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Chatty Member
Having never had a mortgage, incredibly lucky to own my house outright, how has Wallace managed to get a mortgage with her revolving door of jobs? I thought you had to have been in a job for a minimum period. And her deposit? I'm going to go out on a limb and guess some Covid grants were applied for re: the catering van and the hair removal clinic.
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Jess is annoying but Ali just winds me up something chronic. She’s so up herself and thinks the world owes her something. Honestly I’ve felt like saying you’re a pilot? No big deal. You’re trans? Also not a huge deal. I’m all for people being who they want to be (unless it’s a toaster I draw a line there), but she has become so bitter it’s unreal!
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Chatty Member
That person clearly needs glasses.
It’s great that Ali has had the opportunity to fully transition to a woman but my god she isn’t an attractive woman and her awful personality makes her even uglier.
I’m going to be a complete bitch now, but all of the money she’s spent on plastic surgery, and she’s done nothing about her teeth? I’m not talking fake looking veneers, just an Invisalign and a general clean up.

And yes, she takes offence when none is meant. Did she really think the Auntie Mabel comment was transphobic? This is the problem in a nutshell - go looking to find offence and it can be conjured out of thin air.
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She’s even more snappy these days. She’s spouting some shite about winning the lottery and having some massive news to share but can’t yet. She was down south for her new job and was there till Friday but has suddenly appeared back home. All very shifty and odd. She was even on tattle in her travel lodge reading the comments on here. God only knows what drama is about to come out next. Whether it be she has got her old job back or something has happened with her new job. The lottery comments are just for views and she’s hoping it will make her more of a popular topic on tattle. I can’t stand her. He’s a horrible nasty little cow. She’s got too much to say for herself. Jess and her videos are bloody cringefest. If she was my mother I would be totally mortified at her jumping around the house in her manky dressing gown with her nips poking us in the eye with every bounce. Wish these two would just grow up
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Chatty Member
The whole act is cringy as fuck tbh from both of them. Maybe have a day off and get your life’s in order, instead of bitching about us! As you say we are just trolls, so why feel the need to keep coming for a look. What a pair of absolute tools. Middle Aged women acting like children as they can’t take any negative comments 😂
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Chatty Member
Jess did make me laugh in her tiktok about travelling to NYC where she said “couldn’t risk ali flying me there. Only joking” 😂
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You should be in complete control of your emotions if you are working in a high pressure environment with responsibility over the lives of others. 100%.
I saw a video on TT - I think it was Kelsey Yoder and American pilot with Delta who had been asked would she find out if something happened to her family or child when she was in the air. And she basically replied no absolrurly not, I would be told as soon as we got to the airport and they would already have figured out how I’m getting back to wherever I need to be but whilst I’m in the air absolutely nothing because that’s dangerous, since she literally cannot leave the flight deck
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I don’t know how Ali has friends never mind a boyfriend. Spending any sort of time with her would be like torture 😳
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Well, you learn something new every day 😐
How about another fun fact...
Trans vags aren't self cleaning like natural ones either, so they have to be extra careful with hygiene and make sure to wash internally or things like sweat and dead skin will fester.
Like if a man finishs up there the sperm has no cervix to go through or nowhere to be absorbed as as trans vagina eventually stops it doesn't lead anywhere, so they have to make sure rinse it all out.

Lets of ali takes better care than with her hair.
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Chatty Member
Did you really Olive oil say that we must have a car crash of a life and have crap relationships?
I think maybe you should pull your head out your arse and look Closer at your own life! You’re just a sad woman that craves attention. Good or bad, you love it. begging from strangers of the internet… So sad really.. and my god the only car crash going on is Jess videos! She’s nearly 50 and acting like a kid dancing and acting the fool. If that was my mum I would be embarrassed. Run along now olive oil.
Pot, kettle, black. Can she not see the irony in that statement? But any attention is good attention when you are a couple of narcissists.
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Chatty Member
It's not even as if she's any good at promoting the shite she's flogging. Ripping the packets open, slapping the boxes, knowing fuck all about the item concerned. It's abysmally painful.
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Chatty Member
Hahha I see she’s called mel out now on her Instagram!! As if you called mel a loser! The only loser is you Ali baby that begged money on your social media platforms for a pair of tits!! Get the fuck outta here you horror, and go boil your head. Nothing but an attention seeking twat that can’t handle any negativity so posts on ya insta so people will lick your ring piece 😂😂
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Oh god Ali’s sat on live accusing Jess of coercive control- saying she wasn’t allowed to make any decisions, never allowed to spend a penny in their relationship and the only decision she ever made was to transition. It’s all getting a bit out of hand!
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Is that the new chest paid for by the suckers on TikTok? I can’t imagine how two women pushing 50, one of whom was in a high earning job, and the other who has splashed serious cash on setting up a catering business that went bust and a hair-removal clinic that hasn’t, can feel justified in taking money from what is really begging via technology. The fact that people paid Jess to walk on a treadmill in order to fund something that should have been funded by them (or Ali when planning her transition), is neither here nor there. It was a lot of gullible folk paying a woman they don’t know to do something in order to get surgery for another woman they don’t know. And before anyone says “well that’s how charity works”, really think about it - are Jess and Ali really charity cases?

Anyway, a nation can rest easy knowing Jess will be back on TikTok in the New Year. Once more, people will be “entertained” by a grown woman gallumpung around with the persona of being loveable, daft and down to earth. Once more, the gifts will come in, the bobble hats will be promoted and will she have learnt anything about protecting her privacy, observing the guidelines of her job, not over sharing and allowing people the right to criticise her? Of course not!
My Christmas has been saved by this news. I will sleep much better tonight. 😂

I agree, these two aren’t living on the breadline. Not even close. You didn’t hear them bitch about trolls when they were begging for donations on tik tok!
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Ali blocked me because she must have went through a list here and cross referenced it with tik tok. I’ve never ever interacted with her on tik tok. And I don’t think I’ve said anything that isn’t true on here about her. Ali is just a nasty piece of work and Jess is well rid.
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Chatty Member
Jess is nice enough but the moronic faces she pulls in every single Tiktok she posts really irk me. Also she likes Nannabea, and I don’t understand how anyone can like Nannabea.
It's the constant hand clapping and slapping stuff that drives me bonkers. Funny how she's not mentioned her 14 hr days recently.
Nanabea is a foul, bitter, germ ridden little man who needs punching in the throat. I'm not keen on her 🤣🤣
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