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This is a scandal that at some point is going to blow up
The scandal I want to see 'blow up' is the scandal that someone put a chronically sick person on an 11hr long-haul flight to Mexico to undergo fuck knows what kind of therapy and then they had massive heart attack, had to be flown-back and then died. If it makes me a 'vile troll' to call Saint Garraway out on that then so be it.
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Both my parents died from horrible terminal diseases (I'm putting that out there because I have been through this), I was at the time and adult. I can understand what Kate said about "feeling unloved" at the very end, I would drive home crying from my mum's hospice bed because I thought she hated me, in reality she was dying and just didn't have the energy to respond.

This was some time ago and not in London, so I'm not up to date on care fees, but FOR THE SAKE OF HER EXPLOITED CHILDREN for £4k/week, couldn't she have put him in a nice care home, got lots of rest so she could do her well renumerated job, and taken the children for regular stress free visits with Daddy? They can do their homework in peace, without medical emergencies going off in their faces. Everyone can calmly go about their business knowing that Derek is well cared for. She would have saved thousands on converting the house.

I'm sure it's lovely that they got their picture taken cuddling up on Daddy's hospital bed and sold to multiple news outlets. But my Dad's illness was quite terrifying, even as an adult child. We were incredibly stressed and the only respite we got was when a nice volunteer dragged him off to the local hospice for a bath. Derek's illness was something of the "unknown", it was similar with my Dad. "How bad is it going to get?" "How far down is this going to take us?" "What's next?" Dealing with a terminally ill person is not easy.

They must have been terrified to come home from school, not knowing what to expect, what might have developed over the course of the day, or just the general day to day care - not have to eat your cereals staring at your dad's catheter bag?? It's very sad if she felt she had to be seen to be caring for him at home due to the whole world judging her, it's equally sad if she decided to keep him at home because that would facilitate the cameras and attention. If it were me, I would definitely protect my kids, put them first. I don't know what to say, the whole situation is very sad.
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Unfortunately, from what I've seen of him I don't think Derek would have qualified for CHC.

If you take a look at the framework/checklist assessment tool, you can see that unless you score in the domains with an asterisk (priority domains are breathing issues, altered states of consciousnesses, challenging behaviors etc) it's near impossible to get funding.

Ultimately, CHC doesn't care about preventing things getting worse, in the way social care is meant to. A social care package should be created with the objective of preventing decline and encouraging maintaining or regaining independence, but CHC is designed to step in where the needs are primarily medical not "social" and/or where the decline is already unmanageable.

Social care needs are 'acts of daily living'. So things like eating/drinking, clothing/bathing, mobility, managing your home enviroment, managing money/correspondence etc. Which would have been Derek's primary need, as is the case with 99% of disabled/chronically ill people.

CHC focuses too hard on explicitly medical issues (rightly so, I guess, as it's the NHS after all) and this blocks thousands of people from getting care. Forcing them into endless disputes with their local authorities who will argue the toss over what's covered by social care, in the hopes of palming it all off to CHC. Who ultimately don't want to take anyone on unless they absolutely have to.

Sadly, CHC is a battle for everyone trying to obtain it. They don't want you to have it and unless you have the strength or support to fight tooth and nail, you ain't gonna get it!

It's been a while since I've gone through the CHC assessment with someone, but I've known people in absolute dire straights, needing PEG feeds and having horrendous skin breakdowns due to pressure ulcers and lymphoedema, and they've been denied simply because they didn't get a tick for struggling with breathing or behaviour issues (the priority domains).

Even if you score highly in all other domains, unless you've got at least one in a priority, you will not be given funding. At least not without putting up a massive fight, and potentially putting forward a legal challenge, and most people's cases are not strong enough to come close to winning in a judicial review etc.

Derek clearly didn't have any of the necessary serious issues to qualify for CHC funding, even if Kate had tried. The issues with breathing and challenging behaviour etc have to be consistant, not intermittent or related to transient issues, like a viral infection giving him a bad chest or something. So even though he was in and out of hospital, the very fact he could be discharged and managed with social care, would have worked against him qualifying for CHC.

Also, just because you get CHC one year, doesn't mean they won't rip it out of your hands at any given point. They remove CHC a lot more often and more easily than they do with other packages of care. And it's a Goddamned disgrace, frankly!

He would have qualified for PIP though, and she should have applied for that as it's not means tested and he would have got around £500 a month for his needs which would have helped offset some of the costs. But PIP is a whole other piss take that I'll avoid going into here.

The system is rigged. From the assessment stages, to funding, to even the complaints process. It's all designed to prevent people getting what they need in the name of saving money. Pounds before people all day long!

But it's not helped by the fact that people like Kate are too busy dodging taxes and creating questionable companies to do their creative accounting, so they can keep that little bit more of their wealth for an extra few bottles of champagne or a trip to the Maldives. The fact she's owing £700k to the taxman alone is a joke. That money could fund easily five or six care packages if it had been paid into the system.

She should not be allowed to sit there on national TV, giving it the old sob story and saying how awful it is for people in Derek's situation, when she's part of the fuckin' problem why these services are underfunded, and why vulnerable people are being left without care or fighting to get (and keep) every second of it that they are given.

She needs to understand how privileged she is to be able to afford to fund his care privately, AND to keep working and maintaining an income most of us can only dream of.

She is incredibly lucky that she wasn't left handling him entirely by herself, while waiting 90 weeks for a social care assessment to be done and signed off, and for them to 'get around to' arranging carers. Or to be fed one of the numerous lies social workers spout about what is/isn't funded by social care, getting mugged off by people who are supposed to help and support you. Being forced to provide unpaid care because a social worker has led you to believe that's the only option, etc etc etc etc....

OR more still - to live in constant fear of a care package being reduced or removed entirely due to council's cost cutting, where they use an annual review as an excuse to see what care can be cut and what more can be forced onto family members.

OR worse still - being told "sorry, you're too expensive to keep at home, so let's shove you off into a residential care placement". These are issues I see every single day for disabled/chronically ill people and it absolutely enrages me.

She hasn't got a fuckin' clue about what real people experience in the system, and like I said, she's part of the problem and she definitely has not done anything to help with a solution since she's started banging this drum the second Derek took ill. She's done fuck all for real people, and will continue to do fuck all for real people, because she's too busy making other people's struggles about her.

And as someone else said - unpaid carers and people in need have been screaming about this mess for DECADES and no one's given a shit. It shouldn't have come to an ITV presenter's husband falling on hard times for people to be aware of how bad the social care system is, and how fucked we all are the second we fall ill (or get old) and need to turn to the government for help just to stay alive and somewhat well.
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Chatty Member
I had no idea this thread existed and thought I was just a stone cold bitch for not being remotely interested in the ghoulish publicity this random woman was getting for her dying husband.

If long COVID is pretty much being dismantled as a diagnosis she's on a slippery wicket. Being economical with the truth about his true diagnosis and skipping over taking a critically ill man long haul to Mexico will bite her in the arse eventually.

I'm shocked that this circus has been not only allowed but encouraged. It all seems very grasping and exploitative to me, and I say that as someone who has no knowledge of this until I read this thread.

Well done tattlers for attention to detail and ruthlessly ferreting out truth from a media determined to crank out continuous bullshit 👏👏👏
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I am SICK of seeing her pleading poverty now, she's saying paying for his care ate away at her salary....

NO ONE is obligated to pay for care for anyone over 18 or a spouse.

You are entitled to it from the government.

On two conditions - you have unmet needs.....and you have less than £23k in savings/capital.

So the reason she's racked up care fees is, because they're loaded and the government wouldn't fund his care due to the amount of money he had. Her income is nothing to do with it (a spouses income is not included in a social care financial assessment) it's to do with what they had in savings - which she's tried not to spend, obviously.

(Wouldn't be surprised if she tried to hide the savings in her name and the council/CHC told her to bollocks due to deprivation of assets. As it seems very odd they wouldn't be involved in his care, even if he was self funding.)

Most folk out there have to self fund until they literally have nothing left to live on, let alone anything to leave their families. People are forced to sell their homes to self fund too, or defer the sale for their family to deal with in death and see thousands wiped off the sale price to pay back their council.

So forgive me if I couldn't give less of a shit about her "woe is me, I'm so broke" bollocks, when she's literally in an ivory tower and hasn't got a shit of a clue about what is going on for most people who end up needing care.

The amount of money she must be earning a month has got to be more than a carer sees in a year or more. How about she does a documentary focusing on how people have every dime they've ever earned eaten away to pay for their care? And how it basically doesn't pay to own a home or save money if you ever need care. That's what she needs to do to help others, but then it wouldn't be about her, would it?
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What utter hogwash, the poor guy was pissing the bed and barely sentient so how on God's earth could he have consented to having a documentary made? & how does his story resonate with millions of carers with no fanfare, money or media attention? She needs to take a look at Rob Burrow's wife and weep - she looks after him 24/7 without an ounce of publicity.
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This is my view watching Harry Potter tonight 🤣
Single mum, caring for a child with complex needs she is on IVs every night.
I am trained in IV antibiotics , iv pain relief , iv fluids / nutrition etc etc
For 9 years we for 10 hours of respite a week and carers allowance of I think 70 something a week
I don’t relate to her in the slightest 🙈


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It's on the BBC news feed right now that his care allegedly cost £16,000 a month. So £4,000 a week.

I've done a lot of work with disabled people who have care packages (CHC, Direct Payments and commissioned) and I can safely say that amount easily buys 2-to-1 24/7 care, even in London. Potentially even more if she's employing direct.

So £16000 a week for care, and at what point exactly was Mrs Wonderful actually doing any hands on care?

Short answer - she wasn't.
She couldn't have possibly been doing more than a few assists here and there at best.

And how did she seemingly manage to get this care on tick? Because he's been ill for four years, right? So let's be generous and say that's a whole 48 months worth of care, despite him being in and out of hospital, some care staff are put on retainers meaning costs continue.

£16000 x 48 = £768,000....almost £800k as claimed.

So did she not pay any carers a penny in those four years, or what?
Is this £800k 'debt' ON TOP of the £16k a month she was forking out?

(Part of me wonders if this is actually the HMRC bill she allegedly had after he died, just 'rebranded' due to lack of sympathy for high earners)

Something ain't adding up here at all.

And I think if nothing else she's just inadvertently proven she was doing absolutely jackshit as a hands-on carer, despite being paraded as the patron saint of unpaid/family carers and basking in the praise everyone's thrown at her since the jump.

My contempt for this ghoul knows no bounds!
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Don't forget she's helping Susannah through her tinnitus, although that noise in her ears is probably just listening to Kate saying how great Derek was.
Kate has saved the water from Derek's last bath and for a price you can visit and be healed in it. It's like Lourdes, but in North London.
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There are 300+ positive comments on the GMB facebook page, and the worst is that many are asking GMB to set up a gofundme to get her out of debt.

FFS. It's like a meeting place for the village idiots.
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Had a catch up tonight with a dear friend of mine, who is disabled and relies heavily on carers.

We were discussing Garraway, of course, and he has some very strong opinions about her, and it was interesting to get a perspective from someone in a situation similar to Derek.

We discussed whether or not Derek could have consented to the documentaries and what not, and my friend said that he probably did consent, but purely because he felt he had no choice.

My friend receives care from paid carers and also family members, and he says he often finds himself going along with what they want simply because he knows he's reliant on them and doesn't want drama that follows him saying "no".

He has a lot of ugly stories where he's tried to speak his mind and he's lost carers who just stop showing up, or a member of his family has got the hump and left him high and dry. Sadly, I've heard many stories like this, and I know a lot of people with care needs will just go along just to get along. Which is really sad.

I would bet everything I owned on that being the case with Derek too. Kate does strike me as the type to tread dangerously close to "coercive control".

My friend also said he wouldn't be surprised if she rejected input from social services, as they would be aware of safeguarding and probably would have picked up on any shady/controlling behaviour from her, and that possibly either kept her from getting them involved, or had her nose put out of joint to the point she rejected their involvement.

I think this could also be true, because I remember seeing her on This Morning last year, talking about carer's rights and accessing social care, along side a woman from a carer's organization and Kate did not have a single clue about the process and didn't know how to answer anything put to her about it. So I think it's safe to say social workers never got involved to any relevant degree, and even if he/she was self funding - they can and should be involved!

One point of view that really got me, was that my friend says he's got the impression that Kate has racked up all this debt (which she clearly could have avoided by selling the second house) because she had no intention of paying it back and was hoping to plead poverty with the public/her fans and get donations to clear it.

I did have this suspicion myself, and now with all this info coming out about their dodgy dealings with shell/phoenix companies and tax dodging, she/he clearly have atrocious financial management skills (or very savvy ones, I guess...depending on how you look at it) and they seem like the types who wouldn't pay an invoice for services rendered and have the tradesman chasing them to the small claims court.

It makes total sense to me that she's been throwing cash at the problem, with that narcissistic confidence telling her she'd never have to pay it back....because her track record in other areas shows she's not one to pay her debts and does all she can to avoid paying her dues why would a care debt be any different?

Anyways, just thought I'd share.
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The commemorative coin ... with Saint Kate on the front and Derek's Sombrero on the back. Just 49.99 ... all payments c/o HMRC.

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TWENTY ONE! TWENTY-FUCKIN'-ONE stories on the DM side column right now! Three of 'em right at the top, one after the other.


Who's dick is she sucking over there?

I swear the Queen's death didn't get this much coverage. What the hell is going on with this woman?
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And so it begins ....


Oh I can see it now, a full production for Kate's big return. No expense spared. It's going to be like when This Morning was 're-launched' after Philthy Phil got canned for bumming a young production assistant ... Kate appearing from behind a screen to 'Dancing Queen', Ben crying uncontrollably and possibly urinating himself in the process, Susannah dressed in black with a veil, Richard Arnold dressed as Carmen Miranda complete with a giant pinapple on his head. It's going to be a real occassion, a great celebration of Saint Kate, Martr of Carers and Life Patron of the Mexican Medical Tourist Board.

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Quite Contrary

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Not unless I missed it. She just said he had a cardiac arrest and "by the time she got there" they'd found a blood clot. Very vague
Yeah I was thinking the same - making it sound like she had to pop 12 minutes down the road to hospital, not 12 hours to the other side of the world. Also with her saying it was a blood clot to the brain - surely the DVT risks of going to Mexico would be extremely high for a vulnerable person and pointed out in advance?!
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VIP Member
They even started banging on about the cost of childcare for Kate earlier. Her kids are old enough now to not need childcare. The revelation of the £1.7m second home today has just about finished me off
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View attachment 2741320

Saint Kate about to morph into the Grim Reaper - lock up your passports.
You couldn't make this fucking shit up. We care for our loved ones, that's what you DO. You don't need to publicize the goddamn fact. Arnold is as thirsty as they come ... utterly devoid of any talent whatsoever, even less than Alex Beresford the desperate weather man on GMB. Honestly, these people ... QVC The Shopping Channel is too good for them. UnREAL.
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