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There's nothing good to come of Karina, she's absolutely fucked her life up.
She's never going to acheive anything with her life. Once touchy dies, she will get worse with her behaviour
It's frightening to think what she becomes when Daddy saville dies, alcoholic, druggie, binge eating, relying on strangers to guide her through life. Not washing or changing her clothing regularly, no public hygiene, violence outburst, both physical, mental and spoken. She be on a one way ticket to a padded cell.
If social services get hold of her, she become a pain in the backside for them. To the point they will drop her like a ton of bricks. And hope charities take her on, but they won't. Sad
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I don’t think she falls under supported housing umbrella though
She said last night that she needs to ring social services in the morning to look at her options and tbh I thought get fucked. She’s more than capable, she’s just a shit person who makes shit decisions. If I had an adult child with disabilities who could live in supported accommodation I wouldn’t want the likes of her anywhere near it. Not to mention the resources she takes up. Her dad clearly isn’t that concerned with her going off to live with judz, perhaps because “he trusts Judz”. reality check Karina, no one is there to look after you anymore.
It was the way she walked in to her dads room to apologise and she said all sullenly “I shouldn’t have blown all that money”
Like fuck off karina, how many people warned you and you stuck two fingers up at them. Now you’re at your lowest (and fattest) you want sympathy for it. Like we said at the time, life changing amount of money blown and now she has nothing.
She won’t move into shared accommodation again because “it’s full of crack heads”
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She's gonna get well pissed off with her soon, the lazy oaf just snores her head off or is battling. I bet the room absolutely stinks!
On what world would you invite a STRANGER from a hostel (who’s known to have supported/ encouraged a n0nc3 publically, doesn’t work, has the hygiene and respect of a gutter rat) into your home? People are wild these days 😵💫
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I know she was asking that Pikachu (who is the e most annoying, beggiest wanker going, I’d say more than Nathan was!) the other day if she could stay with him for 3 weeks. I think she was actually there the other day?! But is now back.
I bet she has done nothing to help herself unless her mate has marched her down to housing office.
Jokes on her mate tho, because surely she’ll be classed as making herself intentionally homeless. Can’t just leave somewhere saying you didn’t feel safe, she didn’t report anything to the police or anything.
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Does she talk to any of those who she handed thousands of pounds too?
No 😂😂😂😂😂
To be honest as vile as she is Nathan/sazzy/ Michelle and all of the others who took advantage of her are vile. I hate her and everything she is about but I do understand she has a level of learning difficulty that makes her an easy target and those who willingly took thousands from her are as bad .
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She's forever doing this sort of stuff on repeat.
- Something vulgar
- suicide baiting
- drunk
- sexual encounters
- sa/pregnancy scare
And repeat.

Guessing the frequency will become more now as she's moved out of dad's again and has a room in a house share so will soon be doing the above on a regular, to get the gifts in to pay for baccy and hair dye. She knows exactly what she's doing, she's been doing it for years.
The best thing was, she’d BEEN to a&e the night before and left and they’d arranged a scan for her for yesterday morning which she didn’t attend as she was asleep……. But dancing about on live shoving things in her belly button hours later.

Everyone and their dog were telling her to ring 111, 999 including RUTH of all people in the box 😂

She has PCOS and has been having a period for two weeks, that’s very normal.

Not one person could seem to grasp that a&e will have proved she’s not pregnant the night before, all the reverent tests would have been done then before she left (you have to be assessed by a practitioner to be able to book a scan you don’t just go upto the desk at QMC and demand one) therefore she is categorically not pregnant, nor is it a life threatening emergency where you have to attend A&E for the SECOND time in 24hours to waste their time again for something a GP should sort. The symptoms have not changed she just couldn’t be arsed to go for her scan.

Sorry gals. As you can see I’ve got a bee in my bonnet on this one…. 😂
No one does sleep with her she’s the biggest lier going
Scroll up to witness the pic of her and her bf in bed last weekend 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
I do wonder how it’s possible though as the gunt is down to her knees and requires manual force to move!
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I think we are finally witnessing the start of the end for Karina. Clout hunters have used and abuse her to max, like what she has with them. They are now backstabbing one another with accusations of this and that, to which, Karina has started the bullying claims against them, to make he loyal minions think she the victim. But I think at last they not listening.

What next are we going to get from her, breakdown on lives, them she shave her head for sympathy and tiktok gifts. Plus see looks awful now, the dead beat cretin, she always wanted to be. What a waste of life
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Hi the Karina Wiki is granted, I am just working on it.
Making my way through the old threads and pissing myself laughing.

Let me know if there is anything you think i absolutely need to include.

Also does anyone know what her mum's name was?
Also is her dad's wife Jess? Or is that her sister :D
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