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Holiday over already?! Where is the bum cheek spreading photo??????
🤣 🤣 🤣
Well we wouldn’t know it from JO because she probably still wants to pretend she’s there, but Stevia posted that it was home time 11hrs ago..

we’ve been spared the butt cheek spread photo and not doing any activities besides lounging probably because his parents were there. She did more activities in the week there than she has done in probably the last 6months combined:LOL: and even then it’s not much

On another note her TT’s failed to get any engagement, she’s too boring and her beach splits video did the worst on TT. Only the poop one got some views and engagement and the rest are a flop :ROFLMAO:
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I find it so odd that women will praise her literal bare ass and then Jess is like "omg thank you." But if a man was like omg nice ass she'd be like "cool story🙄"

It makes no f*cking sense! You're posting your asshole for attention. But she acts like she doesn't. It's so annoying! She'd get no views if she was fully clothed. So she's half naked for the views then gets annoyed when it's commented on in a way that she doesn't like. Apparently she doesn't care what people think but she loves clapping back at the men in her comments. Maybe block them if it bothers you so much? Oh wait, she won't. Cuz she needs the followers cuz she's DESPERATE AF.

And since we've mentioned Stevie and his body dysmorphia and not posting Jess and Jess not being able to do a handstand they've all of a sudden posted that lol. And someone here said she'd post the ass spread photo after vacay and was completely right! Do they read here or is it a coincidence? Or are they that predictable? If they do read here then hey Jess! Can't wait to see you in the working field since your IG is failing 🤣
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Had time off but I’m miraculously here to post a really helpful ad for you all… which also looks the exact same as every other video she’s had the brains to come up with. Literally every video is the same how many times do her followers need to see her so 1 hip thrust and 1 lunge ffs
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Will the butt spreading and dental floss bikinis make an appearance in front of the parents? I'm dying cringing at the thought
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Does she really think so little of her followers that she’ll blatantly lie to their faces? Does she really think we believe she wants us to engage with her posts to help more people instead of helping her maintain (acquire) relevancy? How stupid does she think people are? If this was about helping people then she would actually volunteer, teach in person classes, truly engage with her audience, post workouts from angles that show form instead of ass, etc. It’s clearly self-serving. That said, her followers do seem THAT blind because they don’t pick up on most of her trash behavior and desperation to use them for money. I’d be offended if I were them that she thinks they’re so stupid to believe she’s doing it to help others instead of herself. Trash “human”.
For the love of god please just stop pretending you’re helping people. Incredibly disingenuous and self serving.
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no it’s not magic. It’s sexualising a spiritual practice and catering to the male gaze. Obviously I don’t know what the finished product will look like but I can’t seem to see how those photos would highlight the product 🤔
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Oh my God🤦 Sure backbends, Split, Handstand Is all there Is🤮 and what she is Posting Is fullfilling? Wow very Low bar.
Based on how much she SAYS these girls DM her, she should have a ton of suggested content. She has asked this question no less than 5 times in the last couple months. IMO coming up with unique content is 90% of her job, so asking for them to decide is half assed. And why would she even suggedt another splits, backbench, etc content??? That’s all she does and it’s always the same. If anyone is asking for splits content they’re asking her to show MORE. To build on her other videos. Not regurgitate them.

The childish way she’s talking in the video where she’s feeding Skye (painstakingly slow) is so weird. She never used to talk like that…in any video anywhere. It’s so manipulative to me. Like she’s trying to convince people she’s just so *wholesome* and sweet instead of a vapid, self centered child begging for them to float her lifestyle of tacky designer items.

Also, whennnn did she ever put out trendy content??? Lololol and how is ANYTHING she’s been doing making a difference in anyone’s training. She does the same handful of lower body exercises. Almost never trains upper body. Does the same IG worthy yoga poses.
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She's probably trying to pull a Kim K and go blonde at the same time she had a lot of work done on her face to help distract from the changes (and swelling).

Jessica is back to promising weekly live classes and even saying she'll save them on her page in case you miss it. Anyone wanna DM her and ask where the last live session went? 😂
Is she mentioning her style changing with the weather to justify more upcoming fugly designer purchases? Jessica, we've already established you have ZERO style and taste. You can spend until the cows come home and you'll still look like an insecure child playing dress up.
I feel like she “reinvents herself” whenever she has a new “friend”. She is heavily inspired and has zero originality. Coats, a vibe for winter? Groundbreaking. A YSL hobo bag? What EVERY influencer carries. She’s just a lemming.

I also thinks she’s only looks like Stevie’s cousin in that one photo. Outside of that they don’t look anything alike. The whole fake lips/Botox/filler look has a tendency to make these girls look cookie cutter instead of having their own individual beauty. These 20 somethings look 40 something. I say keep it up. At 37 I look way younger than the lot of them. They just make the rest of us look good and like we have our own personal identity.
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LMAO I love Stevie just gets gifted his protein brand crap. They’re like we are definitely not going to sponsor you, but hey take some free shit for giving us free marketing. Lol what an IDIOT. Only desperate wannabe influencer types constantly shill brands that aren’t paying them. And why would they when they get free marketing?
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What’s funny about all of this is how she tries to shame followers for saying she needs to size up when all along she DID try sizing up. So she knows they are too small. But how dare someone else notice the fucking obvious. It’s common knowledge you actually look thinner/fitter when you size up vs trying to squeeze into something too small. Style 101.

She calls people who literally support her lifestyle rude just for stating the obvious. If 95% of your job is selling another brand and trying to convince people to buy that brand and your clientele says “but it looks too small” it’s odd her first reaction is to snark them. She’s just fat phobic and taking it as though people are calling her fat. Delusional.

Side note: her latest video didn’t have enough ass so she added the AWKWARD AF clip of her reaching for the pull up bar LOL. WHYYY.
I've been wondering if I'm the only one noticing all the odd/awkward clips she keeps inserting into her videos lately. "I want to show you my workout" then includes maybe 5 clips of her working out (all from literally the WORST angles to show if you're actually trying to showcase form and how each exercise should actually be done) and 20 clips of her taking off her jacket, drinking water, reaching for the pullup bar, using her knee to wipe off her vag sweat, adjusting her pants, an exasperated breath. Just tell me you want to post another self-indulgent video, girl, you don't have to lie and say you're 'sharing your workout'.
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Chatty Member
Every female “friend” is paid in some way. Those few photographers, this nutritionist. It’s not a “girly” evening just because you hang with a girl.
It’s always so obvious they’re trying to tap into Jessica’s (falling) following. I can assure you she’s not cooking for Jess because she’s such a good friend, and she’s certainly not friends with her for her magnetic personality 😂 juuust wants some of those followers who are gradually growing sick and tired of Jessica.

It won’t be long until she’s in the pile of many many many ex-“best” friends that Jessica accumulated through her flaky, shallow, desperate emptiness.
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Adding to the Stevie discussion:
He has serious issues, doesn't it? So he got down to his goal weight (fuck knows why it was so important to lose 10lbs but hey) and now he's saying: Let's see how far we can push it. WHY? So healthy...

He also posted about there now being 6 flights between him and the Maldives. I bet you anything it's a gifted stay at Six Senses, actually called it earlier in the thread... :rolleyes:

And on the topic of hiking up his shorts: Why is he now hiking up his shirt? :sick:
Such a massive creep and total clout chaser.
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