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I mean it speaks volumes on her she claims she knew in 2016 about him (allegedly) grooming someone yet she still stayed with him and she renewed her vows in 2017 with him , so she stayed with someone and allowed him around her 5 children one being an extremely vulnerable teen at the time despite claiming she knew what he was doing and tried to help the girl, tried to help my arse you just wanting to gloat you old goat, and no doubt she will have Carl’s cards marked his time is coming.
Yep, her story is full of holes

Feeling disturbed by this latest development. Knowing her record I'd be inclined to believe Kieran, but if he's guilty as suggested then it's awful. If he's innocent then she has made this up to smear and ruin lives. Overall it's toxic and just not funny, this is serious now and i know we all like a laugh on the thread from time to time, but I feel the situation has changed with tonights events to a new level of deeply toxic and sad.
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Here we go guys … it’s kicking off! She’s admitted social services are involved!
If social services are involved her admittance is against herself...
Keirons got primary care of the kids not her...
Oh no Pricey you've just admitted what everyone surmised....
You don't have care of these two children...
Oh actually.... no children are left in your care....
Whoops 🤭
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Chatty Member
I feel so worried and uncomfortable about this new dark turn. But as usual she will get sympathy from her adoring deluded fans and more column inches and attention. So that’s all that matters. Why can’t more people see what we see?
Imagine trying to fuck up somebody’s life like this. Would she seriously be happy if he was convicted of a sex offence and then she had to parent her children full time???
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So she knew (allegedly) that Kieron was grooming an underage girl yet she still left her children in his care , and it’s only now an issue because ss have placed them in his care, the stupid oaf can’t. See that even if ss did remove them from him she wouldn't get them she’s already deemed unsafe ,her mother wouldn’t get them as apparently the grim reaper is knocking, she’s vile she will be sat with arse Cole clapping like a seal over this.
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Chatty Member
I mean it speaks volumes on her she claims she knew in 2016 about him (allegedly) grooming someone yet she still stayed with him and she renewed her vows in 2017 with him , so she stayed with someone and allowed him around her 5 children one being an extremely vulnerable teen at the time despite claiming she knew what he was doing and tried to help the girl, tried to help my arse you just wanting to gloat you old goat, and no doubt she will have Carl’s cards marked his time is coming.
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She is due at Crawley court 2pm on Monday courtroom number 02 for the unpaid fines.
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I very much doubt she even wants the kids back full-time. She's just trying to vindicate her own bad parenting. If equal rights were re-established it'd be 'see I told you so' then dump 'em back onto Kieran 99% of the time anyway..
This !

Imagine if she did get them back, she can’t drive, chauffeur boy will have to take them to and from school (ahem ! ) She will have to prepare their meals everyday, help with homework, arrange activities for them, the list of tasks is endless. Most of her nonsense of a life ends, zero time for driving around doing the ‘plaster classes‘ and all the other bs she does.

Social services are never going to allow this to happen, she’s admitted now she doesn’t have custody, but even if they did, neither Skanky or Wanky appear to have any desire to be full or even part time parents. For a start, how can there possibly be any sharing again after these allegations, true or false, no contact can happen between them after this, no more dropping the kids off to each other, that’s done now !

This has got to backfire on her in so many ways, and if the allegations are proved to be false this should really be the end of her. If Kieran proves he’s innocent, never want to see any TV show entertain the idea of pandering to to her again, she should be finished once and for all.

Those poor children, I am horrified for them, it’s actually made me feel quite tearful what will occur next, they will surely be affected whatever happens now, they will be caught up in the fallout of this, true or false the outcome for them will be difficult. If she has thrown this out just for revenge as Kieran is saying, she is despicable and as for that ‘shit fan’ post from Wanky….shudder, he IS as nasty as we think he is. He should be nowhere near those kids, shows how much he cares about their welfare, gloating like that.

This is really dark, and the way she was behaving on IG last night is scary, god knows where this leads to today, I am beyond WTF is going on.
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So as we thought channel 4 using just the filming before crash so only 3 instead of 6 and they seem to have cut Carl out of it hmmm
Channel 4 should still not be showing these shows, once the drink drive crash happened. They should have be pulled. She’s not even completed her sentence yet and they are promoting her on tv, it looks like channel 4 are saying it’s ok to commit criminal offences, and still not be blacklisted. What sort of impression does that give. I thought channel 4 had higher standards, obviously not.
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I still believe she is drunk/high tonight but feel sorry for Bunny and Jett. KH is their father ffs. What a fucking disgrace she is.
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Chatty Member
Kieran could be guilty but Skankys actions since 2016 just don't add up.

If I had reported someone for grooming a child, I certainly wouldn't be letting them have my kids without a fight. I would also not be on friendly terms with them either, especially if I had a teenage daughter.

Also, if she had divorced him for that reason, she would have been screaming it from the roof tops at the time!
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I wish people would stop saying she needs sectioning or to get help or therapy.
Theses nothing wrong whatsoever with her mental health, she just a nasty, spoilt, devious, lying, entitled bone idle cunt.
She couldn't tell the truth if her life depended on it, continual lies are just who she is, anything to detract from accepting any responsibility because in her head the world revolves around her.
And she can't live without it, she craves the constant attention and story telling because it makes her feel important and envied. I was going to say loved, but I really don't think she has any idea what love is and confused love with sex which is all she has to offer. And according to Charlie she is useless at that too!
Deep down inside 'it' is empty and soulless without feeling or pity for anyone but 'it' self and cannot bare the idea of anybody being happy, especially those she uses and abuses for her own ends when they finally leave.
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What a dark turn this has taken. It's like she's punishing J & B too for being happy with Kieran and Michelle - she must know they could end up in care if Kieran were to be charged (not that I think it is true for a minute). What a woeful existence, to be so full of bitterness and hatred. I can't imagine being that vindictive and evil, wanting to destroy people's lives and happy families. She's one twisted individual.
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That is such a good point. Seems like she knew before he did. So who told her?
I just can’t get my head around this. Meanwhile Kieran has been at Marwell Zoo with his partner & baby… so why the FUCK has this been released in the press before he’s even been interviewed? He hasn’t even been arrested!? Nah this fucking reeks to high heaven and like any unpleasant smell around her; she is usually always the cause. Rancid, evil, old whore. Her quest for revenge will be the final nail in her coffin. She hasn’t thought this one through and I’m here to see her fall. I’ve said it once and I will say it again - the only way this abomination will end is when she is finally dead.

I’m genuinely sad for the children though because they haven’t been thought of here. No change there.
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If memory serves me right ... didnt one of the ` tea ` servers, say ..... he had her on the floor and ` stamped on her cheek `.... so ` the dickless wonder ... billy no bollocks ... woman hating scumbag ` is correct, he didnt hit her, just stood on her face, while she lay on the floor🤔 ... you honestly couldnt make up this fucking BS if you tried ... these two thick cretins, give ` chavs ` a bad name 🤷‍♀️ :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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He will be tarnished by this forever if he is innocent.
If he is innocent then I hope this prompts him to do a tell all interview and leaves Katie with nowhere to hide.
Tell the press everything, every little thing, the drugs, the lies, the animal abuse, the no contact with kids, all of it should come out.
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Joanna Surrey

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I don't believe any of this for one single minute. The police would have hauled him in asap. I actually hate her tonight. I laugh and joke with everybody on here but she's just so horrible now that she's actually quite scary! Poor Kieran and Michelle and those poor little kids, she just couldn't bear to see that little family happy could she? If Carwash has any sense at all he should get those skates on tonight, down that drive and out of that horror house and it's occupant. He's stuffed if he stays. Either disappear into the gutter with her or end up on the receiving end of something like this.
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Pink Squirrel

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Chanel bore initially halted filming after the alleged attack. Stories around that time suggest they were filming with Skanky & Crawl. Filming halted for a second time after her unfortunate mishap in the car. However no mention of Crawl being in the program at that point, just her 🤔
Also reports stating the BBC follow up program about HER & Harvey was scrapped altogether 🤔🤷

FFS what will it take for the rancid old whore to be scrapped 😡🤯

And the feckin' article describing her as a 'devoted mum of 5'....... whaaaaaaaat?? Who the fuck writes this absolute shite?? She wasn't a 'devoted mum' when she had fucking custody!
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