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It was quoted saying once on the Secret Celeb thread that James May hates him behind the scene.
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perceived racism, sexism and every other -ism under the sun
Almost every thread on Tattle contains at least one of these, it seems OK to write comments about anybody famous on here so why not elsewhere... being a non-Brit in Britain I've been the 'victim' of many insults or ignorant comments over the years (face to face, not as a written comment in some newspaper that I don't have to read), I guess now I could sue someone for causing me mental health issues, or I could just ignore and move on. Of course I'm not famous so I can only imagine what it must be like to have one's life under constant scrutiny and to have strangers write horrible things about you on a daily basis... but I don't for a moment believe that JC actually wants to see MM naked on any street. I still like him in the context that I see him in. I didn't like that he punched his colleague and he was correctly fired for that. But, I liked the emotion he showed about his sheep, and the pride he showed in his daughter getting married. Incidentally I also feel a bit sad that his daughter felt she had to make that point to say she didn't agree with what he wrote. Who on Earth would think that she would!
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Resting Rage Face

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Being an overprivileged chavvy gammon is basically Clarkson's USP (unfortunately). I can see where he sourced that outflow of utter sewage from GoT, but that one should have been left in Drafts to be reviewed later, then quietly deleted.
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Though I suspect it to be the type which for at least the past five years, has been peddling these accusations against Asian women (in particular).
I haven't a clue what you're referring to (in particular).

I would supply the the numerous relevant citations.
But it would be sadly be of little use.
As you would not read them, for fear of an original thought entering your head.
You are clearly more intent on signalling your virtue, than actually possessing any.
Go on then. I strongly suspect you have none.

But this thread is about Clarkson, so if you're only here to berate Meghan & Harry then I don't see the point in continuing this discussion.
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Wrong on all counts. Yes I read the Clarkson article and imo it was over the top Meghan Markle is in my view narcissistic but she hasn't sold Scottish women and children down the river like Nichola Sturgeon nor is she a serial killer like Rose West so for Clarkson to hate Meghan more is imo OTT.
Did the article particularly bother no, just rolled my eyes at the OTT bits and instantly realised he'd used a GOT reference.
Yes I read The Sun or at least what stories they post on their FB page, do I judge others for reading it or not reading it no.

Do I judge the Sun for letting actual lies about ordinary people stand with no apology whilst caving into a privileged narcissist some of whose followers wield the race card as though it were a bank card over an opinion piece by one of their writers. ABSOLUTELY AND UTTERLY

I have a quiet day today so please feel free to continue to project your own feelings of worthlessness onto me I have prayers enough to spare for you.
Do try again.
And this time and this time...
try to make yourself less ludicrous....
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Chatty Member
If someone is rude to me, patronises me, talks down to me then I don’t reply with graciousness! He lacked basic respect for her. She had given her own time to appear on a show to try & win money for a charity. So had I been her and been spoke to like that I’d of pushed him off his stool. That’s not lacking respect. That’s standing up to a bully.
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Jeremy clarkson is willingly contracted to write an editorial with a racist, hate speech, misogynistic tabloid newspaper. I will indeed tar him with the same brush. Those who wish to distance themselves from this kind of behaviour and opinions do not associate with this kind of publication. JC is part of the media, he has a wide reach and a platform which he is choosing to be part of the gutter press. He should be called out on his choices.

I feel a bit sorry for you in some ways, as ignorance is always a pity. It is the case that the wealthy (mostly white) western world govern the income of poorer countries. To keep cost low to generate huge profits leads to desperate measures within the countries to keep up mass production. There are so many examples of this, Shein, sugar production to name only 2 which have been in the media recently where the working conditions are awful because the entire economy is reliant on the income from the U.K./US and they have no power to make internal changes or improve legislation because no one really cares about them, they just want the profits and products. People do indeed live in countries where everyone is seen as commodity, but that is driven by the wealthy countries who use these workforces. It was interesting to see you making it sound like it was a fair choice of a country in the Far East.

Countries who commit atrocities against their own citizens is obviously not always racism though is it, why would you think that? I’m not sure what you mean by this? I don’t really understand how you are linking those together, but anyway. It is often driven by money, and power. Our own country tore through most of the world gathering up peoples precious history, enslaving, stealing and killing and we are still seeing the fall out of the damage we did in many places, including Africa.

No one is mixed race, there is only 1 race in the world and it is the human race. It is someone’s ethnicity and their features that differ based on your ancestry and origins.

Going to London and seeing black waiters once and cutting your friend off for not liking them doesn’t give you a ‘I’m not a racist’ badge of honour because you did one decent thing once 🤣
It’s a bit racist to say Far East. Didn’t they mention that in your Critical Race Theory courses and/or YouTube videos? Shame on you for using such an antiquated Eurocentric term and then lecturing others about their racism. You’re clearly not quite pure enough in your thinking yet so off with your own “I’m not a racist” badge and off you go to the gulags for a bit of re-education.

Oh yeah, Clarkson - paid to be controversial, scored another hit I guess, and all forgotten about by this time next week. Whether or not anyone thinks he’s a misogynist is purely subjective, and the way that word is used gives it less and less meaning anyway. The most annoying thing is that he’s given the Harkles a bit more ammunition about how everyone hates her.
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This is just education. Being older isn’t an excuse not to take something on board, you always learn new things in life and society changes over time whether people like it or not, you can’t stop time just because it doesn’t suit you, it just carries on without you. There is a long history of injustices and crimes that are being set right in modern times and wording and phrasing has adapted. People are not trying to be smug to point out misinformation and try to prevent the mistakes of the past repeating themselves. I’m sorry that it seems unrealistic, a genuine mistake is something to learn from, to keep repeating it to prove a point is just being offensive. JC is well aware of what causes offence, he is purposefully offensive, some people clearly like it as a power trip.
I understand all that but I'm talking about the kind of thing where one innocently misplaced word can get your life ruined. I think it's very unrealistic to expect people to live that way but you hear more and more that this happens.

Someone like Clarkson, who clearly takes a lot of pleasure in provoking offense as much as he can get away with it, is a whole different thing and I am not on that side at all.
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I've loathed him for years. When he assaulted that producer he also called him a 'lazy Irish c*nt'. Imo this proves that his bigotry isn't faked, he genuinely is a nasty bigoted man.

Sophie Corcoran is the worst.
He is a lazy Irish cunt and a pussy(I'm Irish BTW) he should have had a hot meal organised for everyone after that episode it was miserably wet and cold. He should have manned up and punched Clarkson back instead of running crying to a hospital to get treated for imaginary injuries.
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VIP Member
It’s a bit racist to say Far East. Didn’t they mention that in your Critical Race Theory courses and/or YouTube videos? Shame on you for using such an antiquated Eurocentric term and then lecturing others about their racism. You’re clearly not quite pure enough in your thinking yet so off with your own “I’m not a racist” badge and off you go to the gulags for a bit of re-education.

Oh yeah, Clarkson - paid to be controversial, scored another hit I guess, and all forgotten about by this time next week. Whether or not anyone thinks he’s a misogynist is purely subjective, and the way that word is used gives it less and less meaning anyway. The most annoying thing is that he’s given the Harkles a bit more ammunition about how everyone hates her.
Was this to me about the Far East? As I was responding to the original poster who mentioned this description in their post to me, I referenced their post back to them

This is a thread about Clarkson, not H&M they have their own thread.
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I was the one who used the term ‘Far East’ I am 74, so am not quite up to speed about what it is acceptable to say.
It's perfectly acceptable to say Far East - it's a geographical location, not a person or a race/ethnicity, I can't imagine under what circumstances that would be a racist term? I also can't see what on Earth the use of the term Far East has got to do with whether it's OK to like Jeremy Clarkson or not. Who remembers that time he did the Top Gear special in Vietnam (if I remember correctly) where he did a joke about the bridge, which the turned out to be a racist term (which I also can't remember), that most people had never heard or known about, but was enough to get him shitloads of press, and got more people to watch the episode just to see that scene... same as the numberplate he put on his car in Argentina, which was offensive to some local people. Again, he know exactly what he's doing when he says/writes what he does. As does, for example, Ricky Gervais when he roasts celebs during his Golden Globes speeches, or when he writes songs about disabled people, or Native Americans, under the guise of being David Brent. They know how to appeal to the public, that's their job - for whatever the reason is for offensiveness or rudeness being popular, that's far bigger an issue to resolve than getting an apology from Clarkson.
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Just a note on people throwing using the word racist. .... if JC punched and insulted an Irish person for being Irish it is called being xenophobic.
This wasn’t what came up, and I don’t believe this is why JC punched him but someone called him an Irish cunt who was pussy and that he made up his injuries and should have manned up. They are Irish so it’s fine to say it apparently.
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I wonder if anyone else will make shows with him?

The media are just making a complete non-story here to get some more clicks. The Grand Tour was only ever going to be commissioned for the remaining 4 specials with no one wanting to film anymore. And the Farm was only going to be commissioned for 3, with again no plans to renew as the show can only go so far. Essentially a decision made by all involved prior to all of this happening in the first place
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Chatty Member
What they've filmed will probably air. But something is happening with them at the last minute scrapping a press conference and his apology post yesterday.
Its probably and quite simply down to the fact they are all getting on now with the associated health issues etc - they just can't get their lardy middle/old aged man frames into the sexy low slung sporty stuff. I have trouble getting into my van, thats the complete opposite and I'm only in my forties!! Plus, they do on odd times crash quite expensive bits and do hurty things to themselves.

They've pretty much done everything that you can do involving dicking about in cars. Having the film crews and fans on the farm which is also your home will grind after a while.

I think they are all just naturally winding down slightly - and anything they are doing is now more on the 'unregulated' side of media where they can be more themselves, like James May making sarnies on the DriveTribe YT channel - that'd never fly on any mainstream media as they'd see it as too niche.

Hammond had limited success with his buying out the little garage thing. Doing up old cars is time consuming and boring to watch unless its your thing, no matter who's involved. Its all trawling auto jumbles and ringing mates and contacts for odd bits that normally are part of bigger bits that the small bit you need renders said bigger bits useless or a pile of parts waiting for a new home which could take 23 years.
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Chatty Member
A thread for Jeremy Clarkson, so other threads can stay on topic.
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