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Kate is doing the news on GMB today and she's going to be talking about the reponse to the documentary :sleep:
She should not be reading the news, when she is part of the news.

I abhor her wanting carers on the NHS, when she and Derek refused to pay their taxes. Several of their companies going bust...owing creditors, including HMRC.

I really cannot stand her, she is going the same way as Captain Tom's family.
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Another day, another Derek dollar..... 🙄

It wasn't simple "covid" though, was it Kate. We all know that covid was just the complication or the side show that you've promoted to the main event.

Anyway re the £800,000 care/Mexico bill, sell the £4m house, buy a £3m house, job done, no?
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Never commented on this thread before.

I'm not a fan of Kate Garroway although I neither like nor dislike her. I'm not keen on the over exposure and how everything about Derek was placed in the public eye but I'm not her. I don't want to comment on her income, care debts or celebrity status. I don't care that in her desperation she wanted to take him to Mexico in the hope that it may give him an improved quality of life. Sometimes desperate people do desperate things.

I'm the parent of a very severely disabled young man who has complex health needs. I'm one of those unpaid carers, it's a thankless 24/7 job.

The real outrage here is that Derek was left with very clear complex health needs. He had a number of hospital admissions post initial discharge. He should have been CHC funded, it was denied. CHC would have given him free care. I doubt Kate had the energy or knowledge to know what was needed to fight this.

The continuing health care situation in this country is an absolute disgraceful scandal with many people being denied this care and having their savings or benefit payments stripped from them, their medical needs being deemed 'social care'.

I have a wealth of experience in this area and have today managed to help secure a successful CHC assessment and funding for a very complex man, the relative of a friend. His family weren't even told about CHC funding and were about to be stripped of that man's assets. My own son is fully CHC funded.

You might dislike Kate Garroway and everything that she stands for but place your anger at a system that is designed to stiff people over and deny them what is written in the ICB national framework. It could be you or one of your relatives next....
She has Dr Hilary Jones, who the nation regularly looks to for healthcare advice, on speed dial.

She also has at least one previous world leader (Bliar), his cronies (Mandelson), a possible UK prime-minister-in-waiting (Starmer), and global megastars like Elton John, directly in her iphone contacts.

You say she didn't have the energy or knowledge to know what was needed, I would say she had direct access to absolutely incredible knowledge and resources.

With those people in her circle of friends, I've absolutely no doubt that she has some expert accountants specialising in tax affairs hiding in her phone book as well.
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I'm so happy to find this thread!! For a hot minute thought I was the only one that actually couldn't stand kate & all this Derek business! My husband will be happy I no longer moan & hate bash her to him anymore 🤣

I've not watched anything around Derek & covid because I couldn't care less! I worked on the front line during covid, I lost patients I lost friends (to covid) and more recently lost my absolute world as in my dad, suddenly 💔 my heart is forever broken!

Kate is no hero!! Selling story time over & over again!! Just seen a TT she owes 800k debt left by 'Derek's care' welcome to the real world!! The world where we all loose people day in day out, living on a crisis where people can't feed their children!!

Kate you are no better than any of us, you're not special in any way! Just fuck off
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Unbelievably selfish and tasteless and tone deaf to be playing the money card. Just fck off, you have more assets than most of us will ever have.

She's also pretty stupid if she thinks this makes her relatable to carers
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A little late to the party here but my god does this woman irritate me and she ALWAYS has! I don't want to be nasty without good reason but everything about her including her voice has always gotten on my very last nerve. If I see her on TV then I switch over and same with smooth radio. My god has she rinsed this situation and to have the nerve to sit on national TV in a privileged position and complain you are now in debt is disgraceful when there are families on the breadline suffering and really struggling. I know a couple who are badly affected where the husband just lost his life to terminal cancer and his wife not only has to bury him but also find a new home because she cannot make the mortgage repayments without his income. She also didn't work for the last six months in order to care for him because they couldn't afford carers and both of them were claiming job seekers benefits (he was too ill to work). Overnight they lost two very good incomes and this illness has changed their lives. She needs to get with the programme and show some empathy for the real people of the nation that are struggling. She has made a fortune from his name and condition, something other's can't do because we are 'nobody's. I also think the documentary is very distasteful and does not perserve any dignity for the poor guy. I'm sure all of his friends/family/business contacts and the public want to see his downfall so openly :cautious:. Did he even consent to it? Either way, selling her 1.7million pound home will easily pay off her 800k debt but you will have to come and live like the rest of us kate... within your means.
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One thing I've managed to thankfully so far avoid is the inevitable grief porn digital art that is now synonymous with people passing.

However, I have no doubt somewhere on the internet there is an image of Paddington and Derek walking hand in hand towards the gates of heaven and an awaiting Captain Tom and Princess Diana.
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Watching the clip with the caption '9 days before Derek died' as he was struggling on his walker, you can clearly see he had appalling circulatory problems by the appearance of his lower legs. How on earth he was encouraged to board a long haul flight to Mexico in this condition is completely beyond me.
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I detest people who moan about the NHS and not getting care paid for, whilst not paying their taxes, like us mere mortals.

Geri Halliwell was another one, said she left the Spice Girls as they would not allow her to promote breast cancer care or the like... Then she fcuked off abroad to avoid paying her taxes.

Mike Jagger was another many wealthy famous people do this.
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Surely this man deserves to rest in peace now
We all do. Garraway's PR people flooding the zone with all of her bullshit just goes to show how desperate the mainstream media are getting now to fill column inches and get eyesballs on their product. I'm so sick of seeing her mush everywhere.
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I'm so fucking sick of a certain section of society that 'feels the need to share'. Oversharing is a massive fucking problem now, especially as the legacy media circles the toilet bowl. Reality TV is an obvious example.

These fucking narcissist's are obsessed with divulging every detail of their bloody lives. I believe it stems from childhood, not enough hugs and attention or something. I'm not a psychiatrist but I've lived long enough and I've experienced enough to know when a person exhibit's a personality disorder.

Dignity and self-respect are commodities in short supply these days, it's like the more fucked-up you are the more clicks you are likely to get. Keeping 'yourself to yourself' isn't being repressed, it's being respectful. I'm fucking sick of this current 'show-all, tell-all' society.

Rant over. As you were. :cool:
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Been thinking about this latest documentary....don't know if this has been covered but....

My brother-in-law works in TV and has produced several documentaries for the Beeb and Channel 4, and I know he's always in post-production for months on end. Sometimes even longer than he was away filming. Things being filmed now won't make it to our screens until October at the absolute earliest.

This makes me think that "Derek's Story" was being filmed as yet another "installment" of his saga, with intent to milk it for all it was worth. Obviously they had to rebrand it to cover the fact he died, but it just adds more weight to the fact she was using him and his illness to maintain a continual flow of attention.

To get it on our screens so quickly following his death, means it was already in post before he died, and by that I'm assuming we could possibly be facing YET ANOTHER documentary addressing his death....and showing whatever footage they may have captured in the past four to six months....

My feeling is the camera crew were following him for a ridiculous amount of time. However, with things ending as they did and the questions about Mexico....maybe that'll mean we're spared from more of her drivel.

I hate this "magic" word "wellbeing"..It attracts all the grifters and charlatans who see pound signs flashing away as they target their vulnerable market.

Ideal for "celebs" such as Fearne Cotton and our own Kate Grabapayday..Spew a whole load of common sense but jazz it up so that it sounds like "therapy" and style it as a life-enhancing regime endorsed by your favourite "celeb". Kerching.
Same here. It gives too many opportunities for unqualified idiots to promote absolute quackery as genuine treatment, and to be blunt - I think it's an absolute scourge on society.

I hate how it's bleeding into the NHS mental health services more and more now too. Through my work I'm constantly hearing of people who have serious and/or enduring mental health issues, and they are fighting for years on end to reach 1-2-1 therapies, only to get to the end of the (two plus year) waiting list, to only be offered six therapy sessions and from that the best support/advice they get is to be told to go for a walk, try breathing exercises, or practice 'mindfulness'.

I've no doubt those things benefit some people, especially those who have transient mental health struggles, like anxiety/depression that are caused by situational/environmental issues. Things that WILL improve with time, if you can just ride it out. But telling folks who have had multiple suicide attempts, are in deep longterm trauma from an accident or event, and some who have lost all executive functioning abilities to simply "go for a walk" or "meditate" is complete and utter bullshit. For most folks battling mental illness, the last thing they want is silence because it makes the noise in their head deafening.

I feel vulnerable people (and by that I mean those suffering with poor physical/mental health or those who just don't have enough brain cells to think critically) get swept away with these celebrity endorsements, especially, and it benefits no one but the celeb. These things should be regulated because I've got no doubt folks out there are getting arse over tit in debt for buying these overpriced snake oil products.

And I'm not sorry to say Griftaway is very "snake oil hawker" coded.
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Chatty Member
The scandal I want to see 'blow up' is the scandal that someone put a chronically sick person on an 11hr long-haul flight to Mexico to undergo fuck knows what kind of therapy and then they had massive heart attack, had to be flown-back and then died. If it makes me a 'vile troll' to call Saint Garraway out on that then so be it.
Which all the media seems to be hiding.

They also forget that Derek's unhealthy coke addled lifestyle prior to his sickness may have contributed to his death more than Covid.
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I feel like sending that charity a snotty email, how dare they sully end of life care by paying a woman who dragged her bed bound husband to Mexico for snake oil treatment that killed him to host for them. She's a shining beacon of how NOT to care for someone, sorry. That's made me so angry - my Dad was under Sue Ryder care for his end of life as well as an amazing community Palliative care nurse and the Palliative care Consultant who rang me daily even at weekends to see that Dad was medicated well and I was coping. His death was still horrific, but could have been even worse without such wonderful care.
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