turned up and took him away with locals shouting " pigeon ponce!!! "
He was fined £50 and banned from the front for 6 months " chicken feed" said woods as he walked towards Southend Zoo
Is this real? Please say it’s real 🤣🤣
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I've just started reading the new thread. How are we on page 15 already?? Wish OH hadn't taken me out 🤣 I'm missing all the goss!
I'll have to sneak in another read when he falls asleep (he's in the bathroom)
Do what I do, I read out her latest Skanky bollox to hubby, and show him the latest photos, my hubby just shakes his head and says “I’ve no idea how she’s still alive”. I’ve got him invested in Skanky shenanigans 😁

Hubby works in finance, my favourite thing he does is periodically he’ll say something like….”has she been punished by the courts yet, have the trustees actioned her bankruptcy properly, has that mansion been reprocessed yet, and what is going on with the taxman”…. I just reply, nah she’s dodging accountability still, and he’ll sigh and go “What still, nothing from the taxman, unf*cking believable, does she know where the bodies are buried, never heard anything like it”.🤦🏽‍♀️😂

Shared couple disdain of The Skank is a thing, hubby can’t wait for her to be brought to book, thinks it’s outrageous and quite bizarre how she games the system. 😁
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