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Well-known member
I bit the bullet and listened to all three podcasts 🙄🤮 cringey isn’t even the word. Between that and their IGs, I get constant second-hand embarrassment for them. They’re next-level delusional with liberal sprinklings of narcissism. It’s just unreal. They’re literally like watching a train-wreck in slow motion. Dan is so illiterate and thinks so so so highly of himself (for what reason, only God knows) and Harriet is seriously the most beggardy person I’ve ever witnessed. She seriously thinks that they’re some sort of influencer couple. They have absolutely nothing to offer, but God love her for constantly being such a try-hard.

They are seriously so boring. They're not funny, their conversation doesn't flow, it's almost like they don't know each other. There's no chemistry there at all. To have a successful podcast you at least need to have a personality, an these two wannabes have got nothing between them. All they ever talk about is how they met, harriets foot an their ibiza wedding. Oh an now this baby 🙄
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These people are annoying enough, do we really need to comment on their weight
Normally I’d say no, but I think commenting on the weight of people who flog overpriced dodgy weight loss products and host live workouts even though they’re not qualified is fair game.
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Second kid he has lost custody of, bit of a pattern here. The new gf is the most gullible person alive if she thinks he is genuine
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Harriets brown dress was absolutely vile. You’d think with all her money she’d be able to go shopping and try stuff on before buying, instead of buying rubbish online. Looks like it’s about to rip open, either because it’s just too small or terrible quality!
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Omg that poor girl. Hope she's ok!
She’s said on her FB she’s being slated and attacked via messages left right and centre which doesn’t surprise me. Knowing that kind of “business” community (ex Younique over here!) I can well believe it!

Yes it did.. watching recent events with Arthur & Star.. this is my life x

I get that no longer juicy is upset with me.. but truly.. I’m annoyed with Harriet.. please don’t post stuff about not being vaccinated.. I’m thinking of you.. as I’ve always had to make awful decisions.. but truly pushing that decision on me.. is your way of opting out x
I’m sorry you have to experience that. I really am. It must be awful.

however vaccinations and Covid are a very divisive subject so I think right that people jump into a Covid type post and debate there.
I do however also feel that everyone is entitled to their opinion whether it’s agreed with or not- I just don’t like people like mini celeb in her own head Harry projecting it to her thousands of followers as that is preachy, dangerous and wrong.
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Arriving late to the party here... I always wondered how there wasn't a thread on JP (with the exception of Cassy!).

Sadly I was one of the totally naive people who had somehow never heard of JP so when my husbands manager showed me her sales/commission of a few hundred quid a week, I thought it was a slam dunk as a wee side project... Did I mention I was naive 😂

Someone very early in the thread asked about training... I was sent a "business training pack" explaining what JP was and how to grow my business like a #bossbabe. It contained some fabulous nuggets such as 'strangers are just friends you haven't met yet!' and I was also sent a "welcome pack" for my potential clients to explain the program, I have included a screenshot so you can see the recommended diet.

I was also sent a list of "openers" to start conversation online as well as large paragraphs describing how amazing the products were & what the plan consisted of and that I should send these to people.

Unlike a couple of the other more successful JP reps on this thread, I was useless 😂Working full-time, I just didn't have the energy to commit my evenings to it and my two uplines were relentless. Weekly team calls, daily texts, push, push, push. They even got a higher upline who had recently gone PMD up North to ring us all for a peptalk. Cringe. There was a magic "formula" which I wasn't grasping... I was told to add 30 people a day, message people or comment on 30 peoples posts per day (wish people happy birthday etc, build relationships), post myself every hour, mixing between real-life relatable stuff, before/after pics, product posts and of course posts to tell *mY JP sToRy* which they made it sound would just have people beating down the door to buy JP off me.

Needless to say, I couldn't convince anyone to buy anything (turns out I just felt embarrassed trying to flog it and didn't have the heart to cold message people) and I definitely could not get anyone to be a teamie. When I joined I quickly realised that my area was already saturated with JP reps. There was even someone else at my workplace! But it was made to sound so simple... Oh its easy, just get a couple or orders a week and one new teamie. Then it just grows exponentially each week thereafter. Simples 🙄

So the small team of about 5 or 6 reps that I joined had all gotten bored / pissed off within 6 months and given up, including the hubbies manager who originally signed me on and her upline (who was signed by Sinead Kavanagh, who I was told was a goddess badass bitch and to copy what she does, watch her vids etc).

Anyway. Rant over. This thread gave me much entertainment all day as every now and then I look up the likes of sinead or OCM to see are they still #hustling. Ye have some great insights on here...Keep it up lads!
Great Tea! Plus I’m loving the new nickname for Hari ‘beg a friend’ 😂😂😂😂
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Just gone to have a look, its dreadful! So dull an the fence panels don't match. Looked better before, might have been a tip but at least it had some character 🤷‍♀️

The way she's gone out about this house renovation as well, all about getting out of her comfort zone an how much its challenged/changed her...babe you're decorating a small house, not going through a major life changing experience! Get over yourself an sort them eyebrows out!
It’s not exactly plush is it? It’s in a shit area and don’t get me started on their dream 5 bed house.. the truth is the area was overrun with these new builds in Corsham. It’s the fake cotswold stone which looks like shit to be honest.. If you see it In the flesh.. I swear it’s awful 😞 they were offering deals trying to sell them off as they weren’t moving. They’ve also registered with companies house so the crap about making £250k will be proved wrong too like Olivia.Plus Harriet is basically copying verbatim Lucy Jessica Carter’s home renovations. She’s copied her bathroom tiles and all in her own home. A total wannabe

Oh for duck sake.. she’s going to make herself out to be the 8th wonder of the world next.. Harriet no amount of insta stories of this tripe is going to get you your own lifetime movie on channel 5.. honest to god.. give me strength. This chick is completely delusional.. you sell shakes and shitty vitamin capsules.. your not mother Teresa sorting out sanitisation.. you knob jockey! Give yourself a shake you self important, self deluded narcissist.. next she’ll be campaigning for a Nobel peace prize for JP… sorry guys but she really is getting intolerable

Truthfully.. I just see a drag act.. unkind yes, but honest


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I was at the gym before and I have no idea why (probs just sad haha) but it popped in my head that in that podcast Harriet was bragging she’s hitting running PBS while pregnant doing her first ever 9km. Unless the advice has changed significantly since I was pregnant (which I doubt) it was that you exercise to maintain current levels of fitness and you don’t try and hit PBs.

Either she’s thick or she’s trying to brag that she’s so much fitter than the rest of us but when her growing fetus needs substantial energy to, well grow, surely you’d think she would be sticking to exercise guidance 🙈🙀
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Harriet and Dan are double vaccinated because I’ve spoken to Dans sister and Dans sister even said how shocking it is her sharing anti vaxx stuff. Dans sister is fully vaccinated too, that’s why Dan and his sister don’t talk anymore because she told him to not to juice plus as she was embarrassed and she knew it was a scam and he went and joined juice plus. They haven’t talked since he joined juice plus. She’s read this thread aswell as I’ve showed her.
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I wonder if Harry has had her gender scan yet given she’s past 16 weeks. maybe they’re waiting to book the sky dive with a pink or blue parachute like dan was going on about. i also Remember her saying she wants a girl and dan wants a boy so at least one of them will be happy. I can imagine her being very smug about it if she has a girl.
she will defo be smug as her sister has 3 boys!
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No. That’s what I thought. Her and faye just up and left the dodgy bombshells even though they were earning 20-30k a month.

To be fair emilys tits appeared when she went to arix and was dating james lavelle. Think she was honest about having them done but also didn’t shove it in your face like others. Fair play to the girl she’s got out of mlm completely and has her hair extensions training academy now. Seems like it’s doing well.

she always has a new before and after picture. how she sells products is beyond me. She is the worst yoyoer I’ve seen in the business. When will they see that starving themselves on shakes is damaging their metabolism. As I’ve said previously. If you actually look into the studies done on the products especially the capsules. They are good products. It’s all these money hungry b**ches that are giving it a bad reputation And giving the business a bad rep by being too flash And making it unachievable for most. And then making them feel like shit when they don’t.

Simon bowler needs to do something before the reputation is completely destroyed. I think hes just as bad though, he’s very toxic. Well you only have to read his daughters threads on here to see what sort of person he’s raised.
The studies on the capsules were paid for trials by the company ie. biased and the statistical analysis was skewed.. it led to a lawsuit in the states as the claims about the results weren’t supported by the evidence.
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I find the huns insufferable hence why I left juice plus I didn’t want to be associated with a company who allows people like that on board but I’d never reel off absolute bollocks and made up theories about them like you do. Makes you sound so much saltier than any of the rest of us.

I would love to see what you look like if you can call the pics of Harriet at her wedding flabby. There’s so many people on here who would love to have a figure like harriet especially at her wedding and you’re calling her flabby. What sort of message is that sending to women bigger than her???

I don’t believe the stories of broke to made it. I just believe they were on a normal wage living like a normal person and now they’re earning big and are able to afford the mortgage on a big house, have saved a deposit to put on a rental, can afford ranges on lease and a wedding in Ibiza with 15 guests (hardly breaking the bank as suggested given most places charge per guest).

Are they stretching their income? probably. Will they end up like Sneddon? Maybe. Who knows. Who cares? Part of their marketing strategy is making it seem like their lifestyle is better than it is to bring on new people in.

You act like being able to spend a few grand on bags or shoes each month isn’t a lot of money but given it’s after tax, living costs, fancy cars and holidays etc I’m pretty sure that most would love to have that sort of disposable income.

Also, like you say. If they’re not being legit HMRC will surely sniff them out so why are you so concerned with it? End of the day - It’s them having to find money to pay tax bills or declaring bankruptcy.
You’re absolutely right. HMRC certainly will sniff them out.

Give it a rest love. You’re ok with a bunch of thick planks falsely advertising “making it seem like their lifestyle is better than it is“ to vulnerable women? Certainly tells everyone about your own morals and work ethic, doesn’t it. Seems like you’re the “saltier” one desperately trying to justify the fact you fell for the total pyramid scheme that is the pathetic Jooos Plus. Feel a bit stupid do you? If you were really smart, you’d have tolerated it (considering it takes zero brains cells to sell that shite), played the “Huns” at their own game, and made twice as much as much money as you claim it’s possible to make.

Nope, definitely flabby meself, but then I’m not slapping my “before” and “after” pictures all around town claiming the miraculous Jooos Plus made it all happen!

Don’t know why you’re sticking up for those “Huns”. Didn’t you just say yourself just now you fInd them “insufferable”. You seem to have no problem laying into Sneddon.

Again, I’m trying to protect vulnerable women from falling for this scam. It’s the stuff documentary film makers want to know about.

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Oo yeah if you could have a little look 🧐

An correct me if I'm wrong but has shark eyes actually uploaded a video of him farting? I feel so embarrassed for the both of them. Smelly, fame hungry bastards.
Scraping the bottom of a barrel - literally have no content left if you are filming yourself farting whether it’s fake farting or not!

“Dan film me whilst I move around on sofa pretending to be uncomfortable to look like I’m so relateable” My partner could never he’d torment me for weeks if I asked him that 😂😂😂 dopey dan clearly just goes “Ok” 🤣
Didn’t see any point in that video AT ALL. Trying so hard to be relatable but failing so hard
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Chatty Member
Sorry but I just can't deal with Harriet an her bump. She's insufferable lately an its only gonna get worse. Alls she's doing is arching her back an breathing out, that's no baby bump. she also manages to include the fact she's pregnant in everything she does or talks about. We get it hun, you're pregnant. You're not the first an won't be the last!!
she’s not going to have a proper bump for quite a while yet, she’s just going to nearly be breaking her back in every photo. I don’t think a days passed where she hasn’t mentioned it 🤣 🤦‍♀️ She’s one of those people who’s turning being pregnant into her one and only personality trait, I can actually see her losing followers if she carries on.
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Oh Harriet! I’m actually starting to feel a bit sorry for her. She’s trying so hard to be an inspirational #bossbabe influencer, but when you’re including “morning cuddle” 🤢 on your morning routine you’ve got to be running out of ideas.
Yeah exactly. Surely explaining more about what her “morning tasks” in the second tab are would be more interesting
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