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Pom Bear

VIP Member
I see Skanky is showcasing an Oompa Loompa look in these photos, she’s actually gone full-on orange.

State of it, straight out of Willy Wonka….

View attachment 1004250
I couldn't resist this. 🥰🤗❤😘 XX.

I'm still on the thread but skimming through and if I see something I like that's funny I'll add a reaction and any pics I make if I see any that can have the Pom treatment lol.
I rather that then give up completely, I'd miss everyone on here if I gave it up.💖
Love from Pom 🥰 x

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I really think she’s doing crack rather than just nose bag. She’s so fucking erratic. Why have the papers run with it? They must know it’s bullshit
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Hammers of hell

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I think the thing that riles me the most about the current situation, is her gloating and using potentially another woman's misery to point score against KH. At the end of the day no matter if he's innocent or indeed guilty then who the fuck is she to splash it all over social media making it about her?
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Oh Katie, think of the life you could've had.
Instead of being a decent human being & mother, you've decided to be an evil, vile, abusive, lying, manipulative Bint.

Your older kids must be so embarrassed by your actions. You've opened them up to vile comments from their peers & others, not that you give a shit!
I'm sure Pete, Kieron, Alex & all the others regret the day they set eyes on you.

You are a shit stain on humanity, an embarrassment to your kids & the damage your vindictive actions are causing them now & in their future years.

If you reach old age, which I doubt you will, you'll be a lonely, hard faced old Cunt.

I'm hoping you'll get yours & you Fuck Off into oblivion.
Nobody cares. You must see the hate you're creating in the media & on social media.

I hope you read here: So Fuck Off! You ugly, manly, man hating piece of shit!
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I do just feel that there is something in regard to Keiran and the accusations! Katie Price as much as I detest her has not initiated this. The police have asked him to come in for questioning, as a woman ( possibly underage at the time of the incident) has made allegations! Now whether she (KP) has been asked for a witness statement is not the reason Kieran has been accused.

She is just relishing in it that is obvious, but it doesn't take away that this could be true as much as we all detest her!

The police would have to have the individual involved to have made a complaint in order to take it forward. KP cannot do that on their behalf, so I do think we need to be mindful of a possible victim of something quite awful.
Can I ask how you know KP hasn’t initiated it, as she says there’s more to come and ‘they’ rather than one person as the Police have stated.
You say we should be mindful of a possible victim and I agree but don’t you feel you should be mindful of a man whose name has been plastered across the tabloids and KP’s social media when this hasn’t even been investigated by the Police thoroughly yet. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
Out of interest why do you feel there‘s something in regard to Kieran is it because you know of him, or because of what Katie has said about him over the years? It‘s all shocking to me and if Kieran has done wrong then he needs to be dealt with appropriately but not trial by social media which is what KP is doing and let’s not forget she has a history of trying to destroy her ex’s.
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It’s Gak o’clock again I see 👀❄ Incoherent ramblings. Reckons it’s having babies with Jaws? I don’t fucking think so you old trog! 5 you’ve failed already. If it does get pregnant hopefully Children’s Services will be on the ball and take the poor thing from it as soon as she shits it out; like they would any other junkie or child abusing piece of shit. She should be sterilised at this point.
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Michelle doing the kids homework on Kieran's stories. She clearly loves those children and their dad, I truly hope the accusations are false and that evil, jealous, vindictive bitch gets her well overdue comeuppance 🤬
It’s such a good “fuck you” to KP from Michelle 👏🏼
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Can we make a pact that we all go to bed at the same time tonight? I don't want to wake up tomorrow morning hanging like a dogs bollocks after drinking gin with 300 comments to catch up on 🥴
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And there’s more 🤦🏻‍♀️ What the actual fuck is she on about!
Fuck she really is truly delusional. " tried to ruin her life"....they have never said a bad word about her in public, in fact they have said good things for the children's sake whilst she has made up lies about the right, left and centre!

Does she not realise that trashing the fathers ( who have full custody of the children) only damages her children, who she professes to love so much. If she really loved them, she would come off drugs, drink and social media, ditch the Cole bf, buy a house suitable for them all to stay and get a job that doesn't involve social media!

In reality,there's no way she could cope with the children full time. Do you think she's ever gone through times tables with them like Michelle did tonight for either junior or princess either? Daily reading for school? Bedtime stories? Could she make them pack lunches? ( she got takeaway pizza on Xmas day the last Xmas they were with her). She doesn't actually have much interest in the children apart from what they can do for her and social services are right to keep them away from her. I hope all the kids are not too damaged by her recent rants especially the kids siblings that aren't hers. She really is a vile person...although cole seems to be exactly on her level.
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Instead of taking time out on a katie Price thread to get into what her exes have done and how they are dealing with their lives post pricey .......
Why don't we all look to what they are actually doing to bring all of her 5 children up... are you joking me... they have her children and theirs as well. They bring multiple families up and move on from whatever she's done to them in a positive way....
And she's coming out with some shite to fuck everyone's life up and try to get her off her charges in the past and ultimately in the future.... eeeewww few wks away....
Fuck off Pricey Scumbag.
We ALL see you
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So in the space of a week she's slagged Emily, made crazy declarations about Kieran and now slagging Pete in the same post as an apparent sex offender. Another note, p&j can make their own decisions on seeing her.... clearly they don't. All she gives a fuck about is lost photo ops there.
What's changed from the family saying she's mentally unwell. Why is Cole not stopping this? Sophie fucking Price and Iron Lung? Nothing has changed from these declarations of her being unwell, in fact it's escalated. But here they all are, letting her show the true cunt she is......
Makes you wonder do they want her gone too.....?????
I dont want to upset people here but I don't think she has MH issues, she is savvy enough to try and pull the wool. The broken heels, the rape when she was a child and older, which she won't talk about so obs on a retainer to keep his gob shut. All of the Priory stays... Total BS! She is a manipulative Nut Job!
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Pom Bear

VIP Member
Blooming heck you lot don't half chat, I've just caught up! 😂
@Pom Bear big hugs lovely and hope you're feeling better 💕

Just seen the adverts on C4 for Skanky's Shit Shed Show. I didn't realise Princess was in it, poor girl being groomed into saying "Lurve it!" to sound like the female who gave birth to her. First time I've seen it properly but it made me sad to see poor Princess Like that.

Thank you 😊❤🤗💕💖🥰😘 xx.
I'm a bit better today Pom hugs to you 🥰🤗😘 xx

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I've always thought that the "dirt" Cole has on her must be something concrete and irrefutable. Gotta be covert video recordings of her being aggressive to the kids, snorting lines, mocking Harvey, something like that. Something that would absolutely finish her once and for all.
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It's very telling she is making herself out to be the victim. IF it's true she chose to stay with him?! Her behaviour is hardly that of a role model. Could the victim that's come forward be an ex nanny? And WHAT is happening re the assault? If it's her current toy boy she's choosing to stay with him too!
But that’s just it…she IS a victim, remember, she was attacked and it was unprovoked! Now…let’s focus on that skanky…it’s awful you were a victim there…DV, coercive control…it was so shocking to you that your family and ‘staff’ went round to Coles house the very next morning with a photographer and plastic bags…we really need to help you close this trauma! Have you told someone about it? It’s ok for them to go to the press right and scream from the rooftops before it’s been properly investigated yeah?! Where’s that woman who outed Cole as the abuser…she has a right to name names as you’ve recently proven?! No really…let’s not get distracted…this is a serious crime to which you were an innocent victim…let’s get the criminal arrested so no other person can be innocently watching TV and be attacked!

fucking stupid BITCH!

it’s interesting she has all these violent horrific crimes happen to her, but NEVER names names! Rape…I’ll never say, car crash she’s pissed in the back…mystery driver…Attacked in Cole’s house…I don’t want to talk about it…fucking hell…all these ‘incidents’ she’ll need more than once a week therapy session! Fucking moron!
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And back to Michelle being a total star with those babies in her stories it's really got to sting KP hasn't it. Dignified. Mature. Loves the kids. Can work out 2 x 2 ;)
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They're going to have so much dirt on each other. They can never split up now.🙈
Cue angry Pricey rant on IG in 3,2,1…. On how solid they are and how he is the one 🥱

***sits down with a cuppa and some popcorn 🍿 awaiting 💥 ***🤣
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