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Chatty Member
The difference seems to be a softer look according to her.
To me it just looks like the effect of a bit if weight loss, the after pic is a slimmer version of the before pic.
Obviously the hairline is filled in a bit but other than that the difference is minimal.
I’m reminded of that old adage, you can’t polish a turd!
Seriously though, plastic surgeons are cashing in on the insecurities and delusion of people like Ali. They promise this ‘softer’ look, but it really isn’t delivered. The surgery Dylan Mulvaney had was supposed to give a more feminine appearance and yes, when the slap is on and the hair is fixed, it does look good. However, DM has posted a few videos minus make-up, and I couldn’t really tell the difference between pre and post op facial surgery. I get the feeling Ali will never be satisfied with herself and the moan fest will continue online. My advice would be to spend some cash on getting her teeth fixed.
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Ali is leaving tiktok forever again for the 100th time...apparently
Oh thank the heavens above. See the difference between Ali and another trans creator alexis Blake is, alexis actually educates and challenges different opinions In a respectful way (I asked alexis a question she responded in a lovely and respectful manner). Ali expected everyone to congratulate her on being trans, and made it a personality statement, sadly it’s made her massively unpopular on social media because of her condescending attitude towards anybody who challenges her opinion. Her way or the highway, I am glad she’s taken the highway! But we’ll see her back next week as she thrives off of the trolls!
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If I were Jess' son right now I'd be mortified. Imagine telling the whole of tiktok he got drunk, wandered away and burst into tears when his mummy came to search for him. He's an adult and doest need tiktok knowing everything.
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Ali’s lives are the most pointless thing in the world to watch. Every time I watch 5 mins it’s the same old shit every time. It’s either where she likes flying to, her rota or how someone is being transphobic even though they’re not.

Also sick of her flaunting her crotch and breasts. Of course they’re hidden by clothes but my god do you notice she’s trying to make a point of it.
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Alis just mentioned tattle on live about her hair
'Tattler will be saying ohhh its greasy. It's not. It's just shiny in good condition'

No love its stuck to your head and looks like when you 'washed it yesterday morning' you used crisp n dry
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I’m gutted this thread is starting to dry up. I seriously have no tolerance for Alison she can’t expect her employer to accept her back with opening arms when she’s so indecisive and unreliable, not to mention the fact she’s slagged them off like hell!! She’s now taking things further because they’re transphobic apparently. She’s a victim in every scenario, bore.
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I can’t watch more than 5 minutes of her lives, mainly because of the way she speaks. To be a pilot I imagine you have to be quite intelligent but she can’t string a single sentence together without saying “uhhhmmm” multiple times. I don’t know why it winds me up but it really does. She’s really not very articulate.
Imagine her pilot speech. “Good morning, this is uhhhhmmm your pilot uhhhhhmmm speaking, today we’re flying to uhhhhhmmmm…..”
Also the fact that transition or no transition she is shitty person with an even shitter attitude.
I totally agree with what you say, she’s the sort of person who just oozes “my way or the highway” vibes, and that’s sod all to do with her transition. I just think her shitty attitude when coupled with the trans politics gives her even more of a reason to think she’s untouchable with regard to any criticism.

I’ve found some of Jess’ post divorce TikTok’s to be completely genuine and it’s given me a different perspective of her. Yes, she’d sell her granny’s dentures and she still makes lots of irritating videos, but I think the real Jess has been more evident and I’m glad that she genuinely seems to be happy. I think life with Ali must have been draining and Ali’s new, very rapid relationship with a bloke must have hurt Jess more than she let on so fair play to her.
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I'm not being funny (well I am) but I'm going through the menopause and could do with one of them contraptions myself 😳😳😳😝😝
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Commenting on a recent previous conversation on this thread. I’m also confused as to how Ali is now sexually attracted to / dates men when she was with/married to Jess for 10 years & Maddies mum for however long.. she also advised and other creators advised that gender & sexuality are two completely different ends of the scale. So fair enough if she always felt she was a woman and I am happy she’s living her authentic self but surely she was always into men too?
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What Ali meant to say was this.....
"I came out as trans in 2019 to the company and spent the next couple years slagging them off on tiktok calling them transphobic because they wouldn't rehire me"

Anyone whose unaware of the back ground, Ali lost her job 2019ish sometimes she'd tell you it was because of lockdown sometimes she'd tell you it was due to medical reason (hormone issues before coming out as trans) she preceded to tell all of tiktok that they were a terrible company who didn't rehire her because she's trans, she eventually took another job which she said she'd stick with no matter what, and during her training for it her old company offered her the job back so she went running.
I just get Little Britain vibes,the walk is really masculine.
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Tbh all the slander aside I don't think she'd pass any of the mental health assessments if I'm honest. She may have done in the past but the way she acts lately and with the constant posts about ex employers she comes across unhinged and unstable and I sure as hell wouldn't want her responsible for my life or others
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Ali kept shouting it on Jess' live! 🤣🤣🤣 Jess couldn't get off quick enough lol x

Also at the end Jess was saying she was working at Christmas and would come home to Maddie and Ian err err Ali! Who the shite is Ian? I know that's not Ali's dead name so has she got a fancy piece?

Well that's not very festive. Arsehole 🤣🤣🤣🤣
If this doesn't scream how much of a child Ali really is I don't know what does! Your mean to be a 'professional person' and your trying really hard to get back in the air and you behave like like that! Grow the fuck up and move on, I hope one of your colleagues isn't 'an arsehole' from tattle.

Seriously though you need to take a long hard look in the mirror, your meant to be a lady and you behaving like a petulant child, quite frankly I'd be embarrassed to be anyone associated with you, honestly your a disgrace!

If this doesn't scream how much of a child Ali really is I don't know what does! Your mean to be a 'professional person' and your trying really hard to get back in the air and you behave like like that! Grow the fuck up and move on, I hope one of your colleagues isn't 'an arsehole' from tattle.

Seriously though you need to take a long hard look in the mirror, your meant to be a lady and you behaving like a petulant child, quite frankly I'd be embarrassed to be anyone associated with you, honestly your a disgrace!
You keep telling people to stop going for you on here when all you do is give the ammunition to do it, practice what you preach and if you don't like it scroll on, there is no difference between someone calling you name and you screaming your arseholes, end of the day dont give out what you can't take back!
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Chatty Member
Pulling out of the house sale for those reasons is disgusting behaviour. The buyers will have spent money on surveys and sols fees all for potentially nothing. Another example of rotten, entitled behaviour. Eurgh. She's vile.
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Chatty Member
Ali has no personality at all. She’s a pilot and that’s about it. She brings nothing else to the table but that. I couldn’t bare to be around her, she’s the most uptight person ever who takes offence to quite literally everything.

Sorry but I have to say it - she gives trans people a bad rep. Her attitude is shocking.
Agreed. Also, her take on trans issues is all over the place. Granted, she has fully transitioned and has the absolute right to reinforce her views, but she also cherry-picks bits of ideology from trans extremism and activists, and this is where things don’t sit right. To see her doing stereotypically “girly” things like flicking her hair and fluttering her lashes whilst spouting watered down versions of their hateful views is being disrespectful to her new sex. Unfortunately, trans extremism,the language it uses and the ideas it promotes,can be a cover for woman-hating in its most dangerous form. As we aren’t allowed to debate or disagree with any aspects of it without being labelled transphobic, it gives entitled know-it-alls like Ali the chance to put across views without being challenged.
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Chatty Member
Exactly this! I was shocked she tagged them…you just don’t do that do you?!
I think she's clashing with people at Virgin. On tiktok she always seemed to like arguing with someone and winding them up, not someone you'd want as a pilot, working as a team member.
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Chatty Member
OMG, imagine if your new work colleague told you about their TT account and you discovered their cringy videos of themselves gurning, being both wistful and positive, referring to themselves as a single pringle. You'd be pissing yourself laughing at what a twat they were.
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Jess obviously got the traction for her account from Ali’s “story” but she was the one who put the effort in to build her account up which has enabled her to become another QVC account selling shite. Ali needs her ego to be deflated & get back into the real world. She has always been unlikeable, her attitude is rotten!
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