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You should all hang your heads in shame. Piers Morgan, moral arbiter of the nation, has branded everyone criticising Saint Kate, as 'cruel trolls'. You've been told. :cautious:

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That's all irrelevant.

NHS care in this country is free at the point of contact for either millionaires or paupers.
Not really. The NHS is funded by tax and this pair haven't been paying what they should have been, which creates a shortfall. You can't spend what isn't paid in.
EXACTLY. The NHS is "free at the point of use" which doesn't mean it's free-free. It means we're paying for it indirectly through taxation. Taxation that darling Kate and Derek have clearly being doing their absolute utmost to avoid.
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I hope that now that documentary (or whingefest) has been shown that the gloves will be off with the media.

The DM have clearly got an agenda with the amount of articles in the last few days.

A second home in London ffs - how dare she stand there and say she represents unpaid carers :mad:
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Katie Hopkins, as much as she is a dick at times, has nailed it!


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Never commented on this thread before.

I'm not a fan of Kate Garroway although I neither like nor dislike her. I'm not keen on the over exposure and how everything about Derek was placed in the public eye but I'm not her. I don't want to comment on her income, care debts or celebrity status. I don't care that in her desperation she wanted to take him to Mexico in the hope that it may give him an improved quality of life. Sometimes desperate people do desperate things.

I'm the parent of a very severely disabled young man who has complex health needs. I'm one of those unpaid carers, it's a thankless 24/7 job.

The real outrage here is that Derek was left with very clear complex health needs. He had a number of hospital admissions post initial discharge. He should have been CHC funded, it was denied. CHC would have given him free care. I doubt Kate had the energy or knowledge to know what was needed to fight this.

The continuing health care situation in this country is an absolute disgraceful scandal with many people being denied this care and having their savings or benefit payments stripped from them, their medical needs being deemed 'social care'.

I have a wealth of experience in this area and have today managed to help secure a successful CHC assessment and funding for a very complex man, the relative of a friend. His family weren't even told about CHC funding and were about to be stripped of that man's assets. My own son is fully CHC funded.

You might dislike Kate Garroway and everything that she stands for but place your anger at a system that is designed to stiff people over and deny them what is written in the ICB national framework. It could be you or one of your relatives next....
Quite a few of us on this thread are carers and / or have experience of fighting the ‘system’ to put appropriate measures in place to support loved ones. Our anger is not misdirected. Kate has spun the narrative that she is like us; that she is one of us. But she is not. She has ample funding to top up the care and therapies required by Derek; she is able to work mostly full-time. She simply ‘managed’ Derek’s care, while paid carers carried out the bulk of the hard graft. She had ample funds to consult lawyers and attend tribunals to fight for more state care should she have wanted to do that. Most of us are too tired to look beyond the next day.
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VIP Member
Never commented on this thread before.

I'm not a fan of Kate Garroway although I neither like nor dislike her. I'm not keen on the over exposure and how everything about Derek was placed in the public eye but I'm not her. I don't want to comment on her income, care debts or celebrity status. I don't care that in her desperation she wanted to take him to Mexico in the hope that it may give him an improved quality of life. Sometimes desperate people do desperate things.

I'm the parent of a very severely disabled young man who has complex health needs. I'm one of those unpaid carers, it's a thankless 24/7 job.

The real outrage here is that Derek was left with very clear complex health needs. He had a number of hospital admissions post initial discharge. He should have been CHC funded, it was denied. CHC would have given him free care. I doubt Kate had the energy or knowledge to know what was needed to fight this.

The continuing health care situation in this country is an absolute disgraceful scandal with many people being denied this care and having their savings or benefit payments stripped from them, their medical needs being deemed 'social care'.

I have a wealth of experience in this area and have today managed to help secure a successful CHC assessment and funding for a very complex man, the relative of a friend. His family weren't even told about CHC funding and were about to be stripped of that man's assets. My own son is fully CHC funded.

You might dislike Kate Garroway and everything that she stands for but place your anger at a system that is designed to stiff people over and deny them what is written in the ICB national framework. It could be you or one of your relatives next....
Maybe people would have more sympathy without her and Derek's repeated bankruptcies, owing £000's in taxes and then wanting handouts?
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Christ almighty I do not need/want St Kate Championing disabilities. Patronising, false vacuous airhead that she is. I'll loose my shit big time
This bint with her fag-breath is really giving me the hump now. It's clear to me that there is no cause that she will not monetize or use to raise her profile in order to claim Damehood status. She sank to the lowest depth of decency by using her sick husband to make money, so now anything goes. It's a bit like a porn star doing anal for the first time, once you've gone there, anything goes. She's VILE. I wish Garragrift/Griftaway would just GoAway.

No one needs to listen to this womans insipid banal yap. Shut your trap love, no one gives a fuck. You're on about a million quid pa with your ITV contract, where you get driven to work, 2 or 3 times a week for 3 hours 'work' sitting reading an autocue, telling the hard-up to ring into Andi Peter's phoneline for the promise of a luxury holiday and a flash motor. Go 'do one' love. That's my advice as a 'vile troll'. No mate, I'm not a 'vile troll', YOU ARE. Taking the public for a ride in your bullshit taxi. Gettit? Now F*CK OFF!!
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Yup, definitely on the poverty line

Unbelievable! Actually though quite believable.

They could have sold that ages ago to help fund everything and not get into debt.
But instead she wants to grift her way forward.

I wonder if she is being set up now for a mighty fall aka Sir Tom’s family.
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To all the melts on twatter saying that UK social care, the NHS etc needs to do better ... guess you'll be the first to volunteer to pay much higher taxes to pay for it then?
We don't really need to pay higher taxes, we just need to use the tax funds correctly and stop paying suits £100k+ salaries for doing fuck all. If the money went to the boots on the ground it would solve a lot of problems.
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I'm absolutely disgusted by all this, the way she ia carrying on you would think she is the only woman who has ever been widowed. Sick of it.
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Jesus that house is an utter shit tip with all that clutter everywhere! I thought the whole thing was extremely distasteful. He blatantly didn’t have full capacity and she kept giving him leading question all the time. Pitiful hearing him cry, making weird animal noises and choking on food. I said to my husband I wouldn’t want to be alive in that sort of condition and shame on her for pimping him out for everyone to see! She did fuck all caring. The bloke was doing it all!
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Chatty Member
Absolutely don't fall for Kate's narrative that she spins that she's one of you, that's exactly what she wants you to think.

Her husband was part of government (He was a scuzzy part but a part) and had powerful friends and she could have got help with challenging anything if needed.
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TWENTY ONE! TWENTY-FUCKIN'-ONE stories on the DM side column right now! Three of 'em right at the top, one after the other.

View attachment 2839355
Who's dick is she sucking over there?

I swear the Queen's death didn't get this much coverage. What the hell is going on with this woman?
That middle article says


Mexico has been completely erased from the narrative. Also, if he had a heart attack in early December and died in early January, how could he possible walk again nine days before his death as the other article suggests? He was unconscious and probably on life support. The whole thing’s bullshit from beginning to end.
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How does someone who has just lost her husband want a bloody film crew around? It just doesn't make sense. When my Dad died last year, I was an absolute gibbering wreck for the first 4 months and even getting dressed/getting to work took every ounce of energy I had. We knew he was dying, we had time to prepare but my god it still took my very breath away. I was bone tired, miserable and it truly was just a horrid time. I will never understand this woman.
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Chatty Member
I wish people would refrain from saying that it's only tinnitus. Tinnitus is a life changing injury. It can be caused by medicine prescribed by a doctor. I have it 3 years and nearly ended my life when I first got it. It is 24/7 torture. You don't get used to it, you live with it because you either live with it or kill yourself. Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I hear is hissing.people with tinnitus have a higher suicide rate. I think it's great that Susannah talks about it, as there is limited research into it.
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I’ll put money that she has a new shag already!
What's Vanessa Feltz's ex up to these days? It's going to be so gross when she parades whoever it is out. Gross because it's going to lead the way for another grift-a-thon with endless fucking stories. She's so thirsty for publicity and so needy it's going to be hell and it's going to happen at some point. I mean, take your fucking pick at which will be the first headline:

"Derek would want me to be happy"
"The kids have given my new relationship their blessing"
"Kate seen walking hand-in-hand with mystery man"
"I never thought I'd find love again after Derek"
"Kate and new man all smiles as they arrive at awards"
"Loved-Up Kate can't hide her happiness with new fella"
"Why you shouldn't feel guilty about finding love again"
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