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I think when they broadcast these shows, everyone that feels strongly enough needs to boycott them. Let channel 4 know that they made a big mistake giving a narcissistic, bullying criminal a platform.

Can 1 person take one for the team and watch it though to tell us what pure and utter shite she comes out with 🙄
I’m so hoping the real truth about her and the situation with the kids starts leaking out into mainstream media with the upcoming court cases. C4 are going to look pretty stupid if they continue to play ”happy families” with her 5 kids at home in the MM, if it’s widely known what we all know. C4 can bend the truth as much as they want, but The Sun are already writing scathing truthful articles about her. I do hope these projects really f*ck up for C4, it’s time all these programmes stopped pandering to her lies.
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I'm perfectly sure they read this and laugh at us when they get what they perceive as a victory. The more pissed off we are the more delighted they will be. That's the way bullies work, I know because I grew up with one.
Yep totally and I think they get off on posting cryptic stuff and watching us and the press trying to guess what they are doing. For instance that post about the traffic in London I think was to get everyone guessing where they were going - i.e. airport etc.

Karma works - it is slow but it does work, shes due a huge Karmic debt - to go with her other debts - it is starting to play out with her losing her family - kids too. The loss of her looks and figure will be one of the biggest challenges she will be facing - especially with someone as shallow as she is. Getting turned down by men would be her idea of a nightmare. In fact that will hurt her more than anything the law can do to her.
As for people advising her - anyone who ever challenged her was eventually kicked out of the circle as she wont listen to anyone and thinks those who criticise are just negative. Shame as she really could do with someone to get her out of this cycle of destruction - but she has booted out anyone who might be able to save her from this and all she is left with is some of her enablers.
As for all the TV stuff - it will just create more criticism as a majority of people now see her for what she is, even some of her devoted (Ron) fans have seen the light.
So we on here should just see her every stunt now as humorous as it isn't worth getting angry or upset over. I feel the same as most people how disgusting she is to her own kids, but we cant change that, thank god 4 of them have happy stable lives with their dads, unfortunately H hasn't as yet but him being at college is at least distancing him from this shit show and when it does hit the fan hopefully he will be far enough away for non of it to hit him.
Her kids deserve better.
Her "opportunities" will gradually dry up - as you can see from the type of shit she is promoting now - its not exactly big brands - her "star appeal" has shat itself and sneaked out the back door.

She needs to stop being disparaging about those she refers to dismissively as 'trannys' if she wants to get that kind of gig.
100% she shouldn't be welcome on Drag Race or similar after the way she has spoken about people in the past.
I bet all her exes are so relieved right now they are out of the picture with this kicking off.

Every little stunt she pulls in public now is adding to her "evidence" file - the more shit she does the more times she fucks up - so let her carry on - Im sure the powers that need to see what she is up to are kept informed and hopefully it get filed away for when it is needed - i.e. the ever changing state of her trotters.

So even if she does seem to get let off lightly with the house and crime - it just gives her more opportunity to keep fucking up. So it will all add up eventually. I don't want to see her end up dead - it will be horrible for her poor children however she deserves her comeuppance with Jail or thrown out of celebrity circles.
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With the amou nt of covid around there are a lot of cancellations, maybe she got her appt brought forward due to this.
I made a dental appt for mr S for 3 weeks time, they phoned later and said to come in first thing the next morning, lots of chopping and changing due covid.
I went private for my gallbladder and Spire have cancelled and rearranged my appointment 8 times since beginning of November - I still haven't seen anyone. At the rate i'm going, i'm going to have to search for a youtube tutorial and take the fecking thing out myself. lol
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Do you know who all their intimidating posts and videos were aimed at over the weekend? Like all these song lyrics they were singing “darling don’t say a word” and “you better watch, don’t mess with me”
I would assume Kirsty with everything that is going on. But between them they have so much beef with so many people it could be anyone 😂
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I remember seeing an old video of KP on a morning show and she was asked what her qualities were. The first thing she replied was "I'm good at making money" and the second thing she said was "I'm a good mum". Interesting how she said money before being a mum. And I thought anyone can be good at making money if you don't mind losing your dignity in the process!
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This is infuriating. Why is she, A CRIMINAL allowed to make money like this? I don't want to see her on TV unless it's an episode of 24 Hours In Police Custody where the actual truth finally comes out.
She'll be making good money from these programmes, and very publicly, so HMRC will be able to go after her for her unpaid tax and the Bankruptcy Court will have something to get their teeth into as well.
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The ex nanny claims about KP’s driveway at MM was most unseasonal 🧐
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Brilliant again DC. But these two would rather beg for food than pay for it, that’s how bad they are. No shame at all. Imagine saying “ please Mr, give us a couple of free Kababs and I’ll post a pic with your shop name on my Instagram”. How embarrassing, they must sit there phoning round the local area begging for free food.
Yes, I missed out constantly begging for food and freebies... yet, KP claims Mr Carol Woods has his own money (yet on good authority, he never puts his hand in his pocket)
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Well done Channel 4 for enabling skanky 👏🏼

Who cares what a drug addicted pisshead has to say!

Hopefully the Mucky Mansion gets repossessed and we can all laugh at you.

I detest her even more now 😡
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I've said this before, it's one of the ( many :confused:) things I just find shocking. It was worse than a few snide remarks it was a 3 year campaign of homophobic insults in the press, blackmail and revenge porn shared to multiple people, family and crowds of people. She was found liable in a civil court not a criminal one but yes.....what the fuck are the LBGTQ community thinking when they endorse her? What she did was basically a sex crime......against one of their own!
There are too many shallow, vacuous people in this world who just go along with someone because they are a little bit well known. We can also add to that list the braindead people at the autism charity who support her and idiots at Channel 4. Where is your ability to research? Why don't you find out a little bit about the person you are rewarding? Have some fucking integrity. Grrrrrr. Rant over 😫

If she does get a gig judging a drag show and no LBGTQ organisations speak up I think I will implode! Alex Reid would surely have something to say at least!
I read the court reports from that case and she was vile. She didnt turn up for any of the hearings. It was delayed and delayed, eventually heard in her absence. The judge was scathing and said would have awarded more if he could have
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Chatty Member
It's quite clear that KP and Mr Price read here, judging by their not-so-subtle digs on their Instagram. Someone mentions they never take their dogs for a walk=next day Look at me taking the dogs out. Or Mr Price hasn't been to the gym in months= 5am early start, heading off to the gym. All too obvious.
Well you both can put out as many firing shots and intimidating posts as you wish (aimed towards people on here, but more importantly witnesses in your ongoing court cases) and if we can see what you are doing, so can people like the authorities and eventually it WILL all catch up with you both, your luck will run out with keep getting away with things.
You really think you are being clever, but it's just pathetic, childish, deflection games, with your innocent children caught in the middle, what about their mental health, does that not matter to you one bit? Do you really not care about your children that much, that you put them through this head fvck everyday. You two are certainly a match made in heaven for each other, both narcissistic, lying, bullies who will eventually destroy each other. Your karma is coming, just look at the thousands of comments, the public despise the pair of you. You both really have NO shame or remorse for your actions. What a truly sad way to live your life, you both look miserable and full of jealousy, anger and hate towards everyone and the world and who knows, maybe each other. All that matters to KP is money (as she always says it first in whatever she is saying). Money and being talked about. What do you really have? A house under a repossession order, an undischarged bankruptcy, court cases galore, none of your children live with you, being investigated by the police, social services, no REAL friends, selling tat on social media and only Youtube videos of Harvey or yourselves, your 'companies' are not your own, you scam people, you constantly contradict yourselves, you have to sell staged photos to the press, you can't obey any rules, authority or laws.
You don't understand taking responsibility for your actions and never will, constantly blaming everyone else instead of looking in the mirror and seeing you are the only one at fault in the mess that is your life.
Yes @DC16 🙌🏻 absolutely spot on.

Shame, she will read this and not take any of it in though. #NarcLife
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