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Chatty Member
How on earth at this stage can she say they’ll be back in the Salon from 6th July doing courses? Hmmm 3 months spent controlling a pandemic but KHM can have a group of people crammed in to a room together to learn how to do makeup from the 6th 🤔 When most salon are creating “waiting lists” and not booking anyone in just in case that changes. She’s actually deluded. Her job is a none essential contact role a) why would people want to be putting themselves in a room full of randoms and touching each other’s faces b) why would they need to when pubs/bars/restaurants still won’t be operating under normal procedures.

I doubt she’s spent any of this time putting actual measures in place at the salon that will meet government guidance?
she could not even spell government guidance let alone implement it !
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She’s such a cocky twat isn’t she, proper sly thinking she’s got one over on her followers by lying.

We can all remember you crying about trolls in front of your Celine bag about two weeks ago though hun 👋🏻
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Then clips KILL ME OFFFFFFF what the actual F.
Fair enough in one video/make up pic but they are not cute, they are not a vibe. They need to be shoved in your shit drawer. Forever.
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Probably the baby of the person who was in the room before her. She's got form for this kinda stuff 😂😂😂

Why the fuck is he sitting on a foot stool when there's a chair right there? So much is off with this photo. The pose looks so uncomfortable. He's not even properly holding her. Her eyes are open.

She's back posting her passive posts aimed at us. Better get the Mind PT on the blower KHM I sense a meltdown in 5..4..3..2..1
That picture is the most awkward thing I have ever seen. The body language and facial expressions say it all. And to scribble out the baby scan picture is ridiculous. She’s that grandiose she’s actually done that- WOW! Get the wannabee psychologist, the mind PT to sort your head out girl! Mind you, I don’t even think a psychologist could do that, you’re fucked! Been around too many people blowing hot air up your size 14 skirt too long. Ideas well above your station.
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No wonder she wants this site closed down. It’s not even salacious lies it’s normal people calling her bullshit how they see it. She’s vile and shes defo getting worse. How dare she look down her nose at a nurse? Brag about an 8 grand holiday she absolutely paid for on a credit card. At this point her followers are mostly there for a laugh. Next level, car crash narcissist.
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So she'll go to IKEA but expects people to believe she's going to drop a cake off at her bezzy cousins house who she's hung round with the whole of lock down 😂 OK boss babes! My jeans are a 16 but there big obviously forgetting she was a 16 before she got knocked up the whale 😂 I never used to want to insult her but she infuriates me!!!! Also they literally don't go anywhere alone do they?? Aside of him going to work but can't even got to maccies or to drop a cake off on your own!!! Wonder why🤔🤭
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She is one whopper!!!!! Why not come on an apologies and say “if this is how it’s come across then it’s not what I intended” instead of playing the victim again! She fucking loves this!!!!!!
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Walking contradiction strikes again. I found this boutique... and they gifted me. So you’ve been a cheeky cunt and messaged them on the beg? Awful.

Look at DJ Dirty Dick Indesit Daddio DIY here 😂😂😂😂😂 probably thinking cant wait till you fuck off back to home & bargain so I can text my lady friend for a Lockdown Meeting. Or maybe just get that phone out my fucking face.

I’ve noticed she’s uploading constantly again this week. That anxiety to post disappeared quickly


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That scan photo hahaha anyone else noticed the room is extremely SMOOTH?! DJ Daddio DIY has the smoothest t shirt and back I’ve ever seen. She must give her fella’s a complex you know.. imagine someone editing you?!! Suppose he’s lucky he’s not edited yet to look disformed like Philly-Long Fingers 😂🤣

think of all the admin from bed she’s gonna have to do when she has to push back those students in on the 6thJuly to September October time.

She really is thick as fuck. If colleges arent back till September why does she think she’s above them and can get students back from the 6th July? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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a change of name

Active member
Come on everyone, she’s ‘spreading awareness’ ain’t she?! Copying and pasting a few stories to make herself look good whilst most likely planning her non-socially distanced baby shower. Nothing like a bit of virtue signalling whilst trying to take the heat off yourself for flaunting lockdown for months. This all coming from a girl who drops a bit of casual racism into her daily conversations. I love being educated by the perennially fucking thick.
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It’s not even just her tho. Look at the uproar Lydia bright causes with the whole vaccination thing that THM jumped all over pretty much coming out as an anti vaxxer ffs, she’s so dangerous

Thread suggestion:

KHM is pissed again, while DIY Daddy’s hiding in the garden den
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Chatty Member
Why does she assume having an opinion is 'winning' 😂😂😂 there's no fucking prize Kate! Sad that you think people messaging you saying 'you shouldn't have to explain yourself' that you think your somehow winning? What you winning Kate? 😂😂
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Omg I've never commented on this thread but today I'm at my wits end. I'm ACTUALLY 37 weeks pregnant as of today. But I'll tell people I'm 39 to keep the suspense.... NO HUN. I'm 37 weeks which means I'm due in 3 weeks. ITS REALLY THAT SIMPLE.
Maybe she just doesn't understand?

She's stressing me out with the stuff she's eating too. I haven't had steak cooked the way I like it since I found out I was pregnant. I've been eating it (if I've eaten it) WELL DONE WITH NO PINK OR BLOOD. Next to no seafood. I've had salmon occasionally; As in like once a month. I've been in LOCKDOWN since FECKING March. What I'd give to traipse around home and bargain without a care in the world! FUCK ME. So shitting annoying I could boot her in the hunchback.

Glad to get that off my chest.
Aww I bumped into a pregnant lady whilst shopping for essentials which I do once a fortnight (I'm not pregnant nor classed as high risk) anyway we got talking and she was saying how bad she felt being out and she felt like everyone was looking at her in disgust but her husband is a keyworker and was self isolating so she never had a choice to go out and get essentials she was actually saying how guilty she felt for having to come out and it was her first time out since March! Then you have her going to pick fucking icing sugar up
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I’m older than 30 (a bit) and stick my hair in two buns all the time 😂 my fella thinks it’s cute but I probably look a show
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Probably those rotten stumps underneath her veneers causing problems 🤣

She’s the biggest meff in Liverpool she’s the least scouse bird I’ve ever seen! Don’t get me started on what she dresses herself in. And that house.
I know. her dress sense is pure rock ferry. How the fuck she had the cheek to comment on what anyone was wearing is beyond me. She used to meet lads of lad twitter in hotels, she’s vile
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Eleanor Abernathy

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And she’s off with the trolls again.. 🙄🙄
Regardless of what she said about alcohol, which I am still seething about after seeing the damage FAS does, she has still been flouting lockdown rules whilst heavily pregnant and failing to shield her unborn baby going against national medical advice. She says she’s a good mother to her unborn child - stay the fuck inside until she’s born then.
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