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How the hell did Dan make PMD? He seems completely gormless.. Harriet comes across as more successful than old shark eyes
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I have been waiting my entire tattle life for this thread!!

I posted on the Wayne Lineker thread about a year ago re: Olivia.

I’m from the same area as her originally (I don’t know her) but her family have money, that’s why this entire rags to riches “hun” act is bizarre. I’d love to know what her family think of all this, it’s very telling that her twin went to Cambridge as that fits more the Surrey vibe of where Olivia is from. The difference between her boyfriend now (Sam) and her ex the German JP guy is night and day. I always wondered if the relationship with the JP ex was manufactured by JP, as it was always very heavily promoted by the pair of them and their #greatful life. She then hotfooted it back to London to her “dream” London flat pretty sharpish.

The whole boob job crying saga was around the time my mum had breast cancer and I can remember it absolutely enraged me. I sent it to a friend to watch and very quickly she got a message from Olivia trying to sign her up to her dodgy pyramid scheme.

Lauren Roberts is another absolute tool. Constantly re uses the same photos to promote her “dream life” Theres a photo of her laying in bed in business class with Virgin when her and Olivia went to Vegas surrounded by loads of snacks. I have flown this route and class a couple of times (didn’t need to take a million ghastly braggy photos either) and there is a snack basket they leave on top of the bar for everyone in the cabin to help themselves. So the two of them would of emptied that into her lap just to pose with it. Gross. If I had been on that flight I would of 100% complained. Also the photos she reshares of her and her boyfriend flying business, they are in the worst seats next to the bar/ end of the cabin where the galley is before it becomes premium economy. These tend to be the seats leftover that no one really wants as it’s noisy and people are constantly around your seat and they are available to upgrade in the airport. Again no shade intended it’s still expensive to do, but If you’re apparently “millionaires club” wouldn’t you of booked your seats in advance? Not upgraded late just to post a million cringy photos? Just a thought.

I also find it weird how when olivias boyfriends house got broken into, she didn’t engage her brain cells about all the posts she’d recently done bragging about her designer purchases he’d got her and his new car.

It must be an incredibly lonely and shallow life. When I go buy a new car I know I’ve earned that. I don’t need to pose outside the range/Porsche garage with it, cropping out the number plate to try hide that it’s a used one that’s an older model (looking at you liv!) again nothing wrong with a used car but 1. Own it 2. When your entire life is based on what you’ve got thanks to your amazing business.... wouldn’t you have a new one? I know she tried to make it look that she was cropping out the number plate for privacy reasons... but she had no problems sharing the private plate on her old Audi TT.

And finally If anyone’s looking for a new car crash have a look at Olivias down line Tiana Thomas. Constantly posting stories embarassing her child (who can’t consent to being plastered all over social media) She’s been about a size 22 the entire time she’s been peddling JP. Her mum bought her house and she just rents it but makes out her juicy life paid for it. Is a back yard breeder of animals (her poor dog) and her boyfriend is an alcoholic and she openly posts all the drama surrounding that and his child he has custody of which again the poor child can’t consent. She also uploads photos of her bedroom which has overflowing ashtrays which is just 🤮 especially with kids in the house.

I think I’m finished 😂
Pair of tools them too!

What's the deal with Harriet doing Live Workouts now? Has anyone here actually watched one of them? Does she think she is the next Courtney Black?? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Is she a qualified PT or something? Does she have any qualifications whatsoever to be doing that? Disaster waiting to happen if she isn't qualified.
Mind you, she sells nutritional supplements and has no qualifications to be offering nutritional advice either so......

This is my whole issue with these JP huns, they have no knowledge about these industries and they prey on vulnerable girls who fall for their nonsense!
No but her and Dan are mates with some fitness woman and they go live on Instagram together on a run. No she isn’t a PT or anything. She just loves going to the gym. I’m sure she buys fake followers and likes as I notice her following goes up lots. She’s also mates with Stacey Solomon as they follow each other. Harriet seems to bum lick her always tagging her on her stories when Stacey does something to her house etc. I’m surprised she hasn’t tried to sell juice plus to Stacey lol 😂 I bet Stacey will tell her to fig off that’s why 😂😂
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I don’t blame her either. But agree its a topic she should stay away from. Well at least now we can report her to the Covid 19 instagram police lol. They’ll start putting up warnings on all her posts Which should piss her off :LOL:

How is she getting into all these places around the country without a covid Passport? Did Dan have the jab? Watch, they’ll get fake ones now and start a new post “After hours of agonizing decisions, we decided it was safe for me and our baby to get the jab” but only so they can get into places to keep taking their creepy ‘look at us we’re celebrities! pictures.
Make sure to screen shot stuff with dates on so if it looks like they’re faking, they can be reported to the local Medical Councils.
covid Passport can be obtained with proof of negative lateral flow test now which is probably what they’re doing.

I think should be the case for every person regardless of vaccine status to have a negative LFt to go to places given us jabbed folk are also spreading it.

How on earth does juicy Dani come across this annoying.
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Oh my gosh I knew Katie back in the day but couldn’t be doing with the JP shit so distanced myself, I knew she had had a baby and moved away but fuck I can’t believe he has done that! Her and Chris were always much better suited
I’m sure I read that Chris cheated on her too though? I know they weren’t even married for a year before splitting - she doesn’t seem to have much luck with men!
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No wonder she was livid when James lavelle left! It’s only a matter of time until she has to get a job - after all those years of smugness about working mums.
How can she sit there and type out those posts knowing it’s all lies?
I genuinelythought she has moved to be with her family so thanks for lifting the lid on her lies!
And re:her daughter that was terrible for the wee girl but you’re right how did she not notice? And how did she crowdfund the entire amount at the same time as bragging about how much money she makes!

You might wanna get back into that office 9-5 life babe and pay off some of those debts! I wonder if it’s common knowledge that she’s broke among the JP huns? Embarrassing for her turning up to events and still pretending she’s top of the scheme
I bet so many of them read on here. So if they didn’t know they deffo do now haha. Just scared to death that their name doesn’t appear.
I wonder if her tag line is still

“if I can do it you can do it” 😂😂

I’m sure I heard that she encourages her team to sell on eBay which is a big no no in juice plus. Shows her level of desperation. Wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the only way she’s managing to hit the sales she needs to make commissions from her teams sales.

Yeah she’s deffo pregnant but I think she found out really early as I can’t see a bump.
does make you wonder if she is. She looks much chunkier or was she just on a crazy pre wedding diet and now is suffering the rebound. I know she put a baby on her vision board. Guess we will find out soon enough.

She must be pretty fertile if she’s mid thirties (not saying it’s old but once you hit 30s apparently it gets harder), unless they were trying before the wedding she’s caught pretty fast.
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Any gossip about Charlotte Carslake or Kelly Brightwell?
I don’t know much about her but of all the JP huns Kelly seems the most normal to me. Obviously lots of drama going on in her life but not of her own making for a change!
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They don't shout about the 3 month wait for the bonus do they 🤣

Do you have any idea the kind of money a pmd would be bringing in each month? Always been curious to know what they actually all earn!
Completely depends on if their level is still at PMD. You never lose title position so you could have someone who’s a PMD who literally earns next to nothing if they don’t continue to be consistent like they was when they were building to that level.

If someone’s business is at PMD, there monthly take home is around 12k a month, Katie, Natalie, Emma C, Lauren, Olivia all probs bring in way more than that though. Probs about 30-40k a month. They’ll have big tax bills but still don’t understand how they manage to go through it when you look at their companies houses statements which don’t show nearly those sort of amounts.

Yeah I saw that! Because he hit PMD first then she hit PMD.
I’d take a bet on her not being consistent enough to get it yet. If she had. We would know about it

Imagine If juice plus started everyone from the bottom on the first of every month and you only took the title that month that your business was hitting. I’d put money on so many of them not being PMD month in and out. And certainly only a couple would actually be PMD+

That would be so good and so interesting to watch.
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Well Harriet’s pregnancy flew by quick didn’t it haha 😅😂 joke I did think it was Harriet’s but it’s someone else’s lol
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It definitely must be, she doesn’t have anyone big in her down line now does she? No big earners to top up her monthly commission pay!
I’ve not seen her post a club 39 invite which is like the elite event as you can lose club status. Which is basically how many team members you have who are doing well.

A girl called Rachel was in Emma’s team and she is going to the club 39 event. So if Emma doesn’t show off her invite soon, I’d take a guess that Rachel is her whole business and the only reason she’s not had to get a job yet.

Do JP require you to set up a registered company to get paid? If not then they could be operating as sole traders as well without putting JP money through their businesses.
No But they take your national insurance number when you sign up. Or they used to when I joined. So your best getting set up ASAP as a sole trader or company.

Because Dan is Harriets upline so he will be making money off Harriet and her downlines as well as his downlines
He can only take a certain percentage off her being his down line towards his own promotion. It was 30 but I think it moved to 40% So he must have 60% of the sales from other reps.
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I asked him if it all kicked off in Barcelona he said no nothing happened lol 😂 he lied to protect juice plus from having a bad reputation like it hasn’t already got a bad reputation lol

Cassy scammed me years ago! I paid her to promote my Instagram and she did then deleted it after 2 hours, so I requested my money back via paypal and she messaged me saying ‘why do you keep sending payment requests to me???’ When realised it was gone I asked her why she took it down after 2 hours she said it was due to Instagram playing up. Well I’m sorry but Instagram don’t delete stories for no reason after 2 hours unless it goes towards their community standards. She called me a liar because I called her out about it and she refused to give me my money back. When I contacted juice plus about it they said they can’t do anything as it isn’t anything to do with juice plus. Loads of people have complained to juice plus about Cassy and her attitude. She is really nasty and rude. When she had her salon she had a girl working there self employed doing lashes she had a tag on her ankle she was on probation, I’m not one to judge but just goes to show what type of person she really is. She just isn’t a nice person in general. I wish I had the screenshots still.
now that girl has own lash line and shows girls how to lashes, pretending she’s rich and made it! like her mate cassy, there all embarrassing! cassy is the local bike and sleeps with peoples husbands and brags about it, she now doing a puppy farm from her house, cassy has a shed in her garden where she does all her botched work and kids running in and out, dogs everywhere! she’s a state and there all fake pretending there millionaires it’s embarrassing! yet cassy always asking who wants cheap promos! about time people exposed these social media wannabe influencers! there damaging to young girls and just fake money grabbing bitches! i mean cassy tattoo vegan on her leg i called her out saying “ to be vegan you don’t walk around in dead animal skin, because you eat vegan food don’t make you vegan” she went “ i eat vegan it’s my diet” i said but your still not vegan you preach about slaughtered animals yet how you think your fake bags or shoes are made?” she’s not vegan now and she feeds her kids takeaways every night! when she was with juice plus her skin was still minging and her edited pictures and looks nothing like that in real life! there needs to be a law how these influencers fake it and put pressure on young girls how they should look and not be proud of what they have, yet these young girls are ashamed and edit all there pictures and there mental health suffering because they want to be slim and pretty! yet cassy ain’t either, shes a scammer like the rest of them! these juice plus people crack me up one minute there just these normal people then they want to lose weight, then there professors in healthy living and most nicest person with stupid quotes and it’s just a load of crap!

as for cassy shop which was embarrassing too, all screaming and shouting on corner was for hair, other for lips and different corners with old victorian hospital screens! to wash money up through the business for drugs! pretending she paid cash for her house and cars! she’s a mess and juice plus needs bringing down as it’s a scam
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Bnbn. Th

Chatty Member
What are your thoughts on this?? Is it possible for them to be making that much money from JP?
View attachment 921243
That's collected as their entire team sales (inclusive of what they buy themselves) and not the profits that the team actually earn reaching that figure.. The percentage earned as a team in profit/comission is probably 15-20% of that!
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I’ve got a pretty well paying (non juicy) job and I reckon my husband would get pretty fucked off if I constantly posted on social media how my job funded our life/cars/holiday/house with no mention of him save for wheeling him out for the ocassional photo op- I wonder if lew lew had enough of it too!
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Exhibit A! Back before her boob job when she was so insecure about them it affected what she felt comfortable wearing. 🙄
Rumour was (even though she heavily denied it) that those ones weren't her real boobs either. After the crying she did with the boob job we know about Im unsure, however, they were massive for her tiny frame so who knows. she might be lucky. she doesn't have a bum like she makes out, everything is all good photo angles, I was very shocked the first time I saw her in person about her lack of bum.

Exhibit A! Back before her boob job when she was so insecure about them it affected what she felt comfortable wearing. 🙄
I just went to find an exhibit B of when she was in ibiza and wore front thongs and EVERYTHING has gone. She's got 70 photos. Wonder why she's deleted everything
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This queen of freedom account is always the one that everyone uses to quote and support their anti vax stuff! Not just the JP huns but literally everyone lol
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