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It wasn’t even that, was just why is a grown man being congratulated for eating his food. It’s like a toddler who’s usually a bit picky so you praise them.
I found this really strange. Was she trying to be supportive because he wants to put on weight? I like Dianne but this was a bit bizzare to me.
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This!!! I hate the mentality that woman can only be one thing. She can have a successful career and enjoy being a wife and mother those things aren’t mutually exclusive🙄
Absolutely, im sorry if it came across that I meant she couldn’t do both. I just don’t think she should have a child with him
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Yeah you could be right 🤣 I just found it strange at how shocked Alfie seemed at 8 weeks, like it isn’t a long time and the last public post was around 8 months ago. Why would they spend time working out how long for only 8 weeks? It’s is them though so wouldn’t put it past them. Alfie and Zoe are the worst for following rules so Joe and Dianne could easily follow route.
Alfie and his pea brain would probably be better off just shutting up before he drops a lot of people in it. He’s not the brightest bless him.
Apparently left his dads voice in the vlog that was filmed yesterday according to Zoe’s thread too. They clearly haven’t been giving a damn about rules
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I don’t find either Antony or Joe attractive looks wise. Antony seems to be too chill for Dianne, but Joe can also be arse.

I think she suits Joe more though in the sense she seems more natural. When I look back at her photos, Dianne always had her hair and makeup fully done along with numerous types of fillers. I think she seemed more fake back then but we don’t fully know so I can’t exactly judge. Ive never enjoyed her fashion though, it is often way too much.

I think Dianne might of gone mainly for looks back in the day but now she probably goes for personality and what will make her happy. I don’t think Joe is ugly but he does seems different from her usual type.
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Just watched At home with the buckleys on YouTube and they are talking about a friend of theirs who has just collabed with tiny rebel! Joe Sugg and Jay from the inbeteeeners are friends?!
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We all know the answer to that. I even saw one minion on twitter asking if someone has a screen shot of his kiss. The blatant misogyny shown to Dianne over her career is disgusting and I know I will be shut down but I don't agree that Joe should just say nothing when it's his fans. He doesn't have to bring attention to anyone specifically bit a post about how proud he is at the start would be something. I predict now if her tour is on later this year she'll get abuse for daring to leave him for her own career.

Whatever his reasons for letting her continue to get abuse from fans, you can really start to see how it affects her confidence in her career. A career where she's got actual talent and worked hard, unlike her boyfriend and his sister. Maybe underneath she makes them feel insecure or jealous?
I definitely think it’s affected her confidence as has his constant belittling her. I’ve seen a few interviews of him with the cast of syndicate and he’s so respectful and fawning over them, he just saves his put downs for Dianne. I honestly don’t think she looks that happy now , I just hope she can visit home and her mum and dad talk to her. If they’ve seen how he is with her, they must have watched the in the pan episodes where his attitude towards her was fucking disgusting, how could they possibly want their daughter with him. He should just piss off nowHe does not deserve someone as genuine as Dianne.
And don’t get me started on the house, Dianne isolated from everyone she knows and getting to the studios easily. Her buswellness corner shoved at one end of the lounge, is there even enough space for her to do proper dancing? But he’s got a whole separate large room for his office, where she has to knock before entering.
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Chilli pepper 19

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I hope Dianne never has a baby with him. She needs to pack up her Mini Cooper and get away ASAP. I hope she concentrates on her career, she’s talented.
I'm as gutted as you she's settling but I afraid I can't really see,her leaving him now unless he cheats. She must obviously think the millionaire house and having a family is worth living with a lazy man child who picks up on everything which doesn't meet his impossible standards. On the plus side, at least she's not prepared to sacrifice her career yet

Exactly, she obviously wouldn’t be able to dance, but it’s safe to assume she’d go back to hairdressing, which she could still be successful in 🤷‍♀️

imagine if the roles were reversed and Joe had to carry the baby😳 for some reason I couldn’t imagine him being a stay at home dad, he’d be to busy playing on his #gifted ps5 all day.😬
He'd probably try and get a #gifted baby first before he had to carry it
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Creating their own material? They vlog. Anyone can do that. They shill shit to kids still. Dianna at least has content around her dancing and fitness which is fair enough. Joe is not much less lazy than alfie when it comes to youtube, sticks a video up when he wants a quick cash boost

And as for not breaking rules, we’ve only seen what they wanted us to. Dianne didn’t go to Australia because they both work for the bbc currently and the backlash would have been massive, they have good management and pr advising them

Can someone let me know when the joe stans have stopped joining here and we can resume ha 😂
By creating their own material I mean not having to have kids in their videos. It is just them, the material is about them. I was comparing them to vlogging families.
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I haven't followed all their moving videos, but was the kitchen teal before they moved in or have they painted it that colour? If they have, does anyone have any screenshots of what it looked like before? Like someone else said, I'm surprised Joe has gone for such dark colours so I assumed it was already like that
The kitchen has always been teal with the black tiles. The side wall had a pale patterned wallpaper on it though that they then pained over, but in terms of actual cabinets and stuff it’s all stayed the same
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I might of missed it but was there a #ad missing from his blog yesterday for gusto? The way he shoe horned it in was amateur and if he actually pays for it he'll be the first influencer in the history of social media to have not been paid by gusto to eat their meals. Yet again a sneaky move to hide his freeloading.
He mentioned gousto in the last vlog too. Bit of a coincidence isn’t it. But apparently joe is always open and honest about ads 😂
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Chilli pepper 19

VIP Member
We all know the rules are a bit vague but as someone who has a following you'd expect her to be setting the right example and following the rule to the letter, especially on social media. Yes she’s not breaking the law but its not very smart. But let's be honest the words Dianne and smart don't really go together on here.
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Yeah I agree, you have to have a decent agent to often get auditions. I think the director of director said he seen him in waitress and asked him to come for an audition when the whole accent thing was a debate. I was surprised with the few clips I did see him of him in waitress though. I thought he was going to be shit but then again people seem to like his impression videos. I think he has a long way to go but he isn’t the worst I’ve seen, especially for YouTube terms.

It will be interesting to see what this new programme will be like. I just hope he doesn’t bring programmes down for not having the training. Syndicate defos had too many dramatic expressions
tbf he was amazing in waitress and if i didn’t know any better i would have thought he was an actual performer
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Yeah I’m really not a fan of the amount of free stuff influencers get gifted I think it’s very extreme. Clearly brands don’t mind. I think the brands must get sales out of it otherwise surely they wouldn’t do it. It doesn’t make sense. I agree, I feel like the pink doesn’t fit with the kitchen.

Im going to be honestly, I’m personally not a fan of Diannes style with home decor but it’s nice that shes clearly really happy with it and making it feel homely for them.

I like how they clearly take the piss out of each other and don’t care. Most people would edit it out to make it seem like the perfect relationship. They both annoy me at times but I do think this move could be really good for them once lockdown is over and they can explore more.
I can’t stand all that pink shit in the kitchen, it looks so tacky. Diannes style is that she doesn’t have any style, she’s the same with her clothes as well. They’re a bit all over the place with lots of colour, this house it just going to be an extension of that😭
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At the end of the day it's only the person on the other end of hearing things that gets to decide if they find something offensive or not; obviously Dianne doesn't. I'll reiterate what I said before Dianne has give it back plenty in her own videos.
Agree to disagree then :)
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Surely if they had been seeing each other it would have been a lot closer than 8 weeks ago? They hardly moved in, saw each other and then never met up again until yesterday.
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I know she is dyslexic, but she has Johannes' name right there on her insta to copy and paste.
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Anyone else praying for poor Dianne this weekend as after Monday she'll have no excuse not to be dragged round to Zoe's house to wait on the poor pregnant Zoe. I bet Aldie hasn't slept over the last 7 days I excitement at showing off his new buff dad body 🤢🤢🤣
Alfie must be buzzing to show Dianne his new gym equipment. All those common interests they have 🤦🏻‍♀️
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