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Yeah she was always a laughing stock amongst the higher up reps. The things people used to say about her to me even when she was flying with it showed how disliked she was.
She seems to be coming across as more and more desperate lately. Really trying to flog the product and struggling to come up with any decent ideas for content. I’m mean, how many videos do we need of her demonstrating Uplifts or boosters? You open the sachet and mix them with water. Not exactly rocket science is it?!

And don’t forget she gets to decide how she spends her days now…so she got up at 5am to run, went to bed at after midnight and it took her 5 hours to get round to running a bath. Really aspirational stuff there Emma!
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It’s a Pyramid scheme. Anyone with half a brain knows it. Harriet Aldridge and Olivia Measures with their stories of vomiting and diarrhoea certainly know it. And £10k (minus tax and insurance, if you were paying it) only buys a few handbags and shoes these days. Olivia is supplementing her income in other ways. Let’s hear what those other ways are, because if a Family Trust, a Sugar Daddy or Yachting earnings are paying for a Kensington flat, you need to state this. Otherwise you’re implying the Juice Plus earnings are, and falsely leading people on. Remember its not just the basic rent. Its all the expensive monthly bills and taxes on top of it. Plus a hefty deposit.

If you’re making that much after paying tax and expenses, then let’s see the receipts. Literally, let’s see a copy of your pay cheque, with evidence that money has been deducted for tax and insurance. Easy for HMRC to audit your companies, so we’ll see them eventually. Hope you kept all your paper work.

Dan and Harriet Aldridge need to give an exact breakdown of how they went from broke (they claim) to an expensive wedding in Ibiza and two houses. Could be that wedding costs were heftily reduced in return for social media exposure (“we’ll knock off several grand if you post 10 flabby pics a week and tag us”) But neither Harriet or Dan admit to this. They say you too could have a glam celebration if you become a Joooos Plus salesman. They hide behind lies and false advertising. Post exact financial proof to back up statements, otherwise there will be unstoppable speculation.

“The fine was imposed after the AGCM found evidence of wrongdoing that saw its salespeople pose as consumers, who then went on to describe a range of benefits linked to its products. The companies were also accused of failing to exhibit professional diligence in overseeing their sales force after a raid at the group’s Italian offices found salespeople being trained in these illegal practices.

These were happening for the Jooos Plus PMDs practicing under UK Law and within the EU as well. Read through the link.

hahaha, sounds like those idiots who got caught were having conversations with themselves on social media!
I find the huns insufferable hence why I left juice plus I didn’t want to be associated with a company who allows people like that on board but I’d never reel off absolute bollocks and made up theories about them like you do. Makes you sound so much saltier than any of the rest of us.

I would love to see what you look like if you can call the pics of Harriet at her wedding flabby. There’s so many people on here who would love to have a figure like harriet especially at her wedding and you’re calling her flabby. What sort of message is that sending to women bigger than her???

I don’t believe the stories of broke to made it. I just believe they were on a normal wage living like a normal person and now they’re earning big and are able to afford the mortgage on a big house, have saved a deposit to put on a rental, can afford ranges on lease and a wedding in Ibiza with 15 guests (hardly breaking the bank as suggested given most places charge per guest).

Are they stretching their income? probably. Will they end up like Sneddon? Maybe. Who knows. Who cares? Part of their marketing strategy is making it seem like their lifestyle is better than it is to bring on new people in.

You act like being able to spend a few grand on bags or shoes each month isn’t a lot of money but given it’s after tax, living costs, fancy cars and holidays etc I’m pretty sure that most would love to have that sort of disposable income.

Also, like you say. If they’re not being legit HMRC will surely sniff them out so why are you so concerned with it? End of the day - It’s them having to find money to pay tax bills or declaring bankruptcy.

You were, by the sounds of it, quite involved in higher up JP for a while - what does everyone else at that level think of Emma Sneddon?! From an outsider’s point of view it seems maybe she was initially fawned over as the next big thing but now a bit of a laughing stock?! She used to go on about wanting to achieve PMD+ but surely that’s not possible at this point where she doesn’t seem to earn much any more?!
Yeah she was always a laughing stock amongst the higher up reps. The things people used to say about her to me even when she was flying with it showed how disliked she was. I’m not sure what the thoughts about her from lower down reps were, probably found her inspiring the way they do anyone who’s doing well.

She was (and still is) very far up the arses of corporate. It’s the world she comes from tho so she likely knows how to get what she wants. that’s how she manages to get the time on stage trying to cling on to the reputation of mum who left corporate life to ignore her kids for her smartphone be a present stay at home mum.

From what I’ve been told (from a credible source who was there) she didn’t actually qualify for the club 39 event this year in Harrogate but still got to go. Because even tho she’s got over 39 clubs in her team, they’re all under 1 leg and you can only take 50% from 1 leg (clubs and volume) to qualify for positions and events.
Her main leg is Rachel Allen (nutritionelle) who is still doing well, still earning well. If she dropped or left Emma would certainly have to get a job.
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Chatty Member
Absolutely, I find it really uncomfortable. Just be happy you’re having a healthy baby ffs. Gender scans aren’t 100% accurate, there is still a very slim chance it’s a boy, wonder how she’d handle that! I also find it super uncomfortable how much importance she’s putting on weight gain, and how much she’s monitoring it. She’s pregnant ffs.
It’s not even so much about the preference, I know friends who have had a preference but I agree that a healthy baby alone is a blessing, it’s just how much she’s gone on about it and how obvious she’s making it that she wants all girls. I genuinely feel sorry for any future son they may possibly have. And yeah the weight gain thing is annoying, it’s probably going to be even worse though after the baby is born and we get daily updates on her weight loss.
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Thuglife is off to meet the parents!
Poor Thuglife’s dad though - they make him cry with his Xmas present (picture of his dead dog) and then Olivia films him crying for ages so her 30k followers can all watch along?! Give the poor man some bloody privacy!!
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Chatty Member
I’m up early. I can’t sleep for excitement of Harry’s reveal. Haven’t been this excited since our new Puppy took his first gigantic shit in the back garden.

The real question is whether or not baby will refuse to come out when it realises Dippy Dan of dan.alridge_xxy fame is its dad.
I’d be more excited if she announced that it was a puppy!
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Yes! I’ve been following and seen the recent drama - she sure knows how to pick them, she ended up divorcing her first husband after less than a year of marriage as I think he cheated too! I think she’s pretty much top of the JP pyramid isn’t she?
I am here with so much tea to spill because I used to be in this BS and I used to know a lot of them.

She actually cheated on her ex hubby. When he found out she said "are you really going to throw everything I've given you away" he said she was all about the image only and he was sucked into it. She liked the idea of being this up and coming Juice Plus celeb and he was a PT which fit her brand perfectly.
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Something seems a bit off at the meeting… no Harriet and Olivia photos.. Olivia stating she had a night in/takeaway and tagged Harriet.. so either Harriet just attended at the beginning of the night and is possibly preggers & feeling tired like you do in the early weeks or it’s bull and there’s a frost between the two of them
there is a very strange culture at those NMD events. Everyone is all pally with each other for socials but actually no one can be arsed socialising with each other, unless youve manifested Olivia as your bestie OR someone’s in your team and making you money. as you know that if you have a few too many there you’ll be deemed unprofessional (despite many of the events being free bars)

Most NMDs couldn’t be arsed from what I could see, especially if theyve been to a few it’s mainly the new NMDs that are partying away.

it’s telling that Harriet preferred to spend the night with Tiana Emma and Olivia than Her new husband has their newly wed bubble popped already?
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Oh lordy! has any seen Harriet’s new instagram post featuring the baby’s heartbeat???!!! Somethings are just private! Also stop showing off you are pregnant! These two seem like airheads, I think they would self combust if they couldn’t post about their snooze lives on instagram.
Hahahha I haven’t but it’s just like no one except your husband, maybe your mum and mother in law care. Scraping the barrel for content now haha
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Chatty Member
I want to know what Olivia’s family think of her career, partner and the abusive choke chains she puts on her dogs!
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Also lots of gushing about VIP treatment, secret venues, “our amazing company makes us feel so special” posts alongside pics of totally OTT/inappropriate dresses! Apart from Emma Sneddon who’ll be in a trackie cos she is totally broke such a relatable down to earth mum.
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yeah. She was born in America so I’m pretty sure he could stop Katie from moving her out the country if he wanted to
Sadly I don’t think he’s interested in the little one so I hope she does whatever is best for them both - as smug as she is, no one deserves that prick for a husband
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Dan @ dan.aldridge_xxy doesn’t seem to realise that literally everything he posts makes him look like the local pervert. Literally the creep that small children run away from. Just everything about him is so off. Honestly, I sort of feel bad for Harry @ harrietaldridgexxy He’s just not her intellectual equal and she knows it. He should have stuck to his carpentry instead of playing at being a businessman. I bet she has to check all his posts for grammar mistakes before uploading. :LOL:
He’s such an oddball, I find it awkward watching anything with him in it!
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Do we think times are hard for the JP huns?
Emma Caren seems to have pulled her kids out of private school and Katie Joem’s mansion never had furniture in it and she’s now talking about needing to save money……
If Katie’s short of cash then she won’t make any extra money as an actress. Did anyone see the really bad fake crying at the flowers creepy Simon Bowler sent? You could see her desperately trying to squeeze out an actual tear and failing!
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I really wish someone in the know would pop up on here to spill the tea about what’s happened between Lauren Roberts and all the other girls - she doesn’t seem to hang out with any of them any more really, and she’s on holiday now (again) with some random girl I’ve never seen tagged before. I can’t remember the last time she was shown hanging out with Olivia, Carly Peace or Natalie Young and they were all in each other’s pockets at one point! I can’t work out who’s fallen out with who! 🙈🤣
Me too! Dying to know! If I remember right Olivia did a big gushing post about Natalie Young at the last convention thing so I’m 100% convinced the problem lies with Lauren. She seems to be the common denominator in these fall outs.
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Chatty Member
Why are people blowing smoke up Harriets ass about that garden transformation she posted on their rental property? It looks awful, it’s literally just stones? I’m done with these people saying it looks amazing 😂
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Harriet spouting antivax stuff on her stories..God forbid she catches covid.. putting her baby at risk.. with my work had some difficult conversations with expectant mums who’ve become very unwell & wished they’d had the vaccine 😞 won’t divulge any more details
I’m all for getting jabbed and not sure why she hasn’t as she’s been eligible before getting pregnant.
But I do have to back her on this one. There’s not enough research to show its effects on babies long term development to say if it’s safe or not. We can be hopeful that it’s fine on the development of a fetus but given safety data still hasn’t been full released yet and the FDA are requesting 55 years.

I don’t blame her for not getting it while pregnant. She shouldn’t be sharing it on her story though as it should be personal choice rather than people influencing each other either way.
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Why are they all creaming their knickers over this Mallorca trip?! Surely if they are so Rich and CEOs of their businesses and as successful as they make out, then surely they could afford trips like this regardless and don’t need it to be an incentive?
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Oo yeah if you could have a little look 🧐

An correct me if I'm wrong but has shark eyes actually uploaded a video of him farting? I feel so embarrassed for the both of them. Smelly, fame hungry bastards.
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New member
Detest JP!! But feel bad on Katie cos she moved to US had a kid and then she got binned off for a new woman. Her first husband used to be a local PT and even after their divorce he was with someone new and quickly had a kid and is still a dirt bag and sleeping abt as it’s a small village !! When I followed Katie on her “bear” Luke wren journey I was all suspect that it would end badly as just the way it seemed to come abt seemed a bit like he was narcissistic..? And now he’s got new supply …and discarded her? Don’t know much abt his (Luke’s) new woman Rebecca Louise but she seems as though she has more exposure on other social media platforms and not just JP like Katie so my thoughts are that he want to use that to his advantage as he’s supposedly a life coach or something? ???

Also just to add that Katie was never religious but when she got with Luke - she adopted his way of life and an extreme belief way of life make over! As again where she lived in the UK and that type of life is just like miles apart in everything compared to what is shown of her US life
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