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Chatty Member
Why can’t she just go and start yet another new job without doing a tiktok? It really is her oxygen. She’s so real and down-to-earth, that’s why she was so keen to point out that even though she’d put a little bit of mascara on, there were no false eyelashes used, yawn. Also, weirdly, why did she say that if she’d put a bit of lipgloss on they’d think she was “after something else”? Seriously Jess, you might have been married three times but believe me, I don’t think the male population will be inflamed by a bit of gloss on your gob! I’m amazed you got three to be honest! Form an orderly line gents, the ink on her divorce papers is nearly dry!
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Chatty Member
Ali has been a bit more likeable in recent times.
Although she chatted about buying a house recently looking at one online that was 300k, her exact words were "it needs a 30k deposit but I'd prefer to put down 40k which is do-able"
Yet she needed a fundraiser to pay for surgery 🤔

Jess just uploaded a video about smear tests, but the filter was so obvious it was jumping about, the moles on her neck kept changing positions.
This is her who used the same face cream for 30 odd years or whatever and nothing else when people would compliment her on her smooth skin....
Anyone who donated to that fundraiser was a mug tbh. A long haul pilot does not need financial help.
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Chatty Member
My mother used to say “there’s someone for everyone”. It was her shorthand for “bloody hell they were lucky to find each other or they’d both be on their own”. Looking at Jess, I’m amazed that she managed to find three, even if the last one did become a woman and start dating men almost before her stitches were healed! I almost had respect for Jess after the latest divorce, because she genuinely seemed like she was going to be happy on her own after the disasters she’d been through. How naive I was! Content must be created and, apart from the industrial-scale flogging, she’d run out of steam. Enter the dating app and a previously unacknowledged desire to be a “cougar”…oh dear God, lock up your sons. I’m sure there’ll be some desperate yoofs out there who might go for a high-level tiktok creator like Jess, I’m just struggling to think of that level of desperation’
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Chatty Member
How about another fun fact...
Trans vags aren't self cleaning like natural ones either, so they have to be extra careful with hygiene and make sure to wash internally or things like sweat and dead skin will fester.
Like if a man finishs up there the sperm has no cervix to go through or nowhere to be absorbed as as trans vagina eventually stops it doesn't lead anywhere, so they have to make sure rinse it all out.

Lets of ali takes better care than with her hair.
Uggghhh, I could have gone my whole life without knowing that 😩😂
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Ali is just as rude to people on her Instagram lives as she was on tiktok! People ask a simple question and she takes it the wrong way. I agree with a poster from a few days ago, her social media footprint will follow her around now and any new company will be wary of taking her on!
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Jess has lost free pound on slimming world, free, free?! Why can’t this pair talk properly?!
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Did anyone else catch on the live, that according to a few comments Ali has said she wants the money back that she thinks Jess owes her since Jess only got 'famous' because of her amazing and courageous story?! 😂 im no fan of either but what about the money Jess raised for the operation and the money spent looking after the dogs that Ali hasn't seen or looked after since they split?

I think she does still work at the probation role, she mentioned it the other day
Ali has been here again. Hi Ali 👋
Although she says someone sent her a screenshot of your comment.
She's posted it on her insta, says your delusional and what you're talking about never happened.
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Well-known member
Her inconsistency with ‘I have it blocked I don’t read it’ and her subsequent monitoring of the thread shows her continued inconsistency in the truth/highlights some big red flags.

When you chose to profit from social media, when you chose to put yourself ‘out there’, you open yourself up to criticism. Having an opinion on what you put out there, when you’re profiting from the public’s viewership, is part of the transaction. Some people will like you. Some won’t. Yes, trolling and threats are very different and inexcusable. But you cannot police people having an opinion on what you post. Everyone is entitled to a private life and to disappear into some anonymity but to want that, and to continue with TikTok infamy is different.

I appreciate a concern for the welfare of her family but that starts at home, being careful what you post, the information you share and where you’re sharing it. I would be mortified if strangers knew my personal information but then again I have never post my address on TikTok, or had it my bio for months and do not lead a career where I profit off the following of others.

It’s very easy to just fade into the background and lead a private life if that’s what someone wanted so I don’t quite understand what she’s playing at. No one is liked by everyone, realising that is part of being an adult. Be yourself and do you 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chatty Member
Absolutely howling at the vegetable oil question. I’ve got belly ache from laughing! 😂

Ali, I’ve wanted to know for ages, do you tuck? It’s just it never seems to hide your bulge much so maybe you need some lessons!
Hang on, that's out of order.
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Chatty Member
I just don’t understand why a middle-aged woman turns a camera phone on herself to show her sad face and then shares it with strangers. It just screams of attention seeking rather than genuine feeling. If emotion is only “real” if it’s documented online, gawd help us all.
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Chatty Member
Anyone catching Ali on tiktok live the past couple days?
Last night she talked about her sex life, today its whinging about work.
I really didn't need to hear how she likes the slow gentle sensual sex.
I bet Jess is enjoying hearing about Ali’s slow, gentle and sensual sex life with a man🙄
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It's not even as if she's any good at promoting the shite she's flogging. Ripping the packets open, slapping the boxes, knowing fuck all about the item concerned. It's abysmally painful.

That’s spot on! I wouldn’t care if she was any good at it and genuinely had used the products and enjoyed them; she can’t pronounce words properly and tears away at the packets not even knowing what’s in them! If she did it properly and professionally then she’d garner a lot more respect from people.
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Chatty Member
I'm confused why Jess' followers love her saying she'd lose no sleep over 'strangers' unfollowing her.

That essentially means she places no value on the people who support and watch her which includes the ones who brown nose her.
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“he's probably going through my drawers sniffing my knickers” says Ali before giggling…what a strange thing to say Ali. No woman says that or even makes jokes about their friend possibly doing that. If you’re a woman like you say you are, start acting like one bc women don’t find that flattering.
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Chatty Member
Has Jess given up the hair removal clinic for tiktok shop now?
Looks like it. This coming from the woman who said she'd never do #ads or flog shite. Really annoys me how all these TT's hide their #ad under a load of bumpf so it's not obvious unless you go looking for it.
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