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Chatty Member
They can’t just go on a week long package holiday can they. Has to be a “once in a lifetime road trip” doesn’t it
I just thought the same. Made me laugh how Brummymummy said her husbands ideal holiday was a week in Lanzarote. The Ellisons would never.
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Love how’s she’s posting an advert ice cream whilst wearing a vest and shorts in the garden at a time where it’s nearly dark here and I’m wearing my pjs, slippers, dressing gown and a blanket as it’s freezing. Really relevant advert timing much 🙄
I felt that Ad was terrible. Her kids don’t even go to bed before it’s dark at their age, her eldest is at high school, they’re not toddlers tucked up in bed at 7pm! What a load of nonsense! All for some ice cream 😂😂
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She is definitely a people pleaser, but at least she is aware of other people's circumstances and tries to be tactful I suppose. Got to be grateful for the bare minimum with these influencers.
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Is it windy where you are? Can you let Katie know. What kind of content is this? She is scraping the barrel of content lately. It's is so boring. Who are the people clinking to let Katie know what the frigging wind is like in their area?!?
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What would you suggest an 11 year old girl should wear? What is wrong with the shorts and shoes that make a child look 'awful'?
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Yeah sometimes I do wonder what it's actually like or how much time it takes to get the 'perfect' photo. Like how many times do they have to do a staged walk up and down the street holding hands.
I bet it looks quite silly in real life!
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Chatty Member
This is why I unfollowed her a while ago. I hate how all these huns try to make out Dubai is an affordable holiday destination for families. I mean, it’s probably amazing, and you can probably get some good flight deals but it’s so expensive when you are there. And how are her kids allowed time off? Surely it’s not half term yet?
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She rarely does a day in the life vlog now without an AD 🥱 Emma mattress are really doing the rounds at the moment!
It’s so put me off Emma Matresses though and I really want one! Why gift rich people things they don’t need to gain business! I’ll be going elsewhere now. It’s shameful what SM has become. So crass even the least offensive like Katie have become seedy grabby shallow c**ts 🤢
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Her story about the graffiti made me laugh, Lisbon clearly didn’t meet her shiny constantly insta-perfect needs 🙄
I’ve been to Lisbon a lot. The vast majority of the place is a sh*thole - they have spent a lot of money around where the cruise terminal is but that’s it. I was hoping she would take a picture of the make shift tents on the river front where all the homeless people sleep. It’s actually quiet frightening how many people don’t have proper homes in that city - couldn’t be further from Katie’s perfect life.
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Chatty Member
I've just watched her morning routine. I don't really mind Katie, but I call BS on it.
She shows the clock in the kitchen and it's 7:44, kids aren't even dressed. She says the younger two are in breakfast club, so she drops Maddie off. Say she drops Maddie off at 8:15, she then has time to go to the gym and do a workout, comes home and makes some breakfast then sits and eats it, then has a shower does her make up and gets dressed and she is sat at her desk ready to start work at 9:30am she says. I'm sorry but piss off!!! I like to get things done quickly, but that's just impossible. She just doesn't want to be called out on the fact that she basically dicks around for the morning and doesn't actually sit at her desk till about lunchtime I would guess. It doesn't arse me either way, but don't pretend you can get all that shit done in an hour!
This is what makes people feel shit about their own lives - because Insta is full of lies! I'd much rather see a genuine morning routine that I could aim for, not one that is unachievable!
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My only issue with Katie is how she downplays everything because she wants other people to think she’s just your average mum living an average life. She’s so self deprecating in a bid to appear more likeable and constantly says she bought things on offer to try and make out they aren’t loaded (they are...). I just find it all so false which is ironic as she is trying her hardest to come across as this open book.

She clearly reads here a lot too as she hasn’t done a single “mock the old Instagram post” story since someone above pointed out how offensive it is.
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Yes of course Katie lets her 3 children choose decorations every year for the tree and yet every bauble is clear or white 🧐 where is the garish donut one or one of a ufo like a child actually would choose. She clearly tells them to either, choose a white/clear bauble or she 'helps' them choose. Why must she always try to be so perfect, its really annoying.
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Louise Pentland, Emily Norris, Brummy Mummy and Katie all have children going into high school and all of them appear MUCH younger. I was on my sons tiktok looking at what his peers post and I was shocked! Girls in year 7 flaunting their boobs, vaping, posing.. my area is a nice area too (albeit in Manchester, not some quaint village). Them kids will be bullied or at the very least stand out and be easy prey. I do think that the thing they have in common is parents keeping them young for brand deals. Its not fair on the children. Living as walking bilboards rather than normal children. I can only see it backfiring.
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Imagine needing to use a changing room and some dense bimbo like Katie is hogging it just to film. I'd be fuming!
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Her teeth look odd. As do the cheeks.

I wish she’d let her kids grow their fringes out. They’re so thick and outdated looking.
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Chatty Member
I laughed at "Football Escapes is like a family", its a business Katie and an overpriced one at that.
I love that she knows this after 2 days, and her kids playing football for 4 hours!!
It's obviously a luxury hotel - £1600 for 2 nights in August with only 2 kids (wouldn't let me add a third!) - but that's still a crazy price range for her to be advertising!!

I see all the other Influenzas are commenting on her post, no doubt they'll be on the next one after begging the company.
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@Unicorn_Poop This is why I think family vloggers/Instagramers are so damaging. Thank goodness for Tattle for reminding me these are not everyday, normal families. I'm not envious of their homes, clothes, beauty pie make up or Hello Fresh subscription boxes but when you see the children of these influencers being given opportunities of a lifetime several times a year it started to make me find inadequate as a parent. As if I am somehow letting down my child by not taking them to Disney every summer. That's how marketing works. Makes you feel you need this brand etc. No issue when it is aimed at adults but the likes of Disney /Football Escapes when these influencers will be posting about how they have created memories for their kids or how their children told them it had been the best time ever (Maddie cried when we told her where we were going) is emotional blackmail for parents.

I try and remember that when I am on holiday my phone will be staying locked in the safe. I will be present and involved in our holiday not worrying about creating the prefect shot of family life or writing up a caption to sell a brand or answering DMs from strangers.

Also be reasured that as our children get to Maddie's age and assume is allowed some independence by walking or getting the bus to school there aren't 80k strangers who know their names, birthday, dogs name, hobbies, what their bedrooms look like. I will take that over a gifted holiday any day of the week.
A fantastic post x

And you are right, your children will have wonderful memories of you actually being present in the moment in a genuine way rather than being present but spending that time looking for the best "moment" to share. I can imagine a lot of these "perfect moments" are quite stressful for the children - having to pose and retake shot after shot, if it is a video potentially having to learn a line or rehearse how best to look as excited or happy as possible.

I truly feel for these children of Influencers and often wonder how they will feel as adults. The privacy side of things is something that worries me greatly!
How will they feel when they look back at what they thought were genuine moments of joy only to realise it was all curated by their parents for their Timeline and followers, or worse for a company to make money.

I also wonder how these children will grow up and cope as young adults or parents themselves. Unless they go on to become Influencers themselves or are able to take advantage of their parents notoriety how will they be able to live the same standard of life they currently have? If they grow up believing these extravagant holidays and free trips to events are normal will they go on to feel inadequate as a parent themselves when they cannot provide the same for their own children?

Sorry for waffling!
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