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Well-known member
Did she even ever mention Stevie's brother before? Have they met? Why is she the one disclosing his health updates to HER dwindling yet quite large following on social media? WTF Jess?
I wouldn't dream of making social media content about my partner's family struggles - and we have been together for almost 9 years.
Anything for sympathy and to make herself look more interesting than she is with complete disregard for anyone else's feelings or privacy.
Do you remember when she used to plaster Will's nephew all over her stories back in the day?
I hope Stevie's family is pissed off with her for that.
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Well-known member
Two things:
1. The tips for Flying Crow in her latest post are GARBAGE! No, they don't help, Jess, because you don't actually give any instructions/ break the pose down in the slightest. All you are doing here is say "Look at me, I can do flying crow, and my ass looks big.
2. So they are now looking for a private acro/ gymnastics teacher. Why? Why are you so special that you possibly couldn't go to a group class? Does she really think she's a celebrity that she needs the privacy of a 1:1 session? Jess, the vast majority of people DO NOT KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
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Well-known member
I wonder if Jess knows what Morgan said. I wish she'd get called out. Would be so entertaining 🍿

And can i ask why she wants to wake up earlier? I mean if you don't have to then why do it? Her word salad captions are so long. She's not fooling me into "trying to help people" she just likes to talk about her life and show off for attention. It's so obvious. But hey do you queen💃🏼
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Well-known member
She's not a private person cuz she loves the attention. There's no way I'd share where I go to therapy. She just wants to show off that she has money. She wants constant validation so she had to switch therapists. She'll keep doing this every now and then so she can tell her story again for fresh sympathy. And how lazy can she get?! Posts on tiktok with week old videos that she already posted on ig. Then Jessica and sky is just her posting stories to go to her main page. Makes zero sense since those followers already follow her main page. She is so lazy with her posts it's unbelievable.
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Well-known member
Mark your bingo cards, everyone. We got yummy handstands on the beach.
She’s also recorded more drills for US! No really, Jess. You shouldn’t have… 🙄
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Well-known member

bingo comment by murat! And she knows it too but tries to play dumb. More people need to call her out in the comments lol
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She lost 2000 Followers. Well her "New content" didnt help much. I am still waiting for her ass Shots in the maledives.
And wow the makeup she uses has nothing to Do with her skincolour, should change that.
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I went trough her following, she follows only the thin sporty Type of people. Girls Holding her Butts in the camera, exept one that Shows her Body and says she is a surviver of eating disorder.
I mean it IS No Wonder that she is the way she is. She never worked and her sourrounding Is and has been social Media and all she knows Is this sick body Type. No Friends who Tell her otherwise, or she Blocks them because they didnt say what she wants to hear. These influencers are a disease.
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VIP Member
More like: trying to gain clout from established influencers who I met once at an event where I was a +1 who might help me get a gymshark contract because clearly my useless gf can’t do it!
did he... just try to tag two accounts who didn't allow him to tag them?! lmao
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Chatty Member
The absolute nonsense that she posts on jessicaandsky is just so… childish? Christ, she is as dry as sandpaper. Not an ounce of personality or humour in her. Not to mention how poorly trained that dog is. Seriously, she had to lock her into a room while she did her yoga flow?

not sure if it’s been mentioned on here or only on gomi, but they walk Sky off lead around London. She’s nearly been hit by a car before because she was spooked by a school child. Amongst other occasions. Jessica has so little to do with her life, the very least she could do is train her dog? It’s such a trainable breed, she really has no excuse.

Also, Stevie’s TikTok content is (and I hate to say it) not all that bad, but Christ, his poncy accent is so grating 😂🤣 he gives me such ick, I can’t even tell you.

Great to see her following is still on a gradual decline. Lost close to 4500 followers this month alone. Anyone remember when she was close to 860k? One can only hope her following keeps decreasing and she eventually drops off the face of the social media earth.


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VIP Member
Ps can someone tell gomiblog users to come over here? This should be the site cuz it's impossible to get a gomi account registered lol seriously
omg so glad it wasn't just me! i read the gomi thread but can't participate because of account issues. GOMI gang check in here!
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Chatty Member
PLEASE do me a favour and go engage with this post. For some reason, people aren’t interacting with my useless one-track-mind ass-angled workout videos 😱 it must be because I’m a victim and it’s the algorithm. Nothing to do with my TOP TIER content I’m sure. It’s just so unfair!

I don’t like to work for my money, so I have no intention to try and make content that people find engaging - especially if it means my ass can’t be in shot. So please go and engage so I can continue to get paid for doing less than the very bare minimum!

Thanks besties! Love you angels!


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Well-known member
I don't know about you but I am getting real tired of having her bum shoved into my face constantly.
It's the same perspective, same moves, same excuses, same AWFUL miming "skills" (they probably irritate me the most tbh. How hard it is it to mime the word "no" in sync?)

Also cannot believe how unbelievably lazy she is. All she does is recycle old tik tok content for her IG. We also never see her working on her relaunch. Would a true #bossbabe not show behind the scenes work to drum up excitement?
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Well-known member
He loves that dog more than her (in both senses…). He’s posted that dog 3 times in the past day in anticipation of being reunited and after being reunited.

meanwhile for JO not a peep about missing her dog and can’t wait to be reunited posts and not posting her dog when you can clearly see in Stevia’s stories that she’s sitting next to Sky.

wouldn’t be surprised if they ever broke up that Stevia would take Sky. For JO, Sky is just an accessory like a handbag and to gain attention at her classes
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VIP Member
Re Steve

This calorie counting nonsense is so depressing. I just know he will, at some point, say he’s a metrics and analytics driven person blah blah loves his oura ring because of the analytics.

No babes, you’re not analytical at all. You’re the most superficial person on Instagram at the moment.


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Well-known member
Look, it’s Ken and Barbie! Actually, considering the Ken-like crotch on the right, maybe it’s Ken and Ken… 🤔
If what they show on Insta is supposedly the ‘best bits’, I can only imagine how boring they must be IRL. Him meticulously weighing lettuce and taking pictures of himself. Her moping around feeling sorry for herself then getting dolled up to make her one daily outing to the gym where she….takes pictures of herself. Then in the evening they run up and down the stairs multiple times before treating themselves to a salad for dinner (gotta earn it!) while they compare the hundreds of pictures they’ve taken of themselves that day and do matching Insta posts.
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Well-known member
Any bets on a post about how much water is her home? And that the ocean is her calm place cuz she's a cancer and did YOU know that cancers are water signs? So like she HAS to love water.
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Well-known member
If I had an ounce of sympathy/ understanding left, I'd give her the benefit of a doubt and say that maybe she is working on the relaunch she's been 'working on' but a) I don't b) hahaha, good one. As if!

Also still cannot believe she got the whole stay gifted and all we got to see was her terrace/ pool and the same view the entire week.
She is so unbelievably bad at her job, it's quite ridiculous.
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Well-known member
I’ve noticed that, too! And it’s really no surprise. Her profile is sooo inconsistent! You only need to scroll a little and it’s obvious that she really has no clue what she’s doing. Is it fitness, yoga, “fashion”, travel, ass shots, …? It’s just not clear what her USP is. This might have worked in 2014 but these days you certainly need to put actual work in and we all know that’s something Jess is highly allergic to.
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