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She's added yet more dodgy hair clips to her website... type them in Ebay and you can get them for £1... she flogging for £8 PLUS DELIVERY. I do not understand this industry. All they do is claim they're "helping" us - here's the link to my outfit (but fyi I get paid if you buy it) or here's this new amazing moisturiser I'm using (that I'm not really using, but got paid to say this).... and now she's helping us by giving us these hair clips that we could get for SOO much cheaper and makes it out like SHE'S made them. Just absolute money making liars... And they have all these woman idolising them? Why? Don't get me started on the fact she doesn't reply to anyone and literally looks like she puts piss amounts of time into her 'job', compared to what she could now the children are at school and she still has Rikki at home. People who work full time jobs put up more videos and stories than her.
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Chatty Member
is there anything less appealing and sexy than this!! Would put me off my husband personally
I just think why would he not even at least work part time? If they can live very comfortably off what she makes, any extra is a massive bonus! Plough that money into paying off your mortgage early ffs!! 🥴 I know what I would do
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Seeing her TERRIBLE ad on Instagram brought me here haha her and her husband are the worst at acting and that ad should have never been approved 😂
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I just really grinds on me now she complains about juggling and having so much to do. When she has her husband with her 24/7, who always takes Elliot out and stuff... and she cleans the house and organises all week. For "work".... like. Mad. I wish I had someone to take my children out for even an hour. And have an hour to organise and clean in peace. Let alone do that for my job. Really winds me up.
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I'd love to know how much they actually get paid! That Hotpoint ad, is cringe. When you both "work" from home how can you say lockdown has enabled you to have more time together?
This was a while ago now but do you remember the whole irresponsible natural cycles app ads that influencers were doing? Well an influencer on twitter (I *think* it was Zoe London but I honestly can’t remember!) said that she was offered £5k to make a video endorsing the product but she couldn’t have it on her conscience as it was completely unreliable contraception. Kate mentioned natural cycles LOADS so god knows how much she made from them 🙈
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I'm confused as to why they are hugging in the photos! We are still in a pandemic!
The pair of them have gone down in my estimation. Also are they even friends? Or was it just for the gram?
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Active member
I don't think this is true. I'm sure you're supposed to disclose it in the title.
You are, and at the beginning too. As these people are always so keen to point out, this is their job. Well then, they need to act professionally and know and abide by the industry rules.
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I'm just finding them both totally insufferable now. They just seem to have this new attitude that says 'look how good we are. We deserve this!'.

Their life is just single wear outfits so they can stage the perfect instagram shots, shopping, prancing around in Dubai or a day posing Marylebone and showing off their meals. That is not real life. Nothing other than their trampy cupboards is real life.

They are totally unrelatable and seem so forced and fake. They focused on portraying a pretty pretentious image of themselves and it is just so dated and dull.

She posted the other day about how everything she has, she worked for and that just isn't true. Her Dad did her entire house for her. And as for her 'job', she was just of the lucky few who were in the right place at the right time with and that's literally it.

If she started again now, her content wouldn't get her anywhere at all. They seem to forget that, and have a real sense of entitlement.
Thing is this is how I find 99.9% of influencers... they all have a huge sense of entitlement
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Chatty Member
errrr she already is... she changed when she started getting the freebie trips away
That is true.
Every youtuber I know has rapidly gone down hill the seconds they jumped into a big status bragging house. You're right, she was already well on her way with those awful Dubai trips and bragging about designer handbags.

I'm genuinely surprised at how fast they've jumped into all this though. Last month they were super excited to start the extension, last week they were just having a look at a house that wasnt quite right, now their house is sold.
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Seriously the ads are out of control at the minute!! She will advertise anything!
I wouldn't mind the ads half as much if she was putting any effort into her channels outwith the ads. But she is dull and non-existent unless she has something to punt!
Basically using followers for the money without giving any kind of content in return. Shame to see how lazy and greedy she has become!
Totally agree with both of these comments. She's just as ad ad. If she had content surrounding the ads then it wouldn't be a problem. However all she is is looking to sell something. It honestly seems she'd advertise anyrhing atm. She'll be fuming about the lack of free holidays this year especially those handy free Dubai ones.
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New member
I get that she is the “ earner” but I mean why would you never ever pick the kids up? Or even both go and get them but he does it every say. Let’s face it both of them don’t have real jobs ! 🙄🙄
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Fuck me I can’t believe I just had to get through 6 adverts to watch her and her work shy husband not wearing a mask and touching everything she sodding could in primark. Regardless of if masks wear compulsory he should have had one on and everyone with half a brain now knows you don’t touch stuff you have no intention of buying! Bellend!
I don't really understand the point in kate wearing a mask if he's waltzing around without one and touching half he shop. Then she will catch it from him immediately anyway 🤷‍♀️
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When you think of how Fleur informed her subscribers of her miscarriages aswell...
I was just thinking the same the other day. At this point Fleur is the only influencer who I can actually stand.

I see later got all the sympathy from her 'miscarriage' and we're now back to ad after ad again. She's got no shame.
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I want to punch her in her smug face in her latest insta story - what we guessing the news is - new house???
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@Liptastic I didn’t think of the stamp duty holiday ending. Probably saved quite a bit not paying it on that house! It almost seems as if they don’t have as much money as they like to make out, if only rik worked 😂
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I asked her directly where she sources her new jewellery from when she asked for questions for her Q&A. Quelle surprise, she didn’t answer the Q 🙄 such a shame. She was one of the less money grabbing YTers.
Such a joke isnt it!?
I actually have the "love" hair slide that she advertises. I got it from Ebay for £1.95 including p&p yet she's selling the exact same thing for around £7. And will probably charge postage.
I wish more people would wise up. Can't the sheep see that she is mocking them. So gulable.
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