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Chatty Member
Hi Ali. We are not delusional, your ex wife's followers are. The original statement came from one of her lives not from here. So fuck off and take your ratty snitch with you. What a lovely "friend' they must be, sending screenshots of people's opinions of you. Do they also trawl the Internet for positive comments about you? No, didn't think so. 🤔
Touché! Well said 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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It’s a petty thing to nitpick about, however Ali’s comment when you join her live is, “hope your all well” I’m guessing you don’t need to have passed your English GCSE to become a pilot.
I wouldn’t be so petty if she weren’t such a condescending twat.
Haha she changed it. Helllloooo Ali! 👋
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VIP Member
You are shitting me? That’s the one who reckoned she had been asked to speak at the Womens Aid conference re banning Tattle. Eurgh she’s dreadful. Caught a bit of chip pan Ali’s live, by Christ she’s tedious. The way she has become the font of all knowledge on every subject going. Pure Tory vibes.
Yep that’s the one! Tell you something if I found out Ali was the pilot of the plane I was about to fly on, I’d simply jump out the bloody thing. She bores me to tears and for someone who thinks they’re so smart she can’t help but say um every few words. Twunt
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Chatty Member
Couldn’t agree more with all that’s been said about male privilege. Ali speaks exactly like an entitled male.
I never thought I would be ‘pro Jess’ but her more real recent Tik Toks about her MH and her struggles have actually been very real and I feel for her. She’s very supportive of Ali despite the fact it must have been killing her inside.
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New member
Ali on live right now talking about the new boyfriend and potential proposals!!!! Someone just asked if still married to Jess ☠
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Chatty Member
Jess and Ali need the oxygen of social media! If Jess carried on in real life like she does on the internet, she’d be carted off, but on tiktok she has the “adoration” of her fans, telling her she’s funny and she makes their day. Puzzling, but different strokes for different folks and all that!

They both love the manipulation and drama of of social media and yes, as someone else said, they love the rewards. Jess in particular seemed to thrive on the attention, heck she overshared so much I’m surprised her bowel movements weren’t chronicled! They’ve had a lot of gifts, cash and business from their gullible crew so I think not having the attention will be hard for them.I wouldn’t be surprised if this absence is fleeting and they’re preparing a comeback, full of anti-troll claptrap to cover their tracks. Of course I could be wrong..,
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Active member
In fairness Ali seems a lot happier and more settled since she went back to work. Jess seems to be getting more unhinged by the day!
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New member
Anyone else a bit suspicious that they announce the divorce, Ali's new job and boob job all on the same day? Tenner says the job Ali's got is another one she invented... or better yet, one that they've offered her but for some unforeseen reason in a few weeks time, have to change their minds through no fault of Ali 🤔 Cynic? Me?😇
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Fred Flintstone

New member
Call me cynical, but she is undoubtedly reading this and seeing the thread isn’t as active as it was when they were TikTok celebs. It’s her way of relighting the fire to get us all to talk about her.

It’s a stunt to get attention, because sadly, outside of her social media bubble, I don’t think she has any real friends. I can almost see the grin on her face as she posts the pic, that she’s lifted off the internet, waiting for us to start talking about her.

It worked Ali, but we all know you’re just trying to get attention, we all know you’ll be back imminently, so why fight it? You feed off us and our attention as much we we feed off you.
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Rosey Posey

Well-known member
I honestly think it bothers Ali that Jess is more likeable than she is. Okay Jess is annoying sometimes but she’d definitely be easier to get along with. Ali only cares about herself, I think that’s been shown all throughout her transition. She’s given no second thought to anyone around her. She doesn’t even seem to spend any sort of time with her daughter which is sad.
I think Ali may av been like this in the marriage & knocked Jess’s confidence. Plus she doesn’t seem to av much interest in Jess’s boys considering they were together for 10 yrs.
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Active member
Someone's just commented "poor Jess" on Ali's live and she's just spent 10 minutes waiting on a response to why the person commented that. Not said another thing just trying to goad them into responding. It's been 20 mins and she's still going on about it. She needs to get a grip.
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I don’t know what her new job is but she obviously thinks it’s beneath her, virgin would be nuts to take her back after everything she’s said about them online 🤨
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Chatty Member
Omg, just seen one of the South African travel vlogs Jess is ‘treating’ us to! She should really stick to flogging tat to her besties! She showed us the highlights of Pretoria ( which she, of course, pronounced wrong), including the prison where “Nelson Mandela stayed” - it’s not a bleedin’ hotel love, he couldn’t check out! She also showed her grasp of human rights by telling us how many men used to be hanged there daily, informing us that “ plenty of people want to fetch it back but it’s not allowed nowadays apparently”, wow thanks for that bit of info!
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Chatty Member
It's not on the same level as misgendering or dead-naming someone of course, but I saw a bit of her live recently where she kept calling a woman by the wrong name. The woman politely told her she had been calling her the wrong name, and Ali just shrugged, kept eating her pasta and was like 'have I? Oh well.'

Surely, she more than anyone would show more respect than that to calling someone by the wrong name? She seems massively up herself.
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VIP Member
I'm pretty new to Tik tok and didn't know the back history of Jess. When I joined tik tok she was moving house and some of her videos had an air of sadness.

It's only the last couple of days I've realised what's happened. Jings!!! Even when she's giving the updates, she looks sad. And yes at times she does seem a bit unhinged but no wonder!!!

And lastly, I didn't know tattle had a tik tok section - I only found it when I googled Jess and ali 😀😀😀
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Chatty Member
Hi besties! I swear I'd give her a right clip round the ear if she said that to my face. I hate seeing that bit on her reels/tt's

She's been married 3 times. I'd be hanging up my dating shoes for definite if that were me.
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Chatty Member
It shows just the kind of person Ali really is. You’re well out of there Jess to be honest.
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