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Especially considering that 1. He must have first met Bebe when she was a child/ teenager and 2. Bebe probably isn’t even objectively in his league (ie Alfie is considered much better looking - so it’s probs not even a looks thing it’s specifically Bebe as a person). Just makes me uneasy.

edit: realised point 2 comes across almost as bashing Bebe’s looks, not what I was trying to do but hopefully you get the point I’m trying to make
I really don’t think Alfie is objectively better looking than Bebe?!

they’re both very attractive people but if we’re talking broad strokes then he’s much scruffier and would be less appealing to most people, I think, whereas she is a very slim and beautiful young woman which ticks more people’s boxes.

anyway we can all agree it’s weird regardless
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Such a great podcast. It’s given me such a wake-up call about some of my own attitudes and beliefs.

I suffered from eating disorders from a young age and now consider myself recovered after many years of treatments. Jessie’s attitude seems really messed up and I think she revels in it to some extent, which is very immature and sometimes upsetting to hear even as a stranger. I really hope the children don’t pick up on her issues but I can’t see how they wouldn’t. I don’t even like her being so openly disordered and self-loathing around Bebe - I think the age gap between them is enough that Jessie should have tried to shield Bebe a bit more from her issues. My sister’s only 5 years younger than me and even at the age of 15 I was thinking about making sure she didn’t pick up on my behaviours.

I’ve said before that I don’t dislike her at all, but she’s really messed up in a lot of ways.
it's like she spent her teenage years in the 00s and was like "I like it here" and never really matured her ideas. It's hard to believe she reads as much as she says she does because she never really has any interesting insights / takes 😶
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The paranoid person in me thinks he's been reading here 🤔 or a happy coincidence to specify the source of the money? Lol
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She believes some really weird old wives tales about pregnancy for someone with medical parents
Yes, she does.
I also found it unusual that she said people don’t warn pregnant women that labour is going to be very painful.
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I dont know how they were making enough to live in London. I think Bebe lives with their mum? But neither Jessie or Alfie seem to be that successful in their respective careers. I do think it's nice to hear from smaller, 'struggling' actresses though rather than those who have already 'made it' and who are in the midst of all the glitz and glamour. It's not a perspective you hear very often and it's interesting to hear what it's like behind the scenes with auditions and supporting artist work and all that.
i think Jessie makes more than you’d think from her doodles. back when her and Alfie were broken up she lived a flat in the barbican which is VERY expensive. She’s definitely the breadwinner anyway.

also remember his parents are jan ravens from spitting image and steve brown who is a successful composer, so i expect there’s some family support there too.
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I did wonder as she's been wearing very baggy tops for a while now. Good luck to them, I guess! But also, yikes 😬
Gosh I have to say I was blindsided by this one! Well if she got the baby I'm just wondering if Alfie got his side of the bargain 😬 Also cements my idea that they aren't struggling if you can afford 4 kids! Wonder how she'll handle two babies that aren't sleeping through and 2 older ones who stay up late, gosh! Good luck indeed 😯 she looks happy though which is good
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I often think she looks ill tbh because she's so pallid. Especially when she's next to Bebe who has such an expressive face and a rosy, healthy glow.

Is anyone going to see Bebe do stand-up who can report back? I'm v v curious what it will be like. I don't actually think she's as funny as she likes to think she is... 😬
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Ah ok, I guess that makes sense. Congrats on your baby though!
Jsut seen her IG about Margots hair and I just… *sighs*. I know she just had a baby, she has two under 2 now or something, and 2 older ones, but I have a little girl about Margots age and I wouldn’t let her hair get so tatty, it’s long and tangly too but I brush it out every day even if I’m ready to drop/busy, because I’m her mum. It’s my job. Maybe just reminding me of my own big family (6 kids) where my mum got really into having babies and the rest of us went a bit feral as the heads went on. Ok maybe that’s dramatic but we were physically and emotionally neglected as much as she loved us and wanted us, and it does affect you. Jessie is solo parenting 4 young kids right now (mum excepted), where the fuck is Alfie? If he’s on tour a week after the birth I really cannot believe it. I firmly believe Jessie has babies to distract from her very deep issues and unhappiness. She’s the most tense person, you can see and hear it in everything she does, she has the food issues, the control issues, she broadcast her grief for her brother into a book deal within a relatively short time of that happening, the dependence on her mother and her sister despite the fact she’s in her mid thirties. I really feel for her - but I also think she’s a selfish woman child who needs so much help. It’s weird. I should probably just unfollow her!
He was scheduled to miss the birth was only there because she was induced early
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I don't understand why she would have another one when he's not there to help!
I mean I don’t feel like his comedy career is stratospheric he’s hardly A list, so I’m sure he will be around a lot… but yeah, 4 kids is huge, I’m one of 6 and my mum didn’t work at all because of it. (Guess how many kids I have…. Just 1… and that’s enough!)
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You can come back again 👆🏻. Out of interest how do you know that they own a house in Barbican? They never talk about wealth just their financial woes. (they are super poor BTW, not sure if you missed it).
😆 I know I know so poor and yet still so woefully underserved by baby brands who #kindlygift.

Bebe lives in a flat in the Barbican and Jessie lived there years ago - I’m only assuming they own it and have had it rented out variously over the years. And I only know this from following them on Instagram and recognising the interior of the flats. Unsure why my brain retains this information but there you go 🕵️‍♀️

I stopped following them on Instagram after Jessie started advertising a rubbishy razor mere weeks after giving birth… I don’t have experience of this but I can imagine as a new mum you’d quite like to connect with others in the same situation on the gram without them telling you you should be shaving your fanny by now.

It’s a shame because Jessie’s YouTube videos/shows were good but the complete lack of self-awareness and over sharing doesn’t mix so well with utter entitlement.
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I caught the end of her live podcast at lattitude and just wanted to be nosey at her and see what she looks like in the flesh as mentioned here a lot she talk a lot about weight etc she's not skinny I would say she's a size 10 and she looks lovely I wish she would just embrace that and not berate herself for eating. Bebe looks much better in real life too. I can't comment on the actual podcast part as I only caught 5 mins but the audience seemed underwhelmed and she was flogging her books at the end only a couple of people went up to buy one and speak to her.
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I'm really stunned that she's made it to Baby #4 without knowing what a sweep is or how legendarily painful/uncomfortable it is. I've never had one but I've heard enough horror stories! Also that she wouldn't ask outright why she needs to be induced, or why low birth weight/lack of growth in the womb are not the sort of things to shrug off as "oh well I always have small babies like my mum did"
As someone who catastrophises as well I can only assume she avoids looking into a lot of details about birth and labour, it would probably put her off going through it so many times if she lifted that particular rock.
She did mention in one of them, that her top piece of advice is to ‘not google’ pregnancy related concerns/symptoms, so I think you’re right, she def seems to have adopted quite an active ‘ignorance is bliss’ mindset when it comes to pregnancy and birth relayed things. But aside from that, her general ignorance (eg about politics/world affairs, pounds/ounces lol) and ditziness and just overall portraying herself as childlike/immature is really not a good look for a mother of 4.
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I think he fancies himself as more of a Stewart Lee
He could never. Lee doesn’t use his family for material for a start but also isn’t just shite.

Ooh look, we need a new thread title! I think we need to incorporate @amsh ‘s Poundland Russel Brand 😆
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Happy mother's day to jessie's mum who once again is an absolute saint

Anyone catch Alfie saying in the latest podcast that she wasn’t sure if Alfie was Donnie’s father? I assume it was confirmed by a post-birth DNA test but found that quite surprising given how they usually talk about how Jessie broke the news to Alfie etc. Wonder how she went about telling the other contender/s
what? no!
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Has anyone else listened to Jesse’s new podcast about pregnancy/birth called Whenever It Kicks?

I’m finding it interesting. A couple of things stood out to me.

One was her apparent cluelessness about labour and the medicalisation of birth. She says she didn’t know any better at the time and regrets going along with some of the suggestions of the medical staff. I could easily understand this to be the case for her first delivery (although there’s classes that midwives run for free to educate pregnant woman about their options/choices) but what about the second??

The other thing is her talking about her babies measuring small in pregnancy and the medical concern around this. She goes onto to say she didn’t eat freely in any of her pregnancies as she’s a working actress who needs to stay small. It’s not about gorging yourself on doughnuts in pregnancy but you definitely should be eating enough to grow a healthy baby.
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I had some free time today so listened to (skipped a lot) both of Alfie's podcast but boy were they dull. He did a really long (and unfunny) anecdote about playing Snakes and Ladders which served no purpose. The best part was when I discovered he could do a Gordon Ramsey impression. Other than that it was long, tiresome and even Alfie sounded bored!
This does not surprise me. I saw a clip he’d posted to Instagram and it was mind numbing… He just uses a tone of voice that suggests he’s so very important and under pressure to share his extreme wit and intelligence to the world but he’s actually saying nothing and not being funny at all. So arrogant of him to think he’s interesting enough to do a podcast with no premise or guests?! It’s actually mind blowing.

It’s also so strange to me that Jessie and Bebe make comments about the number of podcasts out there and their uncertainty about the draw of theirs but Jessie seems to have complete confidence in Alfie’s bland offering.
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