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Pom Bear

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Ohhhhhhh my, Pom, Pom, Pom, what have you done?? I have just spat my coffee out. That is utterly bloody brilliant πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
Thank you β€πŸ€—πŸ˜˜ xx
Loooool glad you like it πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ xx

I forgot to put this on Xmas πŸ˜„ ....


I hope you are fine too Mayhem πŸ’•πŸ˜˜ xx
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liar liar

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Only someone who didn't care about another person's feelings would tell someone they're going to die, especially when they're the adult and that person is completely dependent on them.
It's beyond cruel. Now Harvey's response indicates he doesn't understand the seriousness of her remark but its still absolutely horrible because I'm sure her other children do and this must cause them untold anxiety. Its awful, because of his special needs he's in no position to take responsibility for himself and she's phrasing it like he is.
This of course then takes the responsibility of her, if she's unfit to meet his needs she needs to completely step aside. I don't care what else she gets up to, if she dumps her rubbish in the street or butchers her body fine but for the love of god stop damaging your children.
I just have no comprehension of the sort of bloke and family she has who allow this behaviour towards such a disabled young person. None whatsoever. I don't understand why Peter and Kieran are not obviously involved in stopping her using her kids for her nefarious advertising scams. I don't understand why there is not a court-appointed Trustee involved with the running of this young man's fractured life. There has to be someone who can prevent this behaviour seemingly being normalised by her and her cronies. Does she move about to make it difficult for Social Services to know where she is? Doesn't Harvey have an appropriate adult at his residential learning facility? He just seems to have fallen down a great big bottomless rabbit hole. I am stunned. It is 2020 and this is still happening to kids in a 1st world country which is also apparently back up to 5th wealthiest. <Shudders>
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VIP Member
Only someone who didn't care about another person's feelings would tell someone they're going to die, especially when they're the adult and that person is completely dependent on them.
It's beyond cruel. Now Harvey's response indicates he doesn't understand the seriousness of her remark but its still absolutely horrible because I'm sure her other children do and this must cause them untold anxiety. Its awful, because of his special needs he's in no position to take responsibility for himself and she's phrasing it like he is.
This of course then takes the responsibility of her, if she's unfit to meet his needs she needs to completely step aside. I don't care what else she gets up to, if she dumps her rubbish in the street or butchers her body fine but for the love of god stop damaging your children.
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Pricey Bingo is just great! :LOL:

Number 10 - She Can Walk Again
Knock at the door, it’s husband number 4

but when we shout for a full house....which one...the mucky mansion, the ratty rental, or Cole’s soon to be tip?πŸ€”
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Active member
I wouldn't be posting about it on the internet for other strangers to see.
Stalking is stalking and posting it online is sharing it with others and being encouraged. Regardless of how horrible the person is, why stalk her? Out of all the things to trash Katie for (no pun intended) this is not it. It's not just about the trash, this person goes to her house daily multiple times a day. It's not a good look!
How is it Stalking, its observing something and commenting about it.
I really don't think this is the place for you if you feel this way!!
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I feel sorry for the kids she already has and barely looks after. In no way shape or form should she be bringing another innocent life into this chaotic shit show.
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Re the post about her figure in the last thread. She had lipo on her thighs when she was in her twenties, that's why her legs are always slim. Dread to think what she's had done elsewhere, but nothing is natural anymore.
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On a side note, tattle is a funny old place, we don't all have to agree and there's room for healthy debate, but I got ripped to shreads one day on a thread and my arse was served to me on a plate, wouldn't have minded but the person was way off the mark and I suspect was actually the clown the thread was about.

Yes Baileys for me. Double please.
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I've just been reading through various comments on the Harvey eating 'a healthy meal' stories. Why oh why are there STILL deluded nitwits praising skanky flaps excellent skills as a mother 🀷. An excellent mother would not have let him reach 29 stone! An excellent mother would not film him eating a free ready meal for publicity. An excellent mother would not have lost primary care of 4 of her children. An excellent mother would not have multiple child free holidays a year. An excellent mother would not introduce her children to multiple men after 10 minutes of knowing them. An excellent mother would not be filmed rapping about loving cocaine whilst collapsed in a heap on the floor. An excellent mother would not publicly bash her children's father's. Bloody hell there are sooooooo many more negative things. It's an endless list πŸ™ˆ. And I honestly can't think of 1 single thing she's ever done that's positive 😳. Not 1 πŸ™ˆ. Can anyone come up with something decent that she's done? The only thing she's good at is lying constantly!
Make that two things she's good at, lying through her teef and picking up gullible men.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
I wouldn't be posting about it on the internet for other strangers to see.
Stalking is stalking and posting it online is sharing it with others and being encouraged. Regardless of how horrible the person is, why stalk her? Out of all the things to trash Katie for (no pun intended) this is not it. It's not just about the trash, this person goes to her house daily multiple times a day. It's not a good look!
Nobody is stalking anybody. And she openly chooses to show every sorry detail of her z-list life. Most of which nobody gives a flying fudge about. 99% of the shite she shares is totally fake & staged. Sharing a very real pic of very real rubbish is not stalking (in my opinion).
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Chatty Member
That post advertising the ready meals is disgusting. The way she is yelling at him makes my toes curl. He should not not be paraded on the net the way he is. She treats him like a performing seal when he hasn't got the capacity to give consent 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠
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Pink Squirrel

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I absolutely LOVE her quote 'I do look younger as I get older'...?!🀣🀣. Only in your mirror my love πŸ™„. The rest of us see a face ravaged by botched surgeries, fake teeth & permanent cold sores!
I think the Christmas day pic at bully's is fake. I think Harvey wasn't there at all & photoshopped into the pic. Some of the lines are too crisp. Plus if skanky flaps was sitting next to him she would at least have her arm around him or her head leant on his shoulder.

I think the other vomit inducing staged crap was done before her 'emergency'' Turkey trip. Every single 1 of those photos is fake as Goodgers 'natural' arse. I feel so sorry for Harvey. He looks confused & distressed in all of them. Junior clearly doesn't want to be there at all. Even Princess looks like she's trying hard. The little ones look happy on 1 but the rest they look tired & bored. Bully is doing his usual fake act. But I have to say, I see slight improvement in his body language. Doesn't scream of total repulsion πŸ˜‚. And as for her.... clearly living in lala land of her glory days pre kids. It's quite disturbing that she's very clearly using the kids as props. It doesn't matter to her if it's Bunny, Jett, a wrapped empty box, handbag or steaming pile of shit. All faked, no emotion or genuine warmth. So, so sad. The only photo skanky flaps looks genuinely happy in is the 1 of just her in the god awful red sparkly jumpsuit. That's clearly because it features just her. No chance of anyone possibly being distracted by anyone else. All focus & attention on her. Just how she likes it πŸ™„
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I think I came on here before I realised she had moved here, not after. I only realised through the KP threads that it was my village after I saw one of their YT videos and then she started posting from his house and I saw his lime green car outside

Stalking isn’t nice and I have a busy enough life not to waste my time on really caring what they do to be totally honest. It pisses me off that they are scamming fans and telling lies though, which I think it does most people on the KP thread. It’s a fairly tight community in that people know each other and the Facebook group is mostly dog poo and litter rages. Being a messy bastard won’t go down well with local residents
You don't have to explain yourself because of one disgruntled person (🐍 πŸ€)
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Again it's not just about this one time with the trash. They constantly give daily updates multiple times a day to say what cars are there and aren't. What trash is there and isn't, etc... I can't believe the length people are going to defend stalking behavior just because they don't like the person who is being stalked. Maybe you've never experienced someone stalking you, but I have.
Well I'm sorry to hear that i genuinely am.
But this is a local not a stalker that goes out of their way and hides in bushes and films every second of their lives.
This is a member of the community that is already peed off with their comings and goings there is a big difference!!
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No, Princess is not living full-time, or even part-time, with Katie. She and Junior still live with Pete (since Katie went into rehab for the fist time a couple of years ago), and but they do visit; Junior less often than Princess. However, Katie likes to spin it that she has them much more often, and does this by spreading out her Instagram stories over a range of time to make it look as if they're there most days. She gives the game away by her hair styles, nail colour and sometimes her outfits.
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Pink Squirrel

VIP Member
Moooorrrrnnniinggg. We have snow everything's so white and twinkly.
I think Peters reporting her TikTok but acting clueless, nodding and sympathising with her.
This is what good parents do, fib!
I also think Pete's secretly trying to protect her. He's facing a struggle against her tramp of a mother who thinks whoring about is perfectly acceptable. So maybe he's changing his tactics. He knows he won't win otherwise. Parenting teenagers is NOT easy. Unless of course you couldn't give a flying fudge because using them helps keep you in the media KATE 😑.

Here's another theory as to why skanky flaps has gone quiet.....There has been a kidnap threat made toward Princess? So she's shut down her tik tok on the advice of the police. Obvs the kidnap threat is aimed at the very popular & important skanky flaps, which is why Prinny is safe with Pete πŸ™„. A crazed fan, someone she owes money too, a jealous wannabe is after her & using Princess as a threat πŸ˜‚πŸ™„. I'm fairly certain all her other previous claims of kidnap are bullshit. Again, the police wouldn't be able to speak out about her bollocks. I've NEVER understood any of her kidnap crap. Who in their right mind would want to kidnap her & why? Or Harvey.... when she's come out with stories about that. What could anyone gain by kidnapping him?

Of course my above theory isn't nearly interesting enough to see out 2020, the year of Covid. It really is far more likely that she's gone all out to lift the spirits of her millions of adoring fans by giving us all a surprise New Year's fairytale proposal from Dubai. As the clock strikes midnight, against a backdrop of spectacular fireworks πŸ™„πŸ˜΄. 99.9% of us will be safely at home following government guidelines but she has selflessly fled abroad for 'work' to bring us all happiness. Suddenly I feel incredibly emotional at her generosity, giving nature, kindness & steely determination to put others happiness first. Ahhhhhh, she's such a wonderful human & by far the country's most popular celebrity. Oh, hang on, I think I might be wrong πŸ€”.
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liar liar

VIP Member
I asked for photos to be taken down

I’m not here to offend people. I don’t really want to live near her if I am honest, but kind of glad she isn’t really famous anymore as we don’t have paps causing road chaos

She’s lying about when she’s home a lot of the time so I do update the thread if I think it’s a lie, especially during Covid but I can just drive the longer way and hang up my stalking hat!
You want a snake in the grass to make you, who actually lives where you live, make you drive further because of a cretinous leathery old bint who doesn't live where you live, doesn't pay council tax and has an expensive rental in another county has some weird followers who want to call ya out?
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You weren't a mumsnetter? Lol fuck it was good craic in its day.
Oh fuck no! God sake, I posted one thing on there years ago and like you got my arse kicked. Plus all the DH, DD,DC bollocks did my head in. And that's waaay before it was as catty and vile as it apparently is now.
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