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Chatty Member
No I’m crying laughing her thinking she’s doing better than me when I have 2 living rooms and a garage that I haven’t had to turn into a cubbyhole you can’t fit a sofa in!!
2 bed semi with no living room CEO boss babe driving a 2005 range 🤣
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God first daddy delo let’s her have one bath now he’s bringing her a cup of tea in bed. He needs to calm down or we are all going to start getting jealous our fellas aren’t as perfect as him!
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Eleanor Abernathy

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I can’t cope with how many times she is saying “mum” what point is she even trying to make??

I think she’s heard the term “mum guilt” but is using it in the absolute wrong context? Why would you feel guilty if your baby was teething? That’s not mum guilt.
Mum guilt is what she should be feeling when she takes the poor kid out in her car seat for 12 hours of the day so she can get a Costa.
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Chatty Member
It’s the way she replies for me ... “listen” I can hear the attitude in her voice!
Also making out Daddy DIY wants to try for another baby just letting us all know he’s not getting it else where 🤢🤢 do us a favour ⛄
Another baby? Will their nursery be in the black shed? Girl hasn’t even got a living room, Jesus Christ sort your priorities out first! 🤣
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Chatty Member
Are they taking the piss out of us or is it a competition of who can get the worse advent? Kate's shitty dog stick or Chezzas butt plug calender?
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We’re all jealous that we’re not in Dubai getting shit on by Arabs. Yeh that’s it Kate.
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I would fucking piss myself if OHD turns out to be a HUUUUGE Princess Poppy/Queen Barb/Branch fan when she’s a toddler like my little girl.

I think that’s why she’s steering away from “Trolls” to “Karen’s” so she doesn’t see red when OHD is watching Trolls movies.

R.e the bizzare behaviour - I truly think she’s just not all there. And must try her hardest to seem normal but is incapable now because she can’t keep up with her own facade. What a smelly slob

Arrrr no she makes me cringe something rotten. No need for how mortifying she is. This is what makes me think she deffo does things on purpose cause for her at least if somethings been said, it’s better than nothing being said at all...

And her hair is clearly grease bound the fucking slob.
She’s been working out all week and her hair has been like a skin head/“hair mask” since Monday. Fucking RANNNNNK.
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Eleanor Abernathy

VIP Member
How can she have a washing pile like ‘Everist’ after a day of no washing?? There’s only 2 of them and a baby. Wish she’d stop trying to be relatable. She’ll only be relatable when she starts paying for baby stuff.
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Chatty Member
regarding the whole Kate’s nan situation, half of me wants to sympathise but sadly she and other people who haven’t taken lockdown seriously are probably the reason why the home is so strict. She’s used lockdown as an extended bank holiday, travelling throughout the entire of the north west with no consideration of others whatsoever. I bet she would be furious if a member of staff at her nan’s home acted the way she has and introduced covid to the home.
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Has anyone else noticed how she hasn’t posted about doing Courtney’s workouts since Courtney’s lives have stopped which confirms she’s Cba paying for her friends app yet on her Q&A she’s telling people how amazing Courtney’s app is. We all know you were only doing the free ones live at 8am love, no need to try and convince us you put your hand in your pocket to support your ‘friends’ business.
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Chatty Member
Maybe I am a fucking Karen but if it saves your babies life maybe it’s worth it....
Babies should not be out in car seats with their outdoor clothing on.
1. Because it’s dangerous if in a car accident.
2. They’ll get too hot (especially in a presumably warm house)

I am by no means the mum police, I’ve put all of my babies in their car seat for a nap at some point and rocked them off to the land of nod but at least be bloody sensible. For starters get her off the kitchen side 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Guys I’m furious with you all.

Ive been catching up on this thread with my bespoke baby napping on my #postpartummumtum (def can’t get away with that anymore, she’s 1!) and I laughed so much reading this I jiggled the little sod awake. Anyway, now I have to actually parent thanks to you all, I may take to insta and record 40 stories about it, obviously I’ll refer to the fact I’m a mum twice per story otherwise people may forget.

I’m also furious with myself that I never noticed that pudding head had a wig on in that leccy pram post, it’s made my day.
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Oh she can get to fuck the liar!!! It’s all here in black and white what’s she’s done
Don’t tell me she has given an interview for the scum? Wtf I’m not clicking on it I wouldn’t give that paper the steam of my shit!!!
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If we didn’t have photographic evidence of Olive existing I think I’d think she was a full on psychopath who’s pretending to have a baby the way she writes things. As if she’s picked up a baby book and is just reeling off milestones in a bid to be relatable and make people believe she got a totally bespoke baby, when she quite clearly isn’t there yet.
Weird, weird, weird 🥴
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Eleanor Abernathy

VIP Member
I realise most of you won't read The Scum, but saw this mentioned on another thread.

'Fabricated reports of her breaking lockdown rules'...lazy journalism there as a quick search here or even following her stories for a few days would have had them not use that as these reports are unlikely 'fabricated'! And well of course the tabloids haven't spent years dragging down 'celebs' even without the evidence that these 'influencers' provide themselves by oversharing for money and gifts!

They all need to stop plastering kids online creating a digital footprint for them before they can consent in exchange for free tat!
As if someone from Liverpool has allowed the scum to quote them. 😡😡
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Chatty Member is this new agent telling her to be more 'funny' or something, what was that fake as fuck laughing and the dancing and OMG is she having an actual breakdown? What's wrong with her lately? She is as false as her fucking Chanel shoes 🤢
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She’s been quiet on so social media today which means she gets to spend the whole of tomorrow telling us how wonderful her life is, how she just completelllllllllllly forgot to go on social media.. oh and not to forget that this means that ‘we don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes guyssssss’....

Which we all know translates too.. sorry didn’t come on yesterday guysssss, had the whole family round for truffle pie. “So yeah”.
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She asks for opinions but then anyone’s opinions who differ from her makes them a mum shammer 🙄
There is mum shaming Kate, like people saying mums who formula feed are bad or new mums should be showered, dressed and ready for the day before 9am or they are lazy terribly mums... then there is people pointing out real concerns when a child could potentially be in danger, like being left on top of a kitchen island in a bouncer or sleepyhead where they could easily fall from a height that could be fatal to a child that young - 2 completely different things 👍🏼
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