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Well-known member
Anyone seen the latest?! That is not even close to how she normally looks I'm sorry!! Get your bump out I dont care but its shopped surely🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


VIP Member
NOOOOOOOOOO not the ‘chee a batter’ my biggest bugbear 😂 told my MIL to be she can’t come to our Italian wedding unless she learns how to pronounce ciabatta properly and now K “Nigella’ HM is at it 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Off to delivery the cake, says she probably won’t even get a slice because she’ll be dropping it off then follows it up with a smirk/laugh sooo that’s a lie khm
It makes me laugh because now she thinks she’s a cake pro... need to work on my “edging”.

There’s no edging 😂 you’ve substituted icing sugar for cream cheese, that isn’t how to make a cream cheese frosting 😳 it also look suspiciously like a cake I’ve made as well 🙈 although I don’t have a large following so not sure she’ll have even seen it.


VIP Member

Here are the follower stats. Steady decline until the gifted collabs come flooding in (guessing people follow her through the brands reposing her stories) and the key worker course is announced!


Well-known member
I was replying to you about the mixed race question. Not the name one. They came together in the post, although I typed them out separately. And pressed “post reply” separately for them both.

Trying to work it out how to work it out as I go.
It was actually you that threw the mixed race question out there...


VIP Member
I do remember that - it was an NCP car park and to be fair I used to live very close to one and there were frequent issues with thefts by “vagrants” for want of a better word - people who were yes rough sleepers but also had substance abuse issues and would often be seen trying to sell stolen goods in local pubs (this was in central London), people who were often under the influence shouting at people in the park etc. The use of the word homeless to describe them probably wasn’t the fairest as I’d personally say their petty crime / substance abuse was the main factor in them stealing as opposed to being rough sleepers but it does happen and NCP car parks are known to have issues with it happening in London. If they’re homeless people that did it (assuming she was told this by the car park staff), then that’s just a fact of the matter.. it’s not necessarily saying all homeless people are thieves or anything like it.
She does a lot wrong and thoughtless /unprofessional at times but I think people try and put words in to her mouth at times.
I just pressed reply not that familiar with how this all works. And as for how I ended up on this thread I been browsing through loads of them. I not come to read a particular account. I not heard of the majority of the accounts on here. She might be as annoying as hell just asked did she has a mixed parent and how she looks like educatingmummy boy a bit then got to I would get on with her because I thought a name was pretty 😂 so I don’t need to calm down or chill out I got judged for an observation. And thinking a name was nice that you (or whoever it was) didn’t. Must mean I’m her top fan or something 😂😂😂
Learning the ropes how to work this and reply and all that

New members bore me haha

You was one once 🙄


Well-known member
Feel like KHM should read Lisa potter- Dixon’s post on MUAs doing make up on people with skin that is different....she’s an unreal make up artist and just seems so lovely. So Kate, if your reading this...go follow her n learn something


New member
Kid'll probably be weaned on a fillet of fish.
Igtv telling us how important it is to give your baby healthy food like fish out of maccies


Had to message her about the grease jacuzzi she was cooking the prawns in. It really boils my piss seeing people cook with loads of pile when you literally barely need a covering at the bottom of the pan. Then add butter towards the end.
What did you say?? Block worthy ?


Well-known member
Can’t sleep so been browsing on here, did everyone see that vid of those vile girls starting a fight with those younger girls in Sefton Park? Well the footballers sister has now has a sex taped leaked on Twitter, spit roast 🤣 clearly off her head 🙈
Oh I saw this! How awful of them. Nasty bullies. Where is this sex tape?!!! Haha