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Chatty Member
That is some colonial-era shit! I love how all these kids are so aggressively and self-consciously left wing, then you find out their relatives were governors of Hong Kong or attachés to King Leopold of Belgium or some shit 🤣
tbf I wouldn't necessarily describe jessie as aggressively left wing I don't think she engages all that much in politics
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Seven of Nine

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New to the thread, but had a little skim read and have found this fascinating. I find Bebe and Jessie really interesting to watch not because they’re interesting because I actually went to school with Bebe. When she was at Drayton Manor before she moved schools, and I have such distinct memories of her, around the time she did may contain nutsand people including teachers stopping her in the hall a lot to faun. But also a lot of bullying and people taking the piss out of her. And in her defensive of moving to a very posh school Drayton we’re utterly shit when it came to bullying and student care if you weren’t a sports guy or part of the smart popular blondes they didn’t give a shit.
Didn’t really like her then though and never actively went out of my way to talk to her so does feel unfair to say I didn’t like her, but she always came across really fake and like we had to faun over her because she was going to be a famous actress.

I did really fancy her older brother James (I think that was his name) though
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Do you think she is against contraception? I know a young woman who is reluctantly pregnant for the third time because she and her husband are rich hippies only use 'natural' methods of contraception...

Four kids, in London, in 2021? So much to say here. Wow.
Maybe she uses that dodgy 'natural cycles' app method 😬 I wouldn't touch that with a bargepole
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I find it interesting they think they're in a position to dish out advice as agony aunts. Jessie seems to have dysfunctional relationships with just about everything. Neither of them seem to know a lot about anything.
I know. I did cringe a bit at Bebe’s advice to pretend you’re busy and lie about not being able to meet up, rather then just be honest about not liking someone’s group of friends. I guess that’s her young age showing.
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I just can’t connect with Jessie’s latest episode where she talks about not wanting to socialise / meet with people in the early weeks of Becker’s birth.
Jessie doesn't seem to like socialising at all - she doesn't seem to actually have any friends apart from her sister who she guilts into helping her and tries to live vicariously through. I think Jessie is afraid of anything she can't control. I think she's also scared of being found out as a dull and ignorant person. One day bebe's gonna be outside her control and she's not gonna like it...
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I know this is petty in comparison but wtf was she thinking naming her kid Tennessee? Donny and Margot might be unusual names but at least they're actual names. Tennessee is peak stupid celebrity/influencer baby name.
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Why the obsession about going outside. Is she honestly saying the other poor kids have been holed up inside since she brought Becker home. I was out on day 2 taking my eldest out to the park because I felt guilty otherwise!
i wouldn't be surprised... if she was still physically healing from the birth, and she's on her own, and Tenn is in a sling and becker is in the buggy (or vice versa) or even if she has a double buggy it'd be a lot physically to manage them both and then keep track of the other two. i mean thats the reality of having 4 young kids though, it's why most people wouldn't wanna do it! I can only go back to my own experience of being one of 6 (4 of us very close in age) and it was like crowd control most of the time. You NEED a supportive, on-board partner to make it work. i mean you can do it without (and my dad wasnt very present, was always off working) but then the physical and mental toll on the mum is huge. i hope Jessie is up to it.
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Chatty Member
did anyone listen to jessie on alfie's podcast recently? they joked that jessie is addicted to having children and when the new child is born alfie will get to go on holiday because they'll be nothing for him to do. She also said as soon as Tenn was born and he was taken away from her (for medical reasons) she knew she needed to be pregnant again.
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A man refusing to do his own baby's nappies is a useless sod. I turned the podcast off then, I think I'm done with it as I hate hearing what she's settling for.
When Jessie was sick no less! I’m very nearly done but can’t seem to help being drawn in to hear whatever bizarre view point they will share next… Yes Jessie, it’s feminist to do everything yourself without proper help from your partner, bang on 🙄
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Posy Parker

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I'm sure there is genuine love hidden in there but popping out the babies seems to come first... There will be a 5th baby for sure...
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I’ve been following Jessie’s work for a while. I’ve got some doodles and went to her Sunset show a couple of years ago, which was incredible.

Some bits of the podcast I’ve loved and found hilarious. I like Bebe and enjoy some of her takes on things. I don’t like how preachy Jessie can be to Bebe, but I guess that’s their sibling dynamic.

I have found the regular discussion about dieting/food restriction a bit uncomfortable. It’s just not something I like hearing about due to my own history.

It’s a shame about the manipulation of the covid bubbling rules. It leaves a bit of a bad taste in the mouth when I’m not seeing family/friends, juggling parenting and have been working on the frontline throughout this year.
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Her most recent WIK podcast episode made me so sad. She's after this perfect birth that simply doesn't exist, and admits she had forgotten just how painful it is. I internally rolled my eyes when she said no-one actually gives birth on their back, she seems so clueless - I didn't want to be on my back but had no choice when they had to do an episiotomy!

I know Alfie has to work but going to the other side of the world for six weeks, when newborns change every day and you're missing out on that, let along not supporting your partner who has just given birth and is looking after your three other children?!
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Posy Parker

Well-known member
I feel every podcast we learn more terrible things about Alfie, but the most surprising element we learn is how much crap Jessie is prepared to put up with. "You wanted 3 kids" is said up to 5 times a day is not a get out clause of being an ignorant twat!
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Well-known member
I love Jessie's Instagram and her drawings and think she's a really interesting interviewee on other podcasts, but not a fan of their podcast at all. It's just too rambling and feels like the end of a conversation that you didn't hear the first part of

The whole explanation about who or who isn't in their bubble was weird. Surely they would know what a 'support bubble' means? I know there are exemptions for childcare and work, but that still means you have to be careful
I'm here for your username. Love me some Ben Wyatt.
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Chatty Member
by her latest podcast it sounded like donnie wanted shorter hair and she felt guilty about letting it grow out, but her post makes it seem like he really wants it long and he feels pressured to have a more "boyish" look 🤷‍♀️

in the pod she said something to the effect of 'we don't really think about getting his hair cut often' (tbf none of them seem to get regular hair cuts) and she felt guilty about that cos he was being teased / was expressing he wanted a hair cut. but the post makes it seem like she actually does prefer it long.
I think she likes her children looking quirky like her.
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She mentions how small her babies are a lot, it probably is genetics but I'm sure a lot of it is to do with diet. She seemed quite proud of her small bump and how tiny her baby is, guess its another one of her 'quirks'.
I on the other hand have just pushed out a 9lbs baby!
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Chatty Member
Jessie, you're not a vegan if you enjoy "the occasional Byron." Also, v cool to proclaim your love for a company that shamelessly co-engineered a Home Office raid on its own staff.
She finds the thought of milk disgusting but seems to have no problem with a birthday cake full of Cadbury caramilk buttons and other dairy laden products. She's what most people would refer to as a 'flexitarian' - which is completely fine, but she incorrectly refers to herself as a vegan to seem morally superior.
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Chatty Member
I read a really good feminist critique of that book on parenting she discusses in her latest pod if anyone would be interested in reading it?
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Chatty Member
I had a dream about Alfie last night, it was awful 🤢
i've been listening to his podcast and it has made me detest the man
i used to think he was funny but his disrespect towards women has made me feel so ick
he said he would give his english cock to jada pinkett like he is so gross that entire episode about will smith
the lack of respect and poor perspective on a subject he has no knowledge as a white man and shows no interest in furthering that knowledge
find some sources and learn alfie!!!
he also comes across so self-righteous and arrogant in so many episodes
the facts he's never had a 'normal job' he seems to romanticise and for me i just feel terrible he's had so many babies and no real way to support them
or always felt comfortable to be a leech
whatever it is he needs a better perspective pronto
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