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Yep, he's such a negative twat and his click bait titles just shows you he's desperate for the views.
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He's such a lousy dresser for a gay guy in London
He just throws on any small t-shirt with a huge logo on and thinks he's hot, doesn't he. ADIDAS for the win!
Oh Moldy, it doesn't work when you dress like a chav but act like a flower girl.
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I only feel sorry to an extent, at the end of the day, we're talking about someone who is self centred, lies to his viewers and openly admits to judging everyone he comes into contact with - based on trivial things such as what brand of clothes they wear. He is a nasty piece of work !
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I don't follow his Insta but went to see it. Don't they realise that they are talking about themselves? They're not exactly famous with meagre sized YouTube channels so it's obvious that nobody cares about the life stories of Moldy and Liar either.
he's just a nasty Tw*t I don't know who he thinks he is, the sooner his channel goes under the better,
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Ohh dish ! I haven’t heard of this. Sorry but his parents are absolutely rolling in it, he mentioned his Dad’s a structural engineer plus they have the holiday home in Florida, silver spoon springs to mind ! Most probably why he can afford the half a million pound cave and all his cosmetic procedures (Botox , hair transplant etc.)

we can look forward to him turning into Joel Llewelyn Bowen with the ghastly refurb and the melodramatics if he gets so much as a speck of paint on one of his T-shirt’s

Yeah that’s the one Hatzakis on the beg to Vanessa Kirby ! They must have thought all their Christmases had come at once !
Obviously nothing ever came of the beg to Vanessa Kirby otherwise we'd never hear the end of it.

And, I'm sorry, but his hair looks terrible after the transplant. What the hell was the point of it?!
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Yas has probably read this thread. I'm willing to bet Joel and Lia have too. They'd only make a video about it if someone came in here with some private information about them and started telling us. They can't delete what's on here! haha
They are also the type of people to read and secretly comment on threads like these to instigate and guide conversation about them, be amused by what people say about them, and gauge how people think about them. It's actually a wise thing to do in their position.

If I was in that line of work I'd do the same. Find or even start threads like these, comment on them in a way that makes it look like it couldn't possibly be me (like writing some inconsequential negative thing about myself that I'm pretty sure others think about me or know that I'm insecure about anyway- because I've told them) and see where it goes. You get to see what people say, and what they say about you when they think you don't know or don't care, and you get to help direct the conversation to more benign gossip. It also could alert you to anything that comes out that may actually be of consequence!

Anyone smart enough knows they at least read these sorts of things and most likely comment on them as well. When one thrives on attention, fandom, and the allure of fame and uses the internet to get it, they learn how to internet well enough to watch and comment on all the things. They monitor and direct the situation well enough that most people wouldn't know. I'm not calling them brilliant masterminds or anything, but it's not that hard to internet sleuth and manipulate fandom and conversation. Really.
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Regardless whoever anyone thinks I am, I just have to address this. If by "god squad" you simply mean the typical gay white oppressed British Christian ones, then you are spot on! If you know that, it means you are likely to be to some right dirty fun yourself! I like that.

Sometimes problems and unmet needs arise when when a man claims to be versatile or something but actually isn't. Also when good little privileged Christian lads can't acknowledge their sexuality until they are all of a sudden ready to burst, it causes problems!

They do things like encourage their lovers to get their needs met elsewhere, and then become unreasonably upset when that actually happens. You learn to hold them and wholly love them while they Christian guilt-cry after amazing sex even though it's positively heartbreaking. You put up with their absolutely frigid best friend and colleagues, their parents that clearly can't stand that you're a man but remain British polite.

They tell you how afraid they are of you leaving them ALL the time, it's never even annoying because you love them so fucking much it hurts. You embrace their kinkiest and even taboo fantasies because absolutely annihilating this man with pleasure like, once a month is much more important to you than getting your own.

While you secretly have your own doubts and fears, you know you need to remain strong for him so that he doesn't crumble under all of his big complex feelings. You work very hard to maintain things like this, always afraid of fucking up until you actually do, and then you end up ghosted! But wait! It gets better! They eventually invite you back into their lives "just as friends". Of course much more than that actually happens, but that's the best you can do, and sometimes being their dirty little secret is better than not having them at all..

So, to answer your question @Babybail93 , I highly suspect you're right on track with your assessment, given my either very jaded or simply informed perception of such men.

Now, I think I've made it quite clear that I am not Yasin, but can't someone just be a total shit online anonymously once in a while? C'mon gurls, we all know how fun it can be to gaslight the internet!
You're at the very least, a disgruntled ex then? The one from the US who allegedly co-signed a car for him?

You're either Yas, Car Loan Dude or a very good troll
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Can't wait for him to drop the interior design expert personality for the good ol' gym wanker personality again 💪:LOL:
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I understand the area is important but if you can get more in an area that’s still good then surely you’d go there? You’re right he’s a snob.
He’s obviously never had to budget before, the amount of clothes he has, all the tat he buys, £50 odd flapjack boxes and now a coach, she must instruct him and Hatzakis on how to do their best sad pouty faces on their livestream thumbnail in order to score more donations !
I wonder what this walk with Hatzakis is going to be like 😬 will she let more slip about her “slag years” 😬
hahahah tbh I bet her 'slag years' was just a few kisses in nightclubs and one drunken one night stand. She's got too much internalised misogyny for that stuff. She's definitely one of them 'I'm not like the other girls' kinda girls.

Yeah, and with him AND lucy having a car, they could live anywhere really. No need to live where they do. If they'd gone south east as oppose to south west, and maybe gone like 1 zone further out, they could have something much nicer for the money.
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Chatty Member
Oh dear. I'm not sure what to think about finding this thread. I subscribed to Mould & Liar a long time ago but left them behind shortly after they launched their own channels. It just became evident that she's a moron and he's an insufferable twat. I've missed out on all the drama. You may have convinced me to start watching him if I'm craving for a cringe.

Anyway, my dips into linguistics brought the twat back to my YouTube feed in the form of this cringe fest. Enjoy!
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I’m listening now. 😩 it’s been on two minutes and they’ve already called him the elephant in the room 😂
That will definitely have triggered his internalised fatphobia 😂

He sticks out about as much as a mould free wall in his house 😂

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do you reckon they think they've made a mistake ? He kept having digs at Scott throughout the whole podcast and he WISHES he was even half as good looking as Myles
This image looks like he was a loner in a nightclub and the other three took pity on him and invited him over...

Plus his receding hairline is clearly spreading beyond the transplant area...
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Omg that’s so tragic, who in their right mind would hand over their money to HIM ,urgh he’s just so cringe, even Ayvurr is yawning through it

is anyone else expecting him to drop out of 4 poofs after a couple of episodes? Seems Mr I don’t do labels but I’ll hashtag everything “gay” won’t be a right fit for the podcast ? Especially if they talk about NSFW stuff - all he does apart talk bollocks to a camera is bake Prosecco cakes 🤷🏻
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Despite all the outrage about appearing on WikiFeet, Joel has once more exposed his toes on his latest IG story.

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Thoughts on the Emmerdale video?
I know it was really something wasn’t it ?! I’m sorry but I don’t think there was a single person on earth who thought that man was straight ?

annoying with his arrogance as well “I knew I was going to get it” no you little snob, you didn’t know, surprised he auditioned for emmerdale anyway, thought anything up north would be “below” mr mouldivator !

I’ve made a joint Joel & Lia thread btw

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“I often forget I’ve even had it done” isn’t the ringing endorsement he thinks it is.
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There's a high chance that it will never see the light of day, but I am working on a fictional romantic tragedy (not erotic) novel about an influencer desperate for both love and fame. I hope the obvious appeal ends up being the catharsis of a tragic romance, but I'm trying to focus on dissecting the toxic nature of idealizing fame and celebrity and delve into why the character ends up warped and unwittingly acting in such a toxic way, how society and fandom pander to that in general, and how things really feel behind the scenes.

Joel and similar people make excellent real-life examples of this phenomenon. I originally majored in psychology but ended up working as a ghost writer for a public relations firm, doing everything from anonymously submitting gossip articles to working with publicity mills designed to generate the illusion of fandom (fake followers and profiles, trolling to generate gossip, etc) before a real one actually exists.

Most of this is harmless and most people buy into it. However, in that field, I quickly learned that one can end up contributing to questionable things. As someone with a keen interest in personality theory and a love of writing, I hope to be able to portray how Cluster B personality traits/disorders (particularly in the US) pave the way for such phenomena. I'm hoping to do it in a fictional way that isn't clinical and helps people develop the empathy required to both be immune to it, understand why people do it and stop contributing to it.

This was already in the works prior to learning about Joel, but when I was asked to write the smut about him and his ex and looked into him, it was hard to stop. I was amazed at how easy it was to want to learn more! I wouldn't say the character is based on him, but he's definitely an inspiration for many facets of a someone I want to portray as pretty equally protagonist and antagonist, unable to get out of their own way, has constant ups and downs in self-esteem. This is someone widely misunderstood, that has amassed some form of perceived "success", but has chronic feelings of inadequacy, emptiness, abandonment issues, an unstable sense of self, attention-seeking behavior, frantic attempts to save face, reactive attachment, etc. This person appears supremely narcissistic, but in reality is mostly overcompensating for borderline (emotionally unstable) and histrionic (attention craving) traits. Tell me he isn't one of the perfect people to look into to observe at least some of that! 😬
So you're from the US but popped to London recently to visit a friend and happened to find Joel on Tinder whilst you visited? 😉

And you were hired by a PR firm to write a fan fiction about Joel?
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I haven't been on this thread in agesss, gonna hatewatch his latest video in a bit, and leave a thumbs down 😂 I'm expecting a begging vlog from him and Hatzakis if the boston trip gets cancelled

also can we call the "those 2 brits" channel "those 2 nits"

eta so I watched " A productive day at home"

@Greenlentils summary was on point

a few things that jumped out at me,

-"I don't have the brain capacity to do this voice over" or to create good content whilst your at it
- Wearing that Huel shirt again, so obviously on the beg for another sponsor deal
- now latching onto Jack Edwards, anything to climb higher !
WIll they be able to travel to the US if Lia has refused the vaccine (on the advice of her nail technician)?
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Started watching the 'Homophobic Things Straight People Say (Accidentally)...' video and gave up a few minutes in because it's just another Joel and Lia style video of him literally just reading a buzzfeed article. But without the second-hand-embarassing-cringingly hilarious interactions between him and Lia.

I'll watch it and the other video later and report back :ROFLMAO:
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