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Well-known member
The reason she hasn’t pooped in four days is because she is literally full of shit.

LOL at her thrush medication caption. It’s like she writes stuff like this to fish for comments from her young female followers. I think she’s looking for “omg me too” type comments but 14 hours and 17 comments in (half of those are Jess’s own comments), no one has mentioned her thrust medication.

If she gets thrush so often that she needs to travel with thrush meds then she should really see a GP or gynae.
It’s because she doesn’t know how to use TT and that caption is obscured by the text on screen from the video. Had to go back and see where it even said that thing about thrush.

don’t know if it’s been added to the holiday bingo yet but definitely need to add getting sick post holiday (and social media break) to that list because it’s a given with her apparent terrible immune system.

someone mentioned gut health to her about the pooping vid and she got defensive saying her gut health is always good except for travel. She probably doesn’t want there to be an image of her being unhealthy but she sells that herself by always complaining about being sick. Also funny that her commenters are giving her yoga poses as remedies for being unable to poop. I thought she was there to help them lol
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Robot Lady

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Oh my goodness, I am dying at the photo of the two of them where she’s contorting her body so her butt cheeks are facing the camera at the same time as her face 😂😂😂 another one for the bingo card
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Just looked at Stevie's stories. All his answers are me me me. These two are so self involved it's insane. They keep saying they want to help others but what they are really out to do is help themselves - gain more followers, money etc. They use people. It's blatantly obvious with JO and her previous friends. When people are no longer useful to her she drops them. They are both so insufferable. I can't stand either of them. So predictable with her arse spreading shot too 🙄
I don’t think she drops those friends, I think those friends drop her. And I’d use friends loosely with Jessica. I still want to know what happened with Amina (I think that was her name) her yoga friend in NYC. They started at dog pound together and were hanging out a lot and just like all her relationships the “friend”unfollowed Jess and Jess soon unfollowed her.
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Just suggest to your followers they could try balancing a heavy weight on their back while doing a forward fold, what could go wrong. This just in from the slipped disc Kween.
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With 700k+ followers she can’t fill 48 spots in an hour? 28 isn’t good, Jessica. My favorite yoga instructor in my small town averages more than that several times a week. Between GS promoting her event and her promoting her event, 28 is shit.
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Seeing stevies tripod set up in the mirror in the gym is absolutely sending me 🤣🤣🤣 I know it’s fairly common for people to film themselves exercising so they can get a visual record of their progress, but I’ve never seen anyone actually carting a whole ass tripod around. What an absolute loser.
Omg good catch :ROFLMAO: He gives me major ick, maybe even more than JO which I didn’t think was possible. Then again, her commenting as her dog on her latest reel might put her back in the lead.

Speaking of that, another “self care” reel which is actually an ad which is actually another excuse to body check. Glad that mental health work is going so well for you Jessica 😬
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Maybe that is why she dyed her . She is not original. All she does comes from other influencers. Her 'ideas' her looks. She and stevia have no life thats why when they Do something they need to post it. Oh 'He overdid himself' Jesus what expectations Do you have to a bf and yourself. You went to eat and then into a Museum. How many people Do that when they have off and want to Explore. And yes she is so in denial. For her when you leave a comment she doesnt respond or deletes it. Her life is so sad. She is rich with money but poor with experiences and Love.
She's probably trying to pull a Kim K and go blonde at the same time she had a lot of work done on her face to help distract from the changes (and swelling).

Jessica is back to promising weekly live classes and even saying she'll save them on her page in case you miss it. Anyone wanna DM her and ask where the last live session went? 😂
Is she mentioning her style changing with the weather to justify more upcoming fugly designer purchases? Jessica, we've already established you have ZERO style and taste. You can spend until the cows come home and you'll still look like an insecure child playing dress up.
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Not Stevie checking himself out in the glass 🤣 god he’s so painful.
So painful!
I am also still very much triggered by his latest absolutely ridiculous reel. "Earn your luxuries". What the actual..., mate? First of all, it is a light breakfast consisting of an omelette - shared between them by the looks of it - some fruit and a smoothie. Where is the luxury? Second and MOST importantly of all, you do not have to earn your food, ever! Everyone deserves to it! This is such a harmful thing to say, let alone post on your feed.

Both are toxic and dangerous!
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She's posted and deleted a couple of stories with her new #influencer friend and Jessica was wearing a black leather tube top with a light denim mini skirt and black knee-high boots. Jessica, if you're gonna scam us out of our hard-earned dollars, can I at least beg that some of that money goes to a stylist to help you, for crying out loud?!?!?
And yes, for the amount of money she spends on injecting rap into her face, you'd think she would stop hiding it so much. I can't imagine injecting thousands of dollars into my face every couple of months only to hide my face with my phone 90% of the time
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I cannot stand that stupid filter Stevie uses that distorts his face. He's such a try hard. I honestly think he's becoming more insufferable than JO these days. And that's saying something. Getting my 🍿 out ready for this holiday 🤣
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She is the best at inventing imaginary social pressure. Nobody GAF about your stretching, Jessica. Nobody GAF about what sorts of workouts you like to do either; a lot of people like different kinds of movement?!

What does this gym offer her that other, closer gyms don’t? I’m guessing nice natural lighting and an instagrammable view and that’s it.

Her app has been such a hot mess. She has failed at this twice; it’s beyond me why anyone would invest in literally anything she does now.
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she’s reverting to childish ways to come across endearing and worthy of the follow but she’s just coming across mental.
I find this behaviour incredibly weird and creepy too! In the post of her and Stevie working out together, she used Sky's account to tag her mum's dog Luna's account.
That post has nothing to do with dogs at all. Then she logged out and logged back into her main account, find that comment and liked it.
this is all fucking weird and tedious!
She’s just spamming herself to create fake engagement using all the different accounts she’s created.


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Umm…this is what she wore for lunch at what looks a nice restaurant?? Can just imagine the other people there not knowing where to look as this one is tucks into lunch with her tits hanging out! The desperation is mortifying.
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More like a pancake, less like a peach when she’s not contorting her body to show off her make-believe gym gains!

actually, that has me thinking. She said she started Pilates because her back is sore. But she’s never mentioned a back injury before she started “lifting” as a “qualified PT” - but also, she never mentioned it before she started contorting herself to create the illusion of curves. What a sad, sad life.

Fake, fake, fake. It is all fake with her.
And I will never understand why any company would hire JO to teach a class for them when there are so many teachers in London alone who are actually good at what they are doing.

Little side note: Will is getting married today... 👀
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More word vomit from the queen herself. Isn't she inspiring wiping her moistness off the gym equipment with her knee?
I don’t understand why she insists on putting the knee seat wipe in EVERY video. Some random influencer made a video doing it and it started trending, then all the fitness lemmings like Jessica copied. But they did it once in a reel as part of the trend. Jessica is STILL doing it months later. Like way to intentionally make yourself irrelevant as an influencer. Trends move fast and she’s hanging onto this particular gross trend this long?? It’s weird. Wipe the seats with the cleaners provided. It’s not hard. It’s so nasty and why I clean machines before and after I use them. I can’t trust nasty people like her to be decent and properly clean up their crotch and ass sweat. I’m curious with how sterile her apartment is if she would find this a suitable method to clean ass sweat off of her own personal items. Doubtful. Fucking nasty.
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She seems to have lost over 7k followers in the last 24 hours since the event 🧐
I think she was at 763k and then at 761k this morning but she just went back up to 762k so who knows. I think Instagram is being particularly glitchy today.


Poor Jess, such a busy weekend that she needs a quiet day but hopes that we’re looking after ourselves today too. Well no, Jess. I also had a busy weekend teaching classes and spent all day yesterday at a workshop to learn more about yoga and hopefully become a better teacher. Today, I’m back at my full time job because guess what? Not everyone is as privileged as you are. Twat!
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She's been bleeding followers ever since she got to the Maldives which is HILARIOUS to me! 😂
Almost as if people can't relate to influencers travelling to a luxury resort FOR FREE in the middle of a cost of living crisis... 💅

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