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In fairness she does usually reply to everything. Every message I've ever sent has had a reply! So I don't think she'll ignore it, however she wont want to be the only CM vlogger to publically diss what meldrum has done. I expect she may reply privately
Yes same she has replied to every message and comment from me, even the ‘where’s your top from please’ annoying ones! More than can be said for most.
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She hasn't come up with anything original since the glass box extension decor wise.
I think the influencers are very influenced these days. Everything she's chosen is very trendy, hague blue paint, the blush pink accents and the freestanding tub. It looks nice enough, but I don't see much of their personalities in it and that is a shame.
Problem is it’ll become untrendy and more bland. All a bit dull. Thing is these people are constantly trying to keep up with each other that they forget to see outside the box - literally. I wonder if they’ve watched the Truman show?
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I normally like her house taste, but that island is far too big for the kitchen and I think she'll realise her mistake in a few months. Also in the camp that thinks the snug is tiny and a pointless waste of money!
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We completely removed ourselves from social media and do not regret it. Five of my co-workers were fired in 2018 for posting company-related information on various platforms. Beyond that, all people ever seem to do is use social media to feed their narcissistic personalities, promote negativity, set unrealistic expectations, or pretend to be a SJW. I've found that the older I get, the less patience I have for such nonsense. If you know that you are easily triggered by things then it really is in your best interest to remove yourself from the situation.

With regards to Katie, I did not realize that she and Jon owned their own company together.
She has spoken about them starting a company together years ago but never shared many details about it. Their skills sets fit really well together so it makes sense.
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Don't like the tiles she's going for. She's posted a picture on her stories and they look like blocks of camembert cheese.
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The most local private school to her is about 17k per child per year at senior level and that’s one of the cheaper ones in the area. maybe she’s investing wisely with her instagram earnings.
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You’d think she lived her life out of her comfort zone the way she goes on! Another “oh it’s just little old me” post again, rolling out the same boring cliches about having no confidence blah, blah, blah. What Katie needs to do is face the fact that she does love herself, her life, her things, she does love having her ego stroked by 70k+ strangers and all the free stuff she and her family gets in return for some form of work. She needs to own it and get over this self-deprecating rubbish she thinks her followers want to hear. It’s boring and disingenuous. You love your life! Great! Get on with it then!
Absolutely love this!!!!

I’m not sure what’s more laughable! Her ‘going out of her comfort zone’ to do a podcast with people or the continuous ‘ little old me’ posts!! 🤢😂
Also agree with @Yoghurtpots So spot on with the look at my clothes, look at my kitchen, look at my garden, look at my dressing table, look at my bathroom, look at my teeth, look at my more than one pair of glasses!! None of her stuff is cheap!! Don’t forget though, Jon keeps gaining new contracts with an American company. Remember one time she said one of his contracts had ended and money may be tight!! Yeh, right Katie! You have the money rolling in from your ‘work’ that all your minions help to bump up through your Ads, freebies etc!!
Stop the pretence of being humble and thankful!!!! You have a great life and you know it!! You were just very lucky you got the Instagram/blogging thing when you did. Mind you, you also have the money to buy the posh cameras to be able to make content and you have a yes man husband to help you with setting up a web page. You are also very lucky to have lots of support to look after kids while you’re faffing making content etc!!

Poor little Katie is getting worried about what people think!! Cue the ‘anxious’ post!!!! 🙄🤢
She shouldn’t worry, she has her little paying minions standing up for her!! After all they’ll help pay for her kitchen when she lets them all know where her kitchen is from.... she’ll start doing the ads and gaining even more money!!
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she comes across as really shy and awkward etc, so that's why I found it odd she used to be in the police?! I don't buy her overly sweet act. I don't think she's a bad or horrible person, in fact one of the better ones, definitely. But still I find she's putting an act on for Instagram.
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I can’t inagine the Florida trip cost as much as it would for one of us to go, most of it was partnerships, gifted, discounted etc. Not saying it was cheap, but certainly not as expensive as you’d think.

I also get the impression Jon earns a really good wage, and @letitallout is spot on, influencers command big salaries. I know Alex Gladwin was, at one point, earning £9k for a sponsored/ad video. Just the video. So imagine everything else on top.

Also I don’t believe that figure of £75k for the kitchen and work at all. That’s insanity.
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Active member
Can we get back on topic please?
Apologies, but I think if a member here is posting about having emotional problems and potential mental health issues from what they're consuming on social media, I'd rather take a couple of minutes out of my day to try and offer some sensible advice to help them, rather than ignore them.

Don't get me wrong, I love a gossip about influencers as much as the next person, but when I see someone clearly hurting and upset, I feel the need to try and help.
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I find her such an instagram cliche when it comes to interiors. Her style is heavily influenced by the trends, I know that the kitchen isn’t navy blue but it is very very close in shade and style. I’m just getting very bored of seeing the same colour palettes in all the insta homes-navy, charcoal, dusky pink 🤷🏼‍♀️
And the fact that she keeps having to tell people it’s not navy goes to show how close to it she is. Or was that her way of making people talk about it.... 🤔
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Has anyone else noticed that weird brown line around her top lip? Its like a faded lip liner tattoo. Has she ever addressed it? I've always wondered what it was but don't want to offend her by asking incase she is paranoid about it
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The american holiday i think was "working" with a brand, this one is paid for by them. I think he earns well plus she also does "content work" whatever that it for travel companies so will be earning quite well i would have thought, plus her ads like next etc. I dont mind her, like her decor and style, she is a bit annoying with the self criticism but always seems to declare ads and respond to comments.
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Yes, this is why I stopped following. The 'just like you' act doesn't wash with me. Admit that you got a great Ad deal or that a video got so many views you were able to pay for such and such but they can't do that because viewers would work out that they are being used.

When I followed she was fabulous at replying and really quickly sometimes too. I did wonder how she did this when she has three children to look after. Mrs Meldrum has implied that a lot of influencers don't actually reply themselves and I wonder if Katie is one of them? Emily Norris is another who always replied. Again I now suspect it is actually someone else from Channel Mum or an assistant replying on their behalf.
I assume that she gets a lot of the same questions so copying and pasting a prewritten response with a slight edit would quicken the process up.
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