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I don't think he physically hit her but I think he's a rotten person. The way he attacks anyone who posts against him is vile. I'm still going to root for him (ONLY TEMPORARILY!!!) So that he brings skanky down. Chances are he will fade into obscurity after that anyway and if he doesn't, we'll remind him to 🤣🤣
If he fails to bring her down, then 4 more years until Princess turns 18 and maybe Andre will finally stop holding back. I've got my fingers crossed!
I gave up hoping that anyone, person or media, actually had either the balls or decency to do anything whatsoever to bring this cunt down.
As we have all opined before, she's be I g protected from up on high. There all awash in the same sea of shite and shame, the glue that holds it all together is money!
So long as it all sells advertising space everybody is happy, let's admit it, investigative journalism went the way of the dodo years ago.
It's all rinse and repeat, celebrity this, celebrity that.
It's all the average person wants, people who they can loathe and worship in equal measure.
How many times has Skanky made the fools at Loose Women and GMB look like complete arseholes?
But still the likes of Susanna lick her arse and continue to perpetuate the myth of the hard working businesswoman with an happy family devoted to her children, one of whom is disabled!
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Lol here goes ,
I have always hated skanky, like the majority of us have. I used to comment in the DM and saw someone mention tattle, so thought whats that, must have a look. Then found myself here.

At first I was shy, but very soon found everyone to be friendly, it' s like having a big family.
Sadly, the press talk about people on Tattle as being some kind of anti christ, two horned monsters. Now I am not for one minute in complete denial, as some of the other threads and comments on Tattle can be pretty vicious. I strayed to another thread once, and got thrown to the wolves with my opinions. So some can be quite a closed shop and pretty nasty tbh.
However, on these KP threads, we’re a pretty good bunch and more importantly have a shared loathing of KP and really good SOH’s 😜
However, once you start joining the comments, you get hooked in and there is then no going back.
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Seems to me she is creeping round him trying to keep him happy. Bet this little escape wasn’t planned until yesterday. That man has no self respect to let himself be ridiculed by her antics. He’s making himself a laughing stock.
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I would have absolutely zero sympathy after the mockery she's made of domestic violence victims.. She's caused her own shit storm let her live in it...and that's coming from someone who suffered domestic abuse for years.
I hope you are in a better place now , My dear old dad used to stand on the balcony of our maisonettes looking over the grass square surrounded by the flats, i was about 8 or 9, a girl was winding me up, so i hit her, my dad called me up, he said why did u do that? i was so self righteous, i said she started it, my old dad never raised his hands to me , i got the biggest hiding in my life , he said, NEVER ever raise your hands to a woman , and even though hes gone , i would never whatever the provacation , and its not because i think women are the weaker sex, they are the equals of men , but you should never pick on anyone of any sex just because you can
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Miss Havisham

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I also believe that he led her to believe that he was taking her to Vegas to get married.
He bluffed her, as revenge for selling that story to the sun (even though he spent the money earned for that, with her).

She retracted her claims that he had attacked her, when he told her he wanted to marry her etc.

That’s my take on it..
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He’s made out he cannot stand what she’s done yet he’s going along with it?! What the actual fuck.

This has got to be the most bizarre relationship ever 🤦🏻‍♀️
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I know, you're all horrible on this thread. She's on her Instagram stories right now with Carl, in the car, I bet they're off to see ickle Harv.

She's so kind that she's even bought herself them a box of sweets. I love it. She's selfless. I'm crying as I type this.
🤣🤣🤣 you need a cuddle there Bunny?
Gosh so many trolls on here. If you dont like her, dont follow. Simple! No one is perfect. Stop judging her. She's an amazing mum and so naturally beautiful. All the exes are liars. I choose to believe this one woman over her 100 ex partners and all their wives and girlfriends. They are ALL lying about her.
She's been through so much trauma which she still cant talk about but the troof will come out! It will come out the same day that the Vegas Marriage YouTube video comes out.
It might clash on her graduation day for when she becomes a paramedic. That's if she's not in hospital for her broken feet again.
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I would have absolutely zero sympathy after the mockery she's made of domestic violence victims.. She's caused her own shit storm let her live in it...and that's coming from someone who suffered domestic abuse for years.
I think many of us DV survivors thinks she deserves a slap for lying and making 💰 on this subject
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So if you have an opinion which differs from skanky and wanky your a troll, heaven forbid anyone should voice their displeasure at you pair of 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 you call them trolls.
Tbh using the word ‘troll’ to describe people outraged at KP faking DV is ironic in itself. Do these scumbags actually hear themselves?
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This has probably been asked before but do J&B get to see J&P? They're brothers and sisters, it would be a shame if they don't see each other. P&K should arrange a big joint holiday together, imagine her rage then 😂😂
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Chatty Member
Having kids is terrifying. Trying to make them well-rounded adults whilst dealing with your own demons is not for the faint-hearted! You try to do your best, but i'm sure by the time he is a teen, he'll hate me for something. lol ❤ 😘

❤ @littledumpling I second what @Urbanbunny said. The world needs more people like you and less of these crappy toxic "celebs".
If they hate you as a teenager, then that means you are doing a good job 😂😂
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Chatty Member
I'd completely forgotten about this attention seeking video 😂😂😂 Back in 2014 when she revealed the troof about Kieran's affair...
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Suppose she had to go somewhere seeing as Kieran and family have all gone on holiday ON A ✈ 🤣
Good for Kieron and Michelle. Where would those kids be without them watching over them. Can't get that post out of my mind about half price promising Jett a play station if he lied to the police about him hitting the skank. All of her kids except Harvey know what a liar she is and that she puts herself first, the man of the moment second and her kids a poor third. PA and KH must despise her.
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At this point in time, there is a reason why someone is at Tussauds and someone else is not.

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WHY are no media outlets touching her claim that she faked a bruise alleging it was a domestic violence incident?
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Pink Squirrel

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I go off to participate in real life for a few hours & come back to a new thread that I won the title of 😊😳 thank you folks.
So while I've been doing real life has anyone actually worked out what the hell is going on? No? I didn't think so 🥴 I wonder if she's had time to be annoyed that Kris was at another red carpet event last night, listed as a 'celebrity'' 🤣 Even Westbrook got an invite 😳 No Skanky & Crawl though, no invite for them. Maybe pop your matching blouses on & take a few snaps on the driveway? Just to show us all how happy you are & that you do get invites to events 🤣🤣
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