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Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but too much to catch up on! My favourite part was Katie’s ‘sniffling’ in the background, that’s when she wasn’t gobbing off 🙄 and yes, those looks he shot her when she spoke didn’t exactly scream loving couple….
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come on people , everyone who knows me on here, knows I like a laugh , But don't think i have laughed so much since ,well
cwying cwying in Fools and horses, I take the piss out of them two more than anyone , but I cant compete , they do it better than anyone ,
been in hysterics all day, They are comedy genius , Already started writing the sit com

Sun offices:
Here Fred , weren't that Pricey in here ? yeah Bert shes alway's here, wasn't that a bruise I saw on her face ? No ,she said it was makeup , er why ? didn't like to ask, you know pricey , perhaps its from last Halloween you know she's a dirty cow (both laugh) , want to sit in on the interview? wouldn't miss it for the world
So Katie, lets have ur version of events. Well ive got a big bruise , my face is puffy ,and I went to Hospital. er Katie, you just told us its makeup, yeah to hide the bruise silly , But Katie the makeup looks like a bruise , Nevermind lets move on,
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Am I really boring but those balloons serve no purpose and just extravagance for the sake of it? All I would be thinking if my husband did that (aside from if he’s lost his mind) is how much money had just been wasted.
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And she did this because she had it all planned out to fake a DV story (it had been spoken about last summer on here by Binfest before Slapgate happened, whether you believe them or not is up to you) and the events of that night presented her with the perfect opportunity.

But then she realised just what Carwash has got on her, so went back to him. She's failed in trying to make it all go away, now it's biting her on the arse.

Nobody will take her seriously now I hope.
if on the night she did tell the police that she was hit and now she is saying she was not and it was all made up she can and should be prosecuted for making a false statement to the police it is a illegal offence and you can get a six month prison sentence and fined section5(2) criminal law act 1967 making a false report
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Right I’m tipsy, totally sick to death of these two idiots and their games, the revelation of the fake DV story is abhorrent, there should be no way back from that, she’s plumbed new depths of horrendous behaviour. Seriously f*ck any TV show that gives her a contract now, she’s a total piece of shit, needs kicking into the sea, never to return….time for a long late night rant, I need an effing rant 🤪

Looks like they are going to try to just carry on regardless, but I do think it’s different this time, both their IG feeds are full of attacks about their behaviour, including some people who said they ’were’ fans, but they’ve had enough.

People are tearing him a new one over why he’s still with her, this ain’t going away, faking a DV incident is not going down well, even amongst people who said they liked them. They’ve exposed themselves as liars, something we know, but many don’t, they buy into their nonsense. Some of those people are pretty angry with them now.

This current ‘slapgate’ expose is just beginning, we’ve got a few weeks yet till his court date, pretty sure we in for more revelations over the coming weeks, none of it good for either of them. The tabloids have retreated entirely, normally they’ll publish a story about her washing her hair, but this juicy stuff, nothing. I dunno if this is purely for legal reasons, not to prejudice his upcoming case, or Skanky and The Scum perhaps committing perjury, whatever the reasons for them all not going near the Skank since those last IG rants by him this morning, something is afoot behind the scenes with the papers.

Whatever way the gruesome twosome try to spin this, they in the deepest shit, this will now have big ramifications for them as a couple, as I’ve said before, the whole setup with them just looks to me as if it’s a business relationship for cash. The way he’s worded his outbursts, “I’m caught up in something”, “this wasn’t my decision”, all of it, that wasn’t a man in love with her, this man wants fame and he’s fighting for that, he knows the DV charge destroys any media career. There is no love for his Dolly, it’s all fake from him. In her weird way, i do think she may believe she does actually love him, but it’s not love, she’s dead inside, she’s not wired like normal people, love for her just means she requires a man by her side 24/7, to do her bidding, she needs a chauffeur, she needs him for so many reasons other than love. She cannot function as a single woman, all her men are just props in her so called crazy life.

They both crave fame and coin over anything else, look at them at the NDA awards, lauding it like the fame hungry whores they are, H was irrelevant to them, yet it was his award. They were there for their personal gain, nothing else. it appears they may well fight hard to keep the business going, but it’s exposed as fakery now, I don’t think they have much mileage left in it. The fairytale wedding has gone, even many of their fans will question that nonsense now, the house of lies is tumbling In front of them and they know it. They may well try to stagger on talking shite but they’ve been rumbled, I don’t see them coming back from this.

F*ck knows where this charade goes next, but the eventual break-up will be spectacular, and it’s coming, no one can sustain a life like this for much longer, every week this year there’s been some sort of big drama, it’s exhausting watching it, must be hell living it. He’s starting to look really jaded with it all, and he’s throwing Dolly under the bus in some of his comments, this was not the fame he craved, it’s all coming to a head now. The PwiceWoods business model is entering administration, don’t think she’ll get out of this one, like her new face, it’s all f*cked to bits 👍🏼😁

Apologies for the length, I do go on a bit when the wine kicks in, and I did start drinking at 12 today, though I had a long break till tonight, I’m not a total lush 🤦🏽‍♀️🤪😜
ill help , i normally sit in front of the laptop, get the beers out and light a candle , then come on here, when i start seeing two candles time for Bed, getting there now, agree with everything you say, couldnt put it better, have you noticed they havent got a normal life , never out with friends ,
never do anything normal, never used to go anywhere without that plonker of a camera man , not bleedin normal , and the thing that gets me, never ever does anything normal with the kids
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So social services are involved and have stopped her seeing the 4 youngest (under 18) without supervision. Why does the same access restriction not apply to Harvey, he's over 18 but is a vulnerable adult in need of protection?
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You're touting to the converted, Mrs C is on our Krusty thread, you ok there? You been at the white lightening yourself tonight buddy? 🤣🤣🤣🥃🥂
My wonderful Face , you've known me long enough , you must Remember me when i first came on here , didnt drink , smoke , swear , was an innocent , Two weeks after meeting you lot I was a wreck , although i have got better lately , off the meths on the white lightening now
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AFP too busy entertaining Mr PP fencing. He worked with her husband Ray Infield, KP and Daniels dad. That‘s now how they met.
No wonder they are a fucked up family, as mother was/ is having it away behind hubbys back, with someone who is a pervert. A daughter with a Masters Degree who acts like shes as thick as pig shit, another daughter who is the most hated person in the country due to her neverending lies and deceit etc, and a son who isnt much better.
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Miss Havisham

VIP Member
He was waiting to see if he would be charged for assault. As she has either withdrawn her statement - or refused to give one, he has managed to escape the assault charge.

The make up story is the best they could come up with, as they have decided it’s a better option to him being charged for attacking her (after she regretted selling her story during her temporary split from him).
She probably did apply make up to make the bruising look worse for the tabloids - but if he didn’t hit her, who did?

The paramedics / hospital staff would have known if she wasn’t injured.

They are both lying. I hope the tabloids stop printing stories on them - they are both hideous.
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Katie Price getting an OBE would be one hell of an insult to the entire country,
apart from the cretins who think the sun shines out of her arse.
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Same....but shhhhhhhh dont tell anyone.....I actually have a date....terrified and nervous...what the hell do I wear, quick trip to salon to get my hair and nails done....OMG what do I wear, running in circles, torn wardrobe apart...maybe I will just get some sleep first lol after all this craziness. Love you Krusties xxx
Right, just Remember, 1 no fella is good enough for you , they should be honoured to be in your company
2. if he upsets you hes got us to deal with
3,. You are not going out dressed like that ! cover yourself up young lady
4. we will let u go , but make sure you're in by ten
apart from that you're good to go, good luck ♥
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Still looking like a duck-man
Just popped on, oh FFS after his throwing Dolly under the bus comments, they are running the happy couple line again.🤦🏽‍♀️

They are playing a game as usual, but I don’t see to what end.

What is very noticeable is she is constantly hiding her face, he points the camera at her and she turns away quickly, but not quick enough, so you can actually see her face. In that glimpse, can’t see anything particularly wrong 🤷🏽‍♀️ That cap is hiding her new weird hairline for sure, but what else is making her camera shy. Whatever‘s going on, don’t think she’s happy with the new look, something is up there.

Well they got the drinks In so coukd be more rants tonight…Woo EFfing Hoo 🤦🏽‍♀️🤪
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Right I’m tipsy, totally sick to death of these two idiots and their games, the revelation of the fake DV story is abhorrent, there should be no way back from that, she’s plumbed new depths of horrendous behaviour. Seriously f*ck any TV show that gives her a contract now, she’s a total piece of shit, needs kicking into the sea, never to return….time for a long late night rant, I need an effing rant 🤪

Looks like they are going to try to just carry on regardless, but I do think it’s different this time, both their IG feeds are full of attacks about their behaviour, including some people who said they ’were’ fans, but they’ve had enough.

People are tearing him a new one over why he’s still with her, this ain’t going away, faking a DV incident is not going down well, even amongst people who said they liked them. They’ve exposed themselves as liars, something we know, but many don’t, they buy into their nonsense. Some of those people are pretty angry with them now.

This current ‘slapgate’ expose is just beginning, we’ve got a few weeks yet till his court date, pretty sure we in for more revelations over the coming weeks, none of it good for either of them. The tabloids have retreated entirely, normally they’ll publish a story about her washing her hair, but this juicy stuff, nothing. I dunno if this is purely for legal reasons, not to prejudice his upcoming case, or Skanky and The Scum perhaps committing perjury, whatever the reasons for them all not going near the Skank since those last IG rants by him this morning, something is afoot behind the scenes with the papers.

Whatever way the gruesome twosome try to spin this, they in the deepest shit, this will now have big ramifications for them as a couple, as I’ve said before, the whole setup with them just looks to me as if it’s a business relationship for cash. The way he’s worded his outbursts, “I’m caught up in something”, “this wasn’t my decision”, all of it, that wasn’t a man in love with her, this man wants fame and he’s fighting for that, he knows the DV charge destroys any media career. There is no love for his Dolly, it’s all fake from him. In her weird way, i do think she may believe she does actually love him, but it’s not love, she’s dead inside, she’s not wired like normal people, love for her just means she requires a man by her side 24/7, to do her bidding, she needs a chauffeur, she needs him for so many reasons other than love. She cannot function as a single woman, all her men are just props in her so called crazy life.

They both crave fame and coin over anything else, look at them at the NDA awards, lauding it like the fame hungry whores they are, H was irrelevant to them, yet it was his award. They were there for their personal gain, nothing else. it appears they may well fight hard to keep the business going, but it’s exposed as fakery now, I don’t think they have much mileage left in it. The fairytale wedding has gone, even many of their fans will question that nonsense now, the house of lies is tumbling In front of them and they know it. They may well try to stagger on talking shite but they’ve been rumbled, I don’t see them coming back from this.

F*ck knows where this charade goes next, but the eventual break-up will be spectacular, and it’s coming, no one can sustain a life like this for much longer, every week this year there’s been some sort of big drama, it’s exhausting watching it, must be hell living it. He’s starting to look really jaded with it all, and he’s throwing Dolly under the bus in some of his comments, this was not the fame he craved, it’s all coming to a head now. The PwiceWoods business model is entering administration, don’t think she’ll get out of this one, like her new face, it’s all f*cked to bits 👍🏼😁

Apologies for the length, I do go on a bit when the wine kicks in, and I did start drinking at 12 today, though I had a long break till tonight, I’m not a total lush 🤦🏽‍♀️🤪😜
No worries, meanwhile they are probably sitting watching a film. Not talking to each other and staring at their phones! At least we are having a giggle. I live on my own but I'm never lonely when I've got all of you nutters to laugh at/with x
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Old leather face watching her inspiration. Oh I luuuuuvvvv it. Do you luv it Cole? Do you? Do you luvvvv it? I jus’ luv it!
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Hampshire Hog

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So if you have an opinion which differs from skanky and wanky your a troll, heaven forbid anyone should voice their displeasure at you pair of 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 you call them trolls.
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Surprised The Sun haven't retaliated, unless they are working on the story.
Even Johnny Depp couldnt win against The Sun. No one wins against Murdoch.
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Yes, you would of though if he had 100% solid proof the Police/CPS would not be taking this any further and had just given him a fine or warning for swearing in the street.
As usual with their bad behaviour timeline nothing adds up as no doubt they are trying so hard to cover up lies.
Maybe HE is a dealer in drugs & she is holding that over him. I think they’ve both got loads of dirt on each other. Somethings got to give soon.
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