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@feelingsalty Jess had that tone like she was disappointed and ungrateful but then she quickly followed her pigeon pose comment with " but I understand yoga teachers can't cater to everyone's preferences." But it seemed like she was covering her ass so she wouldn't be called out for being so picky and ungrateful. Everything she says seems so phony and I'm honestly shocked people find her genuine with the stuff she posts. It's all so forced. She makes it seem like she wants to help people but really she just wants an easy check to buy more Prada. Also did her costumers get their money back from her failed app?! Did she do her yoga mat give aways yet?! Like someone else said I doubt she'll stick with her yoga lives for 4 weeks in a row. Also I don't want to hate on her mental health struggles cuz it could be real but if she's gonna post about it CONSTANTLY then expect your following to keep plummeting cuz people thought you were a yoga account so if they see you posting boo hoo stories and posts in your privileged life all the time then people will be fed up and unfollow. All she had going for her was her "yoga" tips and now she's just trying to post her life but unfortunately for her it's not a life worth following cuz she is so boring it's unbelievable. Nothing exciting happens in her life. Which is fine. But it's not post worthy to gain more followers thats for sure.
Sorry for the long rant 😅
To my knowledge, she never followed through with any of the mat giveaways because there supposedly were 'issues' with the new warehouse. As for refunds related to her app, my understanding is that the user had to go out of their way to email and directly request a refund for the failed app, rather than her just issuing a blanket refund to anyone who purchased. To me, it just seemed like another scammy way to manipulate people out of their hard-earned money. Especially considering she only ever posted about the 'refund process' on her stories, never to her feed, which means you only had 24 hours to catch that story to know what to do in order to get your money back.
At this point, her 'mental health' has been in the dumps for over 2 years now and given everything else she's shown us about herself, I firmly believe her mental health issues are exaggerated for social media engagement and exacerbated by the fact that she literally has no friends, no interests, no routine, no personality, etc outside of trying to grift for cash on the internet. If her mental health was TRULY suffering, she would ACTUALLY stick with therapy long-term, she would make lifestyle changes to help create long-term shifts, etc.
It is pretty sad to see that she can't even be accountable to herself for her own mental well-being, so I guess it's foolish of us to expect her to be accountable to her audience for anything real.
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they are tight but the next size up is too big. That goes to show gymshark sucks 🤣
to be fair to gymshark jess and i have a similar body shape and are the same height. i only wear gymshark to the gym but i always wear an S bc XS is way too tight so i ended up selling everything that wasn’t an S. she‘s straight up lying when she says the next size is too big for her, gymshark leggings and shorts always stretch
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I did! Because JO never pays if she can avoid it. But press trip? WTAF? Since when is a mediocre fitness “influencer” press who can bring 3 other people along on the trip? It absolutely infuriates me when hotels/ companies do this for influencers. Has the opposite on me as well and makes me never want to go anywhere these professional grifters go.
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I don’t understand why she insists on putting the knee seat wipe in EVERY video. Some random influencer made a video doing it and it started trending, then all the fitness lemmings like Jessica copied. But they did it once in a reel as part of the trend. Jessica is STILL doing it months later. Like way to intentionally make yourself irrelevant as an influencer. Trends move fast and she’s hanging onto this particular gross trend this long?? It’s weird. Wipe the seats with the cleaners provided. It’s not hard. It’s so nasty and why I clean machines before and after I use them. I can’t trust nasty people like her to be decent and properly clean up their crotch and ass sweat. I’m curious with how sterile her apartment is if she would find this a suitable method to clean ass sweat off of her own personal items. Doubtful. Fucking nasty.
It disgusts me so much that I never even want to go to a gym again. I will fear the nasty crotch bacteria that’s been rubbed into every surface. It’s a really gross and bizarre thing to do and to copy in the first place but now Jessica is of course taking it to new levels. For someone so obsessed with herself, she seems to be lacking in any kind of self-awareness or self-reflection. Like maybe ask yourself why you’re continually using your leggings as a rag for your crotch sweat and making a point of showing that behavior to the world. But thanks for letting us know those GS pants hardly wick any sweat and are probably yeast infection factories. Good info to have!
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I wonder if she’ll quietly shelve all her Balenciaga gear until they rehabilitate their image or if she’ll just keep wearing it.
Clueless JO can’t be expected to know what’s going on unless her followers spam her on it smh! You can spot her wearing that ugly balenciaga purse in her stories today at winter wonderland…
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Guys, are you ready? She’s gonna share some handstand tips tonight 🙌🏼 Jess coming in hot with the fresh groundbreaking content!
It’s of course all done selflessly to help us. What’s that new shtick about? I can only assume her therapist told her to explore doing things for other people to aid her mental health and this is how she interprets their advice?
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I know it's her job but the constant pushing to buy gymshark makes me🤮🤮🤮 and it's not just her. It's all of the influencers but for some reason she seems so forced and I don't believe anything she says about it. "This set is the best" she says that about every launch as she constantly adjusts the clothes. Also her not posting on tiktok, it's obvious it's because she gets no engagement and that hurts her mental health so she posts them again on insta to fill her void. And I find it funny how she's all like "I wanna make sure my mats are made ethically for you all" cuz when she first launched her products I remember so many people asking if it was made ethically and she wouldn't answer them. She'd just say "it's 100% rubber". She always avoided the question where they were made. And now she's all "I want them to be made ethically " so obviously they never were made that way in the first place. Another fact she avoided to tell us back then. I cant believe anything she says. Still shocked people find her genuine.
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Not Jessica taking a yoga class just before her Sunday live to steal the teacher’s sequence. This is the SECOND time she’s done this in two weeks. And you know she’s not going for her joy. She’s truly despicable.
So to be fair, this isn’t a yoga class. This is the stretch/cool down room at the pilates studio I go to, literally no one uses it apart from to take selfies like that one. It’s megaformer pilates so unless she’s teaching reformer she won’t be using the sequence.

Even so, I do not want to deal with that egotistical cow showing off when I am dying during a work out. Fuming
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Imagine your 'core memories' being a staged video of your basic boyfriend spinning you around while you force an awkward giggle. I can only imagine he was instructed beforehand to make sure to hold her in such a way to guarantee we get the vulva/ass shot she's always desperate for. This was probably the most interesting thing they did the whole time they sat at the #gifted resort.

What a sad, sad life.
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Double post, saw Stevie’s stories. Did he really call her a pro when she’s skating the exact same as everyone around her lol such a simp. Also, literally no one doesn’t believe inflation is real. He’s so stupid. Loathe when people don’t hide handles in their response stories. People see under the impression the answers are private and I wouldn’t want 9k rando’s knowing my handle.
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Jarring, exactly. An evening gown for lunch where everyone else is like business casual/island attire. Looks so out of place. Like girl, what do you have against a cute little sundress?

I was thinking the same. She shapeshifts identities.

I am suspecting now that she reads here given the sudden desire to show us she is capable of a straight line handstand. :LOL: Her hands are the problem though now. My teacher would probably have her work on down dog for like six months and then try handstand again properly. But ofc JO wouldn’t listen to a legit experienced teacher because the real work and the real yoga have never been what it’s about for her.
I know someone who does this routinely. She wears gowns to cocktail parties and cocktail dresses to business casual dinners. Usually people who lack that kind of awareness weren’t brought up in a way where they attended various levels of events or gatherings. Just because she was raised in a couple countries doesn’t mean she lived that lifestyle, her moon is always very casual even when JO is dressed up. It’s just obvious she doesn’t have much class. People with class know how to dress for the occasion. I’m the type to err on the side of overdressed vs underdressed but that doesn’t mean gown for cocktail party, I just may level up my cocktail dress.
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I find her so disingenuous when she says "I did these drills for YOU, so make sure you comment, like etc" 🙄 it comes across as really brattish and like a chore. She's honestly the worst.
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She actually responded to that guy🤣
And someone also mentioned in a nice way how she's repetitive.
I would feel like such a fraud if I was to keep posting the same crap across my various different profiles and commenting or liking each one with my various different profiles 😀 Surely there’s more to life. I think she’s just desperately hanging on to a boat that has long sailed. Time to revaluate your life as an almost 30 year old woman.
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She forgot to mention the Botox and fillers that MASSIVELY contribute to her skincare routine. Not to mention she doesn’t inform her viewers (all who are children and uninformed) that just because these products work for her does not mean they will work for others.
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Her posting in her stories to basically say "stop sliding in my DMs to ask if we're making babies on this trip" GIRL!!!! How many times have we heard you bang on about a trap baby with Will and "I can't wait to have his babies one day" with Stevie. If you weren't so insistent about regularly oversharing your vanilla sex life, no one would care...
THIS. She basically updates us on her uterus multiple times a year (wanting trap babies, when she has her period, how she tracks her period, questions boxes to ask her questions about her period and her tracking). She only put that that up to feel important. Like sooo many people care, when really it was probably a couple people - if that. And I can just look/listen to Stevie and tell you how boring their sex life is, he has zero flavor. I’m not going to even touch on his destructive eating posts. I’m not a bit surprised either one of them call that breakfast “luxury”. They also apparently sprinted those steps 8 times ON TOP OF a full workout. They both should have had that tray as a full meal, not shared between them.

The 180 of her personality when she’s at home vs vacation. She turns into this extra snarky, entitled bitch which is telling that’s how she behaves when she’s happy. Bitch in happy mode, victim in sad mode. What a pathetic person.
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Well-known member
Updated Bingo card for the upcoming *gifted* holiday:

Jess spreading her bum cheeks
Stevie working out before "rewarding" himself with breakfast
none of them leaving the resort
Jess posting about how much she needed this break!
some ridiculously lame tiktok trend/music from 6 months ago
a split post
a handstand post
a forearm balance post
bed time at 9 pm
Stevie forcing Jess to watch every sunrise even though she's not a morning person
Some awkward acro yoga
A reel of some awkward dancing because romance.

Feel free to add, everyone!
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Is she incapable of doing a backbend, or anything, that is even remotely beginner-friendly? So many people ask her for beginner-focused tips, and then she’s like “here’s a pose that only a small portion of the general population can even think about doing, BUT IIiiiiII CAN DO IT PLEASE LOOK AT HOW GOOD I AM AT THIS AND TELL ME I AM VERY HOT AND SPECIAL!!!!, you just like open your hips in both directions and then like just do it! Have fun! Don’t sue me when you smash your face into the ground! Remember to comment how great I am!”
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 loved the "open your hips and then like just do it!".
It's so true tho. "Do crow pose and go for it". Pretty sure her followers want to see how to build strength to even get to crow pose.
And I found it funny how she said she's not into posting trendy stuff when she just posted her "decompressing spine" vid which everyone has been posting btw. But ya just another excuse to show us she flosses gymshark leggings AND underwear in her crack. So much fabric lol.
Oh and Stevie doing a couples workout with him wearing gymshark head to toe had me laughing. He's just as obvious and desperate as her. They make a good couple.
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Chatty Member
Oh and whoever called it - it is a free trip. Absolutely infuriating. I guess gifting these influencers free stays is a good way to weed out the resorts not to stay at when planning future trips 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Even Stevie changed his bio. Gotta make it perfect for when he gets a sponsor 🤣🤣🤣
Exactly what does he do that makes him a “digital creator”? The content he “creates” is much like that of every other Instagram user ever - albeit, his is a bit more try hard. He’s no content creator/influencer, and it’s audacious of him to consider himself one 🤣

He is suuuuuch a loser. He makes me cringe 🥴 guess he and JO are in fact perfect for each other.
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