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I've said this before, it's one of the ( many :confused:) things I just find shocking. It was worse than a few snide remarks it was a 3 year campaign of homophobic insults in the press, blackmail and revenge porn shared to multiple people, family and crowds of people. She was found liable in a civil court not a criminal one but yes.....what the fuck are the LBGTQ community thinking when they endorse her? What she did was basically a sex crime......against one of their own!
There are too many shallow, vacuous people in this world who just go along with someone because they are a little bit well known. We can also add to that list the braindead people at the autism charity who support her and idiots at Channel 4. Where is your ability to research? Why don't you find out a little bit about the person you are rewarding? Have some fucking integrity. Grrrrrr. Rant over 😫

If she does get a gig judging a drag show and no LBGTQ organisations speak up I think I will implode! Alex Reid would surely have something to say at least!
We should write to Linda Riley at Diva magazine and similar influential LGBTQI folks, if she does get a spot on Drag Race. The gays need to get this bitch cancelled!
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Me too, after the shit show stunt she pulled in the hospital yesterday. Found out that last week that someone very dear to me miscarried a much longed for baby (10 years trying). She had to go through it alone in a hospital cubicle, silently sobbing as her husband couldn't even be in the same room as her let alone comfort her. A few others have posted similar stories about children/chemo and other relatives in same situations and my heart is truly breaking for all of you as well but this stunt has taken it to another level for me. Together with supposedly doing community service in a care home among vulnerable residents when I wasn't able to visit my dying dad in one until the manager was told by the GP to have some compassion and allow me in for his last breath, just stokes the hatred for her and I'm not and have never been a hating person. I can't believe that some "thing" like this has made me feel like this and I can't wait for the day she's brought down and punished for all the misery and hurt she's caused everyone.
Between her, the tories and their garden parties, and that tennis wanker travelling around when he knew he had Covid - seems like the rules are just there for us common folk, not the so-called elite.

I refuse to live in a world where Katie Price is better than me
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It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Katie does log onto princesses account just to like her own posts and unlike Emily and Pete’s and make it look like it’s princess, and also make it look like it’s princess posting the I love you mom stuff 🤷🏻‍♀️
I'd be worried her having Prinnys Log in, what Tom Dick or Harry could be able to get closer to Prinny, her Dad yes, let's hope her log in has been changed. And how dare she bring her youn daughter into her dirty dealings, yet another bad example she's setting!
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Oh she is going to hate this!!!
👏🏻 this is SPOT on!! Been lurking on here for a while.. actually used to like KP…fair to say that has well and truly changed! Can’t stand the woman trying to cling on to her well long gone youth! She Wants to take a step back from the spotlight and do what any decent human being would do and actually be a mother.
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A kebab on a Monday! Oh my god he’s so totally classy innit? One day I hope I can live in a mucky mansion with a faded reality star and eat kebabs. Gotta manifest and grind to be that successful.
I can see her coming down the stairs ever so careful, stopping to say, “I’m ready for my kebab Mr De Mille”.
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Following the which Teletubbie is Cole discussion, we all know which character Skanky is…



PS - I was a bit nervous googling for “noo noo gifs” but it was ok 🤣
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Chilli pepper 19

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For someone who's got three new TV series coming, getting married and hopefully pregnant neither is acting like they're winning at life. They're both acting like damaged caged animals making pathetic threats because that's all they've got. It's all falling down around them and they know it
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Staytemunt frum Meeeeee Kaytee Pryse Pete you cunt

Ryte sew eye sed wot eye ad 2 sey didn eye Pete you cunt.
Emlee as bin gettin ryte hon my nerfs wiv er buk an owl er fings abat muvverhud an shit. Wel, lit me til yew, eye ham nut hownlee a muvva eye ham an aktriss, foxee beengo muvva ov da yeer, mudel, entropentateer, orfa, singa, fashun disyna, campaynya 4 dislablabled, trowls an fings nut 2 menshun an owl rand top burd. Keeerun you wanka.
Yew ownlee av 2 luk at the WUN, me printz chow mein an fureva luv Coyle Wud 2 no dat dis iz IT!! Know mor drarmer for me in twenny twenny too. Woooooooo..Pete you cunt I luv it!!!
Sew...eye wil sea yew wen eye doo me docshumentararry abat me manshun. Eyme gunna av D eye Why S O S in becoz my Arve is dilabled an stuff. Carnt wayte 2 sho yew.
Pete you wanka. Gutta go coz me tag as gawn off an Coyle finks itz da car alarm on iz Nissan Jook.
Luv ya Keeeerun you wanka Kaytee xx
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She has got absolutely slaughter in the daily mail comments. Over 32000 likes on various posts.
Every time she opens her trout mouth she turns more and more people against her.
It chokes me to give her praise, but dam Katie you are super talented at bringing yourself down. She's gonna do us Krusties out of a job 🤣🤣🤣
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Are you FUCKING kidding me??? My child is currently having to spend her nights ALONE in hospital, going through the most horrendous Chemotherapy because of these fucking draconian rules, yet those pair of wankers get special treatment!!!! Anyone know which hospital? I’ll be writing to the health board. Anyone else willing to write in also?

Apologies if this has already been suggested btw, I’m a little behind!
I‘m so sorry for all you and your family are going through it’s heartbreaking. Sending hugs and hoping your daughter is allowed to return home soon 💕
I feel the same I’m livid and have written to the hospital. It was mentioned earlier it’s the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital.
Here‘s a link that gives emails of some of the Officers at that Hospital.
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isn't it supposed to start this week!...if she does come out with boots on it'll be so obvious what she is up to
If she can’t do her community service because of her feet, she sure as hell can sit in a prison cell 24/7 for the 16 weeks, or whatever the sentence was.
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Chelsea and Westminster hospital again, may be they need a few complaints sent in?

I’m fuming how she gets away with EVERYTHING 😡😡😡😡
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For someone who has sold every single story about herself, down to her bowel problems! And someone who would try to sell a bit of used toilet paper if she could, I find it extremely hard to believe when she implies that there are other things going on that she hasn't spoken about which would change everyones opinion of her. Yeah bloody right!
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Dear OfCom

This email is regarding the disgraceful treatment that Channel 4 is giving to the viewers. The vast majority of the public do not wish to see a convicted criminal being paid and given a TV show for a) Property that she should have sold ages ago and paid back her creditors and b) Some apparent mental health issues that seem to be her excuse to get away with her disgusting behaviour.

She has been in the media for over 20 years. Its quite clear that it's not PTSD causing her outbursts. She's a nasty, vindictive and horrible bully who cares about no one but herself. Below is a list of some of the times she has trolled, bullied, body shamed and got revenge on other people.

In the late 90s, she body shamed Dane Bowers when they broke up and said numerous times that he had a small penis. Imagine if a man spoke that away about a woman's body parts?

Took the virginity of a 17 year old child called Gareth Gates when she was 6 months pregnant. Her own son Harvey is older than Gareth at that age and her other son Junior is nearly there. After he denied it, she exposed all their private text messages and vowed to destroy his career! She succeeded.

Fat shamed Kelly Brooke. If someone said that to her, imagine her reaction!

Has trolled Victoria Beckham many times with comments like she has ugly teeth etc.

Had numerous slagging matches with Jody Marsh.

Admitted in her autobiography that she only slept with Dwight Yorke to get back at Dane because he is black.

Made nasty hypocritical comments about Jade Goody to the extent that she was banned from attending her funeral! (Not Peter Andre, just her).

Lied numerous times about Peter Andre so he has his legal team dealing with her.

Exploited Alex Reid's cross dressing habits to make money and then made numerous transphobic comments when they broke up. She has said many times that she has got loads of videos and threatens the "******" (her words) that she will expose them. She was found guilty of "Revenge Porn" when she showed the Big Brother audience private videos of him.

Tried to ruin the wedding day of Joe Hart and Kimberley Crew by tweeting "All Harts go out to the married couple is he going to tell her the truth about us?" Why would anyone be so nasty on someone's wedding day?

She has said many things about her ex friend Jayne Poutney including how she wouldnt care if she died. This could be seen as understandable as she had an affair with her then husband. But the law does not allow violence and she has somehow been able to get away with it. Her own words "I stood there for 30 seconds thinking ‘Oh my God,’ and then I grabbed the back of her head and pulled it right back and I heard her neck crick. “She didn’t move and I thought, ‘F**k, have I murdered her?’”
What was worse was that her children witnessed this. Her words again "They were standing there when I was punching Jane and her two teeth got knocked out. And they saw her with a black eye and they know I did it.”

She has had slanging matches with Jemma Lucy.

Slanging matches with Chris Hughes where she was leaving voice notes to him and his girlfriend Olivia threatening to end their careers.

She took her teenage daughter to Kris Boyson's house where she shouted at him and tried to climb into his window. Her own footage showed this.

Michelle Penticost has a restraining order against her for screaming and swearing in their children's school playground! She was found guilty by the judge for her behaviour which included making vile comments to her daughter Bunny, such as Michelle has a "fat arse" etc.

She made a vicious and nasty attack on Instagram about Emily Andre despite the fact that Emily has never spoken out against her and looks after her children. The children have also spoken very highly of her which makes it extra vindictive.

And after all this, she has the audacity to go on about anti-bullying and online trolls! She wants to start Harvey's Law, despite the above!

The list would be far longer but to avoid the risk of hearsay, these are just things she either wrote herself or said in a TV show or interview.

So based on her own words, do you think this woman should be on your channel?

People with class do not wish to associate with her. She was banned from the Hurlington Polo Cartier International match who stated "Jordan has been told she is not welcome. Polo is very prestigious and there are certain names they want there and others they definitely don't. Jordan is still too 'chavvy' as far as Cartier is concerned. Having Jordan there just wouldn't be in keeping with Cartier's image. If she turns up she will not be allowed access."

Now let's see other traits of her.

She exploits her children, especially Harvey. There are many videos of him where it is clear that he has been coached.

None of the children live with her, despite her attempts at acting like they do.

She is a known liar and hypocrite (this list of evidence will take far too long to write).

She has horrible manners, pooing and urinating on the side of the road, passing wind and burping all the time.

Her house is extremely dirty and messy.

She was caught on camera rapping about drugs (and loving it). Her ex Charles Drury said she would be up all night taking drugs.

She never wears her face mask in public or even in a hospital and was recently thrown off a flight for this.

She rarely wears a seatbelt and does not put one on her children when they are with her.

She and her current partner Carl Woods regularly attack members of the public if they say something they don't like and expose their names.

Despite owing millions, she goes on about 8 holidays a year and is constantly getting cosmetic treatments. And if these are freebies, it still shows what a nasty person she is, as its mocking her creditors.

Below is a list of her motoring offences.

2003: Price escaped a speeding charge after police failed to arrest her within 12 weeks of allegedly clocking 70mph in a 40mph zone in her Range Rover.
2008: After talking on the mobile phone while driving on April 18, Price landed three penalty points.
2009: Price failed to provide the identity of the driver after her car was allegedly caught speeding in a 30mph zone and was later handed four penalty points after being clocked at 99mph and was handed four points on her licence.
2010: Price was convicted for failing to be in proper control of her horsebox after veering into another lane in February and was given three points on her licence, bringing her total to 10. Then in December she was banned from driving for six months after doing 83mph in a 70mph zone in her home county of West Sussex.
2012: Two years later, Katie was disqualified for 12 months for failing to respond to two speeding tickets in September.
2018: Price landed a six-month ban in February 2018 for speeding after totting up 12 penalty points for speeding. In July, photos emerged of her driving while still banned. Then in October she was arrested on suspicion of drink driving and spent 13 hours in custody after crashing into a VW Golf and a hedge on a gated estate at 2am.
2019: She was given a three-month ban for driving while disqualified in January of that year. And then in October, Price was banned from driving for a further 18 months for failing to inform police who was behind the wheel of her pink Range Rover during a crash in Bexley, South East London.
2021: Price crashes her BMW car on a country road near her West Sussex home in the early hours of the morning in September after drinking and taking drugs. She pleaded guilty at Crawley Magistrates of drink driving, driving while disqualified and driving without insurance.
The 2019 incident was very suspicious as it was obvious she was driving but she claimed an unnamed person was but he ran off. She also claimed outside the courtroom "I would never drink and drive" and 2 years later she gets caught doing it. That doesn't mean she had never done so before.

Horses, dogs, cats, lizards, hedgehogs have all died in her property. There is an online petition calling for her to be banned from owning anymore pets. Animal Rights group PETA agree. "For dogs' sake, Katie must not be allowed to acquire any more animals," PETA's director Elisa Allen said in a statement.
She neglects her animals.

Please feel free to add anything I may have missed 🙄
Someone probably needs to make a list of the animals that died. I'm completely exhausted now.
I think we should all copy and paste this list or use the information from it and send it to others like channel 4 and whoever else.
Yes but apart from this what has she done wrong.
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don't know if any of you have seen the story in The Sun today about furious fans buying her old clothes and them never arriving ? Just in case any of you were planning to sit in tomorrow waiting for the postie
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Oh she is going to hate this!!!
Ouch that’s going to sting………. However she brought it on herself. The comment ‘Emily’s the better mother’ it seems she’s their only mother these days, can’t remember when Katie had her kids last, and I mean really had them. Surely the papers have noticed she’s never with them anymore, only Harvey. Why do they never mention this?
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Just ignore Mucky Mansion Doc on Channel 4 Krusties. She is self imploding. Let Channel 4 suck the last pennies they can make out of her.
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It's quite clear that KP and Mr Price read here, judging by their not-so-subtle digs on their Instagram. Someone mentions they never take their dogs for a walk=next day Look at me taking the dogs out. Or Mr Price hasn't been to the gym in months= 5am early start, heading off to the gym. All too obvious.
Well you both can put out as many firing shots and intimidating posts as you wish (aimed towards people on here, but more importantly witnesses in your ongoing court cases) and if we can see what you are doing, so can people like the authorities and eventually it WILL all catch up with you both, your luck will run out with keep getting away with things.
You really think you are being clever, but it's just pathetic, childish, deflection games, with your innocent children caught in the middle, what about their mental health, does that not matter to you one bit? Do you really not care about your children that much, that you put them through this head fvck everyday. You two are certainly a match made in heaven for each other, both narcissistic, lying, bullies who will eventually destroy each other. Your karma is coming, just look at the thousands of comments, the public despise the pair of you. You both really have NO shame or remorse for your actions. What a truly sad way to live your life, you both look miserable and full of jealousy, anger and hate towards everyone and the world and who knows, maybe each other. All that matters to KP is money (as she always says it first in whatever she is saying). Money and being talked about. What do you really have? A house under a repossession order, an undischarged bankruptcy, court cases galore, none of your children live with you, being investigated by the police, social services, no REAL friends, selling tat on social media and only Youtube videos of Harvey or yourselves, your 'companies' are not your own, you scam people, you constantly contradict yourselves, you have to sell staged photos to the press, you can't obey any rules, authority or laws.
You don't understand taking responsibility for your actions and never will, constantly blaming everyone else instead of looking in the mirror and seeing you are the only one at fault in the mess that is your life.
I totally agree she reads here, as so many times after we mention something on here…. as if by magic, it appears in her post on IG the next day. She doesn’t bother with Jet…a pic with Jet, she doesn’t see Harvey, a pic with Harvey on a day out, We rubbish her broken feet, she mentions her broken feet etc etc etc.
One thing you have missed though, she does not have the brain capacity to read a long rant on here….so keep it short! 🤣🤣🤣
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