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I’m just laid here in bed blown away that people think it’s ok to live like this.
The “get your cash out” revolts me inside out.
No money but can afford a McDonald’s breakfast make it make sense ✨✨
Glad your on this journey with me potato ♥😂
I were going to do some work on work laptop this morning but I’m invested in this mess ❤ happy to be avoiding work with my tattle friends lol

Judz saying Karines is the strongest person she’s ever met…. Yes babes cos she fake her “not able to cope” moments.

Actually hope TikTok shuts down so they can all have a reality check. They won’t be friends then. They’ll realise the mess Karine is. n
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I put my wages on she’ll be claiming sexual assault next week.
None of these people are her friends sad to think she actually believes they are , all with the phones out filming someone in a very undignified state.
I’m not sure she’s removed them trousers since the clock struck midnight on the 1–1-24 😅
It's quite sad how she believes everyone is her friend. She's vulnerable in that way, she seems to have no common sense and is easily led.
These people are just using her for views and to take the piss. Give them 6 months she'll be on to the next set of people.
How can she let herself get so fat? There's fat, and then there's Karina fat. She looks shocking, and she's telling us she gets a shag every week....
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On live on about going to hospital because she has a restless feeling in her tummy, which she has had for 2 weeks and her belly button bleeding. “Yeah I know I stuck stuff in it but it shouldn’t bleed”. She’s also said she missed a scan this morning. Someone messaged her saying they also bled when they were pregnant… honestly this waster. She’s had no issue fucking about on live despite apparently having this restless stomach. She’s obv hinting at being pregnant.

If she’s pregnant we all know she won’t be keeping the baby, so love that for her.
I'll be absolutely fucking gobsmacked if that JCB is able to get pregnant, I'm more than half her size and according to the Dr's, I'm struggling to conceive due to my weight 😫
She probably just has belly ache due to all the crap she eats and needs to take herself for a big shit!
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She's one of the forgotten one's is Karina. She's not safe to be living life on her own, she's not able to make the right decisions and needs interventions, but she's been classed as competent enough to make her own decisions, she's fallen through the net.
I lived near someone who is just like Karina, he was given his own flat and couldn't cope, never paid his bills, having men over at all hours, attention seeking etc, saying he'd been raped etc, his social worker had to move him into supported accommodation and he's doing much better.
Karina has never stood a chance with Tony as her adopted dad, he clearly doesn't give a shit about her. He let her spend all that money and then told her it wasn't her fault cos she's brain damaged. She's always been excused for her behaviour, I find her fascinating in a gross kind of way.
I’m the same, morbid fascination. It’s like watching a car crash before your eyes. Even her size, how is that possible? She must consume an unearthly amount of calories to be and maintain that size. The money situation was absolutely wild and I’m shocked she’s managed to get a property albeit a shared house in a matter of days.
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Does she think saying “darlin” when bitching at people make her look big and hard? She’s literally 💩 herself if someone had ago at her in real life
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Honestly didn't think much more could shock me with this one, but I've got so used to seeing her on live with the teeth whitening filter on, I had a fresh wave of repulsion when I saw her teeth in this video...

Ps. How long have you all been on the Karina / Nona journey for?! I can't believe how long it's been sometimes 🤣 far cry from when she was living with Dan and not speaking with her family.
Wow. However ugly we may feel at any time, just remember, it could always be MUCH, MUCH worse.
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she's not gonna die cos she is vulnerable or has LD, she's gonna die because she's a greedy fat fucker. Who, over the course of 2 days, ordered 4 takeaways. One of those was a maccies breakfast and she ordered 4 separate items. She has LD but she has enough about her to live independently. No one stepping in is going to do anything. I've lost any sympathy for her now, because I've seen enough about her to know that she can look after herself - she's just a vile piece of crap, a pedalo enabling, child abuse allowing nob head.
Say it like it is , don't hold back now 🤣, seriously though I agree with all that 👏
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She's going to be hundreds of miles from touchy, he doesn't give a shit! It's going to go soooo wrong! She will spend her half of the rent/bill money on fags and booze. She doesn’t know how to look after herself.
I mean she blew 136k in a few months, how she gonna cope with gas and electric to pay?
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VIP Member
Are they getting it on?!
They were. It was absolutely disgusting and inappropriate. Julie sat there watching it all and live streaming. How TikTok allowed it to continue is something else.
How she has a boyfriend now is beyond me, his name is “Dan” there was a glimpse of him earlier on her live - how!!!!!!
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This just person is delulu if she thinks she can just ring Hampshire social services and demand help😂😂😂
I’m waiting for the “I don’t want to be here anymore” comments.

The fat tramp needs to get a job and fund herself. The way she thinks she can just ring the homeless shelter in Birmingham and get a property too. Shes not as vulnerable as she makes out. She can travel around the country, spend hundreds on booze, make TikToks. This is hilarious 😂😂
This just person is delulu if she thinks she can just ring Hampshire social services and demand help😂😂😂
I’m waiting for the “I don’t want to be here anymore” comments.

The fat tramp needs to get a job and fund herself. The way she thinks she can just ring the homeless shelter in Birmingham and get a property too. Shes not as vulnerable as she makes out. She can travel around the country, spend hundreds on booze, make TikToks. This is hilarious 😂😂
*Judz - still can’t believe people support this n enabler ✨
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I've never seen anything as grotesque in my life! She looks awful, she's only going to get fatter too. I've honestly never seen a stomach hang so low
Me neither... the belly button itself looks like a portal to another (disgusting) realm.
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To add to this: she's just said that the guy in the shop said 'could you have a wash? Don't come back to the shop if you smell like that'... 😶😶😶 can you imagine?!

Ps. If you're genuinely hungry you're not buying shit to eat in the moment, you're buying as much as you can to make meals that will last the week... just saying. It was this a few weeks ago when she was starving and decided to spend the money people sent her on a Chinese, which she then stuffed down her face on live with Sobriety Jack until she felt sick... back to starving the next day 🤷🏼‍♀️

Can you tell I'm annoyed?! 🤣
No way! Did he say that? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you can just tell she stinks. If she's got support workers, why aren't they making sure she's showered and got clean clothes on?
Did you watch her on live with touchy Tony the other day? Absolutely disgusting the way he enables her, he talks to her like she's a toddler. I can't believe he got approved to adopt children, the guy gives me the creeps.
He's definitely should be on a register
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Keep seeing Michelle on live with someone, do we know if it is her new boyfriend ?
Someone just asked if they’re related and they laughed and he said “well she don’t taste like my sister”🤮 so guessing they are together
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You dirty Filthy animal 😂😂😂. I nearly vomited like a combustion engine. That image would give anybody nightmares. She getting worse, lost for words. Happy new year everybody, just put that picture that. Holding her belly On the fridge door to remind me to start the new year diet. The bellybutton covered 3 shelves.
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Karina yet again saying she only broke up with Jordan when she found out he was cheating rather than breaking up with him when he was chatting to literal children
I was just listening to that! Keeps squeezing the tears out whilst looking at the views. She's not all there, the way she's playing it out on tiktok, it all seems like an act. The glancing at the views, the conversations to get touchy Tony to agree to her narrative, she's completely bonkers. She's obviously obsessed with tiktok, it's not gonna end well for Nancy nona. Bloody supporter!
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honestly watching her live last night was like dejavu. Just she used to get hundreds of people in her live now she barely reached 100 - when she was crying she kept looking up to the corner to see if it was bringing views in.
and as for Ruth to be in the box giving her “advice”, she can get to fuck.
She’s been like this for years and she will never change - she doesn’t see the consequences of being a pathological liar, but it will catch up with her.
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Chatty Member
Funny that she said she hadn’t eaten today when someone said she was just trying to get gifts for a takeaway.
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