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She basically ignores those kids and then begs for money to buy them expensive shit when their behaviour is getting out of hand. I feel so sorry for those boys.
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Both begs and pretending to be in a relationship for more views and gifts so her son only gets two cards where’s the grandad and her brother and sister that she did TikToks with? She’s probaly screwed them over aswell, playing the poor tale yet again but is buying a summer house for the garden
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She’s live now on tiktok (that lasted long) wanting to announce how brilliant her life is….. why does she need to announce everything 😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈 claiming your life and kids lives are better then why come on when they are at school 😂
If everything was that much better she wouldn’t even feel the need to come live to tell everyone that 😂 claiming she’s had too many messages and it’s easier this way, bullshit she shouldn’t worry about strangers messaging asking how she is
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Genuinely don’t think she would say her name or bring her up personally, I have to say her Misses is one Katie does not want to mess with and I think Katie knows this deep down. She will just dig and point but won’t say it out loud. She knows she’s balancing on the edge so will keep it her way for now; until that wind blows her off and then it’s game over for her.
For me, this is all an online thing. Like for most of us tattlers but for the one she’s accusing it was real life. I cannot imagine how it would be having what happened to her; my inner anger just wouldn’t. And Katie needs to mind herself going forward. She is genuinely happy, has a great life, the same as a lot (if not all!) of her ex’s have now. They are all settled, getting married, having a great life and then there is buck tooth Katie … begging.
She’s indirectly said it by saying she used someone to pretend they didn’t like her to see who would approach them and they grassed themselves in apparently, but it’s Katie and that’s probably just made up to try bring more drama and got the guessing games to start. She’s irritating and people who haven’t watched her long won’t have a clue who she’s on about but for us who have watched for a long time it took me a while to think who she was on about and then it clicked.
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Omg she’s vile! Never anyone else’s fault!
Makes me so angry 😡 I was calling her out in that live but with all the “love”, my comments were missed.
How can all these dickheads not see this is a pattern?
I saw a few minutes of it. As we all suspected. And agreement with social, that she can't discuss it. Yet then goes on. The SS need to drug test the oldest and her too. Cause she is full of BS!
She’s always played the victim card too easily. It’s like it’s her main side of her personality. We could all see it coming, Katie drops seeds and plants seeds before doing anything and she will no doubt have pictures or shit of Chloe taking pills etc because she plans every meticulous detail of every relationship. They are all filmed without knowledge and she uses their past or their vulnerabilities to strike them. We’ve all said it before just how genuinely dangerous someone like her is.
Hi, hope you doing OK? Good to see you.
Oh and we need a new thread soon lol
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Chatty Member
Chloe got no money katie kept it all and gave her nothing.
I struggled to understand most of it cos her accent is so strong 🤣
Oh also she said when they were on live katie was all over her all loving g and stuff as soon as the live would end she would be cold towards chloe
For all Chloe’s downfalls in life she does own her shit, she doesn’t expect a pity party she does hold her hands up which fair play to her. She’s clearly had a traumatic life and has her struggles. She seems a lovely girl with her head screwed on and I really do hope she gets help with getting clean. Baby steps and the motivation will get her through it and staying away from Katie Bailey. The worst person to ever turn too for genuine support, woman can’t lie straight in bed …. Well unless she’s in a fake relationship then she lies as straight as it comes. I really don’t even think she’s a lesbian she comes across as someone who is asexual tbf but has probably held on to being a lesbian that long as it was probably the latest craze when she said she was one 🤦‍♀️
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these creators are actually boiling my piss now think I need to come off tik tok why constantly would you do this if it’s affecting your mental health that much stay off the app but then in another way not sticking up for her but I understand people need people to talk to just delete the comments and don’t go on about all the hate all the time
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She has no care at all. Which is just so unnerving and actually quite worrying. The fact she sees nothing wrong with it, doesn’t have any shame and excuses her behaviour is scary. She has no care for how her kids will react or be treated; she blames the ‘trolls’ rather than herself. Her enablers are just as worrisome. How they can sit and support her is mind blowing. I do feel sorry for her kids; mostly the eldest. No wonder he is completely off the rails because he’s had to have more a backbone and a front than she ever would. While she should be supporting her kids and their mental health and their well being, the eldest is doing just that and putting on a front so he isn’t bullied because of his sick and twisted mum. He’s taking the flack for her and she still sees no issue in that, he has to prove himself over and over and no doubt beat away the bullies at his school all because his buck toothed beggy mum cannot come of an app and give them a better life.
Maybe this is why he refuses to go to school cos he's to embarrassed as he gets bullied cos of his mother
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What the fuck is that on her head? As she never had any money I’m assuming that hair is reused from old Barbie dolls and free?
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the cheek

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PENDING:: fake overdose… she’ll be copying cla and Gemma soon or pretend she’s in the hospital because of ‘trolls’ silly thing she is
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I have just seen cloe on live, they are going over to Ireland as its half term. But Katie needs her medication first lol. And cloe is going to tell them at the Dr's. I couldn't watch any longer.
It’s half term for beggy every day.. kids are never in school anyway
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On the beg again and fake drama. Sitting on live with the croaky voice and picking at her skin. Kid in the background after vowing to never do that again for the millionth time
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She said she was meant to see her daughter today but katie messed her around, and cos of all the drama she missed her flight and had to get a other, then she had a 2 hour train journey
I’m not surprised. Katie was meant to be driving them all to the airport for a 7am flight and at 2.30am Chloe was being escorted from Katie’s to a local McDonalds by police. Honestly if I lived close I would have been tempted to jump in my car and take her to the airport. I felt so sorry for her. Narcs are so bloody predictable with their nasty little power games and always playing the victim.
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Sorry I wasn’t gonna comment but oh well… I’ve been watching this shitshow the last week and I must say I’ve been rolling laughing. To tinkle whoever you are you’re a fudging legend!!! Now… I’ve been sent a video of her live saying it’s disgusting how people have outed her address. Katie Katie Katie are you forgetting you’ve signed a form with police when you admitted to outing my address online to them a month ago that you’re not allowed to mention me or try to contact me, which you’ve stuck to so yeah there is that I guess!! And Hannah told them you made the fake account.. with my name face and calling me a pedalo, on my daughters 14th birthday in Jan and if it wasn’t for three beautiful friends who I’ll cherish with my every being I’d be gone!!!!! Outing my partners naval base and his badge number … putting me and my kids in danger…and now you wanna cry because someone’s done it to you, what a shame. 😂😂 I’ll say no more, tinkle please message me 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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